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Sky Castle (Epic Quests) — Origin

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Quests (Season 4)

On a New Adventure

Level 17
Quest Giver Seria Kirmin
Prerequisite Act Quest Icon.png Seria's DeterminationEpic Quest Icon.png Seria's Determination
Briefing Seria Kirmin: "I'm back! I let Binoche know how it went, so she could rest. Ah, Adventurer, are you leaving the village already? This is all too soon..."

Linus: "Are you leaving? You adventurers never stay in one place for long. Where are you going this time?"

Seria Kirmin: "Excuse me, Adventurer. if you haven't decided where to go, why don't you go to Sky Tower? I can take you there if you want."

Linus: "What are you talking about? Do you want to go on an adventure too?"

Seria Kirmin: "Binoche said Grand Flores may now be safe from the Devolved darkness because of the Adventurer, but everywhere else is Arad is not yet safe from the effects of the Metastasis. I agree with her. There's no guarantee that the pentacles in the other places are in working order, and I want to go make sure they are. We have to stop the Metastasis before it can cause more tragedies."

Linus: "That's why you spoke of the Sky Tower. If that's what you want, then I won't stop you. But the Sky Tower is dangerous. The path that leads to it is also perilous since monsters from other worlds started springing up in Arad. Adventurer, I'm sorry, but let me ask you one more favor. Could you take Seria to the Sky Tower? I want to do that myself, but as you can see, I can't leave this place unattended. Plus, I'm sure going with an amazing adventurer like you is more exciting for her. Hah hah! Thank you. The Sky Tower is in West Coast, the harbor city next to Hendon Myre, the capital of the Principality of Bel Myre. You might as well see the country while you're at it."

Seria Kirmin: "Thank you, Adventurer. I'll try to do my bit while we're together."

Linus: "What, are you leaving already? Geez, so impatient, aren't you? Hold on. I've got this pass from the Headman. Take it with you. You need it to enter Hendon Myre."

Toby: "Adventurer, bye! See you again!"

Linus: "Goodbye. May the elves bless you."
Objectives Go to Hendon Myre, the capital of Bel Myre, with Seria.
Upon Completion Imperial Guard: "Halt! You need a pass to get past here. Adventurers who cannot identify themselves are not allowed in here."

Seria Kirmin: "Hello. I'm Seria of Elvenguard. This adventurer is with me. Let me show you my pass."

Imperial Guard: "Hm, okay, you may pass."

Seria Kirmin: "Thank you. ...Whew, the Empire is keeping a tight watch on this place. I've heard it used to be crowded with adventurers and travelers from all over the continent. The Principality must be in bad situation."

  • Expicon.png 2,896 Exp
  • Goldicon.png 756 Gold
Notes {{ }}

A Ruckus in Hendon Myre

Level 17
Quest Giver Seria Kirmin
Briefing Seria Kirmin: "Hendon Myre, the capital city of Bel Myre, couldn't have existed if it weren't for Great Mage Myre. He turned what used to be a wasteland into the fertile land it is now by using the Great Pentacle. That's why it has many buildings painted in white. It's known to be his favorite color, so that's to thank him for making it a habitable home. West Coast, where the Sky Tower, is a coastal city next to Hendon Myre. It's not far away. Let's go."
Objectives Enter and take a look around Hendon Myre, and then head out to West Coast.
Dungeon Dialogue Imperial Knight: "Do you really expect me to believe that? You're a monster. How dare you challenge the Imperial Army?"

Grubeck: "Please, I swear! I'm too old and weak to challenge soldiers like you. I'm just a meek, frail goblin!"

Seria Kirmin: "Oh, I wonder what's going on."

Imperial Knight: "Old or not, you're a monster. What's a goblin doing in a human village?"

Grubeck: "I've been cursed with exceptional intelligence. The others of my kind got jealous and exiled me because of it. I've been exiled once. I don't want to be exiled again."

Imperial Knight: "We don't care. We're here to ensure the safety of the villagers. Just shut up and follow us!"

Karakas: "Hey soldier, you're here to protect the villagers, right? Then you'll have to protect this goblin too. He's got a green card issued by the Queen, certifying him as a legitimate member of Hendon Myre."

Imperial Knight: "Well, we're going to see if it's real or forged!"

Karakas: "But you don't have the authority to do that. You're not the officers of this Principality. I understand the Imperial Army is here to help the Principality, but this seems way too far over the line. And not all goblins are bad. Some of them are our friends. And look. Hendon Myre is bustling with strong adventurers like this youngster here. Any one of them can throw around old, belligerent goblins should the occasion arise. Don't you agree, young fellow? You and I can take care of Grubeck, right?"

Seria: "Of course, the Adventurer will help. And like he said, not all the goblins are cruel. In fact, I'm friends with a cute little goblin myself."

Karakas: "Ah, you're pretty and eloquent. Sure, sure. Some goblins make really good friends. And if Grubeck really causes trouble, I'll help you arrest him. What do you say?"

Imperial Knight: "... We'll arrest you at the first sign of trouble, got it?"
Upon Completion Seria Kirmin: "I'm glad. Are you okay?"

Grubeck: "Ow, ow... Thank you. This happened so many times I've lost count. But why? I'm just an old goblin..."

Karakas: "They might have wanted to impress their superiors or scare you. Or both. Anyway, Grubeck, you'd better go back. You don't want to get caught by other Imperial soldiers."
  • Expicon.png 2,896 Exp
  • Goldicon.png 756 Gold
Notes {{
  • Dungeon Dialogue is the dialogue that appears in the town scene.

Moonlight Tavern

Level 17
Quest Giver Karakas
Briefing Karakas: "I haven't thanked you for your help, have I? Are you an adventurer? This lady next to you doesn't look like one, though."

Seria Kirmin: "I'm Seria, and I'm with this adventurer. We came from Elvenguard to see the Sky Tower."

Karakas: "I see. Name's Karakas. I'm here for now because I have to, but I'm an adventurer myself. You're going to the Sky Tower, huh? Sure, it's definitely something to see. But since you're an adventurer, you're not going to see it just from the outside and gaze in awe before you leave, are you? All right, why don't you come with me? I want to buy you a drink in return for your help."
Objectives Go to Moonlight Tavern and listen to Karakas.
  • Meet Karakas: 0/1
Upon Completion Karakas: "This is called the Moonlight Tavern. I come here often. It sells decent spirits and it's owned by a wonderful woman. It's a shame she's away on business right now. I would've loved to introduce you to her. Loud, isn't it. This tavern's main patrons are adventurers and travelers, who are boisterous lot. I think their rowdiness is what keeps this place feeling so vibrant, though. Hah hah hah. Anyway, you said you want to go to the Sky Tower, right? It's right next to Hendon Myre, and getting to West Coast is not difficult. But the Sky Tower is guarded. Adventurers and country bumpkins are not welcomed there."

Seria Kirmin: "Oh, no. who's guarding it?"

Karakas: "The Imperial Army. It came to help us with the Metastasis, and it's been meddling with all kinds of national affairs. But it's not impossible to get in there."

Seria Kirmin: "All right. How can we get in?"

Karakas: "Sorry, but you're on your own. If push comes to shove, you can cut a path through the soldiers, right? If you're a real adventurer, you'll find your way in, no matter what. Hah hah. Disappointed? But solving things on your own is half the fun of being an adventurer. I don't want to be a killjoy. Oops, where did the time go? I'd better leave. See you later."
  • Expicon.png 2,896 Exp
  • Goldicon.png 756 Gold

Blocked by the Imperial Army

Level 17
Quest Giver Seria Kirmin
Briefing Seria Kirmin: "This tavern, being in such a big city, is bustling with adventurers. It's the perfect place for them to meet others and exchange information. Are you done looking around Hendon Myre? Then let's go to the West Coast, where the Sky Tower is. According to Karakas, the path to the Sky Tower is blocked, but it's not impossible to get there."
Objectives Go through West Coast and head for the Sky Tower.
Upon Completion Imperial Knight: "Halt! You can't enter the Sky Tower without a permit."
Seria Kirmin: "It really is guarded. Why do you think?"
  • Expicon.png 2,896 Exp
  • Goldicon.png 756 Gold

How to Enter the Sky Tower

Level 17
Quest Giver Seria Kirmin
Briefing Seria Kirmin: "I've heard the Great Pentacle of Hendon Myre covers the sky above the city and is big enough to reach the Sky Tower. That's why I wanted to climb the Sky Tower and take a look at it from there. I can't see it in its entirety from down here. Do you think we can find someone who knows how to enter the Tower? We'd better ask around."
Objectives Find someone who knows how to enter the Sky Tower.
  • Meet Roger: 0/1
Upon Completion Roger: "Why is the Sky Tower being guarded? Yes, I know why. Do you want to climb the Tower?"
  • Expicon.png 2,896 Exp
  • Goldicon.png 756 Gold
Notes {{
  • Upon completion of this quest, the following will occur:

Being Tested

Level 17
Quest Giver Roger
Briefing Roger: "Currently, the Sky Tower is guarded by the Imperial Army, even though it's a Principality territory. To get in, you have to have a pass issued by the Empress of the Principality. How do you get the pass? Hm, you made the right decision coming to me, but I'm a businessman. Everything I do, I do for profit. How about we do this? I'll help you enter the Sky Tower. Just once. And you can't go up too high. There's someone I've hired to search the Sky Tower. The Army will let you in if you're with him. If my employee decides that it's in my best interest to continue doing business with you, then I'll help you get an Empress-issued pass. What do you say? Good. Then go to the Sky Tower. I'll send word to my employee."
Objectives Go to the Sky Tower and meet the person whom Roger Levin told you about.
Upon Completion Leno: "Hello. You must be the adventurer Roger told me about. I'm Leno."
  • Expicon.png 2,896 Exp
  • Goldicon.png 756 Gold

Enter the Sky Tower

Level 17
Quest Giver Leno
Dungeon Dragonoid Nest
Briefing Leno: "The Sky Tower is a wonderful place. I couldn't believe my eyes when I first saw it. But it's also really dangerous. If you're not confident in your ability to fight, I suggest you don't go. Or you should wait at least until this lady gets used to being in the Tower."

Seria Kirmin: "...Oh, I see. Then I'll wait here until you return, Adventurer."

Leno: "Perhaps that's best. Then let's go. Roger values punctuality."
Objectives Explore the Sky Tower with Leno.
Dungeon Dialogue Upon entering the dungeon:
Leno: "Isn't it amazing to see a mythical dragon with your own eyes? This Sky Tower is believed to have been made a very long time ago."
Upon Completion Leno: "Good job following me. Let's go deeper."
  • Expicon.png 73,860 Exp
  • Goldicon.png 756 Gold
Dungeon Map
Notes {{
  • Leno accompanies the player in room E2.

Exploring the Sky Tower

Level 17
Quest Giver Leno
Dungeon Dragonoid Nest
Briefing Leno: "I'm going to look for the object that Roger has hired me to find. You look like you know how to fight, but please stay close to me."
Objectives Explore the Sky Tower with Leno.
Upon Completion Leno: "Hm, we've gathered enough. Let's go back."
  • Expicon.png 73,860 Exp
  • Goldicon.png 756 Gold
Dungeon Map
Notes {{
  • Leno accompanies the player in room D2.

Reporting the Results

Level 17
Quest Giver Roger
Briefing Roger: "Welcome back. Did you find what I asked?"

Leno: "Of course."

Roger: "Outstanding. I'll pay you the amount we've agreed upon. And [what] do you think of this adventurer?"

Leno: "Impressive. He won't disappoint you."

Roger: "Is that so? Good. I always welcome great investment opportunities. Welcome. I'll help you as long as my interests align with your goal."
Objectives Go Roger Levin and ask him for details.
  • Meet Roger: 0/1
Upon Completion Roger: "Originally I traveled from town to town, doing business. It was lucky for me that the Sky Tower opened soon after I settled down in the Principality. The Sky Tower is a magical building created by someone unknown a long time ago. It was invisible, but then all of a sudden, it appeared like a mirage and became reality. After the Sky Tower appeared, the Principality decided to issue passes to adventurers who wanted to explore it, but [not] to all of them. Letting too many adventurers at the same time could pose a problem. Careless adventurers could get stranded inside the Tower. Also, since no one knew what lurked in the Tower, it was too dangerous to post guards there at all times. So the government set up conditions: it will only issue the pass to adventurers if someone approved by the Queen's order vouches for their strength. I'm not a fighter. I can't know exactly how good you are, but I trust Leno's judgment. I will invest in you."
  • Expicon.png 2,896 Exp
  • Goldicon.png 756 Gold

To Hendon Myre City Hall

Level 17
Quest Giver Roger
Briefing Roger: "Then let's go to the Hendon Myre City Hall. There, I'll get you the pass you need."
Objectives Go Hendon Myre City Hall.
  • Meet Robato: 0/1
Upon Completion Robato: "Who are you? Are you an adventurer wanting to explore the Sky Tower? I'm Robato, a Knight of the Principality. You need a cosigner to get your pass. Are you here with them?"

Roger: "I'm his cosigner. Here are the necessary documents."

Robato: "Geez, it's you again. The Sky Tower is dangerous. Please stop using adventurers for your business like this."

Roger: "That's not fair. The government is also using them because it's not happy that the Imperial Army is in charge of exploring the Tower. I provide the government with adventurers to keep the Army in check, and in return, I get to sell the rare items from the Tower. It's a win-win situation for everyone."

Robato: "*Sigh* How eloquent of you!"
  • Expicon.png 2,896 Exp
  • Goldicon.png 756 Gold

Get the Pass

Level 17
Quest Giver Roger
Briefing Robato: "It's true that we want to finish investigating the Sky Tower quickly. I'll issue you the pass. Please give me a moment."

Seria Kirmin: "Sir Knight, I'm with this adventurer. Can I tag along when we go into the Tower?"

Robato: "Some adventurers work in teams, so we allow each adventurer to take one companion with them. But that tower is really dangerous. Please be careful. ... There you go. You can now go in and out of the Sky Tower as you please. Currently, the Imperial Army is guarding and investigating the Tower on my country's behalf. Please follow [their] instructions in case of emergency."

Seria Kirmin: "Why is the Imperial Army guarding something that is the Principality's property?"

Robato: "There are various reasons, but I'm not at liberty to disclose national affairs. Is there anything else I can do for you?"

Roger: "No. I'd better go now. It was nice to meet you, Sir Robato."
Objectives Go to Roger Levin and listen to him.
  • Meet Roger: 0/1
Upon Completion Roger: "You can now enter the Sky Tower. Show this pass, and the Imperial Army will let you pass. Wait. I've got this pass for you, but I'm a businessman. Helping you is part of my investment in you. By accepting this pass, you're agreeing to the terms of our business. What I want from you is not much. I want to be the first person to get the information and any interesting objects you find in the Sky Tower. If you keep our agreement, I'll help you renew your pass. If you don't or cause trouble, I'll revoke your pass. Is that understood? Good. Let me give you your pass. Thank you for not forgetting our agreement."
  • Expicon.png 2,896 Exp
  • Goldicon.png 756 Gold

Wonders of the Sky Tower

Level 17
Quest Giver Seria Kirmin
Dungeon Puppet Museum
Briefing Seria Kirmin: "When Apostle Sirocco showed up, the Four Blade Masters defended Arad against him, but not before many lives were lost. Mysterious buildings like the Sky Tower don't appear without reason. I'm worried it might be the harbinger of another disaster... Oh, no. We can finally get into the Sky Tower, and I'm spoiling the mood. I'm sorry. I'm probably worrying over nothing. Let's just enter the Sky Tower."

Objectives Enter the Sky Tower.
Dungeon Dialogue Upon entering the dungeon:
Seria Kirmin: "Oh! What a mysterious and beautiful place! But I can feel the slight tremor of mana that's filling the air here. I wonder if something's happening up there..."
Upon Completion Seria Kirmin: "The puppets in this place were animated by arcane magic. A long time has passed since then, and they're still following their order to keep intruders away. I wonder who cast this powerful magic that has transcended such a long time. I searched while you were in the Sky Tower, but there wasn't much information left. I don't know where else to look."
  • Expicon.png 99,243 Exp
  • Goldicon.png 864 Gold
Dungeon Map
Notes {{ }}


Level 17
Quest Giver Seria Kirmin
Dungeon Puppet Museum
Briefing Seria Kirmin: "...Oh? Adventurer, I can hear someone. Don't you? Could it be another adventurer? He sounds desperate. What if he's in danger? Can we go find him?"
Objectives Go find where the urgent voice can be heard from.
Dungeon Dialogue Upon finding the boss:

Den: "Argh...My body is moving on its own!"

Fiona: "Den! Argh, these monsters! How many of them are there?"

Seria Kirmin: "This is not good! He's going to get hurt!"

Upon defeating the boss:

Fiona: "Oh...I'm glad..."
Upon Completion Seria Kirmin: "Are you okay? Are you not hurt?"

Den: "I'm okay. Aww, I thought we were going to die."

Fiona: "Thank you. We're companion-at-arms in the Iron Wolves of the Imperial Knights. Are you adventurers?"

Seria Kirmin: "Yes. I'm Seria, and I'm with this adventurer. Did you two get separated from the rest of your group?"

Den: "...This one got overambitious..."

Fiona: "Ack, you agreed! You said we should find the Princess and get promoted at once."

Seria Kirmin: "The Princess? Do you mean your princess?"

Fiona: "Oh, didn't you hear when you were outside? I thought we decided to recruit adventurers for the search. Man, Lenny can't do anything right. Her Highness came to take a tour around the Sky Tower, and--this is embarrassing--disappeared while her escorts were distracted."

Den: "It hasn't been long since she disappeared, but this place is so dangerous that everyone in our group is looking for her. Lowly men like us shouldn't be here, but we got overambitious and ended up being surrounded by the puppets. Dang. We disobeyed orders and got saved by adventurers. The Deputy Master will rip us a new one..."

Vaughn Walshuted: "Yes, he will. Definitely."

Den: "*Gasp*"

Fiona: "Master!"
  • Expicon.png 99,243 Exp
  • Goldicon.png 864 Gold
  • Lv. 15 Magic Sealed Necklace
  • Lv. 15 Magic Sealed Bracelet
  • Lv. 15 Magic Sealed Ring
Dungeon Map
Notes {{ }}

Imperial Knight, Vaughn Walshuted

Level 17
Quest Giver Vaughn Walshuted
Dungeon Golem Tower
Briefing Vaughn Walshuted: "I heard a commotion, so I came down and heard everything. I understand your enthusiasm, but you know desertion is a serious offense, don't you?"

Fiona: "I-I'm sorry, sir."

Vaughn Walshuted: "Don't be so scared. He's not going to kill you. No, wait. He might."

Den: "...Aww..."

Vaughn Walshuted: "Just go. The others are downstairs. Get your butt down there now."

Fiona: "Yes, sir!"

Vaughn Walshuted: "Geez, I don't have time for this. Ah, you, the adventurer over there. Thank you for helping my men. I', Vaughn Walshuted, commander of the Iron Wolves. Those who you met are knights in training. They're so new and enthusiastic that they tend to act first and think later."

Seria Kirmin: "Vaughn Walshuted? You're one of the Four Blade Masters who defeated Sirocco of the Screaming Cavern."

Vaughn Walshuted: "Yes, I am. I'm sorry, but I can't talk any longer. I have to go back up and find the Imperial Princess. She's missing. ... Wait, you're strong enough to come this far. Can you help us? There are so many obstacles that we're having a hard time finding her. Oh, thanks. Usually, adventurers are not allowed on the next floor, but you're with me. Are you ready? Then let's go."
Objectives Search the Golem Tower with Vaughn Walshuted for the Imperial Princess.
Upon Completion Vaughn Walshuted: "She will be our undoing. Where in the world is she?"
  • Expicon.png 113,747 Exp
  • Goldicon.png 922 Gold
  • Lv. 20 Class Related Magic Sealed Weapon
Dungeon Map
Notes {{
  • Vaughn Walshuted and Seria Kirmin accompanies the player in room D2.
  • 2 Imperial Knights and 2 Imperial Foot Soldiers aid the player in room B2.
  • 2 Imperial Knights and 1 Imperial Food Soldier aid the player in room B1.

Finding the Imperial Princess

Level 17
Quest Giver Vaughn Walshuted
Dungeon Golem Tower
Briefing Vaughn Walshuted: "What in the world is this Sky Tower for? The higher I go, the worse I feel. My Ghost Arm is twitching, despite my control, as if it wants my attention. What's at the top of this place?"

Seria Kirmin: "Can it be because of the Great Pentacle? But that's..."

Vaughn Walshuted: "No, I don't think so. My arm only does this when I come here. It has to respond to some secret hidden in this tower. Can Her Highness be more considerate of her guards? But I'm sure she's somewhere on this floor. Adventurer, I'll go this way. You and the lady go that way. You won't miss the Imperial Princess. Good luck finding her."
Objectives Find the Imperial Princess in the Golem Tower with Vaughn Walshuted.
Dungeon Dialogue Upon entering room C1:

Seria Kirmin: "Ah! Adventurer, I heard a woman's voice!"

Upon finding the boss:
Isabella: "*Whistle* I'm pretty good. Oh, my..."

Seria Kirmin: "I can't believe such a giant golem exists!"

Vaughn Walshuted: "Your Highness! Watch out!"

Upon defeating the boss:
Golem Commander: "...!"

Vaughn Walshuted: "This one almost killed all of us."
Upon Completion Vaughn Walshuted: "Your Highness, are you okay?"

Isabella: "Of course. I'm fine."

Vaughn Walshuted: "I'm glad. Why did you come here alone? We were worried sick about you."

Isabella: "Because you were being stubborn as a mule. I wanted to see the place with my own eyes, so I could repay Father for trusting me enough to let me come here."

Vaughn Walshuted: "You could've gotten hurt. You were lucky this time, but you really could've gotten hurt. What then?"

Isabella: "All right, all right! Geez, I thought you [would] be on my side."

Vaughn Walshuted: "How can I be on your side when you're so determined to antagonize me? Anyway, the air in this place is bad. Let's go down. Adventurer, if you don't have anything else to do, let's get out of here with us. Oh, I've got this from the golem. You can keep it. We should take it with us for analysis, but you saved Her Highness."
  • Expicon.png 113,747 Exp
Dungeon Map
Notes {{
  • Seria Kirmin accompanies the player in room C3.
  • 2 Imperial Knights and 1 Imperial Foot Soldier aid the player in Room D2.
  • 2 Imperial Knights and 1 Imperial Foot Soldier aid the player in Room C1.
  • Isabella and Vaughn Walshuted accompany the player in room A1.

Vaughn's Gratitude

Level 17
Quest Giver Vaughn Walshuted
Briefing Vaughn Walshuted: "Aww, today was a trying day."

Isabella: "You're saying that just so I can hear you, aren't you?"

Vaughn Walshuted: "That's right. You're shrewd."

Isabella: "You're no fun. If you let me help you find traces of the Metastasis, we wouldn't have wasted our time today."

Vaughn Walshuted: "That's... Ah, you came."

Hartz: "Your Highness, thank the gods you're safe. But what you did was foolish and reckless."

Isabella: "*Chuckle* But one can learn a lifetime of lessons from early adventures."

Hartz: "..."

Vaughn Walshuted: "Deputy Master, halt the search and lecture Her Highness for both of us."

Isabella: "Ack, Sir Walshuted, you'll pay for this!"

Vaughn Walshuted: "Sure, sure. Can't wait. Adventurer, can I have a moment of your time?"
Objectives Meet Vaughn and listen to him.
  • Meet Vaughn Walshuted: 0/1
Upon Completion Vaughn Walshuted: "First, I'd like to thank you for your help. Now that everything is sorted out and Her Highness is safe, I can't ask for more. I wish she were more considerate of her subjects, but at the same time I understand that she's excited about being outside her palace for the first time in a long while. By the way, I don't think I've seen you before. When did you get your Sky Tower pass? Ah, Roger Levin helped you. Since the Sky Tower opened, we've been busy deflecting such greedy people who look at it as a business opportunity. *Yawn* What about you, lady? You don't look like an adventurer. What are you doing in such a dangerous place?"

Seria Kirmin: "I came to check the Great Pentacle. Do you by chance know its current condition?"

Vaughn Walshuted: "You'll have to go higher up to see the Great Pentacle. By the way, why are you asking?"
  • Expicon.png 4,460 Exp
  • Goldicon.png 922 Gold

Reporting to Roger

Level 17
Quest Giver Vaughn Walshuted
Briefing Vaughn Walshuted: "Hm, so that happened in Grand Flores. Well, it's definitely not good to have problems with the Great Pentacles. Actually, the Metastasis is the reason we're investigating the Sky Tower. Lately, it's been causing a lot of problems. It's almost an everyday occurrence that an entire family is slaughtered by Devolved monsters. Things aren't so bad in the Empire, but they are in the Principality. That's why I was sent here. The problem is that I don't know much about the Metastasis, and it's hard to focus on work when I have to constantly babysit new recruits... Oh geez, I'm complaining again. I must be getting old, talking so much. Or it's possibly Emily's chattiness has rubbed off on me... Anyway, we have nothing to do with that pass. You should talk to that merchant friend of yours again. I'd better go work now. See you around."
Objectives Go to Roger Levin and relay what happened in the Sky Tower.
  • Meet Roger: 0/1
Upon Completion Roger Levin: "Welcome back. I've been waiting. Did you find anything in the Sky Tower?"
  • Expicon.png 4,460 Exp
  • Goldicon.png 922 Gold

Another Trade

Level 17
Quest Giver Roger Levin
Briefing Roger: "Oh, what an amazing treasure! Good job. I haven't met many adventurers who produced such great results so quickly before. I made a good decision investing in you. Huh? Hah hah hah. What are you talking about? Maybe it looks like I just wrote up a couple of documents, but you couldn't have gotten that pass if it weren't for me. I risked my reputation for you. Anyway, I'm glad you've gotten acquainted with Vaughn Walshuted. Finally, I have a good excuse to introduce myself to him. Hah hah. Today is a wonderful day!"

Seria Kirmin: "Excuse, Mr. Levin. Have any phenomena of the Metastasis been reported in Hendon Myre and West Coast lately?"

Roger: "The Metastasis? Are you talking about those grotesque-looking monsters that appear in random places and the strange diseases that break out all of a sudden? Well, if there was a major incident, I should've known. But if you want, I can introduce you to an expert."

Seria Kirmin: "Oh, sure. Thank you!"

Roger: "You're welcome. In fact, that makes us even. I look forward to doing more business with you."

Seria Kirmin: "...Oh. (Adventurer, this businessman is...scarily ruthless.)"
Objectives Go to Sharan in the Mage Guild.
Upon Completion Sharan: "Hello. I've heard Roger Levin sent you. I'm Sharan, master of the Mage Guild and principal of the Magic Academt. What kind of demand does he have for me this time?"

Seria Kirmin: "Hello. We came to investigate the Great Pentacle. Is it affected by the Metastasis--"

Sharan: "My guild is in charge of the Great Pentacle. You don't have to worry about it."

Seria Kirmin: "Oh, but we're..."

Iris: "Wait a minute. Sharan, you don't have to be wary of these people."
  • Expicon.png 4,460 Exp
  • Goldicon.png 922 Gold

Iris the Clairvoyant

Level 17
Quest Giver Iris
Briefing Iris: "Sharan was only wary of you because you came from Mr. Levin, whose less than honorable business ethics disappointed her time and again. But it's clear you're not his business partner. Did you come here to check the Great Pentacle?"

Seria Kirmin: "Yes. Grand Flores was threatened by a strange darkness that seeped from another dimension, and this adventurer saved the forest from it. But its Great Pentacle was so close to being destroyed. In fact, the effects of the Metastasis wouldn't have manifested if it wasn't unstable to begin with. I left Elvenguard and came here to make sure its Great Pentacle is not exposed to the same risk. Could you help me?"

Sharan: "I see. I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions when I heard Mr. Levin referred you to me. My guild is in charge of the Great Pentacle. We take the Magatha, the airship of the dark elves, up to the sky to check it on a regular basis. But there was a section that we couldn't check because a powerful magical field prevented the Magatha from getting close. Later, the Sky Tower emerged from there. Come to think of it, we haven't checked the Pentacle since the Tower showed up. We didn't have the time. But no effects of the Metastasis have been reported in Hendon Myre or West Coast."

Iris: "..."

Seria Kirmin: "I see. That's good to know. thank you for your time. We'd better leave."

Iris: "Wait a minute. It must be an act of Providence that we've met. I'd like to give you a blessing for your journey. Could you follow me?"
Objectives Follow Iris.
Upon Completion Iris: "Welcome. I'm a fortune-teller and prayer. I sometimes use my ability to help adventurers who explore dangerous places. But that's not why I wanted to see you. I talked to Sharan, and it seems thete's something she's unable to tell you."

Seria Kirmin: "Are you saying she's hiding something from us?"

Iris: "Yes, but you can't blame her. To her, you're unknown adventurers and strangers. You're not exactly the kind of people she feels comfortable sharing secrets with."

Seria Kirmin: "But what about you? Why are you telling us this?"

Iris: "I'm not in her guild, and therefore in a different situation. And I've known you were coming."
  • Expicon.png xx Exp
  • Goldicon.png 922 Gold

Iris's Request

Level 17
Quest Giver Iris
Briefing Iris: "My marrelete told me the wind would bring a new adventurer to this place. The moment you mentioned the Great Pentacles, I knew you were the adventurer. We too are aware of the importance of the Great Pentacles, but the last time we were able to check our Great Pentacle was years ago. We can't borrow the dark elves' Magatha any more, now that the Empire and the dark elves are at war with each other. Sharan is trying her best to persuade the others into letting us borrow their airship, but they're not ready to change their minds about us humans yet."

Seria Kirmin: "Then..."

Iris: "So please climb he Sky Tower and check the Great Pentacle. If something happens to the Great Pentacle, this place will be in big trouble."

Seria Kirmin: "Okay. We'll try."

Iris: "Thank you. I'll be counting on you. Come back if you need my help."
Objectives Go to Roger Levin and relay what happened.
Upon Completion Roger: "I see. I don't know why Sharan is so wary of me, but I will see her in person and clarify any misunderstanding there is. Good relationships are essential for successful business. Anyway, you have to go back to the Sky Tower because of the Great Pentacle. Is that right? Good. I've renewed your pass. I look forward to the good merchandise you'll find this time again."
  • Expicon.png xx Exp
  • Goldicon.png 922 Gold

Back to the Sky Tower

Level 17
Quest Giver Seria Kirmin
Dungeon Vestibule of Darkness
Briefing Seria Kirmin: "Adventurer, I want to go higher. The Great Pentacles don't break easily, but what Iris told us makes me feel anxious. But I can't go there by myself. Could you go to the Sky Tower with me? Ah, thank you so much. I can't say how grateful I am for having you with me."
Objectives Go to the Sky Tower and explore the Vestibule of Darkness.
Dungeon Dialogue Upon entering the dungeon:
Seria Kirmin: "Oh, this place... It's too dark to see clearly. But... I'm sensing a dangerous energy. What do you think it is?"
Upon Completion Seria Kirmin: "Adventurer, are you okay? We should get some information about this place and come back later. Even the air smells differently here, compared to the floors below. Oh, I hear someone talking. There must be others near us."
  • Expicon.png xx Exp
  • Goldicon.png 979 Gold
Dungeon Map
Notes Seria Kirmin accompanies the player in room A4.


Level 17
Quest Giver
Dungeon Vestibule of Darkness
Briefing : ""
Objectives .
Dungeon Dialogue Upon entering the dungeon:

Upon finding the boss:

Upon defeating the boss:
Upon Completion : "."
  • Expicon.png xx Exp
  • Goldicon.png xx Gold

Magic level 20 gear for class.

Dungeon Map
Notes Lenny accompanies the player in room D3.

Sky Tower Investigators

Level 17
Quest Giver
Dungeon Vestibule of Darkness
Briefing : ""
Objectives .
Dungeon Dialogue Upon entering the dungeon:

Upon finding the boss:

Upon defeating the boss:
Upon Completion : "."
  • Expicon.png xx Exp
  • Goldicon.png 979 Gold
Dungeon Map
Notes Lenny accompanies the player in room D4.

Blade Master Aganzo

Level 17
Quest Giver
Objectives .
  • Expicon.png xx Exp
  • Goldicon.png xx Gold

Siusha at the Moonlight Tavern

Level 17
Quest Giver
Objectives Go to Siusha at the Moonlight Tavern.
  • Expicon.png xx Exp
  • Goldicon.png xx Gold

Purging the Crystal

Level 17
Quest Giver
Objectives Collect 30 Clear Cube Fragments.
  • Expicon.png xx Exp
  • Goldicon.png xx Gold

The Woman from Empyrean

Level 17
Quest Giver
Objectives Go to Kiri, the woman from Empyrean.
  • Expicon.png xx Exp
  • Goldicon.png xx Gold
Notes Player gets to see a portrait of Bakal during quest completion dialogue.

About Apostle Bakal

Level 17
Quest Giver
Objectives Head out to the Sky Tower.
  • Expicon.png xx Exp
  • Goldicon.png xx Gold

To Receive an Audience with the Empress of the Principality

Level 17
Quest Giver
Objectives Go to the Hendon Myre City Hall and tell Robato that you want an audience with the Empress of the Principality.
  • Expicon.png xx Exp
  • Goldicon.png xx Gold

Empress Skardi of the Principality of Bel Myre

Level 17
Quest Giver
Objectives Enter the Hendon Myre City Hall and talk to Empress Skardi.
  • Expicon.png xx Exp
  • Goldicon.png xx Gold

The Sky Tower's Ominous Mana

Level 17
Quest Giver
Dungeon Castellan's Chamber
Objectives Reach the top of the Sky Tower. (Clear the Castellan's Chamber.)
Dungeon Dialogue Upon entering the dungeon:

Upon finding the boss:

Upon defeating the boss:
  • Expicon.png xx Exp
  • Goldicon.png xx Gold
Dungeon Map
Notes Seria Kirmin and Aganzo accompany the player in room B5.

The Rising Castle

Level 17
Quest Giver
Dungeon Floating Castle
Objectives Go to the Floating Castle and stop the tainted mana from destroying the Great Pentacle.
Dungeon Dialogue Upon entering the dungeon:

Upon finding the boss:

Upon defeating the boss:
  • Expicon.png xx Exp
  • Goldicon.png 1037 Gold

Level 20 magic gear.

Dungeon Map
Notes After the briefing a video plays showing the Floating Castle ascending and striking the Great Pentacle.
  • The player has no control in room A4 (it is treated as a cinematic).
  • Seria Kirmin and Aganzo accompany the player in room A4.

The Light Castellan

Level 17
Quest Giver
Dungeon Castellan's Chamber
Objectives Reach the deepest part of Castellan's Chamber.
Dungeon Dialogue Upon entering the dungeon:

Upon finding the boss:

Upon defeating the boss:
  • Expicon.png xx Exp
  • Goldicon.png 1094 Gold
Dungeon Map
Notes Aganzo and Vaughn Walshuted accompany the player in room B5.
  • G.S.D. and Sharan accompany the player in room B1 after the boss is defeated the first time.

What Falls from the Sky

Level 17
Quest Giver
Dungeon Castellan's Chamber
Objectives Go above the Castellan's Chamber.
Dungeon Dialogue Upon entering the dungeon:

Upon finding the boss:

Upon defeating the boss:
  • Expicon.png xx Exp
  • Goldicon.png 1094 Gold

Level 20 magic accessories.

Dungeon Map
Notes Aganzo, Vaughn Walshuted, G.S.D., Seria Kirmin, and Sharan accompany the player in room A2.
  • Upon entering the dungeon a cinematic plays showing Behemoth.

Reporting to Empress Skardi

Level 17
Quest Giver
Objectives Leave the Sky Tower and report to Empress Skardi in Hendon Myre City Hall.
  • Expicon.png xx Exp
  • Goldicon.png 1094 Gold

Sharan's Proposition

Level 17
Quest Giver
Objectives Go to Sharan in the Mage Guild.
  • Expicon.png xx Exp
  • Goldicon.png 1094 Gold

Player can now enter Behemoth.