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During her time as a member of the Seven Shards, Michelle created several inventions utilized by modern day [[Female Mechanic]]s, such as the [[G-Series]] and [[Gale Force]]. At the same time, she worked with Herman to create schematics for machines that would pave the way for Empyrean's future. However, sometime prior to the [[Kartel]]'s [[Second Capital Island Invasion]], she suddenly stepped down as a member of the Shards, passed down her research to Lindsey, and went on a journey to lands unknown. In her words, the reason for her departure was, "There's something I must find to protect what I have."
During her time as a member of the Seven Shards, Michelle created several inventions utilized by modern day [[Female Mechanic]]s, such as the [[G-Series]] and [[Gale Force]]. At the same time, she worked with Herman to create schematics for machines that would pave the way for Empyrean's future. However, sometime prior to the [[Kartel]]'s [[Second Capital Island Invasion]], she suddenly stepped down as a member of the Shards, passed down her research to Lindsey, and went on a journey to lands unknown. In her words, the reason for her departure was, "There's something I must find to protect what I have."
Although initially a character who was mentioned in story backgrounds and NPC dialogue, Michelle makes her debut within the story [[Where the Truth Reaches - Chapter 3. Clouds and Fog]], which details her return to Empyrean and the reason for her departure. After notifying the other Shards of her return during the [[Noblesse Code (Act Quests)|Noblesse Code]] scenario quests, Lindsey and the Adventurer track her down to [[Northpiece]], where she is investigating the [[Empire]] and [[Nobility]]'s mysterious, rumored collaboration.
Although initially a character who was mentioned in story backgrounds and NPC dialogue, Michelle makes her debut within the story [[Where Truth Lies - Chapter 3. Hidden in Clouds]], which details her return to Empyrean and the reason for her departure. After notifying the other Shards of her return during the [[Noblesse Code (Act Quests)|Noblesse Code]] scenario quests, Lindsey and the Adventurer track her down to [[Northpiece]], where she is investigating the [[Empire]] and [[Nobility]]'s mysterious, rumored collaboration.

Revision as of 16:10, 9 July 2022

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Michelle CurioIcon.png Michelle Curio
Michelle Curio-NFace1.png
Age 36
Sex Female
Race Empyrean
Affiliation Sieben Empire
Seven Shards (Former)
Occupation Mechanic
Seven Shards Member (Former)
Alias N/A
Location Herring Archipelago, Dimensional Ship Wahrheit
Foreign Name(s)
Korean Ver.:
미쉘 쿠리오 Miswael Kurio, "Michelle Curio"

Chinese Ver.:

Japanese Ver.:
Likeability N/A

Michelle Curio (Korean: 미쉘 쿠리오 Miswael Kurio) is a descendant of the Seven Meisters member Meister Curio and a former member of the Seven Shards. She was once a good friend and colleague of Hiram Klauf's teacher, Meister Herman, and a mentor to the Seven Shards member Lindsey Rossum.

During her time as a member of the Seven Shards, Michelle created several inventions utilized by modern day Female Mechanics, such as the G-Series and Gale Force. At the same time, she worked with Herman to create schematics for machines that would pave the way for Empyrean's future. However, sometime prior to the Kartel's Second Capital Island Invasion, she suddenly stepped down as a member of the Shards, passed down her research to Lindsey, and went on a journey to lands unknown. In her words, the reason for her departure was, "There's something I must find to protect what I have."

Although initially a character who was mentioned in story backgrounds and NPC dialogue, Michelle makes her debut within the story Where Truth Lies - Chapter 3. Hidden in Clouds, which details her return to Empyrean and the reason for her departure. After notifying the other Shards of her return during the Noblesse Code scenario quests, Lindsey and the Adventurer track her down to Northpiece, where she is investigating the Empire and Nobility's mysterious, rumored collaboration.



Character Biography:

미쉘 쿠리오 (Michelle Curio)

7인의 마이스터인 쿠리오의 후손으로 세븐샤즈에 속해있었으나 모종의 이유로 이탈한 인물.
최초의 프라임이라고 일컬어지는 마이스터 헤르만이 설계한 '병기'의 숨은 조력자이기도 하다.
마이스터 헤르만이 죽기 직전까지 많은 교류를 했었으며, 그녀보다 조금 나이가 많았던 그의 제자와도 친분이 있었다.
그러나 마이스터 헤르만이 죽은 후에는 모든 교류를 끊고 연구소에 은둔하며 연구에만 몰두한다.

세븐샤즈에 속해있었을 당시, 황실과 귀족의 가장 많은 후원을 받은 것으로 유명하다.
하지만 어느 날 린지 로섬에게 '지키기 위해 찾아야 할 것이 있다.'라는 말을 남기고 홀연히 사라진다.
그녀가 무슨 목적으로 사라졌는지나 생사에 대해서는 현재까지도 알려진 바가 없지만,
미쉘 쿠리오를 잘 따랐던 린지 로섬은 그녀가 돌아올 것이라 굳게 믿으며 기다리고 있다.

— Source: DFU[1]

(Unofficial Translation)

Michelle Curio

Female/Age 36.
A descendant of Curio, one of the Seven Meisters, who was affiliated with the Seven Shards, but left for reasons unknown.
She was also a secret assistant of the 'weapons' designed by Meister Herman, who was regarded as the first Prime.
She had many exchanges with Meister Herman up until his death, and was also acquainted with his pupil, who was a slightly older than her.
After Herman died; however, she cut off all communication, isolated herself in her laboratory, and focused solely on her research.

Back when she was affiliated with the Seven Shards, she was well-known for receiving the most sponsorships from the Nobility and the Imperial Family.
However one day, she left Lindsey Rossum with the words, "There's something I must find to protect what I have." and suddenly disappeared.
It is unknown for what purpose she disappeared, nor is it known if she is currently alive or dead.
But Lindsey Rossum, who knew Michelle Curio well, is waiting, firmly believing that she will return.





Elvenguard SeriaIcon.png SeriaLinusIcon.png LinusTobyIcon.png TobySimonaIcon.png SimonaBeatriceIcon.png BeatriceMasked KnightIcon.png Masked KnightMiraz, the Healer in the ForestIcon.png Miraz, the Healer in the ForestHerbalist ShireenIcon.png Herbalist Shireen
Hendon Myre SkardiIcon.png SkardiRobatoIcon.png RobatoBuckenIcon.png BuckenPungjinIcon.png PungjinChobungIcon.png ChobungKiriIcon.png KiriCannaIcon.png CannaLenoIcon.png LenoGrubeckIcon.png GrubeckG.S.DIcon.png G.S.DCindaIcon.png CindaMichelleIcon.png MichelleAlbertIcon.png AlbertMinetIcon.png MinetSiushaIcon.png SiushaUnit Leader SchmittIcon.png Unit Leader SchmittKarakasIcon.png KarakasZanbato AganzoIcon.png Zanbato AganzoGlam RingwoodIcon.png Glam RingwoodBahol CallowIcon.png Bahol CallowManjinIcon.png ManjinLucille RedmayneIcon.png Lucille Redmayne
Lemidia Basilica MagarIcon.png MagarGrandisIcon.png GrandisOberithIcon.png OberithTeidaIcon.png TeidaShinjangIcon.png ShinjangLucille RedmayneIcon.png Lucille Redmayne
West Coast Joah FerreroIcon.png Joah FerreroRogerIcon.png RogerDaphneIcon.png DaphneAbelloIcon.png AbelloDanjinIcon.png DanjinIrisIcon.png IrisSharanIcon.png SharanAnnisIcon.png AnnisLotonIcon.png LotonOranIcon.png OranKargonIcon.png KargonOpheliaIcon.png OpheliaPrincess HyriaIcon.png Princess HyriaHillsIcon.png HillsLorianneIcon.png LorianneArinIcon.png ArinPokinIcon.png PokinLucille RedmayneIcon.png Lucille Redmayne
Aphelia Post Faris, the Sewer PrincessIcon.png Faris, the Sewer PrincessGaleIcon.png GaleBreezeIcon.png BreezeKlonterIcon.png KlonterLoelIcon.png LoelMinetIcon.png MinetCardinIcon.png CardinDorothyIcon.png Dorothy
Underfoot Alisha ArdenIcon.png Alisha ArdenHighmoreIcon.png HighmoreElder SaffronIcon.png Elder SaffronQueen MayaIcon.png Queen Maya
Storm Pass MintaiIcon.png MintaiValenaIcon.png ValenaRinoIcon.png RinoOrcaIcon.png OrcaBwangaIcon.png Bwanga
Northern Shelter Zanbato AganzoIcon.png Zanbato AganzoMichelleIcon.png Michelle
Silver Crown Alchemist MorganIcon.png Alchemist MorganBlue Guardian VetalaIcon.png Blue Guardian Vetala
Sewer AlbertIcon.png AlbertFaris, the Sewer PrincessIcon.png Faris, the Sewer Princess
Behemoth VangelisIcon.png VangelisOpheliaIcon.png OpheliaIsadoraIcon.png Isadora
Ghent Zeldine SchneiderIcon.png Zeldine SchneiderMarlene KitzkaIcon.png Marlene KitzkaMelvin RichterIcon.png Melvin RichterSandstorm VarrachtIcon.png Sandstorm VarrachtVaughn WalshutedIcon.png Vaughn WalshutedImperial Princess ErjeIcon.png Imperial Princess ErjeHugh FitzlaryIcon.png Hugh FitzlaryGina TheodoreIcon.png Gina TheodoreLindsey RossumIcon.png Lindsey RossumEdwin JurgenIcon.png Edwin JurgenWoon LyonirIcon.png Woon Lyonir
Saint Horn LutherIcon.png LutherLudmillaIcon.png LudmillaNatalia SueIcon.png Natalia SueLast MemetIcon.png Last MemetLost WarriorIcon.png Lost WarriorLoelIcon.png Loel
Lufthafen Beren VonnegutIcon.png Beren VonnegutCoralIcon.png Coral
Shonan WooIcon.png WooJunIcon.png JunSiranIcon.png SiranAskaIcon.png AskaLast MemetIcon.png Last MemetEldjinIcon.png Eldjin
Slaugh Industrial Complex Beren VonnegutIcon.png Beren VonnegutNavarreIcon.png NavarreRia RichterIcon.png Ria RichterFarrel WaneIcon.png Farrel WaneMathias NessmanIcon.png Mathias Nessman
Kulundal Jiu LongIcon.png Jiu LongBai MingIcon.png Bai Ming
Noblesky Naen SigerIcon.png Naen SigerJakter the Eagle EyeIcon.png Jakter the Eagle EyeWoon LyonirIcon.png Woon LyonirHiram KlaufIcon.png Hiram KlaufTammyIcon.png Tammy
Pandemonium Outpost
Hartz Von KruegerIcon.png Hartz Von KruegerNevillo JurgenIcon.png Nevillo JurgenHound CyrusIcon.png Hound CyrusMeryl PioneerIcon.png Meryl PioneerRoy the Burning PenIcon.png Roy the Burning PenEventful EricaIcon.png Eventful Erica
Imperial Princess IsabellaIcon.png Imperial Princess IsabellaDana DonatelIcon.png Dana DonatelHunter VonIcon.png Hunter VonAzalea LottIcon.png Azalea Lott
Central Park KateIcon.png KatePipiIcon.png PipiNiuIcon.png NiuPaiIcon.png PaiRed WitchIcon.png Red WitchRed Tail JonathanIcon.png Red Tail JonathanCatherineIcon.png Catherine
Pandemonium Junction Snowflake JoshuaIcon.png Snowflake JoshuaFile:Kasijas the ConquerorIcon.png Kasijas the Conqueror
Black Market CobbIcon.png CobbCeberinIcon.png CeberinPumpkin BallIcon.png Pumpkin BallStrawberry Nose DellaIcon.png Strawberry Nose DellaTimothyIcon.png TimothyZasuraIcon.png Zasura
Stadium Outskirts Nihilistic RonIcon.png Nihilistic Ron
Ashen Grave ArthurIcon.png ArthurFlower Queen BlossomIcon.png Flower Queen BlossomCelestial Archer AlexandraIcon.png Celestial Archer Alexandra
Elting Memorial Returning RazinIcon.png Returning RazinIkki the VikkiIcon.png Ikki the VikkiMonica of the LibraryIcon.png Monica of the Library
Philasia Ria RichterIcon.png Ria Richter
The Elrox Woon LyonirIcon.png Woon LyonirHugh FitzlaryIcon.png Hugh FitzlaryImperial Princess IsabellaIcon.png Imperial Princess IsabellaHound CyrusIcon.png Hound CyrusMichelleIcon.png MichelleSantoriniIcon.png Santorini
Chest Town DorothyIcon.png DorothyPrince Van FrantzIcon.png Prince Van FrantzPrincess HyriaIcon.png Princess HyriaJudy RingwoodIcon.png Judy RingwoodAdrasIcon.png AdrasAllen GrantIcon.png Allen Grant
Chantri Lucille RedmayneIcon.png Lucille RedmayneMia the DruidIcon.png Mia the DruidAdjutant HelgaIcon.png Adjutant Helga
Outermost Sanctum Edge Lucille RedmayneIcon.png Lucille RedmayneOberithIcon.png OberithBlacksmith CreoIcon.png Blacksmith Creo
Herring Archipelago Unit Leader SchmittIcon.png Unit Leader SchmittMichelle CurioIcon.png Michelle CurioMischievous BeckyIcon.png Mischievous Becky
Dimensional Ship Wahrheit SiranIcon.png SiranIrisIcon.png IrisMichelle CurioIcon.png Michelle CurioMischievous BeckyIcon.png Mischievous Becky
Namenlos Meister TenebeIcon.png Meister TenebeMeister CurioIcon.png Meister CurioMeister VolganIcon.png Meister VolganMeister Hauts-de-louisIcon.png Meister Hauts-de-louis
Temporary Post
Sky's Wish Gate
JuvenilIcon.png JuvenilCommander IrineIcon.png Commander IrineSpitfire FloIcon.png Spitfire FloRosa JurgenIcon.png Rosa JurgenWeapon Dealer OscarIcon.png Weapon Dealer OscarSarah WaneIcon.png Sarah Wane
The Archmage's Hall of Dimensions Memory LibrarianIcon.png Memory Librarian
Culvert Bastion Meister TenebeIcon.png Meister TenebeMeister CurioIcon.png Meister Curio
Clearmist Mischievous BeckyIcon.png Mischievous BeckyMichelle CurioIcon.png Michelle CurioHiman StellaIcon.png Himan StellaLutherIcon.png LutherLudmillaIcon.png LudmillaShannon MyreIcon.png Shannon MyreShume, the Keeper of the LandIcon.png Shume, the Keeper of the LandWhite Cloud Watchman LargoIcon.png White Cloud Watchman LargoCladis, Priest of the MistIcon.png Cladis, Priest of the MistScholar RikiIcon.png Scholar RikiInventor "Sweetie" TehitiIcon.png Inventor "Sweetie" TehitiHerbalist SinsiniaIcon.png Herbalist SinsiniaBowyer OldreinIcon.png Bowyer OldreinPeloma and Mr. WhitebutterIcon.png Peloma and Mr. WhitebutterMilan LittIcon.png Milan LittElder LutonIcon.png Elder LutonWhite Cloud Messenger ErlichIcon.png White Cloud Messenger ErlichElieve of Platinum LuckIcon.png Elieve of Platinum Luck
Dusky Island Mist Watcher BrimIcon.png Mist Watcher BrimChief BernersIcon.png Chief BernersWhite Cloud Watchman LargoIcon.png White Cloud Watchman Largo
Asrahan: House of Mu Ethan, Eye of Mu WorshipperIcon.png Ethan, Eye of Mu WorshipperForest Messenger CamillaIcon.png Forest Messenger CamillaHazel, Protector of KnowledgeIcon.png Hazel, Protector of Knowledge
Mu's Retreat Mu, God of MistIcon.png Mu, God of MistFile:Mist-Soaked YomumuIcon.png Mist-Soaked Yomumu
Ahreum Valley Forest Messenger CamillaIcon.png Forest Messenger CamillaRoselyIcon.png RoselyAshaIcon.png Asha
Arena ChobungIcon.png ChobungHaruIcon.png HaruSizkiIcon.png Sizki
Guild Hideout Court Supplier AndeIcon.png Court Supplier AndeCourtier ReginIcon.png Courtier Regin
Antana Port Commerce Chairman LibeckIcon.png Commerce Chairman LibeckSandhammer SchlegelIcon.png Sandhammer SchlegelInland Investigator TalinIcon.png Inland Investigator TalinLibrarian SiriIcon.png Librarian SiriNyxIcon.png NyxHiman StellaIcon.png Himan Stella
Other DelilahIcon.png DelilahGabrielIcon.png GabrielReaper DreyfusIcon.png Reaper DreyfusSilent NeaIcon.png Silent NeaEmpyrean SupporterIcon.png Empyrean SupporterDalviIcon.png DalviOrc SageIcon.png Orc SageExplorer RuhosIcon.png Explorer RuhosTrainee NayuIcon.png Trainee NayuWar Merchant PoshaIcon.png War Merchant PoshaRibbeIcon.png RibbeGausIcon.png GausJinIcon.png JinRunaIcon.png RunaNolanIcon.png Nolan