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M gunner launcher.png
Base Job Gunner
Job NPC Kiri the Lady
Specialized Weapon Hand Cannon
Specialized Armor Heavy Armor
Class Information {{{Class Info}}}
Alternate Names Launcher
Korean: 런쳐
Japanese: ランチャー
Chinese: 枪炮师
Wrecking Ball
Alternate Names Blaster
Korean: 블래스터
Japanese: ブラスター
Chinese: 狂暴者
For guns and for life... you only got one shot to make it count.

The Launcher is a Gunner who specializes in heavy weaponry and has a love of blowing things up. He carries an armory full of the kind of firepower that deals massive area damage, wiping out entire flanks of advancing enemies at a time. At level 48, the Launcher awakens as the Wrecking Ball.

His subclass cosmetic feature is a large gun on his back.

Becoming a Launcher

The Gunner must first reach level 18.

  1. Clear Grakqarak on expert road or higher.
  2. Clear Blazing Grakqarak on expert road or higher.
  3. Clear Shadow Thunderland on expert road or higher.

Awakening as a Wrecking Ball

A blinding flash of light, then an ear-splitting roar…then instantaneous devastation that leaves nary a tree branch smoldering in the dirt. Is this the fury of an angry god? No, but something close, something mortal that can create divine devastation. It is a gift perhaps granted by the gods themselves, but a gift that they must now regret bequeathing unto man.

'The Launcher who can declare “I shall see light and bring to it darkness”…that is a Launcher who has awakened into a Wrecking Ball. Wrecking Ball is a legendary title belonging to the one who annihilated the Dragon’s army squadron during the Mechanical Revolution. It is the name given only to the most highly regarded Imperial Guard. It is the name of the one who serves, with power and authority, as a commander to the gods.

The Launcher must first reach level 48.

  1. Give 400 Victory Points to Kiri
  2. Talk to Seria
  3. Run King's Relic until you get quest item
  4. Give Kiri 10 Blue Cubes, 10 Black Cubes, 100 Superior Iron, and 100 Superior Raw Paving Stones
  5. Collect 50 Terranites
  6. Collect 10 V-Stones from Vilmark

General Notes

The Launcher specializes in ultra-long-range combat, easily the longest hitting character of any available subclass, with multiple techniques that can hit clear across entire rooms and sometimes bypass obstacles in the process. Once a Launcher reaches level 30 and obtains the Fire Pillar skill he moves to the absolute top tier of PvE subclasses, arguably the best at it, capable of soloing practically anything even at the King difficulty and rarely getting below an SS rank if the player has any skill at all.

In PvP a Launcher isn't necessarily good 1 on 1 against many subclasses, but in team PvP they can be sickeningly brutal if there are one or more heavy melee companions to keep the enemy team at bay, allowing the Launcher to use all of his deadly arsenal unimpeded. Be advised though; most classes are very aware of this, probably after having a rather painful direct lesson in it, so expect to have people try to sneak past your companions to run you down and eliminate the significant threat that you are.

New Skills

Heavy Weaponry

Icon Name
File:HeavyWeaponHandling.png Heavy Firearm Technique
File:HandCannonMastery.png Hand Cannon Mastery
File:HeavyWeaponMastery.png Heavy Firearm Mastery
File:WeaponMelee.png Sub Weapon Crusher
File:Cannonball.png Cannon Ball
File:CCannonball.png Cancel Cannon Ball
File:FlameBlast.png Fire Pillar
File:CFlamethrower.png Cancel M-3 Flamethrower
Steyr AMR.png Steyr AMR
File:CTankDestroyer.png Cancel Steyr AMR
File:MiracleVision.png Eagle Eye
File:LaserRifle.png Laser Rifle
File:CLaserRifle.png Cancel Laser Rifle
File:ChargeLaserRifle.png Charge Laser Rifle
FM-92 Stinger.png FM-92 Stinger
File:ProtonBomb.png Quantum Bomb
X-1 Extruder.png X-1 Extruder

EX Skills

Icon Name
File:Flamethrowerup.png M-3 Flamethrower Upgrade
File:Steyrup.png Steyr AMR Upgrade
File:Stingerup.png FM-92 Stinger Upgrade
File:Pampero.png Arctic Booster
File:Stingerex.png FM-92 Stinger SW

Albert Quest Skills

Icon Name
File:RapidFire.gif Fastest Gun
File:SecretLandRunner.gif Secret Land Runner
Freezing Bullet.png Freezing Bullet

Awakening Skills

Icon Name
File:SpectralSearchEye.png Spectral Search Eye
File:SatelliteBeam.png Satellite Beam

General Skills

Icon Name
File:HeavyArmorMastery.png Heavy Armor Mastery
File:Launcher'sHeavyArmorMastery.png Launcher's Heavy Armor Mastery

Original Class Skills



For build suggestions and combos, refer to the Strategies page.