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Tombstone.png Tombstone

Active Skill

Soul Bender

Command: Upkey.pngDownkey.png+Z.png
Prerequisite Level: 35
Prerequisite Skills: None


Rains tombstones from the sky around the Soul Bender, dealing massive amounts of damage and Curse (Status).png Curse (Status) their targets.
Grants Super Armor (Status).png Super Armor (Status).
While the tombstones are falling, the Soul Bender cannot move. The skill can be canceled by pressing the jump key.
Kalla of Dark Flame.png Kalla of Dark Flame makes the tombstones set enemies ablaze.


  • SP per level: 40
  • Master Level: 50
  • Max Level: 60
  • Casting Time: 0.3 sec.
  • Cooldown: 18 sec.
  • This skill consumes 1 Clear Cube Fragment.png Clear Cube Fragment.
  • MP -2.0% Cooldown -1.0% on Command
  • Tombstone Effect:
    • Casting Range: 180 px
    • Dropping Tombstones: 9 per sec.
    • Duration: 2 sec.
  • Curse (Status).png Curse (Status) Effect:
    • Duration: 12 sec.


  • Magical attack with Shadow Attribute property.
  • A total of 18 tombstones fall from the sky.
  • Tombstones placed on the ground can still inflict damage.
  • Can increase the amount of tombstones dropped with Chronicle 2 Items.
  • Can be improved with Tombstone Upgrade.png Tombstone Upgrade.

Skill Growth

Note: This table has been generated based off of skill growth information presented in-game. The data may have slight differences compared to the information presented in-game due to minor rounding variations.


Level Lv Req MP Tombstone Magical Atk. Curse (Status).png Curse (Status) Effect
Chance Enemy STR/VIT/INT/SPR Level
1 35 165 337% 24% -30 36
2 37 185 371% 25.2% -40 38
3 39 206 405% 26.4% -50 40
4 41 227 440% 27.6% -60 42
5 43 247 474% 28.8% -70 44
6 45 268 508% 30% -80 46
7 47 289 542% 31.2% -90 48
8 49 309 577% 32.4% -100 50
9 51 330 611% 33.6% -110 52
10 53 351 645% 34.8% -120 54
11 55 371 679% 36% -130 56
12 57 392 714% 37.2% -140 58
13 59 413 748% 38.4% -150 60
14 61 433 782% 39.6% -160 62
15 63 454 816% 40.8% -170 64
16 65 475 851% 42% -180 66
17 67 495 885% 43.2% -190 68
18 69 516 919% 44.4% -200 70
19 71 537 953% 45.6% -210 72
20 73 557 987% 46.8% -220 74
21 75 578 1022% 48% -230 76
22 77 599 1056% 49.2% -240 78
23 79 619 1090% 50.4% -250 80
24 81 640 1124% 51.6% -260 82
25 83 661 1159% 52.8% -270 84
26 85 681 1193% 54% -280 86
27 87 702 1227% 55.2% -290 88
28 89 723 1261% 56.4% -300 90
29 91 743 1296% 57.6% -310 92
30 93 764 1330% 58.8% -320 94
31 95 785 1364% 60% -330 96
32 97 805 1398% 61.2% -340 98
33 99 826 1432% 62.4% -350 100
  • Note:The table above has been generated based off of skill growth information presented in-game. The data may have slight differences compared to the information presented in-game due to minor rounding variations.


Soul Bender Skills
Active:Afterimage of Keiga.png Afterimage of Keiga Dark Flame Sword (Soul Bender).png Dark Flame Sword (Soul Bender) Extinction Ritual.png Extinction Ritual Ghost Slash- Overdrive.png Ghost Slash: Overdrive Hazy-Eyed Bremen.png Hazy-Eyed Bremen Ice Saya.png Ice Saya Kalla of Dark Flame.png Kalla of Dark Flame Phantasmal Slayer (Soul Bender).png Phantasmal Slayer (Soul Bender) Phantom Sword Slash.png Phantom Sword Slash Plague Rhasa.png Plague Rhasa Tombstone.png Tombstone
Passive:Full Moonlight Slash.png Full Moonlight Slash Ghost Liberation.png Ghost Liberation Ghost Slash Drive.png Ghost Slash Drive Lunar Curtain.png Lunar Curtain Shadow Harmony.png Shadow Harmony Unshackle.png Unshackle
Awakening:Fear of Darkness.png Fear of Darkness Ghost 7- Furious Blache.png Ghost 7: Furious Blache Ghost Slash- Abyss.png Ghost Slash: Abyss Tombstone Swamp.png Tombstone Swamp
2nd Awakening:Blade Phantom.png Blade Phantom Blade Phantom Possession- Technique.png Blade Phantom Possession: Technique Descent of Sieg.png Descent of Sieg Phantom Mastery.png Phantom Mastery
Neo: Awakening:Demonic Crown.png Demonic Crown Descent of the Nine- Ghost Gate.png Descent of the Nine: Ghost Gate Ravenous Crevasse.png Ravenous Crevasse

Male Slayer Skills
Active:Aerial Chain Slash.png Aerial Chain Slash Ashe Fork.png Ashe Fork Bloodlust.png Bloodlust Drive Slash.png Drive Slash Force Wave- Neutral.png Force Wave: Neutral Ghost Slash.png Ghost Slash Gore Cross.png Gore Cross Guard.png Guard Khazan.png Khazan Moonlight Slash.png Moonlight Slash Mountainous Wheel.png Mountainous Wheel Phantom Slash.png Phantom Slash Thrust.png Thrust Upward Slash.png Upward Slash Wave Wheel Slasher.png Wave Wheel Slasher
Passive:Bludgeon Mastery.png Bludgeon Mastery Katana Mastery.png Katana Mastery Short Sword Mastery.png Short Sword Mastery Zanbato Mastery.png Zanbato Mastery

General Skills
Active:Ancient Memory.png Ancient Memory Backstep.png Backstep Indomitable Spirit.png Indomitable Spirit Leap.png Leap Quick Rebound.png Quick Rebound
Passive:Armor Mastery.png Armor Mastery Backstep Upgrade.png Backstep Upgrade Basic Training.png Basic Training Conversion.png Conversion Physical Critical.png Focus: Critical Latent Power.png Latent Power Physical Rear Attack.png Rear Attack
Neo: Awakening:Clues to Awakening.png Clues to Awakening One Step Closer.png One Step Closer Subitism.png Subitism