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User:Altair/Testing Grounds

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Lore Test

Character Biography:

제1사도. 강자지존인 마계에서 가장 강력한 왕이며 현재 유니언스퀘어에 거주하고 있다.
그의 체력과 힘은 어떤 물질과 속임수로도 파괴할 수 없을 정도로 "극강" 그 자체라고 한다.
서열이 가장 높지만 굳이 자신의 영역 외를 통제하려는 생각은 없어보인다. [1]


[hide]Quests — Origin
Act Quest Icon.png Gran Flores (LV 1) | Sky Castle (LV 17) | Behemoth (LV 24) | Aphelia (LV 30) | Underfoot (LV 36) | Mount Thunderime (LV 40) | North Myre (LV 46) | Mirror Arad (LV 50) | Antwer Canyon (LV 63) | Oceanic Express (LV 71) | Time Gate (LV 75) | Power Station (LV 81) | Fire-Eater Anton (LV 84) | Castle of the Dead (LV 85) | Constructor Luke (LV 88) | Harlem (LV 90) | Empyrean War Chronicle I (LV 90) | Nighttime Skyscraper (LV 94) | Pandemonium Meeting (LV 95) | Pandemonium War (LV 95) | Empyrean War Chronicle II (LV 95) | Black Shrine (LV 97) | The Oculus (LV 99) | Abysmal Sky Tower (LV 100)
Episode Quest Icon.png Fiend War (LV 94) | Soldoros's Decision (LV 95) | Pit of Incarceration (LV 95) | Guide of Wisdom (LV 96) | Stormy Route (LV 96) | True Awakening (LV 100) | Sanctum in the Abyss (LV 100) | Dark Dimension (LV 100)
Hidden Quest Icon.png Karakas' Curiosity | Empyrean Revolt 1 (LV 90) | Empyrean Revolt 2 (LV 90) | Sky Nest (LV 94) | The Apostolic Crusade (LV 100) | A Priest from the Empire (LV 100) | North Myre Disappearances (LV 100)
Side Quest Icon.png N/A
Adventure Quest Icon.png Empyrean War Chronicles I | Empyrean War Chronicles II | Genesis
Mission Quest Icon.png N/A
Daily Quest Icon.png N/A
Limited Quest Icon.png N/A
EXP Quest Icon.png N/A
Character Quest Icon.png N/A
Advancement Quest Icon.png
Awakening Quest Icon.png
Profession Quest Icon.png N/A
Evolution Quest Icon.png N/A


Arad Continent Adventurer's GuildMercenary AgencyPriest Order (The Holy FiveThe Four ArchpriestsLemidia Basilica (Crusader DivisionForge of LightSt. Beonarr's Monastery) • Lemidia Capella (Inquisition) • Lemidia ChrysosLemidia CampanellaSuju Parish) • Grand Blue Lore Order (Bloody Purge) • Usir OrderBlack Order (The PurebloodsThe ShepherdsThe Freshbloods) • Venus OrderGrim Seekers (HardlinersModerates) • The ResistanceLegionGladiosThe NoblesseThe MistBuffalo CriminalsImposter Legion (The Three Dark Knights) • The Dragon GuardiansCyphersBantu Nation (Volk TribeToros TribeKunic Tribe) • The Nine (The Seven Ghosts) • Goblin KingdomVale KingdomZaiam Kingdom
De Los Empire Pel Los EmpireImperial Court (House De LosHouse KruegerHouse CrowellHouse AshenHouse ElframHouse MastiffHouse WalterHouse MalinoHouse GrantHouse Ringwood) • De Los Imperial Knights (The Iron Wolves) • Imperial Alchemist AssociationImperial Strikers
Bel Myre Principality Skardi GuardMage GuildHendon Myre Alchemist GuildMage AcademyBack Alley BrawlersHedonis GangMad Bandits
Fennes Kingdom Dark Elf Royal Family (Dawn Breakers) • Dark Elf SenateMasqueradeDwarf KingdomSpider Kingdom
Suju Kingdom Suju ExorcistsSuju EntourageShonan WorkshopKunoichi ClanAkazThe Black Pearl Ring
Empyrean Joint Investigation GroupSeven MeistersEmpyrean Allied Forces (Eternal FlameBlack RosesCompany Doh) • The CompanyDragonoid Legion (Soldiers of LightThe Four DragonoidsThe Three Great Dragons) • Iron Scale Pirates
Capital Island Ghent Command (Imperial Capital ArmyGhent GarrisonEmpyrean Coast Guard) • Empyrean ChurchImperial Princess GardenLogistics Support Command (Logistics Support UnitMedical Support Unit) • Office of Strategic Services (Eternal Busters)
Etten Etten CommandSeven ShardsOptimus FactoryEtten Army
Wespeace Wespeace Command (Arden Garrison) • Kartel (Rangelus's GuerrillasRusty BulletBurning NutBloody RevolverFour and a GhostStorm RaidersThe Silver SpoonsKartel HeadquartersKartel Special ForcesKartel Hit SquadKartel Field ArmyKartel VanguardsKartel Intelligance CorpsTMH) • ChainpeaceWespeace Army
Northpiece Northpiece CommandCouncil of Nobility (House JurgenHouse WaneHouse CurioHouse SchultzHouse KitzkaHouse VertaHouse FitzlaryHouse RossumHouse NoimanHouse HarperHouse Richter) • Thorny Ink FlowersNorthpiece ArmyNorthpiece Coast Guard
Pandemonium ApostlesMage SocietyBlue Lightning FollowersUmtakatiThe GuardiansThe Beasts
Brooklyn Terra Cotta
Central Park Circle MageStar FaceAncient Library
Harlem Kashipa (Leader Escort UnitDevilViceTabooFox TailDog LeashFlying StakeBlue ScarYa-MaRUSTGrayOne-BiteSkull BirdSpecterFangBlack MintTwin Barrel) • Elting Memorial (Devil Girl)
Queens Second Pact (Smilla's ChildrenMoon EmpressEclipse)
Metro Center Followers of LukePearlite
Bronx Black Mansion
Celesti The Three Hermits
Other The TranscendentsThe GuidesThe Seven ArchangelsCosmofiend InvadersHell DemonsFollowers of Isys-PreyFollowers of Prey-Isys


Grand Flores (LV 1~16)
Sky Tower (LV 17~23)
Behemoth (LV 24~29)
Aphelia (LV 30~35)
Noire Ferra (LV 36~39)
Mount Thunderime (LV 40~45)
North Myre (LV 46~49)
Abnova (LV 50~53)
Meltdown (LV 54~57)
Inverted Waterfall (LV 57~62)
Antwer Canyon (LV 63~70)
Oceanic Express (LV 71~74)
Time Gate (LV 75~80)
Power Station (LV 81~83)
Anton (LV 84~85)
Castle of the Dead (LV 85~86)
Luke's Laboratory (LV 87~90)
Metro Center (LV 87~90)
Harlem (LV 90~95)
Nighttime Skyscraper (LV 95)
Guild Dungeon (LV 1~95)
Golden Road (LV 25~95)
Valley of Fallen Souls (LV 60~95)
Interdimensional Rift (LV 70~85)
Suju Arena (LV 69~77)
Mt. Kulun (LV 87~90)
Dimensional Universe (LV 90)
Imperial Arena (LV 90)
Tayberrs Junction (LV 95)
Fiend War (LV 95)
Closed Area (LV 95)

Template: Story Characters

[hide]Story Characters
Apostles CainHilderIsys-PreyKasijasSiroccoDelezieAntonLotusLukeBakal
Pelos Empire Emperor PelosOzmaKazanZieg
De Los Empire Emperor LeonReneeShannon Myre
Principality of Bel Myre Collecter LoweSievHiman Stella
Bantu CharlieGolgolionAvalanche Ravinhur
Dark Elf Kingdom RoxyElven Knight Lungel
Ziben Kingdom Left Straight NeilJustice Ka'atuMachinegun Audrey
Priest Order Michael of the Holy EyeShapiro GraciaWolfgand BeonarrSin-YaMilan RosenbachAntonio MarcelHendricks GrantClocheNilvas GraciaCatechumen SimonAslan
Mist Ryuke the ShadowKaneBlood Storm HardyBlood Hand Rayburn
Kartel Don Enzo SipoTrooper Captain RangelusGizel LoganDeathgazer Irigare
Black Order Pureblood DevastarNight Watcher KMidnight's DarknessCalling Jade

Template: NpcList

Elvenguard Seria KirminLinusTobySimonaBeatriceMasked Knight
Hendon Myre SkardiRobatoSantoriniBuckenPungjinChobungKiriCannaLenoGrubeckG.S.DCindaMichelleAlbertMinetSiushaUnit Leader SchmittKarakasZanbato Aganzo
Lemidia Basilica Magar RosenbachGrandisOberith RosenbachTeidaShinjangLucille Redmayne
West Coast Joah FerreroRogerDaphneAbelloDanjinIrisSharanAnnisLotonOranKargonOpheliaPrincess HyriaHillsLucille Redmayne
Aphelia Post Faris, the Sewer PrincessGaleBreezeKlonterLoelMinet
Underfoot Alisha ArdenHighmoreElder SaffronQueen Maya
Storm Pass MintaiValenaRinoOrcaBwanga
Northern Shelter Zanbato AganzoMichelle
Silver Crown Alchemist MorganBlue Guardian Vetala
Sewer AlbertFaris, the Sewer Princess
Behemoth VangelisOpheliaIsadora
Ghent Zeldine SchneiderMarlene KitzkaMelvin RichterSandstorm VarrachtVaughn WalshutedImperial Princess ErjeHugh FitzlaryGina TheodoreLindsey RossumEdwin Jurgen
Saint Horn LutherLudmillaNatalia SueLast MemetLost WarriorLoel
Bahn Hafen Beren VonnegutCoral
Shonan WooJunSiranAska
Slaugh Industrial Complex Beren VonnegutNavarreRia RichterFarrel WaneMathias Nessman
Kulundal Jiu LongBai Ming
Noblesky Naen SigerJakter the Eagle EyeWoon LyonirHiram KlaufTammy
Pandemonium Outpost
Hartz Von KruegerNevillo JurgenHound CyrusMeryl PioneerRoy the Burning PenEventful Erica
Imperial Princess IsabellaDana DonatelHunter VonAzalea Lott
Central Park KatePipiNiuPaiRed WitchRed Tail JonathanCatherine
Black Market CobbCeberinPumpkin BallStrawberry Nose DellaTimothyZasura
Stadium Outskirts Nihilistic Ron
Ashen Grave ArthurFlower Queen BlossomCelestial Archer Alexandra
Elting Memorial Returning RazinIkki the VikkiMonica of the Library
Philasia Ria Richter
The Elrox Woon LyonirHugh FitzlaryImperial Princess IsabellaHound CyrusMichelleSantorini
Chest Town DorothyPrince Van Frantz
Chantri Lucille RedmayneMia the Druid
Pandemonium Junction Snowflake Joshua
Arena ChobungHaruSizki
Guild Hideout Court Supplier AndeCourtier Regin
Other DelilahGabrielReaper DreyfusSilent NeaEmpyrean SupporterHiman StellaDalviTrainee Nayu

Subclass Test


Class Button - Blade Master.png

Blade Master

A Slayer who refuses his destiny and ignores his demons so as to focus on mastering his training in swordsmanship.

Awakening: Lv.50 Grand Master → Lv.75 Omniblade

A quick and versatile physical class able to use various weapons, including Lightsabres to their fullest. The Blade Master changes his mode of combat depending on his weapon of choice, I.E. Zanbatos focus on charged strikes for high damage and Katanas focus on dealing Signature Wounds with quick strikes. Every time the Blade Master switches his weapons, he will receive a special boon for each switch, further encouraging a diverse array of weaponry and skill. While not the toughest Slayer subclass, his Blade Master Light Armor Mastery.png Blade Master Light Armor Mastery emphasizes speed while providing some defense.


Class Button - Blade Master.png Class Button - Soul Bender.png Class Button - Berserker.png Class Button - Asura.png Class Button - Ghostblade.png

Gallery Tester

Video Test

He was defeated by five sets of hands.
He lay cold on the ground.
With the eyes of a snake, he sees you.
His memories scattered everywhere.
By the sacrifice of seven
They will be reunited as one.
Then, the forgotten will be remembered.
Those who forgot will then grieve.
He who has hundreds of faces
For he desires what is above the head.
Turns away from the massive storm.
Secludes himself in the abyss.
Heads for the path led to the sky.

~~A Grim Seeker's Prayer, Bottomless Tunnel

Dialogue Test

Back to Empyrean

Level 95
Quest Giver Player
Prerequisite Act Quest Icon.png Going HomeEpic Quest Icon.png Going Home
Narration Portrait 1.png Narrator

Objectives Ascertain the impact that the storms have had on Empyrean from the Castle of the Dead in Zelva.
Upon Completion
Narration Portrait 1.png Narrator
Captain Luther.png Luther
Adventurer Portrait.png <Player>
  • Expicon.png 287,680 Exp
  • Goldicon.png 9,648 Gold
Notes Saint Horn gets relocated to Noblesky upon completion.

Class Nav

Slayer MSlayerIcon.png Blade Master S Soul Bender S Berserker Asura S Ghostblade
FSlayerIcon.png Sword Master Dark Templar Demon Slayer Vagabond
Fighter MFighterIcon.png Nen Master Striker Brawler S Grappler S
FighterIcon.png Nen Master S Striker Brawler S Grappler S

Side Quests

Dialogue Tests

Vert Line Test

(If the Adventurer is not a Female Mage)

Adventurer, it's time we move again. The energy that feels like a vice squeezing my chest is spreading from the depths of Harlem to everywhere else in Pandemonium slowly, but surely.
Adventurer, it's time we move again. The energy that feels like a vice squeezing my chest is spreading from the depths of Harlem to everywhere else in Pandemonium slowly, but surely.

Adventurer, it's time we move again. The energy that feels like a vice squeezing my chest is spreading from the depths of Harlem to everywhere else in Pandemonium slowly, but surely.

NPC Dialog Test

Lucille-NFace1.png Lucille Redmayne

Lemidia Basilica, the First Degree parish of the Priest Order.

It's small, compared to Lemidia Chrysos, the Second Degree parish in Vitalon, the capital city of the De Los Empire, but that's understandable since it's the first of all our churches.

I especially like the mosaic and delicate sculptures in the main chapel. I feel reverent, just looking at them.

It has one flaw, which is that it was built by Apostle Michael.

(If the Adventurer is not a Priest)

A small flaw sometimes leads to a serious problem that threatens millennia of hard work.

I'm not trying to deny the long history of Lemidia Basilica, but...

now that we know it was built by an Apostle, shouldn't we reconsider its position as our First Degree parish?

(If the Adventurer is a Male Priest)

I'm not trying to deny the long history of Lemidia Basilica, but...

I don't think it's fair to keep the creation of the Apostle as the first church of the Order. What do you think, Brother?

... I can tell by the look on your face that this is a difficult question for you. I bet there are many things that you have to consider before you answer it.

I understand. It's absolutely understandable. But...

Soon, there will come a time that you have to clarify your position. Keep being indecisive like this, and you'll only cause more confusion.

Please don't forget you're like the center of the Order.

I hope you'll make the right decision.

(If the Adventurer is an Inquisitor)

I'm not trying to deny the long history of Lemidia Basilica, but...

I don't think it's fair to keep the creation of the Apostle as the first church of the Order.

You feel the same way as I do, don't you Sister? About Apostle Michael, too.

I'm glad to have met a reliable ally.

Lucille-NFace1.png Lucille Redmayne

Lemidia Basilica, the First Degree parish of the Priest Order.

It's small, compared to Lemidia Chrysos, the Second Degree parish in Vitalon, the capital city of the De Los Empire, but that's understandable since it's the first of all our churches.

I especially like the mosaic and delicate sculptures in the main chapel. I feel reverent, just looking at them.

It has one flaw, which is that it was built by Apostle Michael.

A small flaw sometimes leads to a serious problem that threatens millennia of hard work.

I'm not trying to deny the long history of Lemidia Basilica, but...

now that we know it was built by an Apostle, shouldn't we reconsider its position as our First Degree parish?

(Male Priest Only)
I'm not trying to deny the long history of Lemidia Basilica, but...

I don't think it's fair to keep the creation of the Apostle as the first church of the Order. What do you think, Brother?

... I can tell by the look on your face that this is a difficult question for you. I bet there are many things that you have to consider before you answer it.

I understand. It's absolutely understandable. But...

Soon, there will come a time that you have to clarify your position. Keep being indecisive like this, and you'll only cause more confusion.

Please don't forget you're like the center of the Order.

I hope you'll make the right decision.

(Inquisitor Only)
I'm not trying to deny the long history of Lemidia Basilica, but...

I don't think it's fair to keep the creation of the Apostle as the first church of the Order.

You feel the same way as I do, don't you Sister? About Apostle Michael, too.

I'm glad to have met a reliable ally.

Lucille-NFace1.png Lucille Redmayne

Lemidia Basilica, the First Degree parish of the Priest Order.

It's small, compared to Lemidia Chrysos, the Second Degree parish in Vitalon, the capital city of the De Los Empire, but that's understandable since it's the first of all our churches.

I especially like the mosaic and delicate sculptures in the main chapel. I feel reverent, just looking at them.

It has one flaw, which is that it was built by Apostle Michael.

A small flaw sometimes leads to a serious problem that threatens millennia of hard work.

I'm not trying to deny the long history of Lemidia Basilica, but...

now that we know it was built by an Apostle, shouldn't we reconsider its position as our First Degree parish?

I'm not trying to deny the long history of Lemidia Basilica, but...

I don't think it's fair to keep the creation of the Apostle as the first church of the Order. What do you think, Brother?

... I can tell by the look on your face that this is a difficult question for you. I bet there are many things that you have to consider before you answer it.

I understand. It's absolutely understandable. But...

Soon, there will come a time that you have to clarify your position. Keep being indecisive like this, and you'll only cause more confusion.

Please don't forget you're like the center of the Order.

I hope you'll make the right decision.

I'm not trying to deny the long history of Lemidia Basilica, but...

I don't think it's fair to keep the creation of the Apostle as the first church of the Order.

You feel the same way as I do, don't you Sister? About Apostle Michael, too.

I'm glad to have met a reliable ally.

Quest List Table

Captured Launcher Quests (Sample)

No. Quest Name Level Dungeon NPC Objective(s) Reward(s)
1 Feat Quest Icon.png Captured Launcher 1 53 Verderia Lady Kiri
  • Find and rescue the Sniper under arrest in Verderia.
  • Expicon.png 96,020 Exp
  • Goldicon.png 7,344 Gold
2 Feat Quest Icon.png Captured Launcher 2 53 Verderia Lady Kiri
  • Find and rescue Left Straight Neil in Verderia on Expert's Road or higher.
  • Expicon.png 96,020 Exp
  • Goldicon.png 7,344 Gold
3 Feat Quest Icon.png Captured Launcher 3 53 Verderia Lady Kiri
  • Find and rescue Left Straight Neil in Verderia on Master's Road or higher.

Captured Launcher Quests (Test)

No.TypeQuest NameLevelDungeonNPCObjective(s)Objective Item(s)EXPGoldReward Item(s)
1FeatCaptured Launcher 153VerderiaLady Kiri
  • Find and rescue the Sniper under arrest in Verderia.
2FeatCaptured Launcher 253VerderiaLady Kiri
  • Find and rescue Left Straight Neil in Verderia on Expert's Road or higher.
3FeatCaptured Launcher 353VerderiaLady Kiri
  • Find and rescue Left Straight Neil in Verderia on Master's Road or higher.
96,0201 (Summon: Left Straight Neil)

Translation Error Tests

{{HoverTextBox|sic|Inconsistent translation of "크흐흐". Suggested correction: "Hah hah" → "*Chuckle*"}}
max-width:300px 100
<p>{{HoverTextBox|sic|Inconsistent translation of "크흐흐". Suggested correction: "Hah hah" → "*Chuckle*"}}</p>

max-width:300px 100

(Revelation of the Storm)

Ron-NFace1.png Nihilistic Ron

Translation Notes

Quest List Nav Template

[hide]Empyrean War Chronicle I Quests

Back to Empyrean • Saint Horn's Information • Heroes and Villains • The Caged Eagle • Midnight Commotion • Blood Bond • Misfired Shots • Another Ally • Good News • The Calm Before the Storm • The Fate of Empyrean

Apostle Page Test

The Apostles are a diverse group of the nine most powerful beings of the alien world, Pandemonium; each with varying powers and abilities. They originate from various worlds across the universe, and were given the title "Apostle" in recognition of their strength and contributions. Originally, the Apostles were intended to be the 'saviors' of Pandemonium, but due to conflict of interest, they fought among each other endlessly and resulted in the world's desolation.

Due to the recent phenomenon known as the Metastasis, several of these creatures were transferred to the realms of the Arad Continent and Empyrean of Planet Arad and have begun to wreak havoc upon the land.



You want to know about the Apostles?
The title "Apostle" is given to Pandemonium's most powerful beings, who are ranked as the top fighters of Pandemonium.
Just as the mages of Pandemonium have wandered through other worlds, creatures of all kinds have migrated to Pandemonium, causing all sorts of strife and conflict.
Pandemonium has become an arena for fighters from the entire universe, which is unfortunate for anyone that must live there.

—— Dialogue from Iris Fortunesinger

Much of the little known information in Arad pertaining to the Apostles originated from a singular source, the Pandemonian envoy of the Mage Guild, the mage and clairvoyant Iris Fortunesinger. According to her, the Apostles are a group comprised of the most powerful creatures in Pandemonium's history; having ventured from various alien worlds and for reasons of their own, arrived on Pandemonium as it drifted through dimensional space. Among the countless organisms who arrived and fought among each other in Pandemonium, these beings were recognized as the strongest, and were granted the title of "Apostle" by Pandemonium's original savior and greatest sage, Crying-Eyes Hilder.

Throughout Pandemonium's history, only ten beings were officially granted the title of "Apostle", though currently only nine positions are known exist.

The Nine Apostles of Pandemonium
Apostle Insignia - Cain.png
The First Apostle:
Cain the Fatality
Apostle Insignia - Hilder.png
The Second Apostle:
Crying-Eyes Hilder
Apostle Insignia - Isys-Prey.png
The Third Apostle:
Isys-Prey of the Blue Sky
Apostle Insignia - Kasijas.png
The Fourth Apostle:
Kasijas the Conqueror
Apostle Insignia - Sirocco.png
The Fifth Apostle:
Sirocco the Intangible
Apostle Insignia - Delezie.png
The Sixth Apostle:
Delezie the Black Plague
Apostle Insignia - Anton.png
The Seventh Apostle:
Anton the Flame Eater
Apostle Insignia - Lotus.png
The Eighth Apostle:
Gangling Lotus
Apostle Insignia - Bakal.png Apostle Insignia - Luke.png
The Ninth Apostle:
Bakal the Dragon Tyrant
Luke the Constructor

Those deemed as "Apostles" held great power over the lesser creatures of Pandemonium. And as a result, many feared or revered them, with some going as far as creating cults dedicated toward them. With this influence, the Apostles gained control over vast amounts of territory, even entire districts, effectively putting Pandemonium under their control. And together, as was Hilder's intention, they would act as saviors and peacekeepers, maintaining the balance of power within Pandemonium. However, this was far from the truth.

Other than Hilder, the remaining Apostles shared little to no interest in safeguarding Pandemonium and pursued their own goals. Many of them fought each other over territory causing massive collateral damage, while others brought destruction to the world around them due to powers beyond their control. In addition, weaker creatures who coveted the grandeur of the Apostles endlessly fought the Apostles and each other with the goal of becoming Apostles themselves. All of this further escalated Pandemonium's chaos and contributed to its desolation.

You wish to know more about Bakal?
Bakal was the ninth Apostle of Pandemonium. He became much too powerful, trying to take all of Pandemonium under his command.
To stop his ambitions, the second Apostle Hilder, who I consider to be the only Apostle fighting for the peace of Pandemonium, gathered the other Apostles and mages of Pandemonium,
and expelled Bakal from the world.
The mages of Pandemonium called it the Dragon War. It occurred over a thousand years ago, and of course
Bakal ran through the Castle of the Dead and through Empyrean to achieve his unfinished business there.

—— Dialogue from Iris Fortunesinger

According to Iris, over a thousand years ago, the Ninth Apostle Bakal unleashed his Dragonoid Legion upon the land, and ignited the Pandemonium War, also known as the Dragon War, with the intention of conquering Pandemonium for the Water of Life. Because of this act, Bakal was stripped from the title of "Apostle", and was replaced by Luke the Constructor. With the aid of the other Apostles, Hilder's forces managed to defeat Bakal and his forces, and forced him to retreat from Pandemonium through the Castle of the Dead to Planet Arad, marking the beginning of the Apostles' invasion of Arad.

The Arrival of Apostles in Arad

With Bakal's arrival in Arad, he swiftly conquered the planet's celestial realm known as Empyrean, and subjugated it to his rule. For over five hundred years, Bakal enacted his tyranny upon the land, until he was eventually slain by the very people he persecuted during the Machine Revolution.

Nearly five hundred years later, a transference phenomenon referred to as the "Metastasis" began when the Fifth Apostle Sirocco suddenly appeared in the Screaming Cavern in Arad Year 977. However, she was just first of what to come. After the event known as the Great Blaze erupted in Elven Forest Grand Flores in Arad Year 985, the Apostles seemingly appeared one after the other on a yearly basis, including the Eighth Apostle Lotus on Behemoth, the Sixth Apostle Delezie in Noire Ferra, and the Seventh Apostle Anton in Eaton.

The reason for the recent appearances of the Apostles in Arad remains unclear. Though, there are several theories. According to Iris, the Apostles' innate destructive energies allowed them to tear rifts in the fabric of space between Arad and Pandemonium, allowing them to enter Planet Arad and unleash their chaos upon the land. In order to mend the boundaries, the Apostles must be defeated. But at the same time, their energies will be used to replenish the land of Pandemonium.

The Truth

Neople-logo.png This part of the current article contains spoilers.

Skill Page API Reader

Test Page: Divine Star Gadget: Sagittarius https://api.dfoneople.com/df/skills/dbbdf2dd28072b26f22b77454d665f21/5dc4af7527a8e33cc829a94b4ff8ab1f?apikey=<apikey>

{"name":"Divine Star Gadget: Sagittarius","type":"active","costType":"SP","desc":"Requires Divine Mist Gadget: Meteor. Can be used from the ground or air.\nUnleashes the power of the Stellar Gear, fusing the Mist Gear with the Divine Mist Gadget: Meteor to form the Divine Star Gadget: Sagittarius. She then releases a stellar mist from her boots, intensified by the power of the Stellar Gear, Holding enemies within range as she soars into the sky, transforming the Sagittarius into its maximum operational form and firing a single stellar arrow at the strongest of the enemies caught in the mist. The arrow pierces its target and explodes, carving a brilliant constellation into the night sky.","descDetail":"Requires Divine Mist Gadget: Meteor. Can be used from the ground or air.\nUnleashes the power of the Stellar Gear, fusing the Mist Gear with the Divine Mist Gadget: Meteor to form the Divine Star Gadget: Sagittarius. She then releases a stellar mist from her boots, intensified by the power of the Stellar Gear, Holding enemies within range as she soars into the sky, transforming the Sagittarius into its maximum operational form and firing a single stellar arrow at the strongest of the enemies caught in the mist. The arrow pierces its target and explodes, carving a brilliant constellation into the night sky.","consumeItem":{"itemId":"e9e68feec86559891c2f7ec8b9e36b5f","itemName":"Clear Cube Fragment","value":15},"descSpecial":"- Can be used from the ground or air.","maxLevel":50,"requiredLevel":100,"requiredLevelRange":5,"preRequiredSkill":null,"jobId":"dbbdf2dd28072b26f22b77454d665f21","jobName":"Archer","jobGrowLevel":[],"levelInfo":{"optionDesc":"Stellar Arrow Strike Atk.: {value1}%\nConstellation Explosion Atk.: {value2}%","rows":[{"level":1,"consumeMp":3944,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":133599,"value2":311731}},{"level":2,"consumeMp":4224,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":164578,"value2":384017}},{"level":3,"consumeMp":4505,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":195558,"value2":456302}},{"level":4,"consumeMp":4786,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":226537,"value2":528588}},{"level":5,"consumeMp":5067,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":257517,"value2":600873}},{"level":6,"consumeMp":5348,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":288496,"value2":673159}},{"level":7,"consumeMp":5629,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":319476,"value2":745444}},{"level":8,"consumeMp":5910,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":350455,"value2":817730}},{"level":9,"consumeMp":6191,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":381435,"value2":890015}},{"level":10,"consumeMp":6472,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":412414,"value2":962301}},{"level":11,"consumeMp":6753,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":443394,"value2":1034586}},{"level":12,"consumeMp":7034,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":474373,"value2":1106872}},{"level":13,"consumeMp":7315,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":505353,"value2":1179158}},{"level":14,"consumeMp":7596,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":536333,"value2":1251443}},{"level":15,"consumeMp":7877,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":567312,"value2":1323729}},{"level":16,"consumeMp":8158,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":598292,"value2":1396014}},{"level":17,"consumeMp":8439,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":629271,"value2":1468300}},{"level":18,"consumeMp":8720,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":660251,"value2":1540586}},{"level":19,"consumeMp":9001,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":691230,"value2":1612871}},{"level":20,"consumeMp":9282,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":722210,"value2":1685156}},{"level":21,"consumeMp":9563,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":753189,"value2":1757442}},{"level":22,"consumeMp":9844,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":784169,"value2":1829727}},{"level":23,"consumeMp":10125,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":815148,"value2":1902013}},{"level":24,"consumeMp":10406,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":846128,"value2":1974299}},{"level":25,"consumeMp":10687,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":877107,"value2":2046584}},{"level":26,"consumeMp":10968,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":908087,"value2":2118870}},{"level":27,"consumeMp":11249,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":939066,"value2":2191155}},{"level":28,"consumeMp":11530,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":970046,"value2":2263441}},{"level":29,"consumeMp":11811,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":1001025,"value2":2335726}},{"level":30,"consumeMp":12092,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":1032005,"value2":2408012}},{"level":31,"consumeMp":12373,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":1062984,"value2":2480298}},{"level":32,"consumeMp":12654,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":1093964,"value2":2552583}},{"level":33,"consumeMp":12935,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":1124944,"value2":2624869}},{"level":34,"consumeMp":13216,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":1155923,"value2":2697154}},{"level":35,"consumeMp":13497,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":1186903,"value2":2769440}},{"level":36,"consumeMp":13778,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":1217882,"value2":2841725}},{"level":37,"consumeMp":14059,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":1248862,"value2":2914011}},{"level":38,"consumeMp":14340,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":1279841,"value2":2986296}},{"level":39,"consumeMp":14621,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":1310821,"value2":3058582}},{"level":40,"consumeMp":14902,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":1341800,"value2":3130868}},{"level":41,"consumeMp":15183,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":1372780,"value2":3203153}},{"level":42,"consumeMp":15464,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":1403759,"value2":3275439}},{"level":43,"consumeMp":15745,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":1434739,"value2":3347724}},{"level":44,"consumeMp":16026,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":1465718,"value2":3420010}},{"level":45,"consumeMp":16307,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":1496698,"value2":3492296}},{"level":46,"consumeMp":16588,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":1527677,"value2":3564581}},{"level":47,"consumeMp":16869,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":1558657,"value2":3636867}},{"level":48,"consumeMp":17150,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":1589636,"value2":3709152}},{"level":49,"consumeMp":17431,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":1620616,"value2":3781437}},{"level":50,"consumeMp":17712,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":1651595,"value2":3853723}}]}}
What we want this to do
Reads a user given text and parses it within a table using the '#arrayprint' function. Table headers and array length will be given beforehand.

array Testing

Index 0 - Basic Skill Info
{"name":"Divine Star Gadget: Sagittarius","type":"active","costType":"SP","desc":"Requires Divine Mist Gadget: Meteor. Can be used from the ground or air.\nUnleashes the power of the Stellar Gear, fusing the Mist Gear with the Divine Mist Gadget: Meteor to form the Divine Star Gadget: Sagittarius. She then releases a stellar mist from her boots, intensified by the power of the Stellar Gear, Holding enemies within range as she soars into the sky, transforming the Sagittarius into its maximum operational form and firing a single stellar arrow at the strongest of the enemies caught in the mist. The arrow pierces its target and explodes, carving a brilliant constellation into the night sky.","descDetail":"Requires Divine Mist Gadget: Meteor. Can be used from the ground or air.\nUnleashes the power of the Stellar Gear, fusing the Mist Gear with the Divine Mist Gadget: Meteor to form the Divine Star Gadget: Sagittarius. She then releases a stellar mist from her boots, intensified by the power of the Stellar Gear, Holding enemies within range as she soars into the sky, transforming the Sagittarius into its maximum operational form and firing a single stellar arrow at the strongest of the enemies caught in the mist. The arrow pierces its target and explodes, carving a brilliant constellation into the night sky.","consumeItem":{"itemId":"e9e68feec86559891c2f7ec8b9e36b5f","itemName":"Clear Cube Fragment","value":15},"descSpecial":"- Can be used from the ground or air.","maxLevel":50,"requiredLevel":100,"requiredLevelRange":5,"preRequiredSkill":null,"jobId":"dbbdf2dd28072b26f22b77454d665f21","jobName":"Archer","jobGrowLevel":[],
Index 1 - Level Info
"optionDesc":"Stellar Arrow Strike Atk.: {value1}%\nConstellation Explosion Atk.: {value2}%","rows":[{"level":1,"consumeMp":3944,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":133599,"value2":311731}},{"level":2,"consumeMp":4224,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":164578,"value2":384017}},{"level":3,"consumeMp":4505,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":195558,"value2":456302}},{"level":4,"consumeMp":4786,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":226537,"value2":528588}},{"level":5,"consumeMp":5067,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":257517,"value2":600873}},{"level":6,"consumeMp":5348,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":288496,"value2":673159}},{"level":7,"consumeMp":5629,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":319476,"value2":745444}},{"level":8,"consumeMp":5910,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":350455,"value2":817730}},{"level":9,"consumeMp":6191,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":381435,"value2":890015}},{"level":10,"consumeMp":6472,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":412414,"value2":962301}},{"level":11,"consumeMp":6753,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":443394,"value2":1034586}},{"level":12,"consumeMp":7034,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":474373,"value2":1106872}},{"level":13,"consumeMp":7315,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":505353,"value2":1179158}},{"level":14,"consumeMp":7596,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":536333,"value2":1251443}},{"level":15,"consumeMp":7877,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":567312,"value2":1323729}},{"level":16,"consumeMp":8158,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":598292,"value2":1396014}},{"level":17,"consumeMp":8439,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":629271,"value2":1468300}},{"level":18,"consumeMp":8720,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":660251,"value2":1540586}},{"level":19,"consumeMp":9001,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":691230,"value2":1612871}},{"level":20,"consumeMp":9282,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":722210,"value2":1685156}},{"level":21,"consumeMp":9563,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":753189,"value2":1757442}},{"level":22,"consumeMp":9844,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":784169,"value2":1829727}},{"level":23,"consumeMp":10125,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":815148,"value2":1902013}},{"level":24,"consumeMp":10406,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":846128,"value2":1974299}},{"level":25,"consumeMp":10687,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":877107,"value2":2046584}},{"level":26,"consumeMp":10968,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":908087,"value2":2118870}},{"level":27,"consumeMp":11249,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":939066,"value2":2191155}},{"level":28,"consumeMp":11530,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":970046,"value2":2263441}},{"level":29,"consumeMp":11811,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":1001025,"value2":2335726}},{"level":30,"consumeMp":12092,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":1032005,"value2":2408012}},{"level":31,"consumeMp":12373,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":1062984,"value2":2480298}},{"level":32,"consumeMp":12654,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":1093964,"value2":2552583}},{"level":33,"consumeMp":12935,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":1124944,"value2":2624869}},{"level":34,"consumeMp":13216,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":1155923,"value2":2697154}},{"level":35,"consumeMp":13497,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":1186903,"value2":2769440}},{"level":36,"consumeMp":13778,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":1217882,"value2":2841725}},{"level":37,"consumeMp":14059,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":1248862,"value2":2914011}},{"level":38,"consumeMp":14340,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":1279841,"value2":2986296}},{"level":39,"consumeMp":14621,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":1310821,"value2":3058582}},{"level":40,"consumeMp":14902,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":1341800,"value2":3130868}},{"level":41,"consumeMp":15183,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":1372780,"value2":3203153}},{"level":42,"consumeMp":15464,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":1403759,"value2":3275439}},{"level":43,"consumeMp":15745,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":1434739,"value2":3347724}},{"level":44,"consumeMp":16026,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":1465718,"value2":3420010}},{"level":45,"consumeMp":16307,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":1496698,"value2":3492296}},{"level":46,"consumeMp":16588,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":1527677,"value2":3564581}},{"level":47,"consumeMp":16869,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":1558657,"value2":3636867}},{"level":48,"consumeMp":17150,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":1589636,"value2":3709152}},{"level":49,"consumeMp":17431,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":1620616,"value2":3781437}},{"level":50,"consumeMp":17712,"coolTime":290,"castingTime":null,"optionValue":{"value1":1651595,"value2":3853723}}]}}

Equipment Item Tests

Infobox Changes Pseudocode

  • Template:Equipment infobox needs to be able to read and accept "Fusion Stone" as Boolean. OR should equipment slot take two values with semicolon???
    • From which, the equipment slot indicator text will change, e.g. Fusion Stone (Necklace). This text change should also appear in Template:Equipment list
    • Special case for weapons, text will change to Fusion Stone (Weapon) (Weapon subtype)

Fusion / Custom Option Changes

  • Due to Growth Option System removal, fixed options will be moved to item description.
  • Template: Equipment option will be used to list Fusion/Custom options. Though, an input reader may be needed to differentiate certain Fusion / Custom options for icons.



Icon Name Lv Base Stats Skill Bonus Other Options
No icon available Aspect-Devoured Longbow 105 Fame +748
P. Atk. +1389
M. Atk. +1158
I. Atk. +818
STR +85
INT +85
Skill Atk. +49%

Option 1

Damage Value 1482
Buff Power 504

Archer all Skill Atk. +10%

Option 2

Damage Value 1482
Buff Power 504

Archer Lv. +1 - 100 skill +1 level (Awakening skills excluded)

Option 3

Damage Value 1186
Buff Power 494

Max HP +5%

Option 4

Damage Value 1186
Buff Power 494

Evasion +8%

Berserk Tenacity Longbow.png Berserk Tenacity Longbow 105 Fame +2725
P. Atk. +1389
M. Atk. +1158
I. Atk. +818
STR +85
INT +85
Attack Speed +8 %
Overall Damage +55%
Dying Trust Longbow.png Dying Trust Longbow 105 Fame +2725
P. Atk. +1389
M. Atk. +1158
I. Atk. +818
STR +85
INT +85
Overall Damage +55%
Frozen Resistance Longbow.png Frozen Resistance Longbow 105 Fame +2725
P. Atk. +1389
M. Atk. +1158
I. Atk. +818
STR +85
INT +85
Attack Speed +8 %
Overall Damage +55%
No icon available Longbow of Culmination - Muse 105 Fame +748
P. Atk. +1389
M. Atk. +1158
I. Atk. +818
STR +85
INT +85
Skill Atk. +50%

Option 1

Damage Value 1927
Buff Power 464

Additional Independent Atk. +20% by Sensational Solo Performance

Culture Shock range +20%
Additional waves at the end of Culture Shock
- 5 additional waves for 2 sec.

- Additional Wave Atk.: 30% of the third wave's Atk. per wave

Option 2

Damage Value 1927
Buff Power 464

Sound of the Muse additionally casts an additional spotlight, enhancing its effects.

- Sound of Muse range +15%
- Sound of the Muse Atk. +20%

- Sound of the Muse resets Culture Shock cooldown on hit.

Option 3

Damage Value 1927
Buff Power 464

Casts a buff on party members when equipped that improves Lovely Tempo +8%. (Buff removed when unequipped. Disabled if the Buff Enhancement Weapon slot is filled.)

Nights and Dreams HP healing amounts -50%

Sweet Cantabile HP healing amounts -50%

Option 4

Damage Value 1927
Buff Power 464

Nights and Dreams range +20%

No icon available Longbow of Culmination - Traveler 105 Fame +748
P. Atk. +1389
M. Atk. +1158
I. Atk. +818
STR +85
INT +85
Skill Atk. +50%

Option 1

Damage Value 1482
Buff Power 464

Divine Mist Gadget: Meteor cooldown -15%
Divine Mist Gadget: Polaris max aurora duration +7 sec. and max detection count +5

Option 2

Damage Value 1482
Buff Power 464

Divine Mist Gadget: Polaris doesn't end after the finishing attack. (Only 1 finishing attack can be delivered for the skill's duration.)
- Enter an additional input after the finishing attack to end.

Option 3

Damage Value 1482
Buff Power 464

Setup: Onslaught Archer additional Skill Atk. increase rate +5%
Setup: Windsong Archery additional cooldown reduction rate +5%

Option 4

Damage Value 1482
Buff Power 464

Campfire HP healing range +20%
Campfire Stew HP healing amounts +50%

No icon available Water: Longbow of Surpassed Memories 110 Fame +4690
P. Atk. +1452
M. Atk. +1210
I. Atk. +864
STR +88
INT +88
Attack Speed +11 %
Movement Speed +3 %
Casting Speed +4.5 %
Physical Critical Chance +7 %
Magic Critical Chance +7 %
Atk. Increase +100.0%
Overall Damage +78.6%
The beginning of a new memory, never to regress again

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

Option 4

No icon available Water: Longbow of Tainted Snow 110 Fame +4690
P. Atk. +1452
M. Atk. +1210
I. Atk. +864
STR +88
INT +88
Attack Speed +8 %
Atk. Increase +2142.4%
Overall Damage +92.5%
A memory of confidence over anxiety and the promise it holds



Icon Name Lv Base Stats Skill Bonus Other Options
The One Ring.png The One Ring 15 M. Def. +320
STR +40
INT +10
There is an inscription written on the ring.

One to rule them all.

One to find them.

One to bring them all in darkness.

This is THE ring of ONE.
Warlord Ring.png Warlord Ring 60 M. Def. +2710
STR +74
INT +74
Attack Speed +2.5 %
Movement Speed +3 %
Casting Speed +3 %
All Elemental Resistances +4
Time Defier Ring.png Time Defier Ring 70 M. Def. +3062
STR +52
INT +52
HP MAX +330
Physical Critical Chance +2 %
Magic Critical Chance +2 %
Burning Spirit Ring.png Burning Spirit Ring 75 M. Def. +3238
STR +77
INT +77
Fire Resist +22
Fire Damage +35
My heart burns like fire. - Kargon
Dazzling Spirit Ring.png Dazzling Spirit Ring 75 M. Def. +3238
STR +77
INT +77
Light Resist +22
Light Damage +35
I'm happy just that I can feel the light on my skin. - Some Priest
Frozen Spirit Ring.png Frozen Spirit Ring 75 M. Def. +3238
STR +77
INT +77
Water Resist +22
Water Damage +35
I hear whispers... - Mintai
Lightless Spirit Ring.png Lightless Spirit Ring 75 M. Def. +3238
STR +77
INT +77
Shadow Resist +22
Shadow Damage +35
Don't be scared. You can always see it when you close your eyes. - A mother soothing her child
Skill Pearl Experience Ring.png Skill Pearl Experience Ring 75 M. Def. +3238
STR +55
INT +55
All Level 30 All Skill Lv +1 (Special Skills excluded)
The skill level increases based on the initial skill level. There are no increases for skills that are mastered at Level 1.
Attack Speed +5 %
Movement Speed +5 %
Casting Speed +7 %
Just looking at this ring is experience in itself. - Young Inacia
Superstar Ring.png Superstar Ring 80 M. Def. +3414
STR +58
INT +58
All Elemental Damage +12
Assassin's Blade Ring.png Assassin's Blade Ring 85 M. Def. +3590
STR +62
INT +62
EXO +496
Physical Critical Chance +7 %
Magic Critical Chance +7 %
Critical Damage +10% on enemies with 70% or more HP.
Critical Damage +20% on enemies with 70-20% HP.
Critical Damage +30% on enemies with 20% or lower HP.
This ring once was worn by a ruthless hangman.
Cold Princess Ring.png Cold Princess Ring 85 M. Def. +3590
STR +62
INT +62
Water Damage +30
In the end, you are my... - From the diary of a dead princess
Eternal Glory- Nerbe.png Eternal Glory: Nerbe 85 M. Def. +3590
STR +62
INT +62
EXO +496
Infinite Remnants of Avarice.png Infinite Remnants of Avarice 85 M. Def. +3590
STR +62
INT +62
Physical Critical Chance +10 %
Magic Critical Chance +10 %
Critical Damage +30%
Refined Amnesia Stone Ring.png Refined Amnesia Stone Ring 85 M. Def. +3590
STR +62
INT +62
Chaos! Destruction! Oblivion!
Remnants of Avarice.png Remnants of Avarice 85 M. Def. +3590
STR +62
INT +62
Physical Critical Chance +5 %
Magic Critical Chance +5 %
Critical Damage +15%
Aqua Gate Ring.png Aqua Gate Ring 90 M. Def. +3766
STR +119
INT +119
VIT +55
SPR +55
EXO +516
All Elemental Damage +30
Physical Critical Chance +12 %
Magic Critical Chance +12 %
Aries- Dynamic Vigor.png Aries: Dynamic Vigor 90 M. Def. +3766
STR +64
INT +164
VIT +180
SPR +180
EXO +516
Chilling Gaze.png Chilling Gaze 90 M. Def. +3766
STR +64
INT +64
EXO +516
Attack Speed +5 %
Movement Speed +5 %
Casting Speed +7 %
Physical/Magical/Independent Atk. +20%
Essence War God Energy Ring.png Essence War God Energy Ring 90 M. Def. +3766
STR +64
INT +64
EXO +516
Attack Speed +4 %
Movement Speed +4 %
Casting Speed +6 %
All Elemental Damage +14
Recollection of Water Sounds.png Recollection of Water Sounds 90 M. Def. +3766
STR +64
INT +64
Attack Speed +5 %
Movement Speed +5 %
Casting Speed +8 %
Physical/Magical/Independent Atk. +5%
Physical/Magical/Independent Atk. +1% for every Reinforcement/Amplify level (up to +12)
Sky Guide- Kaaf.png Sky Guide: Kaaf 90 M. Def. +3766
STR +64
INT +64
Attack Speed +3 %
Movement Speed +3 %
Casting Speed +5 %
All Elemental Resistances +14
All Elemental Damage +18
Additional Attack Damage +8%
That's the light of the sky for you.
Azure Flame of Jade- Non-Self.png Azure Flame of Jade: Non-Self 95 M. Def. +3942
STR +67
INT +193
VIT +232
SPR +232
EXO +536
and everything around it started to disappear, even that which couldn't be seen.
Black Fire.png Black Fire: Encroached Earth 95 M. Def. +3942
STR +67
INT +67
EXO +536
All Level 80-85 All Skill Lv +1 (Special Skills excluded)
The skill level increases based on the initial skill level. There are no increases for skills that are mastered at Level 1.
All Elemental Damage +34
Skill Atk. +10%
and stain it with dark chaos.
Black Fire.png Black Fire: Encroached Sky 95 M. Def. +3942
STR +67
INT +67
EXO +536
Attack Speed +3 %
Movement Speed +3 %
Casting Speed +5 %
All Elemental Damage +34
Skill Atk. +11%
Lv35-45 Skill Cooldown -15%
and stain it with dark chaos.
Black Fire.png Black Fire: Encroached Sun 95 M. Def. +3942
STR +67
INT +67
EXO +536
All Elemental Damage +34
Skill Atk. +16%
and stain it with dark chaos.
Dream Opener.png Dream Opener 95 M. Def. +3942
STR +67
INT +67
EXO +536
All Elemental Damage +22
Physical Critical Chance +3 %
Magic Critical Chance +3 %
Physical/Magical/Independent Atk. +10%
He's a sculpture of dreams.
Jealous Obsession Ring.png Jealous Obsession Ring 95 M. Def. +3942
STR +67
INT +67
EXO +536
MP MAX +150
Attack Speed +3 %
Casting Speed +4.5 %
All Atk. +20%
takes you by surprise.
Ring of Angelic Justice.png Ring of Angelic Justice 95 M. Def. +3942
STR +67
INT +128
VIT +150
SPR +150
EXO +536
Slow Heal Skill Lvl +1
Fast Heal Skill Lvl +1
Healing Prayer Skill Lvl +1
Meticulous Stitching Skill Lvl +1
Pure justice.
Vessel of Heavens.png Vessel of Heavens 95 M. Def. +3942
STR +67
INT +67
EXO +536
Attack Speed +5 %
Movement Speed +5 %
Casting Speed +8 %
All Elemental Damage +16
Physical/Magical/Independent Atk. +18%
He was a sun with radiant wings that descended upon the sea.
Blessed Wind- Sylph.png Blessed Wind: Sylph 100 Fame +464
M. Def. +4118
STR +171
INT +171
All Elemental Damage +38
<Target Option>
All Atk. +27%
It's sustained with the power of a wind elemental who sings freedom and peace.
Dimension Passerby's Seal.png Dimension Passerby's Seal 100 Fame +464
M. Def. +4118
STR +171
INT +171
Skill Atk. +18%
All Lv. 60 - 80 skills +1 level (conditional)

<Target Option>
STR/INT +14%
Make sure the owner of the seal wants for nothing.
Dominating Loop of Darkness.png Dominating Loop of Darkness 100 Fame +464
M. Def. +4118
STR +171
INT +171
Shadow Resist +5
Additional Critical Damage +0-20% (see description)

<Target Option>
Additional Critical Damage +20%
A ring said to have been used by an ancient king of darkness.
End of the Madness Host.png End of the Madness Host 100 Fame +464
M. Def. +4118
STR +171
INT +171
Bonus Damage +8-12% (see description)

<Target Option>
Additional Critical Damage +27%
The deaths of his best friend and precious family.
Gebo- Perfect Balance.png Gebo: Perfect Balance 100 Fame +464
M. Def. +4118
STR +171
INT +171
All Elemental Damage +25
Bonus Damage +12%

<Target Option>
STR/INT +20%
From that shining emblem is released a power that governs balance.
Halgi's Ring.png Halgi's Ring 100 M. Def. +4118
STR +171
INT +171
EXO +616
Product of Wisdom
Red Rabbit's Blessing.png Red Rabbit's Blessing 100 Fame +464
M. Def. +4118
STR +171
INT +171
Additional Attack Damage +7%
Physical/Magical/Independent Atk. +7%
All Atk. +7%

<Target Option>
Additional Critical Damage +7%
Subconscious- Assassin's Dreamy Traces.png Subconscious: Assassin's Dreamy Traces 100 Fame +116
M. Def. +4118
STR +171
INT +171
I'll show you...
Subconscious- Gatekeeper's Dreamy Residue.png Subconscious: Gatekeeper's Dreamy Residue 100 Fame +116
M. Def. +4118
STR +171
INT +171
All of you shall be reduced to ash!
Subconscious- Nex's Dreamy Darkness.png Subconscious: Nex's Dreamy Darkness 100 Fame +116
M. Def. +4118
STR +171
INT +171
Behold the trials of Death!
Subconscious- Rodos's Dreamy Source.png Subconscious: Rodos's Dreamy Source 100 Fame +464
M. Def. +4118
STR +171
INT +171
My mana... It's come back to me...
Subconscious- Roxy's Dreamy Promise.png Subconscious: Roxy's Dreamy Promise 100 Fame +116
M. Def. +4118
STR +171
INT +171
Tranquil Dew.png Tranquil Dew 100 Fame +464
M. Def. +4118
STR +171
INT +171
All Elemental Damage +30
Additional Attack Damage +0-13% (see description)
All Lv. 60 - 80 skill cooldown recovery speed +30% (conditional)
All Lv. 75 - 85 skills +1 level (conditional)

<Target Option>
Additional Attack Damage +5%
Drops of dew fall in the silence of the dawn.
Trick of Destiny.png Trick of Destiny 100 Fame +464
M. Def. +4118
STR +171
INT +171
Skill Atk. +19%
Additional Attack Damage +5-11% (see description)

<Target Option>
All Atk. +6%
There's no way I'll get 1.


No equipment found that satisfy the search criteria.

Epic (Fusion Stone)

Icon Name Lv Base Stats Skill Bonus Other Options
Abyssal Concentration - Amorphous Power.png Abyssal Concentration: Amorphous Power 105 Fame +350

Option 1

Buff Power +1178

Atk. Increase +350.0%

Overall Damage +3%
Skill range +5%

Lv. 75/80 skill range +15%

Abyssal Concentration - Infinite Contraction.png Abyssal Concentration: Infinite Contraction 105 Fame +350

Option 1

Buff Power +1178

Atk. Increase +350.0%

Overall Damage +3%
Skill range +5%

Lv. 45/60/70 skill range +15%

Abyssal Concentration - Undefined Presence.png Abyssal Concentration: Undefined Presence 105 Fame +350

Option 1

Buff Power +1178

Atk. Increase +350.0%

Overall Damage +3%
Skill range +5%

Lv. 1 – 40 skill range +15%

Black Dragon - Bridle of Endless Darkness.png Black Dragon: Bridle of Endless Darkness 105 Fame +350

Option 1

Buff Power +1518

Atk. Increase: +938.0%
Equipment's MP healing effects +10%.

Black Dragon - Dragon's Watching Eyes.png Black Dragon: Dragon's Watching Eyes 105 Fame +350

Option 1

Buff Power +1518

Atk. Increase: +938.0%
MP +1,000 when attacking (Cooldown: 1 sec)

Black Dragon - Foundation of Dark Power.png Black Dragon: Foundation of Dark Power 105 Fame +350

Option 1

Buff Power +1518

Atk. Increase: +938.0%
MP +0.5 every sec.

Brilliance - Imparted Wisdom.png Brilliance: Imparted Wisdom 105 Fame +350

Option 1

Buff Power +1291

Overall Damage +3%
Casts a [rechargeable barrier] with 3% of Max HP.

Brilliance - Noble Mission.png Brilliance: Noble Mission 105 Fame +350

Option 1

Buff Power +1291

Overall Damage +3%
Casts a [rechargeable barrier] with 3% of Max HP.

Brilliance - Unstoppable Will.png Brilliance: Unstoppable Will 105 Fame +350

Option 1

Buff Power +1291

Overall Damage +3%
Casts a [rechargeable barrier] with 3% of Max HP.

Communion - Accompanying Earth.png Communion: Accompanying Earth 105 Fame +350

Option 1

Buff Power +1063

Atk. Increase +432.1%
Lv. 95 skills' cooldown recovery +20%

Communion - Falling Dew.png Communion: Falling Dew 105 Fame +350

Option 1

Buff Power +1063

Atk. Increase +314.2%

Lv. 45/80 skills' cooldown recovery + 22.5%

Wind/Distortion skills' cooldown recovery +22.5%

Communion - Protective Warmth.png Communion: Protective Warmth 105 Fame +350

Option 1

Buff Power +1063

Atk. Increase +432.5%

Lv. 35/70 skills' cooldown recovery +22.5%

Interference/Reenactment skills' cooldown recovery +22.5%

Communion - Vital Coexistence.png Communion: Vital Coexistence 105 Fame +350

Option 1

Buff Power +1063

Atk. Increase +531.1%

Lv. 30/60 skills' cooldown recovery +20%

Ice/Destruction skills' cooldown recovery +20%

Communion - Welcoming Sunlight.png Communion: Welcoming Sunlight 105 Fame +350

Option 1

Buff Power +1063

Atk. Increase +375.6%

Lv. 40/75 skills' cooldown recovery +22.5%

Protection/Tuning skills' cooldown recovery +22.5%

Empyrean Allied Forces - A Prayer for Everyone.png Empyrean Allied Forces: A Prayer for Everyone 105 Fame +350

Option 1

Buff Power +1518

Atk. Increase: +938.0%
Physical/Magical Def. +14,000

Empyrean Allied Forces - Dogged Determination.png Empyrean Allied Forces: Dogged Determination 105 Fame +350

Option 1

Buff Power +1518

Atk. Increase: +938.0%

Max HP +1,200

Max MP +1,890

Empyrean Allied Forces - Radiant Hope.png Empyrean Allied Forces: Radiant Hope 105 Fame +350

Option 1

Buff Power +1518

Atk. Increase: +938.0%
All Elemental Resistance +20

Flame Dragon - Blazing Fire's Fury.png Flame Dragon: Blazing Fire's Fury 105 Fame +350

Option 1

Buff Power +1405

Atk. Increase: +416.8%

Skill cooldown -4% (Awakening skills excluded)

[Dragonoid's Burning Fury]
Surround yourself with flames of rage to get Atk. Increase +130.2%.

- 3 Flame Dragon Fusion equipment must be equipped.

Flame Dragon - Scorching Dragon Breath.png Flame Dragon: Scorching Dragon Breath 105 Fame +350

Option 1

Buff Power +1405

Atk. Increase: +416.8%
Skill cooldown -4% (Awakening skills excluded)

Flame Dragon - Source of Explosive Power.png Flame Dragon: Source of Explosive Power 105 Fame +350

Option 1

Buff Power +1405

Atk. Increase: +416.8%
Skill cooldown -4% (Awakening skills excluded)

Gold Dragon - Infinite Ward of Light.png Gold Dragon: Infinite Ward of Light 105 Fame +350

Option 1

Buff Power +1518

Atk. Increase: +938.0%

Attacks cast Tesseract Boom on enemies. (Cooldown: 3 sec.)
- Casts 1, 3, or 5 times with an equal chance of success.

- Inflicts 400% of total Atk. Increase.

Gold Dragon - Origin of Showy Power.png Gold Dragon: Origin of Showy Power 105 Fame +350

Option 1

Buff Power +1518

Atk. Increase: +938.0%

Attacks cast Vertical Pillar on enemies. (Cooldown: 3 sec.)
- Casts 1, 3, or 5 times with an equal chance of success.

- Inflicts 400% of total Atk. Increase.

Gold Dragon - Resplendent Dragon Scales.png Gold Dragon: Resplendent Dragon Scales 105 Fame +350

Option 1

Buff Power +1518

Atk. Increase: +938.0%

Attacks cast Horizontal Cube on enemies. (Cooldown: 3 sec.)
- Casts 1, 3, or 5 times with an equal chance of success.

- Inflicts 400% of total Atk. Increase.

Green Dragon - Cruel Dragon's Claws.png Green Dragon: Cruel Dragon's Claws 105 Fame +350

Option 1

Buff Power +1405

Atk. Increase: +938.0%

Attacks generate shockwaves. (Cooldown: 1 sec.)
- Enemy Neutralize Gauge -0.5

- Inflicts 240% of total Atk. Increase.

Green Dragon - Heavy Iron Will.png Green Dragon: Heavy Iron Will 105 Fame +350

Option 1

Buff Power +1406

Atk. Increase: +938.0%

Attacks generate shockwaves. (Cooldown: 0.5 sec.)
- Inflicts 120% of total Atk. Increase.

Attack Stun enemies for 3 sec. (Cooldown: 8 sec.)

Enemy Neutralize Gauge -1.5 when attacking (Cooldown 8 sec.)

Green Dragon - Source of Overwhelming Power.png Green Dragon: Source of Overwhelming Power 105 Fame +350

Option 1

Buff Power +1518

Atk. Increase: +938.0%

Attacks generate shockwaves. (Cooldown: 1 sec.)
- Enemy Neutralize Gauge -0.5

- Inflicts 160% of total Atk. Increase.

Icebloom - Biting Blizzard.png Icebloom: Biting Blizzard 105 Fame +350

Option 1

Buff Power +1291

Atk. Increase +703.4%

Attacks Freeze all enemies for 12 sec. (Cooldown: 30 sec.)

Physical/Magical Critical Chances +1.5%
Movement Speed +3%
Physical/Magical Def. +1,400

MP +174 per min.

Icebloom - Entangled Frost.png Icebloom: Entangled Frost 105 Fame +350

Option 1

Buff Power +1291

Atk. Increase +703.4%

Attacks Freeze all enemies for 5 sec. (Cooldown: 20 sec.)

Attack Speed +3%
Casting Speed +4.5%
Physical/Magical Def. +1,400

MP +174 per min.

Icebloom - Open Petals.png Icebloom: Open Petals 105 Fame +350

Option 1

Buff Power +1291

Atk. Increase +703.4%

Attacks Freeze all enemies for 3 sec. (Cooldown: 10 sec.)
Max HP +200
Physical/Magical Def. +1,400

HP +230.1 per min.

Icebloom - Vast Permafrost.png Icebloom: Vast Permafrost 105 Fame +350

Option 1

Buff Power +1291

Atk. Increase +703.4%

Attacks Freeze all enemies for 5 sec. (Cooldown: 15 sec.)

Movement Speed +3%
Max MP +315
Physical/Magical Def. +1,400

MP +174 per min.

Icebloom - Vicious Cold.png Icebloom: Vicious Cold 105 Fame +350

Option 1

Buff Power +1291

Atk. Increase +703.4%

Attacks Freeze all enemies for 3 sec. (Cooldown: 15 sec.)

Max MP +315
Physical/Magical Def. +1,400

HP +230.1 per min.

No icon available Last Fiery Breath: Arbalest 105 Fame +700

Option 1 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Hit Rate +5%

Option 2 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Evasion +5%

No icon available Last Fiery Breath: Auto Gun 105 Fame +700

Option 1 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Hit Rate +5%

Option 2 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Evasion +5%

No icon available Last Fiery Breath: Battle Axe 105 Fame +700

Option 1 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Hit Rate +5%

Option 2 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Evasion +5%

No icon available Last Fiery Breath: Beam Spear 105 Fame +700

Option 1 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Hit Rate +5%

Option 2 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Evasion +5%

No icon available Last Fiery Breath: Bludgeon 105 Fame +700

Option 1 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Hit Rate +5%

Option 2 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Evasion +5%

No icon available Last Fiery Breath: Bowgun 105 Fame +700

Option 1 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Hit Rate +5%

Option 2 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Evasion +5%

No icon available Last Fiery Breath: Boxing Gloves 105 Fame +700

Option 1 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Hit Rate +5%

Option 2 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Evasion +5%

No icon available Last Fiery Breath: Broomstick 105 Fame +700

Option 1 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Hit Rate +5%

Option 2 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Evasion +5%

No icon available Last Fiery Breath: Chakra Weapon 105 Fame +700

Option 1 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Hit Rate +5%

Option 2 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Evasion +5%

No icon available Last Fiery Breath: Claw 105 Fame +700

Option 1 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Hit Rate +5%

Option 2 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Evasion +5%

No icon available Last Fiery Breath: Core Blade 105 Fame +700

Option 1 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Hit Rate +5%

Option 2 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Evasion +5%

No icon available Last Fiery Breath: Cross 105 Fame +700

Option 1 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Hit Rate +5%

Option 2 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Evasion +5%

No icon available Last Fiery Breath: Dagger 105 Fame +700

Option 1 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Hit Rate +5%

Option 2 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Evasion +5%

No icon available Last Fiery Breath: Dual Blades 105 Fame +700

Option 1 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Hit Rate +5%

Option 2 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Evasion +5%

No icon available Last Fiery Breath: Ethereal Bow 105 Fame +700

Option 1 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Hit Rate +5%

Option 2 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Evasion +5%

No icon available Last Fiery Breath: Gauntlets 105 Fame +700

Option 1 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Hit Rate +5%

Option 2 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Evasion +5%

No icon available Last Fiery Breath: Halberd 105 Fame +700

Option 1 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Hit Rate +5%

Option 2 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Evasion +5%

No icon available Last Fiery Breath: Hand Cannon 105 Fame +700

Option 1 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Hit Rate +5%

Option 2 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Evasion +5%

No icon available Last Fiery Breath: Javelin 105 Fame +700

Option 1 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Hit Rate +5%

Option 2 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Evasion +5%

No icon available Last Fiery Breath: Katana 105 Fame +700

Option 1 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Hit Rate +5%

Option 2 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Evasion +5%

No icon available Last Fiery Breath: Knuckle 105 Fame +700

Option 1 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Hit Rate +5%

Option 2 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Evasion +5%

No icon available Last Fiery Breath: Kodachi 105 Fame +700

Option 1 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Hit Rate +5%

Option 2 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Evasion +5%

No icon available Last Fiery Breath: Lightsabre 105 Fame +700

Option 1 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Hit Rate +5%

Option 2 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Evasion +5%

Last Fiery Breath- Longbow.png Last Fiery Breath: Longbow 105 Fame +700

Option 1 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Hit Rate +5%

Option 2 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Evasion +5%

No icon available Last Fiery Breath: Longspear 105 Fame +700

Option 1 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Hit Rate +5%

Option 2 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Evasion +5%

No icon available Last Fiery Breath: Lyra Bow 105 Fame +700

Option 1 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Hit Rate +5%

Option 2 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Evasion +5%

No icon available Last Fiery Breath: Musket 105 Fame +700

Option 1 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Hit Rate +5%

Option 2 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Evasion +5%

No icon available Last Fiery Breath: Odachi 105 Fame +700

Option 1 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Hit Rate +5%

Option 2 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Evasion +5%

No icon available Last Fiery Breath: Pole 105 Fame +700

Option 1 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Hit Rate +5%

Option 2 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Evasion +5%

No icon available Last Fiery Breath: Revolver 105 Fame +700

Option 1 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Hit Rate +5%

Option 2 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Evasion +5%

No icon available Last Fiery Breath: Rod 105 Fame +700

Option 1 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Hit Rate +5%

Option 2 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Evasion +5%

No icon available Last Fiery Breath: Rosary 105 Fame +700

Option 1 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Hit Rate +5%

Option 2 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Evasion +5%

No icon available Last Fiery Breath: Scythe 105 Fame +700

Option 1 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Hit Rate +5%

Option 2 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Evasion +5%

No icon available Last Fiery Breath: Short Sword 105 Fame +700

Option 1 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Hit Rate +5%

Option 2 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Evasion +5%

No icon available Last Fiery Breath: Spear 105 Fame +700

Option 1 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Hit Rate +5%

Option 2 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Evasion +5%

No icon available Last Fiery Breath: Square Sword 105 Fame +700

Option 1 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Hit Rate +5%

Option 2 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Evasion +5%

No icon available Last Fiery Breath: Staff 105 Fame +700

Option 1 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Hit Rate +5%

Option 2 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Evasion +5%

No icon available Last Fiery Breath: Tonfa 105 Fame +700

Option 1 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Hit Rate +5%

Option 2 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Evasion +5%

No icon available Last Fiery Breath: Totem 105 Fame +700

Option 1 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Hit Rate +5%

Option 2 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Evasion +5%

No icon available Last Fiery Breath: Wand 105 Fame +700

Option 1 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Hit Rate +5%

Option 2 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Evasion +5%

No icon available Last Fiery Breath: Zanbato 105 Fame +700

Option 1 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Hit Rate +5%

Option 2 Bakal Fusion Tag.png

Buff Power 1291

Overall Damage +5%
Evasion +5%

Lightning - Bolt-charged Dragon Horns.png Lightning: Bolt-charged Dragon Horns 105 Fame +350

Option 1

Buff Power +1291

Atk. Increase +703.4%

Attacks cast Lightning Explosion on enemies. (Cooldown: 3 sec.)
- Inflicts 2,000% of total Atk. Increase.

Max HP +1,200

Max MP +1,892

Lightning - Thunder Spark Dragon Claws.png Lightning: Thunder Spark Dragon Claws 105 Fame +350

Option 1

Buff Power +1291

Atk. Increase +703.4%

Attacks cast 3 thunderbolts on enemies. (Cooldown: 3 sec.)
- Inflicts 400% of total Atk. Increase.

Physical/Magical Critical Chances +10%

Evasion +8%

Lightning - Thunder-charged Dragon Scale.png Lightning: Thunder-charged Dragon Scale 105 Fame +350

Option 1

Buff Power +1291

Atk. Increase +703.4%

Attacks cast 3 thunderbolts on enemies. (Cooldown: 3 sec.)
- Inflicts 400% of total Atk. Increase.

Physical/Magical Def. +14,000

Lightning - Thunderclasp Dragon Wings.png Lightning: Thunderclasp Dragon Wings 105 Fame +350

Option 1

Buff Power +1291

Atk. Increase +703.4%

Attacks cast 3 thunderbolts on enemies. (Cooldown: 3 sec.)
- Inflicts 400% of total Atk. Increase.

Physical/Magical damage reduction +12%

Lightning - Thunderous Dragon Mind.png Lightning: Thunderous Dragon Mind 105 Fame +350

Option 1

Buff Power +1291

Atk. Increase +703.4%

Attacks cast Lightning Explosion on enemies. (Cooldown: 4 sec.)
- Inflicts 2,000% of total Atk. Increase.

Attack/Movement Speed +16%

Casting Speed +24%

Predation - Chasing Hunter.png Predation: Chasing Hunter 105 Fame +350

Option 1

Buff Power +1291

Atk. Increase +703.4%

Attacks Slow or Immobilize enemies for 5 sec. (Cooldown: 8 sec.)

Movement Speed +10%

Predation - Merciless Invasion.png Predation: Merciless Invasion 105 Fame +350

Option 1

Buff Power +1291

Atk. Increase +703.4%

MP +16% when attacking (Cooldown: 15 sec.)

Attacks Shock/Poison enemies for 20 sec. (Cooldown: 5 sec.)

Slow/Curse/Immobility Tolerances +10%

Predation - Reopened Wound.png Predation: Reopened Wound 105 Fame +350

Option 1

Buff Power +1291

Atk. Increase +703.4%
Poison Tolerance +15%

Predation - Tightening Noose.png Predation: Tightening Noose 105 Fame +350

Option 1

Buff Power +1291

All Elemental Damage +25

Attacks Bleed/Burn enemies for 20 sec. (Cooldown: 5 sec.)

Slow/Curse/immobility Tolerances +10%

Predation - Unbeating Heart.png Predation: Unbeating Heart 105 Fame +350

Option 1

Buff Power +1291

Atk. Increase +703.4%

Attacks Immobilize enemies for 5 sec. (Cooldown: 10 sec.)

Attack Speed +8%
Casting Speed +12%

Slow/Curse/Immobility Tolerances +10%

Reign of Sin - Hanging Screams.png Reign of Sin: Hanging Screams 105 Fame +350

Option 1

Buff Power +1291

Atk. Increase +350.0%

Overall Damage +3%
Movement Speed +4%

All Elemental Resistance +8

Reign of Sin - Primal Fear.png Reign of Sin: Primal Fear 105 Fame +350

Option 1

Buff Power +1291

Atk. Increase +350.0%

Physical/Magical Def. +7,000

HP +230.1 per min.

Reign of Sin - Shrouding Terror.png Reign of Sin: Shrouding Terror 105 Fame +350

Option 1

Buff Power +1291

Atk. Increase +350.0%

Overall Damage +3%
Attack Speed +4%
Casting Speed +6%

MP +348 per min.

Soul Bind - Dominating Authority.png Soul Bind: Dominating Authority 105 Fame +350

Option 1

Buff Power +1291

Atk. Increase +200.0%
Overall Damage +4%

Soul Bind - Heavy Karma.png Soul Bind: Heavy Karma 105 Fame +350

Option 1

Buff Power +1291

Atk. Increase +200.0%
Overall Damage +4%

Soul Bind - Unbreakable Seal.png Soul Bind: Unbreakable Seal 105 Fame +350

Option 1

Buff Power +1291

Atk. Increase +200.0%
Overall Damage +4%

Superior - Cosmic Earrings.png Superior: Cosmic Earrings 105 Fame +350

Option 1

Buff Power +1291

Atk. Increase +856.0%

Attacks cast Tidal Wave. (Cooldown: 3 sec.)
- Freezes enemies for 5 sec.

- Inflicts 1,500% of total Atk. Increase.

Superior - Magic Circle.png Superior: Magic Circle 105 Fame +350

Option 1

Buff Power +1291

Atk. Increase +856.0%

Attacks cast Land Wave. (Cooldown: 1 sec.)
- Stuns them for 5 sec.

- Inflicts 500% of total Atk. Increase.

Superior - Origin of the Myre.png Superior: Origin of the Myre 105 Fame +350

Option 1

Buff Power +1291

Atk. Increase +856.0%

Attacks cast Rhythm of Life. (Cooldown: 2 sec.)
- Immobilizes them for 5 sec.

- Inflicts 1,000% of total Atk. Increase.

Wrath - Aimless Desire.png Wrath: Aimless Desire 105 Fame +350

Option 1

Buff Power +1291

Atk. Increase +703.4%

Cast Super Armor.
Movement Speed +8%

Physical/Magical damage reduction +10%

Wrath - Final Breath.png Wrath: Final Breath 105 Fame +350

Option 1

Buff Power +1291

Atk. Increase +703.4%

Cast Super Armor.

Consumables, equipment, and skills' HP healing amounts +10%

Movement Speed +4%

Wrath - Frustrated World Domination.png Wrath: Frustrated World Domination 105 Fame +350

Option 1

Buff Power +1291

Atk. Increase +703.4%

Cast Super Armor.
Consumables, equipment, and skills' MP healing amounts +10%

Movement Speed +4%

Wrath - Indiscriminate Destruction.png Wrath: Indiscriminate Destruction 105 Fame +350

Option 1

Buff Power +1291

Atk. Increase +703.4%

Dashing generates shock waves. (Cooldown: 1 sec.)
- Inflicts 400% of total Atk. Increase.

Casts Super Armor.

Movement Speed +4%

Physical/Magical damage reduction +4%

Wrath - Insatiable Gluttony.png Wrath: Insatiable Gluttony 105 Fame +350

Option 1

Buff Power +1291

Atk. Increase +703.4%

Cast Super Armor.

Movement Speed +12%

Blaze - Shaken Reason of the Flame.png Blaze: Shaken Reason of the Flame 110 Fame +650
"You'll destroy the very thing you tried to protect." -Lopes

Option 1

Buff Power +2066

Overall Damage +5%

Poison Tolerance +15%

[Inner Flame]
Inner flame awakens and applies
the following effects, depending on
the number of equipped Blaze equipment. (2/3/5)

- Skill range (+10%/15%/25%)

Blaze - Surging Flames.png Blaze: Surging Flames 110 Fame +650
"Finally... I can see it clearly..."

Option 1

Buff Power +2066

Overall Damage +5%

Slow/Curse/Immobility Tolerance +10%

[Inner Flame]
Inner flame awakens and applies
the following effects, depending on
the number of equipped Blaze equipment. (2/3/5)

- Skill range (+10%/15%/25%)

Blaze - Surging Flames.png Blaze: Surging Flames 110 Fame +650
"...Must I... kill you?."
-Ethan, Eye of Mu Follower

Option 1

Buff Power +2066

Overall Damage +5%

Slow/Curse/Immobility Tolerance +10%

[Inner Flame]
Inner flame awakens and applies
the following effects, depending on
the number of equipped Blaze equipment. (2/3/5)

- Skill range (+10%/15%/25%)

Blaze - Tangled Will.png Blaze: Tangled Will 110 Fame +650
"I won't forget the last of you in this life." -Ethan, Eye of Mu Follower

Option 1

Buff Power +2066

Overall Damage +5%

Slow/Curse/Immobility Tolerance +10%

[Inner Flame]
Inner flame awakens and applies
the following effects, depending on
the number of equipped Blaze equipment. (2/3/5)

- Skill range (+10%/15%/25%

Blaze - The Last Steps Taken.png Blaze: The Last Steps Taken 110 Fame +650
"You defended everything to the last. We will remember that, and we will record it."
- The Ones Who Step Forward

Option 1

Buff Power +2066

Overall Damage +5%

- Movement Speed +10%

[Inner Flame]
Inner flame awakens and applies
the following effects, depending on
the number of equipped Blaze equipment. (2/3/5)

- Skill range (+10%/15%/25%)

Distrust - Abandoned Loyalty.png Distrust: Abandoned Loyalty 110 Fame +700

Option 1

Buff Power +2286

Overall Damage +3%

Attack Increase +1001.0%

Attacks cast Abandoned Wounds on enemies. (Cooldown: 2 sec.)
- Inflicts 1,000% of total Atk. Increase.

Attacks immobilize enemies for 5 seconds. (Cooldown: 2 sec).

Distrust - Faded Trust.png Distrust: Faded Trust 110 Fame +700

Option 1

Buff Power +2513

Overall Damage +3%

Attacks randomly cast Faded Roar on enemies. (Cooldown: 3 sec.)

- Inflicts 1,200% of total Atk. Increase.

Distrust- Forgotten Favor.png Distrust: Forgotten Favor 110 Fame +700

Option 1

Buff Power +2513

Overall Damage +3%

Attacks randomly cast 3 Swords of Oblivion on enemies. (Cooldown: 3 sec.)

- Inflicts 400% of total Atk. Increase.

Distrust - Lost Words.png Distrust: Lost Words 110 Fame +700

Option 1

Buff Power +2286

Overall Damage +3%

Attack Increase +1001.0%

Attacks cast Waves of Verbalization on enemies. (Cooldown: 3 sec.)
- Inflicts 1,500% of total Atk. Increase.

Attacks Freeze enemies for 5 seconds. (Cooldown: 2 sec).

Distrust - Poisonous Smile.png Distrust: Poisonous Smile 110 Fame +700

Option 1

Buff Power +2286

Overall Damage +3%

Attack Increase +1001.0%

Attacks cast Poisonous Rift on enemies. (Cooldown: 1 sec.)
- Inflicts 500% of total Atk. Increase.

Attacks Stun enemies for 5 seconds. (Cooldown: 2 sec).

Distrust - Twisted Sincerity.png Distrust: Twisted Sincerity 110 Fame +700

Option 1

Buff Power +2513

Overall Damage +3%

Attacks randomly cast 3 Twisted Swords on enemies. (Cooldown: 3 sec.)

- Inflicts 400% of total Atk. Increase.

Earth - Blooming Season.png Earth: Blooming Season 110 Fame +650
"I can't accept that you must disappear"

Option 1

Buff Power +2066

Overall Damage +3%

Max MP +5%

[Boundary of Life and Death]
Applies the following effects with
the Boundary of Life and Death,
depending on the number of equipped Earth equipment. (2/3/5)

- All Speed (+6%/+9%/+15%)

Earth - Crumbling Steps.png Earth: Crumbling Steps 110 Fame +650
"Now, there's no turning back."

Option 1

Buff Power +2066

Overall Damage +3%

Evasion +8%

[Boundary of Life and Death]
Applies the following effects with
the Boundary of Life and Death,
depending on the number of equipped Earth equipment. (2/3/5)

- All Speed (+6%/+9%/+15%)

Earth - The Intersection of Life and Death.png Earth: The Intersection of Life and Death 110 Fame +650
"I'm... going to defy your will."

Option 1

Buff Power +2066

Overall Damage +3%

Physical/Magical Critical Chances +10%

[Boundary of Life and Death]
Applies the following effects with
the Boundary of Life and Death,
depending on the number of equipped Earth equipment. (2/3/5)

- All Speed (+6%/+9%/+15%)

Earth - The Land of Life.png Earth: The Land of Life 110 Fame +650
"She said she wanted a beautiful and harmonious world."

Option 1

Buff Power +2066

Overall Damage +3%

All Speed +10%

[Boundary of Life and Death]
Applies the following effects with
the Boundary of Life and Death,
depending on the number of equipped Earth equipment. (2/3/5)

- All Speed (+6%/+9%/+15%)

Earth - When Death Falls.png Earth: When Death Falls 110 Fame +650
"Because you must exist forever."

Option 1

Buff Power +2066

Overall Damage +3%

Max HP +5%

[Boundary of Life and Death]
Applies the following effects with
the Boundary of Life and Death,
depending on the number of equipped Earth equipment. (2/3/5)

- All Speed (+6%/+9%/+15%)

Elevation - Continuing Boundaries.png Elevation: Continuing Boundaries 110 Fame +700

Option 1

Buff Power +2513

Attack Increase +1083.0%

Overall Damage +3%

MP +0.75% per min.

Elevation - Deepening Darkness.png Elevation: Deepening Darkness 110 Fame +700

Option 1

Buff Power +2286

Attack Increase +495.0%

Overall Damage +6%

Casts a [rechargeable barrier] with 5% of Max HP.

Elevation - Masked Terror.png Elevation: Masked Terror 110 Fame +700

Option 1

Buff Power +2286

Attack Increase +495.0%

Overall Damage +6%

Casts a [rechargeable barrier] with 5% of Max HP.

Elevation - Silence in Sound.png Elevation: Silence in Sound 110 Fame +700

Option 1

Buff Power +2513

Attack Increase +1083.0%

Overall Damage +3%

MP +1,500 when attacking (Cooldown: 1 second).

Elevation - Unity of the Remnant.png Elevation: Unity of the Remnant 110 Fame +700

Option 1

Buff Power +2513

Attack Increase +1083.0%

Overall Damage +3%

Equipment's MP healing effects +10%.

Elevation - Unyielding Reason.png Elevation: Unyielding Reason 110 Fame +700

Option 1

Buff Power +2286

Attack Increase +495.0%

Overall Damage +6%

Casts a [rechargeable barrier] with 5% of Max HP.

Grit - A Badge of Honor.png Grit: A Badge of Honor 110 Fame +700

Option 1

Buff Power +2400

Attack Increase +457.6%

Overall Damage +3%

Skill Cooldown -5% (Awakening skills excluded)

Grit - A Journey to Growth.png Grit: A Journey to Growth 110 Fame +700

Option 1

Buff Power +2286

Attack Increase +495.0%

Overall Damage +6%

Attack Speed +4%
Casting Speed +6%

MP +464 per minute.

Grit - Bold Courage.png Grit: Bold Courage 110 Fame +700

Option 1

Buff Power +2400

Attack Increase +457.6%

Overall Damage +3%

Skill Cooldown -5% (Awakening skills excluded)

Grit - Honed Effort.png Grit: Honed Effort 110 Fame +700

Option 1

Buff Power +2400

Attack Increase +457.6%

Overall Damage +3%

Skill Cooldown -5% (Awakening skills excluded)

Grit - Radiant Tenacity.png Grit: Radiant Tenacity 110 Fame +700

Option 1

Buff Power +2286

Attack Increase +495.0%

Overall Damage +6%

Movement Speed +4%

Elemental Resistance +10

Grit - Winds of Change.png Grit: Winds of Change 110 Fame +700

Option 1

Buff Power +2286

Attack Increase +495.0%

Overall Damage +6%

Physical/Magical Defense +8,000

HP +230.1 per minute.

Icelands - Footprints that Leave No Trace.png Icelands: Footprints that Leave No Trace 110 Fame +650
"Better roll the dice more carefully next time...
Ah, sorry, there won't be a next time."

Option 1

Buff Power +2066

Overall Damage +5%

- Movement Speed +15%

[Psychedelic Eyes]
Applies the following effects through Psychedelic Eyes, depending on
the number of equipped Icelands equipment. (2/3/5)
- Evasion (+30%/+45%/+75%)

- [Psychedelic Eyes] removed when attacked. (Reappearance Cooldown: 30 seconds)

Icelands - Freezing Sensation.png Icelands: Freezing Sensation 110 Fame +650
"How about letting the dice decide our fate?."

Option 1

Buff Power +2066

Overall Damage +5%

Physical/Magical Defense +10,000
HP/MP +1% when attacking (Cooldown: 3 sec.)

[Psychedelic Eyes]
Applies the following effects through Psychedelic Eyes, depending on
the number of equipped Icelands equipment. (2/3/5)
- Evasion (+30%/+45%/+75%)

- [Psychedelic Eyes] removed when attacked. (Reappearance Cooldown: 30 seconds)

Icelands - Seeping Chill.png Icelands: Seeping Chill 110 Fame +650
"You looked scared."

Option 1

Buff Power +2066

Overall Damage +5%

All Speed +10%

[Psychedelic Eyes]
Applies the following effects through Psychedelic Eyes, depending on
the number of equipped Icelands equipment. (2/3/5)
- Evasion (+30%/+45%/+75%)

- [Psychedelic Eyes] removed when attacked. (Reappearance Cooldown: 30 seconds)

Icelands - Silent Throes.png Icelands: Silent Throes 110 Fame +650
"What do you think? They say it usually puts them to sleep."

Option 1

Buff Power +2066

Overall Damage +5%

Max HP/MP +500

[Psychedelic Eyes]
Applies the following effects through Psychedelic Eyes, depending on
the number of equipped Icelands equipment. (2/3/5)
- Evasion (+30%/+45%/+75%)

- [Psychedelic Eyes] removed when attacked. (Reappearance Cooldown: 30 seconds)

Icelands - Unpredictable Fate.png Icelands: Unpredictable Fate 110 Fame +650
"Well, consider it your luck."

Option 1

Buff Power +2066

Overall Damage +5%

Physical/Magical Crit Chances +5%
Attacks freeze enemies for 5 seconds. (Cooldown: 3 sec.)

[Psychedelic Eyes]
Applies the following effects through Psychedelic Eyes, depending on
the number of equipped Icelands equipment. (2/3/5)
- Evasion (+30%/+45%/+75%)

- [Psychedelic Eyes] removed when attacked. (Reappearance Cooldown: 30 seconds)

Monstrosity - Entangling Memories.png Monstrosity: Entangling Memories 110 Fame +700

Option 1

Buff Power +2286

Overall Damage +7%
Attack Increase +345.0%

Monstrosity - Grasping Nothingness.png Monstrosity: Grasping Nothingness 110 Fame +700

Option 1

Buff Power +2513

Overall Damage +3%

Attack Increase +1083.0%

Attacks generate shock waves. (Cooldown: 0.5 sec.)

- Inflicts 200% of total Atk. Increase.

Monstrosity - Imprinted Roar.png Monstrosity: Imprinted Roar 110 Fame +700

Option 1

Buff Power +2286

Overall Damage +7%
Attack Increase +345.0%

Monstrosity - Spreading Ripples.png Monstrosity: Spreading Ripples 110 Fame +700

Option 1

Buff Power +2286

Overall Damage +7%
Attack Increase +345.0%

Monstrosity - Sprouted Abyss.png Monstrosity: Sprouted Abyss 110 Fame +700

Option 1

Buff Power +2400

Overall Damage +3%

Attack Increase +1083.0%

Attacks generate shock waves. (Cooldown: 1 sec.)
- Enemy neutralize gauge -0.1

- Inflicts 36% of total Atk. Increase.

Monstrosity - Swirling Ether.png Monstrosity: Swirling Ether 110 Fame +700

Option 1

Buff Power +2400

Overall Damage +3%

Attack Increase +1083.0%

Attacks generate shock waves. (Cooldown: 8 sec.)
- Enemy Neutralize Gauge -3
- Stuns enemies for 5 sec.

- Inflicts 1,920% of total Atk. Increase.

Rising Winds - Fickle Flow.png Rising Winds: Fickle Flow 110 Fame +650
That image... Was it my own will?"

Option 1

Buff Power +2066

Overall Damage +3%

Skill cooldown -4% (Awakenings skills excluded)

[Condensed Rising Winds]
The Rising Winds around you condenses and applies the following
effects, depending on the number of equipped Great Current equipment. (2/3/5)

- Movement Speed (+6%/+9%/+15%)

Rising Winds - The Calm before The Storm.png Rising Winds: The Calm before The Storm 110 Fame +650
"What have I done...?"

Option 1

Buff Power +2066

Overall Damage +3%

Skill cooldown -4% (Awakenings skills excluded)

[Condensed Rising Winds]
The Rising Winds around you condenses and applies the following
effects, depending on the number of equipped Great Current equipment. (2/3/5)

- Movement Speed (+6%/+9%/+15%)

Rising Winds - Uncontrollable Gust.png Rising Winds: Uncontrollable Gust 110 Fame +650
"As a Mist Watcher, I am ashamed."

Option 1

Buff Power +2066

Overall Damage +3%

Skill cooldown -4% (Awakenings skills excluded)

[Condensed Rising Winds]
The Rising Winds around you condenses and applies the following
effects, depending on the number of equipped Great Current equipment. (2/3/5)

- Movement Speed (+6%/+9%/+15%)

Rising Winds - Weight of the Given Hope.png Rising Winds: Weight of the Given Hope 110 Fame +650
"This power... I don't know if I can handle it."

Option 1

Buff Power +2066

Overall Damage +3%

Skill cooldown -4% (Awakenings skills excluded)

[Condensed Rising Winds]
The Rising Winds around you condenses and applies the following
effects, depending on the number of equipped Great Current equipment. (2/3/5)

- Movement Speed (+6%/+9%/+15%)

Rising Winds - Windswept Traces.png Rising Winds: Windswept Traces 110 Fame +650
"At that moment, I just felt the emotion of the mist."

Option 1

Buff Power +2066

Overall Damage +3%

Skill cooldown -4% (Awakenings skills excluded)

[Condensed Rising Winds]
The Rising Winds around you condenses and applies the following
effects, depending on the number of equipped Great Current equipment. (2/3/5)

- Movement Speed (+6%/+9%/+15%)

Skill Pearl Extension.png Skill Pearl Extension 110 Fame +900

Option 1

Buff Power +3,000

Overall Damage +9%

Option 2

Skill Range +23%

Option 3

Physical/Magical Defense +2,000%

Thunder - Dark Clouds over the Land.png Thunder: Dark Clouds over the Land 110 Fame +650
"Will you also stand in my way?."

Option 1

Buff Power +2066

Attack Increase +1272.8%

Attack Speed +15%
Casting Speed +20%
Attacks cast Heavy Thunder Attack on a single enemy (Cooldown: 3 sec.)
- Inflicts 1,500% of total Atk. Increase

[Raging Lightning Cloud]
Attacks summon a Raging Lightning Cloud that attacks up to 4 enemies
and applies effects, depending on the number of equipped Thunder equipment. (2/3/5)
- Raging Lightning Cloud Summon Cooldown: (7.5 sec/5 sec./3 sec.)
- Inflicts 1,500% of total Atk. Increase

- Neutralize Gauge -5

Thunder - Electrifying Sensation.png Thunder: Electrifying Sensation 110 Fame +650
"You won't even have time to blink."

Option 1

Buff Power +2066

Attack Increase +1272.8%

Physical/Magical damage reduction +6%
Attacks cast Heavy Thunder Attack on a single enemy (Cooldown: 3 sec.)
- Inflicts 1,500% of total Atk. Increase

[Raging Lightning Cloud]
Attacks summon a Raging Lightning Cloud that attacks up to 4 enemies
and applies effects, depending on the number of equipped Thunder equipment. (2/3/5)
- Raging Lightning Cloud Summon Cooldown: (7.5 sec/5 sec./3 sec.)
- Inflicts 1,500% of total Atk. Increase

- Neutralize Gauge -5

Thunder - Following Pulses.png Thunder: Following Pulses 110 Fame +650
"Rumble! It's the sound of a heart stopping."

Option 1

Buff Power +2066

Attack Increase +1272.8%

Max HP/MP +1,500
Attacks cast Heavy Thunder Attack on a single enemy (Cooldown: 3 sec.)
- Inflicts 1,500% of total Atk. Increase

[Raging Lightning Cloud]
Attacks summon a Raging Lightning Cloud that attacks up to 4 enemies
and applies effects, depending on the number of equipped Thunder equipment. (2/3/5)
- Raging Lightning Cloud Summon Cooldown: (7.5 sec/5 sec./3 sec.)
- Inflicts 1,500% of total Atk. Increase

- Neutralize Gauge -5

Thunder - Reaching for the Clouds.png Thunder: Reaching for the Clouds 110 Fame +650
"Mooth, where do we go next??"

Option 1

Buff Power +2066

Attack Increase +1272.8%

Movement Speed +12%
Attacks cast Heavy Thunder Attack on a single enemy (Cooldown: 3 sec.)
- Inflicts 1,500% of total Atk. Increase

[Raging Lightning Cloud]
Attacks summon a Raging Lightning Cloud that attacks up to 4 enemies
and applies effects, depending on the number of equipped Thunder equipment. (2/3/5)
- Raging Lightning Cloud Summon Cooldown: (7.5 sec/5 sec./3 sec.)
- Inflicts 1,500% of total Atk. Increase

- Neutralize Gauge -5

Thunder - Scars in the Sky.png Thunder: Scars in the Sky 110 Fame +650
"So electrifying and amazing, isn't it?"

Option 1

Buff Power +2066

Attack Increase +1272.8%

Physical/Magical Critical Chances +10%
Attacks cast Heavy Thunder Attack on a single enemy (Cooldown: 3 sec.)
- Inflicts 1,500% of total Atk. Increase

[Raging Lightning Cloud]
Attacks summon a Raging Lightning Cloud that attacks up to 4 enemies
and applies effects, depending on the number of equipped Thunder equipment. (2/3/5)
- Raging Lightning Cloud Summon Cooldown: (7.5 sec/5 sec./3 sec.)
- Inflicts 1,500% of total Atk. Increase

- Neutralize Gauge -5

Unshackled - Beginning of Annihilation.png Unshackled: Beginning of Annihilation 110 Fame +700

Option 1

Buff Power +2513

Overall Damage +3%

Attack Increase +145.0%

Lv. 85/100 Skill Atk. +10%

Unshackled - Ecstatic Betrayal.png Unshackled: Ecstatic Betrayal 110 Fame +700

Option 1

Buff Power +2513

Overall Damage +6%

Attack Increase +495.0%

[Explosive Promise - Bleeding/Shock]
Applying Bleed or Shock explode the same damage as themselves.
- Not applicable to converted options

Attacks Poison/Burn enemies for 10 seconds. (Cooldown: 3 sec.)

Unshackled - Glorious End.png Unshackled: Glorious End 110 Fame +700

Option 1

Buff Power +2286

Overall Damage +6%

Attack Increase +495.0%

[Explosive Promise - Poison/Burn]
Applying Poison or Burn detonates damage of the same Abnormal Status.
- Not applicable to converted options

Attacks Bleed/Shock enemies for 10 seconds. (Cooldown: 3 sec.)

Unshackled - Seeds of Distrust.png Unshackled: Seeds of Distrust 110 Fame +700

Option 1

Buff Power +2513

Overall Damage +3%

Attack Increase +145.0%

Lv. 50/100 Skill Atk. +10%

Unshackled - Soaring Nightmare.png Unshackled: Soaring Nightmare 110 Fame +700

Option 1

Buff Power +2513

Overall Damage +3%

Attack Increase +145.0%

Lv. 50/85 Skill Atk. +10%

Unshackled - Unleashing Tribulation.png Unshackled: Unleashing Tribulation 110 Fame +700

Option 1

Buff Power +2286

Overall Damage +6%

Attack Increase +145.0%

Bleeding/Poison/Shock/Burn damage +4%.

Attacks Bleed/Poison/Shock/Burn enemies for 10 seconds. (Cooldown: 5 sec.)

Watcher - Agonizing Will.png Watcher: Agonizing Will 110 Fame +700

Option 1

Buff Power +2173

Attack Increase +495%

Overall Damage +6%
Skill Range +5

Level 75/80 skill range +18%

Watcher - Awakened Responsibility.png Watcher: Awakened Responsibility 110 Fame +700

Option 1

Buff Power +2173

Attack Increase +495%

Overall Damage +6%
Skill Range +5

Level 45/60/70 skill range +18%

Watcher - Cherished Ideals.png Watcher: Cherished Ideals 110 Fame +700

Option 1

Buff Power +2513

Attack Increase +1083.0%

Overall Damage +3%

Physical/Magical Defense +14,000

Watcher - Chosen Memories.png Watcher: Chosen Memories 110 Fame +700

Option 1

Buff Power +2513

Attack Increase +1083.0%

Overall Damage +3%

Max HP +1,200, Max MP +1,890

Watcher - Determined to Protect.png Watcher: Determined to Protect 110 Fame +700

Option 1

Buff Power +2513

Attack Increase +1083.0%

Overall Damage +3%

All Elemental Resistance +20

Watcher - Worshipped Grace.png Watcher: Worshipped Grace 110 Fame +700

Option 1

Buff Power +2173

Attack Increase +495%

Overall Damage +6%
Skill Range +5

Level 1 - 40 skill range +18%

Primeval (slot fusion stone)

Icon Name Lv Base Stats Skill Bonus Other Options
Amnesia Stone.png Amnesia Stone 110 Fame +1000
Chaos! Destruction! Oblivion!

Option 1

Buff Power 3,500

Overall Damage: +2%

[Memories Shed on the Styx]

Skills with a 1 sec. or longer cooldown create a 1% chance of resetting 1 skill's cooldown. (Buffers excluded)

Option 2

Physical/Magical damage reduction +5%

Option 3

Max MP +300

Exploding Nightmare.png Exploding Nightmare 110 Fame +1000

Option 1

Buff Power 3,500

Overall Damage: +4%

Lv.50/85/100 Skill Atk. +11%

Lv.50/85/100 Skill cooldown recovery +15% (Buffers excluded)

Option 2

Max HP +200

Option 3

Max MP +300

Finger Pointed at Heretics.png Finger Pointed at Heretics 110 Fame +1000
As of now, I declare you a heretic!
and summarily condemn you according to law!

Option 1

Buff Power 3,500

[Hersey Eradication]

Declares enemies as Heretics.

Overall Damage +11.5% when attacking Heretics.

Option 2

Max HP +200

Option 3

Physical/Magical Defense +2,000

Fragrant Joy.png Fragrant Joy 110 Fame +1000
I loved you.

Option 2

Attack Speed: +5%
Casting Speed: +7.5%

Option 3

MP +1,000 when attacking (Cooldown: 1 sec)

Option 1

Buff Power 3,500 ~ 4,000

Overall Damage: +10% ~ +11.5

[Sensory Satisfaction]

Overall Damage +1% for every new Reinforcement/Amplification level from +10% of fused equipment (Max Stacks: 2)

Fury Buried in Frost.png Fury Buried in Frost 110 Fame +1000
This sadness is a familiar feeling.

Option 1

Buff Power 3,500

Overall Damage: +5%

All Elemental Damage +35
[Chill of Fury] Creates an ice dragon that attacks enemies.

- Ice Dragon Damage: 600%.

Option 2

Attacks freezes enemies for 5 seconds. (Cooldown: 2 sec)

Option 3

Physical/Magical Reduction +5%

Glory of the Pell Los Empire.png Glory of the Pell Los Empire 110 Fame +1000
A testament to the glory of an empire gone by

Option 1

Buff Power 3,500

Overall Damage: +11.5%

Option 2

Max MP +300

Option 3

Physical/Magical Defense +2,000

Hatching Evil Spirit Seed.png Hatching Evil Spirit Seed 110 Fame +1000
What's inside the sprouting seed is...

Option 1

Buff Power 3,500

Overall Damage: +4%

Lv.50/85/100 Skill Atk. +11%

Lv.50/85/100 Skill cooldown recovery +15% (Buffers excluded)

Option 2

Max HP +200

Option 3

Max MP +300

Protection- Soul.png Protection: Soul 110 Fame +1000
I will protect.

Option 1

Buff Power 3,500

Overall Damage: +10%

Option 2

[Mirror Armor]

Applies the following when attacked.
- Recovers from 30% of incoming damage if attacking within 3 seconds. (Cooldown: 3 sec.)
- Counterattack to inflict damage.

  • Counterattack Damage: 15,000%

Option 3

Physical/Magical damage reduction 10+%

Red Rabbit.png Red Rabbit 110 Fame +1000
Always be happy.

Option 1

Buff Power 3,500

Skill cooldown -7% (Awakening skills excluded)

Elemental Damage +7

[Red Rabbit's Gift]

Skills creates a 7.77% chance of Skill Atk. +77%.

Option 2

Max HP +7%

Option 3

Max MP +7%

Resentment Trapped in the Cold.png Resentment Trapped in the Cold 110 Fame +1000
Is this frozen sadness coming from me?

Option 1

Buff Power 3,500

Overall Damage: +5%

All Elemental Damage +35
[Chill of Resentment] Creates an ice dragon that attacks enemies.

- Ice Dragon Damage: 600%.

Option 2

Attacks freezes enemies for 5 seconds. (Cooldown: 2 sec)

Option 3

Physical/Magical Reduction +5%

Soul Tracing Device.png Soul Tracing Device 110 Fame +1000
Collect more souls. I'll make you stronger - A voice whispering from somewhere

Option 1

Buff Power 3,500

Overall Damage: +11%

Option 2

[Soul Drain]

Absorbs souls every 15 seconds.

- MP +15%

Option 3

Max MP +5%

Time-Defying Memory.png Time-Defying Memory 110 Fame +1000
Time will pass, moments will fade, but that's okay. Because I will remember that you and I were together.

Option 1

Buff Power 3,500

Overall Damage: +2%

[Time Reverser]
Skills create a 10% chance of resetting their cooldown. (Awakening skills excluded)

- 10 sec. of cooldown applied when the same skill is used repeatedly.

Option 2

MP +1000 when attacking. (Cooldown: 1 sec)

Option 3

Physical/Magical Defense +2000

Whispers of Memories.png Whispers of Memories 110 Fame +1000
Things that I didn't get to tell you in my memories

Option 1

Buff Power 3,500 ~ 4,000

Overall Damage: +10% ~ +11.5
[Sensory Satisfaction] Overall Damage +1% for every new Reinforcement/Amplification level from +10% of fused equipment (Max Stacks: 2)

Option 2

Movement Speed: +5%

Option 3

HP +1,000 when attacking (Cooldown: 1 sec)

World Idol Ring.png World Idol Ring 110 Fame +1000
A true star excites everyone!

Option 1

Buff Power 3,500

Overall Damage: +5%

[Eyes on me!]
- Skill cooldown -10% (Awakening skills excluded) - Super Armor (Status).png Super Armor (Status)

- Casts a spotlight.

Option 2

Physical/Magical damage reduction +5%

Option 3

MP +1,000 when attacking. (Cooldown: 1 sec)