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Revision as of 06:42, 13 June 2018 by CitricCurrent (talk | contribs) (Swift Master (Aerial revamp))
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Skill and Class Names

Not entirely satisfied with Neople's translations, I decided to try my hand at alternate skill and class names. This is just for fun.

Female Slayer

Female Fighter

Male Fighter

Male Mage

Male Priest Paladin->Deacon

Female Priest



Lightbringer->Paladin or Guardian Archangel->Sentinel

Demonic Lancer


  • Change all mentions of "fairies" in Time Gate quests and Elven Knight lore to "elves"

Swift Master (Aerial revamp)

In keeping with the concept of a wind mage, Neople missed a thematic opportunity with making the Swift Master a class with an aerial friendly playstyle. These concepts below illustrate the possibility of a Swift Master with more aerial capabilities.

  • Wind Strike.png Wind Strike: Pressing Z.png after the initial attack performs an uppercut that launches the user into the air.
  • Teleport.png Teleport: Can be used in the air. Will always teleport to the ground regardless of whether used on ground or air.
  • Wind Master.png Wind Master: Increases movement speed. Increases Jumping Speed. Holding C.png in the air maintains the Swift Master's altitude for a brief duration (the Swift Master can move on the X and Y axis at this time and maintain his altitude while performing basic attacks). Pressing Z.png allows the Swift Master to immediately dive to the ground, Leftkey.png and Rightkey.png keys pressed for backward and forward movement, otherwise a straight vertical dive down.
  • Air Rebound (Proposed new Skill):While hitstunned in the air, the Swift Master can press C.png to immediately recover his composure. Brief frame of superarmor when used. (cooldown of 15-20 sec?)
  • Northern Wind.png Northern Wind:Can be used in the air.
  • Sonic Move.png Sonic Move: Can be used in the air, Upkey.png and Downkey.png arrow keys enable the Swift Master to ascend and descend respectively, with Leftkey.png and Rightkey.png arrow keys allowing diagonal movement when used in conjunction. Cannot ascend past a certain altitude.
  • Windiness.png Windiness: Increases movement, attack/casting speed(?), evasion (?), and jumping speed (?) for allies affected (Amount consistent throughout all levels or scales up to Level 20).
  • Headwind.png Headwind:Can be used in the air. Maintains Swift Master's position in air when used. Does not draw enemies upwards.
  • Wind Blaster.png Wind Blaster: Can be used in the air. Holding Downkey.png when using the skill on the ground allows the Swift Master to rise into the air (ala Gunblade.png Gunblade's Rainbow Shot or PT-15 Prototype.png PT-15 Prototype). Directional keys affect angle in which it is fired in the air. Overall delay reduced.
  • Twister.png Twister: Upon hitting an enemy, draws in nearby enemies toward the twister before dissipating.
  • Sweeping Wind.png Sweeping Wind: Can be used in the air. Hits enemies below the wind. Does not draw enemies upward.
  • Eye of the Storm.png Eye of the Storm: Can be used in the air. Dives towards the ground as enemies are drawn in when used in the air. Direction of descent can be controlled by arrow keys. On both the ground and in the air simply tapping only draws in enemies and does not hold them, while holding down the skill key holds nearby enemies.
  • Wind Blade: Can be used in the air. Holding Downkey.png when performing this skill in the air pushes the held enemy to the ground. Increases dashing distance when attempting to grab an enemy (both on ground and in air). Invincibility is maintained during a successful grab.
  • Relentless Biting Wind.png Relentless Biting Wind: Can be used in the air. The Swift Master immediately dives to the ground to use the skill when used in the air. Enemies are drawn towards the direction the Swift Master is facing.
  • Storm Strike.png Storm Strike: Can be used in the air. Can ascend on both the ground and air through pressing Upkey.png and descend from the air through pressing Downkey.png. Cannot be used to ascend past a maximum altitude.
  • Wind God's Power.png Wind God's Power: Movement speed increase moved to Wind Master.png Wind Master. Lowers the minimum altitude for aerial versions of skills so that they can be used during Backstep.png Backstep. Air dash can be used during Backstep.png Backstep.
  • Vortex Hurricane.png Vortex Hurricane: Can be used in the air. Allows the Swift Master to maintain his position in the air after the skill ends by holding down the skill key.
  • Gale Highway.png Full Throttle: Increase damage to bring it in line with other skills. Number of hits made consistent throughout its area. Can be used in the air. Pressing Upkey.png when using the skill on the ground allows the Swift Master to ascend while pressing Downkey.png when using it in the air allows the Swift Master to descend. Both ascent and descent are diagonal. Canceling out of the skill allows its attack motion to continue.
  • Storm Quaker.png Storm Quaker: Can be used in the air. Immediately dives to the ground to use the skill when used in the air. Simply tapping the skill does not hold enemies (still gathers them) but holding it down will.
  • Second Wind.png Second Wind: Increases the duration the Swift Master can maintain altitude through holding C.png and decreases the cooldown of Air Rebound. The Swift Master can no longer learn Leap.png Leap, but in exchange has increased jump strength and speed.
  • Spiral Press.png Spiral Press: Can be used in the air. When used in the air the condensed storm is always thrown downwards, with the Downkey.png and Rightkey.png keys adjusting angle thrown. If it only hits the ground when used from the air the Swift Master will still dive downwards to attack. Holding down the skill key after the skill ends allows the Swift Master to maintain his position on the ground instead of somersaulting back into the air.

English Ideal Cast

In the unlikely event Neople decides to do English voice acting for the full game (and hoping it would be of quality) I decided to compile an ideal cast list for myself



Useful sources

Paristo's Art Blog Original Art Director of DnF