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Job Advancement Quest: Fighter

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Female Fighter

Female Nen Master

Class Adv: Nen Master

Level 15
Quest Giver Blue Guardian Vetala
Briefing Vetala: "Do you want to become a Nen Master, the commander of nature? Nen is the flow of environmental energy that ordinary people are not equipped to sense. Nen Masters use Nen to reinforce their physical capabilities, attack enemies, and protect their allies. It's said their attacks are as gorgeous as beautiful flowers. <Player>, if you're really determined to walk the way of Nen Master, then prove it to me by defeating Dark Troll Chibuka, a powerful monster that has survived the terrible effects of the Great Metastasis."
Objectives Defeat Survivor Chibuka in Ringwood Underground Penitentiary. (This quest changes the map Boss monster to Chibuka for its duration, and cannot be abandoned while inside the dungeon.)
  • Survivor Chibuka: 0/1
Upon Completion Vetala: "Good, <Player>. You have chosen the way of the Nen Master. From now on, Knuckles and Cloth Armor will give you an advantage in combat."
  • Expicon.png 693 Exp

Awakening: Blazing Flower

Second Awakening: Nen Empress

Female Brawler

Class Adv: Brawler

Level 15
Quest Giver Blue Guardian Vetala
Briefing Vetala: "Brawler. Are you sure you want to walk the harsh way? Brawlers are not squeamish about being called a coward or using dirty tricks, so long as they win. They poison their enemies to waken their health, and use everything that they see as throwing weapons. Fighting dirty comes only natural to Brawlers who have grown fending for themselves in the harsh world of the backstreet. <Player>, if you're really determined to take on the rough life, then prove it to me by defeating Dark Troll Chibuka, a powerful monster that has survived the terrible effects of the Great Metastasis."
Objectives Defeat Survivor Chibuka in Ringwood Underground Penitentiary. (This quest changes the map Boss monster to Chibuka for its duration, and cannot be abandoned while inside the dungeon.)
  • Survivor Chibuka: 0/1
Upon Completion Vetala: "Good, <Player>. You have chosen the way of the Brawler. From now on, Claws and Heavy Armor will give you an advantage in combat."
  • Expicon.png 693 Exp

Second Awakening: Black Widow

Female Striker

Class Adv: Striker

Level 15
Quest Giver Blue Guardian Vetala
Briefing Vetala: "Strikers are next to none when it comes to physical superiority. They're Fighters that have trained their bodies past their physical limits to achieve the purest and simplest form of strength. Strikers subdue their enemies with a series of quick jabs, and then finish them with a powerful punch. Strikers are an unusual, yet harmonious marriage between masculine strength and soft femininity. <Player>, if you're really determined to become a Striker, then prove it to me by defeating Dark Troll Chibuka, a powerful monster that has survived the terrible effects of the Great Metastasis."
Objectives Defeat Survivor Chibuka in Ringwood Underground Penitentiary. (This quest changes the map Boss monster to Chibuka for its duration, and cannot be abandoned while inside the dungeon.)
  • Survivor Chibuka: 0/1
Upon Completion Vetala: "Good, <Player>. You have chosen the way of the Striker. From now on, Boxing Gloves and Light Armor will give you an advantage in combat."
  • Expicon.png 693 Exp

Awakening: Champion

Female Grappler

Class Adv: Grappler

Level 15
Quest Giver Blue Guardian Vetala
Briefing Vetala: "You want to advance to Grappler, the ultimate melee fighter. Possessing strength that belies their dainty, feminine looks, Grapplers can grab and throw even the heaviest enemies, and then finish them with a series of quick, skillfully measured attacks. Grapplers never fail to subdue enemies, so long as they are within arm's reach. <Player>, if you're really determined to become a Grappler, then prove it to me by defeating Dark Troll Chibuka, a powerful monster that has survived the terrible effects of the Great Metastasis."
Objectives Defeat Survivor Chibuka in Ringwood Underground Penitentiary. (This quest changes the map Boss monster to Chibuka for its duration, and cannot be abandoned while inside the dungeon.)
  • Survivor Chibuka: 0/1
Upon Completion Vetala: "Good, <Player>. You have chosen the way of the Grappler. From now on, Gauntlets and Light Armor will give you an advantage in combat."
  • Expicon.png 693 Exp

Awakening: Dervish

Male Fighter

Male Nen Master

Class Adv: Nen Master

Level 15
Quest Giver Blue Guardian Vetala
Briefing Vetala: "Nen Masters have their bodies tattooed by tattooist that exist only in a small number, to alter the flow of Nen in their bodies and draw more power. Nen Masters use their Nen energy to shield themselves and inflict great damage on enemies. When they master Nen, they can command it like a powerful beast to wipe out a large number of enemies. Tattooing, however, puts a strain on one's health, so that he can lose years of his life. <Player>, if you're really determined to become a Nen Master, then prove it to me by defeating Dark Troll Chibuka, a powerful monster that has survived the terrible effects of the Great Metastasis."
Objectives Defeat Survivor Chibuka in Ringwood Underground Penitentiary. (This quest changes the map Boss monster to Chibuka for its duration, and cannot be abandoned while inside the dungeon.)
  • Survivor Chibuka: 0/1
Upon Completion Vetala: "Good, <Player>. You have chosen the way of the Nen Master. From now on, Knuckles and Cloth Armor will give you an advantage in combat."
  • Expicon.png 693 Exp

Awakening: Radiant Lion

Second Awakening: Nen Emperor

Male Striker

Class Adv: Striker

Level 15
Quest Giver Blue Guardian Vetala
Briefing Vetala: "<Player>, you want to be a Striker. Surely your martial art prowess makes you an eligible candidate. Strikers mainly use their legs to deliver quick powerful kicks, and they're dreaded by their enemies for their explosive power. <Player>, if you're really determined to walk that way of the Striker, then prove it to me by defeating Dark Troll Chibuka, a powerful monster that has survived the terrible effects of the Great Metastasis."
Objectives Defeat Survivor Chibuka in Ringwood Underground Penitentiary. (This quest changes the map Boss monster to Chibuka for its duration, and cannot be abandoned while inside the dungeon.)
  • Survivor Chibuka: 0/1
Upon Completion Vetala: "Good, <Player>. You have chosen the way of the Striker. From now on, Boxing Gloves and Light Armor will give you an advantage in combat."
  • Expicon.png 693 Exp

Awakening: Dragon Fist

Second Awakening: Tyrant

Male Brawler

Class Adv: Brawler

Level 15
Quest Giver Blue Guardian Vetala
Briefing Vetala: "Brawlers don't care about fighting the good fight. Their sense of justice was scoured out of them during their time in the backstreet. Brawlers aren't above using tricks. They use stones, needles, nets, and anything else that they can get their hands on to subdue their enemies. They can even stoop as low as dipping knives in poison. Brawlers are the toughest Fighters who have learned to survive in the hardest way. <Player>, if you're really determined to become a Brawler, then prove it to me by defeating Dark Troll Chibuka, a powerful monster that has survived the terrible effects of the Great Metastasis."
Objectives Defeat Survivor Chibuka in Ringwood Underground Penitentiary. (This quest changes the map Boss monster to Chibuka for its duration, and cannot be abandoned while inside the dungeon.)
  • Survivor Chibuka: 0/1
Upon Completion Vetala: "Good, <Player>. You have chosen the way of the Brawler. From now on, Claws and Heavy Armor will give you an advantage in combat."
  • Expicon.png 693 Exp

Second Awakening: Hades

Male Grappler

Class Adv: Grappler

Level 15
Quest Giver Blue Guardian Vetala
Briefing Vetala: "<Player>, do you want to advance to Grappler? It's clear you wish to master the grappling skills. Grapplers started off as members of a fighter group that traveled around the world, challenging fighter institutes. They launch all-out attacks and won't let up until their enemies lay flat on the ground. Their moves are brutally economical and void of flashiness, and Grapplers can finish any fistfight as quickly as they start it. <Player>, if you're really determined to become a Grappler, then prove it to me by defeating Dark Troll Chibuka, a powerful monster that has survived the terrible effects of the Great Metastasis."
Objectives Defeat Survivor Chibuka in Ringwood Underground Penitentiary. (This quest changes the map Boss monster to Chibuka for its duration, and cannot be abandoned while inside the dungeon.)
  • Survivor Chibuka: 0/1
Upon Completion Vetala: "Good, <Player>. You have chosen the way of the Grappler. From now on, Gauntlets and Light Armor will give you an advantage in combat."
  • Expicon.png 693 Exp

Awakening: Juggernaut

Second Awakening: Titan