Female Fighter
Class Adv: Nen Master
Level |
15 |
Quest Giver |
Blue Guardian Vetala |
Briefing |
Vetala: "Do you want to become a Nen Master, the commander of nature? Nen is the flow of environmental energy that ordinary people are not equipped to sense. Nen Masters use Nen to reinforce their physical capabilities, attack enemies, and protect their allies. It's said their attacks are as gorgeous as beautiful flowers. <Player>, if you're really determined to walk the way of Nen Master, then prove it to me by defeating Dark Troll Chibuka, a powerful monster that has survived the terrible effects of the Great Metastasis." |
Objectives |
Defeat Survivor Chibuka in Ringwood Underground Penitentiary. (This quest changes the map Boss monster to Chibuka for its duration, and cannot be abandoned while inside the dungeon.)
Upon Completion |
Vetala: "Good, <Player>. You have chosen the way of the Nen Master. From now on, Knuckles and Cloth Armor will give you an advantage in combat." |
Rewards |
693 Exp
Awakening: Blazing Flower
Second Awakening: Nen Empress
Second Awakening: Nen Empress
Nen Empress Awakens 1
Level |
75 |
Quest Giver |
Pungjin |
Briefing |
Welcome. You look grim.
Is there still a question left that you haven't found an answer after all this time? Then, maybe you should consider advancing to the next stage: Nen Empress, the queen of all Nen Masters.
Accomplishing the stage, however, is not going to be easy; Nen Empresses employ the energy of the universe, and it's almost impossible for mere humans to manipulate the energy that has existed since the beginning of time.
Doing so is straining on their bodies, but their minds break first. Are you sure you want to do this?
It's risky, but it can be the answer you haven't found. If you still want it, then I'll help you retain your mind. |
Objectives |
Report to Pungjin when you are ready to become Nen Empress, the 2nd Awakening class of Nen Master. |
Upon Completion |
Have you made up your mind? Please breathe deeply and concentrate your mind. |
Rewards |
560,117 Exp
12,096 Gold
Nen Empress Awakens 2
Level |
75 |
Quest Giver |
Pungjin |
Briefing |
Your mind is stronger, but it's still as vulnerable as a young twig in the midst of a storm.
Let's get some help from other warriors whose qi is powerful enough to help protect your mind.
Black Dragon Energy, available in the Black Dragon Tournament at Shonan's Arena, is sustained with the powers of strong warriors. It's considered the best for shielding one's mind.
Join the Black Dragon Tournament and collect 30 Black Dragon Energies.
I need them to create a barrier around your mind.
Know that the contenders of the Black Dragon Tournament are also the members of the Tower of Despair, and they are not to be underestimated. |
Objectives |
Participate in the Black Dragon Tournament in the Arena of Shonan and collect 30 Black Dragon Energies. Bring them to Pungjin.
Upon Completion |
You've brought them. Please wait while I fortify your mind. |
Rewards |
560,117 Exp
Class Adv: Brawler
Level |
15 |
Quest Giver |
Blue Guardian Vetala |
Briefing |
Vetala: "Brawler. Are you sure you want to walk the harsh way? Brawlers are not squeamish about being called a coward or using dirty tricks, so long as they win. They poison their enemies to waken their health, and use everything that they see as throwing weapons. Fighting dirty comes only natural to Brawlers who have grown fending for themselves in the harsh world of the backstreet. <Player>, if you're really determined to take on the rough life, then prove it to me by defeating Dark Troll Chibuka, a powerful monster that has survived the terrible effects of the Great Metastasis." |
Objectives |
Defeat Survivor Chibuka in Ringwood Underground Penitentiary. (This quest changes the map Boss monster to Chibuka for its duration, and cannot be abandoned while inside the dungeon.)
Upon Completion |
Vetala: "Good, <Player>. You have chosen the way of the Brawler. From now on, Claws and Heavy Armor will give you an advantage in combat." |
Rewards |
693 Exp
Second Awakening: Black Widow
Second Awakening: Black Widow
Black Widow Awakens 1
Black Widow Awakens 2
Level |
75 |
Quest Giver |
Pungjin |
Briefing |
Your answers tell me that you're incapable of trust because you've been rejected by others too many times.
Let's get some help from other warriors whose qi are powerful enough to help you realize things that you've never noticed before.
Black Dragon Energy, available in the Black Dragon Tournament at Shonan's Arena, is sustained with the powers of strong warriors. It's considered the best for resurfacing dormant memories.
Join the Black Dragon Tournament and collect 30 Black Dragon Energies.
I need them to help you realize that hatred isn't the only emotion you've learned from others.
Know that the contenders of the Black Dragon Tournament are also the members of the Tower of Despair, and they are not to be underestimated. |
Objectives |
Participate in the Black Dragon Tournament in the Arena of Shonan and collect 30 Black Dragon Energies. Bring them to Pungjin.
Upon Completion |
You've brought them. Please wait while I harvest a memory in the back of your mind that will remind you of the proudest moment of your life. |
Rewards |
Class Adv: Striker
Level |
15 |
Quest Giver |
Blue Guardian Vetala |
Briefing |
Vetala: "Strikers are next to none when it comes to physical superiority. They're Fighters that have trained their bodies past their physical limits to achieve the purest and simplest form of strength. Strikers subdue their enemies with a series of quick jabs, and then finish them with a powerful punch. Strikers are an unusual, yet harmonious marriage between masculine strength and soft femininity. <Player>, if you're really determined to become a Striker, then prove it to me by defeating Dark Troll Chibuka, a powerful monster that has survived the terrible effects of the Great Metastasis." |
Objectives |
Defeat Survivor Chibuka in Ringwood Underground Penitentiary. (This quest changes the map Boss monster to Chibuka for its duration, and cannot be abandoned while inside the dungeon.)
Upon Completion |
Vetala: "Good, <Player>. You have chosen the way of the Striker. From now on, Boxing Gloves and Light Armor will give you an advantage in combat." |
Rewards |
693 Exp
Awakening: Champion
Awakening: Champion
Champion Awakens 1
Level |
50 |
Quest Giver |
Pungjin |
Briefing |
You may know this, but you've inspired many young men to become fighters.
Sadly, many of them are unable to pursue their dream because they have no means to hone their fighting skills. Could you scare up some weapons for them? |
Objectives |
Collect 1000 White Cube Fragments, 1000 Red Cube Fragments, 100 Superior Hardeners, and 100 Superior Irons.
Upon Completion |
Thank you, friend! I am sure the young Fighters will put their lives on the line to repay you for your generosity. |
Rewards |
Champion Awakens 2
Champion Awakens 3
Champion Awakens 4
Class Adv: Grappler
Level |
15 |
Quest Giver |
Blue Guardian Vetala |
Briefing |
Vetala: "You want to advance to Grappler, the ultimate melee fighter. Possessing strength that belies their dainty, feminine looks, Grapplers can grab and throw even the heaviest enemies, and then finish them with a series of quick, skillfully measured attacks. Grapplers never fail to subdue enemies, so long as they are within arm's reach. <Player>, if you're really determined to become a Grappler, then prove it to me by defeating Dark Troll Chibuka, a powerful monster that has survived the terrible effects of the Great Metastasis." |
Objectives |
Defeat Survivor Chibuka in Ringwood Underground Penitentiary. (This quest changes the map Boss monster to Chibuka for its duration, and cannot be abandoned while inside the dungeon.)
Upon Completion |
Vetala: "Good, <Player>. You have chosen the way of the Grappler. From now on, Gauntlets and Light Armor will give you an advantage in combat." |
Rewards |
693 Exp
Awakening: Dervish
Male Fighter
Class Adv: Nen Master
Level |
15 |
Quest Giver |
Blue Guardian Vetala |
Briefing |
Vetala: "Nen Masters have their bodies tattooed by tattooist that exist only in a small number, to alter the flow of Nen in their bodies and draw more power. Nen Masters use their Nen energy to shield themselves and inflict great damage on enemies. When they master Nen, they can command it like a powerful beast to wipe out a large number of enemies. Tattooing, however, puts a strain on one's health, so that he can lose years of his life. <Player>, if you're really determined to become a Nen Master, then prove it to me by defeating Dark Troll Chibuka, a powerful monster that has survived the terrible effects of the Great Metastasis." |
Objectives |
Defeat Survivor Chibuka in Ringwood Underground Penitentiary. (This quest changes the map Boss monster to Chibuka for its duration, and cannot be abandoned while inside the dungeon.)
Upon Completion |
Vetala: "Good, <Player>. You have chosen the way of the Nen Master. From now on, Knuckles and Cloth Armor will give you an advantage in combat." |
Rewards |
693 Exp
Awakening: Radiant Lion
Awakening: Radiant Lion
Radiant Lion Awakens 1
Level |
50 |
Quest Giver |
Pungjin |
Briefing |
Despite your overwhelming power, I sense a desire within you to reach the ultimate state of Nen.
I cannot stand in the way of such ambitions, but I can only hope that your strength is used for pure ends.
Nen Master, is it your desire to become a Radiant Lion? |
Objectives |
Collect 1000 White Cube Fragments, 1000 Red Cube Fragments, 100 Superior Hardeners, and 100 Superior Irons.
Upon Completion |
It isn't easy to become a Radiant Lion |
Rewards |
Radiant Lion Awakens 2
Radiant Lion Awakens 3
Radiant Lion Awakens 4
Second Awakening: Nen Emperor
Second Awakening: Nen Emperor
Nen Emperor Awakens 1
Level |
75 |
Quest Giver |
Pungjin |
Briefing |
I didn't know you were still alive. This is incredible. I once heard someone mentioning your name, but I didn't think it was the same person.
When one forcibly brings out Nen with the power of tattoo, just maintaining the Nen puts strain on the body, and you overdrove your Nen on top of that. I thought that reckless decision of yours would result in your untimely death, but it turns out that you're not an ordinary man. I can tell you've undergone a great change. Your Nen used to be an overflowing river, and now it's a tranquil lake. It's apparent you've achieved enlightenment while hovering at the boundary between life and death. But that doesn't mean you're safe. You already spilled so much Nen that its remaining energy is not enough to keep you alive. I'm afraid you have 1, or maybe 2 years of life left.
You're not surprised. I don't know if it's resignation or transcendence I'm seeing in your eyes, but if you've reached the level I'm thinking... Have you heard about Nen Emperors? They've transcended their limits as Nen-users and embraced the immense energy of nature that circulates the world. They emanate energy as pure as air and the moonlight after a storm. If you can reach their level, you can absorb the vital forces of nature. It may not give you back all the years you lost, but it should be enough to buy you some more time on earth. What would you like to do? Do you want to make a huge leap before you meet your death? This is going to be a tough journey. You could even die in the process. Please think carefully before you answer. |
Objectives |
Report to Pungjin when you are ready to become Nen Emperor, the 2nd Awakening class of Nen Master. |
Upon Completion |
One can't help but feel fear when he knows his end is near. You've challenged your fear of death and came out unscathed. Your story will be told for many generations to come. |
Rewards |
560,117 Exp
12,096 Gold
Nen Emperor Awakens 2
Level |
75 |
Quest Giver |
Pungjin |
Briefing |
How much do you know about Nen? Are you sure you're not just thinking that you know it? People tend to fit everything they experience into what they already know, but we practitioners of Nen mustn't do that. Accept the unknown as it is. Follow the laws of nature. You've relied on your tattoo to use Nen for so long that it'll be difficult to change that. Originally, it was a long, painstaking process, but we don't have the time. We'll have to do it the hard way.
Do you know the Black Dragon Tournament held in the Shonan Arena? Join the competition, and learn how the contenders employ external forces to their advantage. The success of your learning that will decide if you'll live or die.
One more thing: collect 30 Black Dragon Energies from your opponents. They can help you experience the power of Nen flowing in the universe. What we're about to do is not natural. It's risky, but it has to be done.
Brace yourself. All the contenders of the Black Dragon Tournament are powerful warriors from the Tower of Despair. Don't overdrive Nen in a fit of rage. You'll only bring yourself closer to death. |
Objectives |
Participate in the Black Dragon Tournament in the Arena of Shonan and collect 30 Black Dragon Energies. Bring them to Pungjin.
Upon Completion |
Close your eyes and meditate. Try to see the great energy of Nen I'm showing you and beyond. |
Rewards |
560,117 Exp
Class Adv: Striker
Level |
15 |
Quest Giver |
Blue Guardian Vetala |
Briefing |
Vetala: "<Player>, you want to be a Striker. Surely your martial art prowess makes you an eligible candidate. Strikers mainly use their legs to deliver quick powerful kicks, and they're dreaded by their enemies for their explosive power. <Player>, if you're really determined to walk that way of the Striker, then prove it to me by defeating Dark Troll Chibuka, a powerful monster that has survived the terrible effects of the Great Metastasis." |
Objectives |
Defeat Survivor Chibuka in Ringwood Underground Penitentiary. (This quest changes the map Boss monster to Chibuka for its duration, and cannot be abandoned while inside the dungeon.)
Upon Completion |
Vetala: "Good, <Player>. You have chosen the way of the Striker. From now on, Boxing Gloves and Light Armor will give you an advantage in combat." |
Rewards |
693 Exp
Awakening: Dragon Fist
Awakening: Dragon Fist
Dragon Fist Awakens 1
Level |
50 |
Quest Giver |
Pungjin |
Briefing |
Striker, did you just say you want to become a Dragon Fist?
Dragon Fist have mastered the art of combat to such a degree that they become unbeatable. If that is your goal then you must prove your worth. |
Objectives |
Collect 1000 White Cube Fragments, 1000 Red Cube Fragments, 100 Superior Hardeners, and 100 Superior Irons.
Upon Completion |
If you really want to take the challenge, I won't stop you. |
Rewards |
Dragon Fist Awakens 2
Level |
50 |
Quest Giver |
Pungjin |
Briefing |
In order to become a Dragon Fist, you first must open up your blocked pressure points.
Opening the pressure points can cause excruciating pain or physical disability...
Did you feel that? I just opened up your first pressure point. Try to move around and see how it feels. |
Objectives |
Clear the 30th floor of the Tower of the Dead. |
Upon Completion |
I can sense immense energy radiating through the opened point. |
Rewards |
112,424 Exp
6,912 Gold
Dragon Fist Awakens 3
Level |
50 |
Quest Giver |
Pungjin |
Briefing |
I'll leave opening the second pressure point to the formidable warriors in the Tower of the Dead. Fight them and bring me their essences. |
Objectives |
Obtain 10 Formidable Essences from APCs in Tower of the Dead or Tower of Illusion.
Upon Completion |
This gate opens only during combat and when you're in the face of extreme danger. Now, let me stabilize it using the essences of the strong warriors you brought. |
Rewards |
189,168 Exp
6,912 Gold
Dragon Fist Awakens 4
Level |
50 |
Quest Giver |
Pungjin |
Briefing |
There are a total of seven important pressure points in our body, and you can become a Dragon Fist just by opening two.
Opening more pressure points than that is so dangerous that only a handful have survived. I cannot suggest trying that. |
Objectives |
Collect 60 Chaos Stone Debris, 80 Seal of Empress Skardi, and 120 Seal of Emperor Helm
Upon Completion |
Excellent. Now, I shall begin...
*He begins injecting you with the strange concoction. You feel a buzzing under your skin*
There. The strength that churns within you endlessly is what marks you as a Dragon Fist.
Wield this wild power with conviction, my friend. You have surely earned it. |
Rewards |
154,874 Exp
Second Awakening: Tyrant
Second Awakening: Tyrant
Tyrant Awakens 1
Level |
75 |
Quest Giver |
Pungjin |
Briefing |
You don't look well. Don't try to deny it. I know what's happening to you. You're tired of pushing past past your limits.
There is no end to training. Even the most determined warrior gets lost once or twice during the endless journey. That's why most people choose to stop at a certain point and live and contentedly.
You've come a long way. Perhaps where you are now is as far as you can go. Push any further, and you might realize that you wasted your time on a wall that could never be broken.
Don't be upset. There is no end to training, but everyone has his limits. Let's say you're willing to risk your life. What if your life is not important enough for the world to bend its laws?
...I was being harsh, but that only made you more determined than ever. It was a test, and you've surpassed my expectation. Good job.
I admire your indomitable fighting spirit. Let me make you a proposition: how'd you like to find your own path?
There is more than one way to become strong. Don't you think it's time you stop following other people's footsteps and carve your own way to the top?
What do you say? If you're up for it, go regroup, and then come back. I'll teach you how to break through the limits that other people have set and reach a new limit on your own. |
Objectives |
Report to Pungjin when you are ready to become Tyrant, the 2nd Awakening class of Striker. |
Upon Completion |
Good. Now you're as enthusiastic as you were when I saw you for the first time. |
Rewards |
247,354 Exp
12,096 Gold
Tyrant 2
Level |
75 |
Quest Giver |
Pungjin |
Briefing |
Learning is like walking across a vast land. The signs left by those who went before you are mere guidance.
Do you know what that ball of fire, the one you sometimes conjure up without trying, actually is? It's the manifestation of your qi when it's touched by the deepest part of your consciousness.
Not all warriors possess qi so strong that it manifests as fire. That's your unique power and the new direction you should head to. Why don't you incorporate it with your martial art techniques.
I know no one has tried that before, and that's why you should...I'm glad you agree.
Do you know the Black Dragon Tournament held in Shonan Arena? It's a perfect opportunity for you to try out this theory.
Fight the contenders and bring 30 Black Dragon Energies. Your opponents also have transcended their limits. Absorb their powerful energy and use it to improve yourself.
Fighting them, however, won't be easy. All the contenders are powerful warriors from the Tower of Despair. To best them, you'll have to push past your limits. |
Objectives |
Participate in the Black Dragon Tournament in the Arena of Shonan and collect 30 Black Dragon Energies. Bring them to Pungjin.
Upon Completion |
Show me what new goal you have set for yourself. |
Rewards |
Class Adv: Brawler
Level |
15 |
Quest Giver |
Blue Guardian Vetala |
Briefing |
Vetala: "Brawlers don't care about fighting the good fight. Their sense of justice was scoured out of them during their time in the backstreet. Brawlers aren't above using tricks. They use stones, needles, nets, and anything else that they can get their hands on to subdue their enemies. They can even stoop as low as dipping knives in poison. Brawlers are the toughest Fighters who have learned to survive in the hardest way. <Player>, if you're really determined to become a Brawler, then prove it to me by defeating Dark Troll Chibuka, a powerful monster that has survived the terrible effects of the Great Metastasis." |
Objectives |
Defeat Survivor Chibuka in Ringwood Underground Penitentiary. (This quest changes the map Boss monster to Chibuka for its duration, and cannot be abandoned while inside the dungeon.)
Upon Completion |
Vetala: "Good, <Player>. You have chosen the way of the Brawler. From now on, Claws and Heavy Armor will give you an advantage in combat." |
Rewards |
693 Exp
Second Awakening: Hades
Second Awakening: Hades
Hades Awakens 1
Level |
75 |
Quest Giver |
Pungjin |
Briefing |
Long time, no see. I won't ask how you've been. That harried look on your face explains enough. I had a inkling about your situation, but is it so tough to handle? I know you've been trying to change the back alleys form the cesspool of thugs it is to something better. Your attempt, however futile, has brought a ray of hope to the bleak reality of that place. But cry justice too hastily, and you'll get stabbed in the back.
You're strong, but the fight for your cause will end with your death if your followers get tired of the losing battle and decide to turn against you. A dim light only accentuates the darkness around it. Forget camaraderie and take the throne. Rule everyone else with your power of darkness.
That's right. I'm advising you to become the Hades and continue to fight for your cause. When you become king, you can't always fight a full-frontal war as you have been. Sometimes, you might have to hide your intentions and wait for your enemy to show their cards first. It may not suit your predilection for simplicity and straightforwardness, but that's what being a ruler is about. It's a long, lonely struggle. What do you say? If you're ready for a different type of adventuring, then come back to me. |
Objectives |
Report to Pungjin when you are ready to become Hades, the 2nd Awakening class of Brawler. |
Upon Completion |
I can see your determination. |
Rewards |
247,354 Exp
12,096 Gold
Hades Awakens 2
Class Adv: Grappler
Level |
15 |
Quest Giver |
Blue Guardian Vetala |
Briefing |
Vetala: "<Player>, do you want to advance to Grappler? It's clear you wish to master the grappling skills. Grapplers started off as members of a fighter group that traveled around the world, challenging fighter institutes. They launch all-out attacks and won't let up until their enemies lay flat on the ground. Their moves are brutally economical and void of flashiness, and Grapplers can finish any fistfight as quickly as they start it. <Player>, if you're really determined to become a Grappler, then prove it to me by defeating Dark Troll Chibuka, a powerful monster that has survived the terrible effects of the Great Metastasis." |
Objectives |
Defeat Survivor Chibuka in Ringwood Underground Penitentiary. (This quest changes the map Boss monster to Chibuka for its duration, and cannot be abandoned while inside the dungeon.)
Upon Completion |
Vetala: "Good, <Player>. You have chosen the way of the Grappler. From now on, Gauntlets and Light Armor will give you an advantage in combat." |
Rewards |
693 Exp
Awakening: Juggernaut
Awakening: Juggernaut
Juggernaut Awakens 1
Level |
50 |
Quest Giver |
Pungjin |
Briefing |
Finally we meet. It's time for you to take your skills to the next level. What say you become a Juggernaut? |
Objectives |
Collect 1000 White Cube Fragments, 1000 Red Cube Fragments, 100 Superior Hardeners, and 100 Superior Irons.
Upon Completion |
You fight dirty, but you fight good. |
Rewards |
Juggernaut Awakens 2
Juggernaut Awakens 3
Juggernaut Awakens 4
Second Awakening: Titan
Second Awakening: Titan
Titan Awakens 1
Level |
75 |
Quest Giver |
Pungjin |
Briefing |
Long time no see. I can tell you've been training hard to reach the pinnacle of strength. I've heard many stories of your heroism. But I see angst in your eyes. What is it that makes you feel so unsure? I would think, as a member of the Black Pearl Ring, you should've been too busy with your training to concern yourself with petty worldly affairs. ...I see. You're worried about the deepening struggle within your faction. It was created by warriors who wanted the same thing, but now they're split and the existence of your group is at risk. I understand that you don't want to get distracted from pursuing pure strength because your comrades have changed. Then, do you want to denounce your comrades and walk the path you think is right? But that's not why you joined them, is it? Then what are you waiting for? Your comrades are lost and your group is on the brink of extinction. Become the Titan and bring them back on the right track. Of course, being the Juggernaut is tougher than being a simple adventurer. It comes with great responsibility. Are you up for it? Please think carefully before you answer. |
Objectives |
Report to Pungjin when you are ready to become Titan, the 2nd Awakening class of the Grappler. |
Upon Completion |
You've decided to unite your comrades. Good choice. |
Rewards |
247,354 Exp
12,096 Gold
Titan Awakens 2
Level |
75 |
Quest Giver |
Pungjin |
Briefing |
For now, I suggest you join the Black Dragon Tournament in the Shonan Arena instead. Fight the contenders and put your strength to the test, and then go to your seclusive leader and get his approval to be the Titan. He won't approve you easily. Collect 30 Black Dragon Energies from the contenders of the Black Dragon Tournament. I can use them to re-energize you. But be careful: all the contenders of the tournament are powerful warriors from the Tower of Despair. Act in haste, and you'll get hurt. |
Objectives |
Participate in the Black Dragon Tournament in the Arena of Shonan and collect 30 Black Dragon Energies. Bring them to Pungjin.
Upon Completion |
You brought them. Now close your eyes and breathe deeply. This powerful energy will re-energize you. |
Rewards |
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