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Hell Mode

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Missing info.png Seria says: "Nothing should be as mysterious as I am!"

Hell Party APC List oudated.

Hell Mode Entry

Hell Mode is a special mode in dungeons that allows you to fight extraordinarily hard enemies for a chance at some pretty good rewards, most notably, Epic equipment. Outside of some special methods, this is the only way to obtain Epic equipment.

How to Encounter

Hell Mode can be encountered in one of two ways:

  • Random: The first way is to simply encounter it randomly. The chances of encountering it increase with more party members. The more you run dungeons with the same party, the chances of encountering Hell Mode increases. This is indicated by by the sphere in the top-right corner or the minimap in dungeons. The minimap itself will start to change color the closer you get to activating a Hell Mode.
  • Forced: The second way is to force Hell Mode. This is done through quests given by Grandis, which upon completion, will allow you to force Hell Mode for Time Gate dungeons or higher.

Hell Mode will only appear in Antwer Canyon dungeons and higher, with the exception of Another Arad.

Forcing Hell Mode

In order to force Hell Mode, you first must unlock it via quests given to you by Grandis. These have you go through and defeat the bosses of the general area (Defeat Icon-Kane.png Kane, Assassin in the Fog, Icon-Young Skasa.png Young Skasa, and Icon-Iris Fortune Singer.png Iris Fortune Singer for Time Gate; collect a rare material from Icon-Avenging Pit.png Avenging Pit, Icon-Reciting Samuel.png Reciting Samuel, Icon-Shuddering Patris.png Shuddering Patris, and Icon-Evanescent Ferman.png Evanescent Ferman for Power Station; defeat Icon-Metal Gear.png Metal Gear, Icon-Iron Aim.png Iron Aim, and Icon-Gold Clown.png Gold Clown for Castle of the Dead; defeat No Icon.png Gragol, Domina -ICON.png Domina Hailey, and No Icon.png Suparna for Metro Center). After that, you can then enter Hell Mode by having enough Demon Invitation.png Demon Invitations, and clicking on the Hell Mode button on the lower right corner of the dungeon selection screen. Otherwise, you may have enough Invitations, but are not able to force Hell Mode. Forcing Hell Mode will allow you to fight a Hell Party on Hardcore or Insane difficulty, assigned randomly.

Demon Invitation.png Demon Invitations can be exchanged with Demon Challenge.png Demon Challenges from Grandis, as well as randomly dropping from bosses. Invitations are untradable, while Demon Challenge.png Demon Challenges can be traded to other players. After forcing Hell Mode, the Invitations are used up. If this is done in a party, every member of the party needs enough Demon Invitation.png Demon Invitations.

Time Gate:

  • Prerequisite: No quests found that satisfy the search criteria.
Dungeon Required Invitations
The Great Blaze 20
Epidemic 20
Organization! The Kartel 21
Black Crusade 21
Confidential Area 21
Old Screaming Cavern 22
Naissance 22
Awakening 22

Power Station:

  • Prerequisite: No quests found that satisfy the search criteria.
Dungeon Required Invitations
Kore Power Plant 23
Furtz Power Plant 24
Trombe Power Plant 24
Grandine Power Plant 24

Castle of the Dead:

  • Prerequisite: No quests found that satisfy the search criteria.
Dungeon Required Invitations
Inverted Watchtower 26
Luke Rinje 26
Metal Brakium 26
Salamander's Furnace 26
Banquet Hall of Light 26

Metro Center:

  • Prerequisite: No quests found that satisfy the search criteria.
Dungeon Required Invitations
Time Square 28
Valley of the Half-breeds 28
Chamber of Terror 28
Wind Canyon 28
Red Witch's Forest 28

What to Expect

If you've encountered Hell Mode, you'll get a notice at the start of the dungeon. A purple boss symbol will appear on the map, indicating where the Hell Party is located.

As of the Hell revamp (17th Jan, 2017), Hell Mode now only has Insane difficulty:

  • Hardcore - Two Horns (obsolete)
  • Insane - Four Horns


Once in the room, you'll notice a sealed container. After all the normal enemies have been cleared in the room, you can choose whether or not to hit it. Basically, Hell Mode is optional. After hitting the Sealed Gate, it'll react, and some Fallen Guardians will pop out of it. After defeating them, hit the Sealed Gate some more. One of the Hell Demons listed below will pop out first, then the Hell Party immediately after the Hell Demon's defeat. If you're lucky, they'll drop some nice items upon defeat.

Hell Monsters

Hell Demons


Upon defeating a Hell Mode, you'll get some items. More often than not, it's a small amount of Demon Invitation.png Demon Invitations with some Epic equipment fragments, but you may get Epic Soul.png Epic Souls, Hell Orbs and even Epic equipment!

Epic Souls

Epic Soul.png Epic Souls can be obtained by defeating the APCs that appear in the Hell Party or by disassembling Epic equipment. They are used to exchange for Demon Challenge.png Demon Challenges, Demon Invitation.png Demon Invitations or Epic equipment up to Level 75 from Grandis. It is generally recommended to spend Epic Soul.png Epic Souls on Demon Invitation.png Demon Invitations, which can then be used once again to repeat the Hell Mode cycle.

One can also save Epic Soul.png Epic Souls for:

  • Crafting Epics from Epic Fragments, assuming they have 1000 of the Epic Fragment they need for a piece of Epic equipment.
  • Transferring Epics through Grandis to other characters on their account, assuming they have the number of Epic Fragments and other materials needed.


  • As of the Season 3, Act 1 update, Demon Eye.png Demon Eyes are unobtainable. They have since been replaced with Epic Soul.png Epic Souls.

Hell Party APC List

Name Level Location Skills Notes
LonelyCat.jpg Lonely Youngin 19-28 Sky Tower Lasher, Dragon Fang, Florae Circle, Dash Attack Mage APC decked out in Cat Avatars;
"Don't hit me!"
GiraffeG.jpg Geremy Raffe 19-28 Sky Tower Sliding Windmill, Windmill, Punisher, Jack Spike Gunner APC decked out in Giraffe Avatars;
"You're just an APC!"
"Look at these guys..."
"Hey guys, stick together."
FighterFox.jpg Kimberly Maus 19-28 Sky Tower Suplex, Tiger Chain Strike, Hammer Kick Fighter APC decked out in Fox Avatars; Can summon a Goblin when struck.
"I'm a college student."
"Ugly avatars... No sense of fasion, I see..."
"Are you some kind of perv?"
LionPriest.jpg Kenneth King of Lions 19-28 Sky Tower Dash Attack, Smasher, Lucky Straight Punch Priest APC decked out in Lion Avatars;
Fed13Soldier.jpg Battallion 13 Soldier x4 31-39 Dendroid Jungle (K)
Second Spine (K)
Chamber of Blood
G-1 Corona F.Mech APC
Summons G-1 Corona then spams regular attacks. Has very fast Attack Speed.
"Corona will operate."
Madiator.PNG Madiator x7 39 Outer Temple Walls (K)
Chamber of Blood
Gore Cross, Diehard Spams Gore Cross and normal attacks repeatedly.
May use Diehard when low on HP.
"United we stand, divided we fall!"
"Even if it's in my next life."
AgailHammer.jpg Agail Hammerlord x7 39 Outer Temple Walls (M,K)
Silver Night (M,K)
Second Spine (K)
Chamber of Blood (K)
Hammer of Repentance, Blades of Purity, Light of Divinity Crusader APCs
Will cast Light of Divinity on themselves and spam Hammer of Repentance.
"Maintain Defense."
"Hammer Soldier Ready."
"Swift Demon Slash"
FishermanD.png Lucy Lanois 49-54 Scoria Core (K)
Bwanga's Camp (K)
Temple of Apostasy Dungeons
Brigand City
Slums Gate
Mount, Sand Throw, Heaven's Net, Junk Spin, Venom Mine, etc. Brawler-type APC;
May chain Raging Vulcan with her sisters.
"Oops, my mistake."
"Cast the 1st Net!"
FishermanD.png Hannah Lanois 49-54 Scoria Core (K)
Bwanga's Camp (K)
Temple of Apostasy Dungeons
Slums Gate
Mount, Sand Throw, Heaven's Net, Junk Spin, Venom Mine, etc. Brawler-type APC
May chain Raging Vulcan with her sisters.
"Cast the 2nd Net!"
"Lucy, I'm boarding!"
FishermanD.png Jenny Lanois 49-54 Scoria Core (K)
Bwanga's Camp (K)
Temple of Apostasy Dungeons
Slums Gate
Mount, Sand Throw, Heaven's Net, Junk Spin, Venom Mine, etc. Brawler-type APC;
May chain Raging Vulcan with her sisters.
"Cast the 3rd Net!"
SkeletonKing.jpg Skeleking 50+ Slums Dungeons
GBL Arad Branch
Tombstone, Ghost Slash, Lunar Curtain, Afterimage of Keiga, etc. Soul Bender APC; Has increased Tombstone count and usually comes with Skeleton-type enemies.
RichterFlame.jpg Richter Flame 50+ The Ridge (K)
Ryku Point
Bwanga's Camp
Fire Wave Sword, Secret Slayer Technique, Neutral Wave Sword Asura/Blade Master Hybrid APC with Epic Lightsaber; skills that consume clear cubes can cause Richter to counter with Fireballs that home in on targets.
Crepid Von Crombury
Sura Von Crombury
51 Ice Palace
Brigand City
Murderous Wave
Wave Radiation
Spirit Crescent
Neutral Wave Sword
Asura APCs
Can launch poisonous blobs that inflict extremely high-level Poison.
CloudMaster.jpg Master Cloud 43-53 Scoria Core
Mt. Thunderime Dungeons
GBL Arad Branch
King's Relic
White Tiger, Black Tortoise, Shikigami Legion, etc. Exorcist APC
Equipped with special beads;
"Return to the Netherworld!"
"Weaklings... Tsk Tsk."
Demonhead Drake
Demonhead Blair
Demonhead Chase
47-53 Frostfield
Scoria Core
Bwanga's Camp
King's Relic
GBL Arad Branch
Slums Gate
Kazan, Bremen, Afterimage of Keiga, Summon Ice Saya, Ghost Step, Rhasa: Carrier of the Plague, Phantasmal Slayer, etc. Soul Bender APCs
Uses various Soul Bender ghosts and Phantasmal Slayer. Has extremely high-level Saya, Bremen, and Rhasa.
PriestWhiteMan.jpg Will Harringam 43-54 Frostfield
Bwanga's Camp
Brigand City
Scoria Core
King's Relic
GBL Arad Branch
Moonlight Tavern
Will Driver, Sway, Sacred Counter, etc. Monk APC
Equipped with special Valentine title and Legacy: Totem of Aladis.
Attacks may Immobilize.
"A good organization, I see."
"Oh, my shoulder!"
Masukettia.jpg Musketeer Max 53 Hamelin (Insane)
Ice Palace
Sliding Grenade
Modified Headshot
SerenityMage.jpg Elly Evangel 53 Vilmark - Area 50
Brigand City
Water Chaser, Dragon Fang, Mana Shield, Punto Wave, etc. Battle Mage APC
Equipped with Lv55 Nugol Bone Spear.
Has enhanced attack range and attacks may cause Bleeding.
May come in groups.
PattyPenguin.jpg Patty Penguin 53-54 Vilmark - Area 50
Slums Gate (K)
Moonlight Tavern (K)
Frosty's Head Mage APC decked out in Yellow Penguin avatars.
Comes with Krazy Ivan the Agitator usually. Will explode upon death. May summon a Krazy Ivan below 10% Max HP.
DrixBullet.jpg Drix Bullet 51-54 Ice Palace (K)
King's Relic
Brigand City
Hamelin (K)
Slums Gate
Spinning Cross
Star in the Sky
Gale Smash, etc.
Red Physical Exorcist; has extremely fast Movement Speed, but slow Attack Speed. Often appears with Richard.
RichardH.jpg Richard Hellan 51-54 Slums Gate
Moonlight Tavern
Vilmark - Area 50
Chaos Hammer
Atomic Smash
Crucifix Wind, etc.
Black Physical Exorcist; has very slow Movement Speed, but extremely fast Attack Speed. Often appears with Drix.
SummonerKas.jpg Summoner Kas 51-54 King's Relic
Brigand City
Slums Gate
Vilmark - Area 50
Ice Palace
Hired Summon: Panzer Hodor
Hired Summon: Conqueror Kasijas
Indomitable Spirit
Lantern Firebomb
Aerial Lantern Firebomb
Phase Shift
Summoner APC
Summons Kasijas immediately then cycles through other attacks.
"Turn down your screen effects."
"See? No lag, right?."
DhaliaLam.jpg Dhalia Lam 43-54 The Ridge
Ice Palace
Bwanga's Camp
Scoria Core
Slums Gate
Moonlight Tavern
GBL Arad Branch
Seismic Punch (Modified) Fighter APC decked out in Sheep Avatars
Uses Modified Seismic Punch that can Immobilize.
RHailey.jpg Rapturous Hailey 47-53 Ice Palace (Insane)
King's Relic
Slums Gate (K)
Sand Splash (Void)
Lion's Roar (Dark AoE Field)
Fighter APC
Spawns with Wraith-type enemies; can create Voids that have homing capabilities.
Lion's Roar causes a area to be covered in Darkness that deals damage.
"Don't attack yet!"
"Black Spiral!"
DarkElfGun.jpg ??? 57 Skasa's Lair Pierce Booster
Immobility Booster
Gunner APC decked out in Dark Elf Avatars; Spawns with Dark Elf type enemies.
Uses a modified Punisher attack.
SniperA.jpg Sniper Ankara 53-57 Slums Gate
Skasa's Lair
Steyr AMR Uses a slightly modified Steyr AMR.
RemD.JPG Dietrich Dunz 57 Skasa's Lair (K) Air Combat Mech Tempester
G-1 Corona
G-3 Raptor
Secret Land Runner
RX-78 Land Runner
Summons Tempester constantly when cooldown is up.
RemMarie.jpg Marie Wright 57-58 Noire Ferra (K)
Skasa's Lair (K)
RX-78 Land Runner
Air Combat Mech Gale Force
Backup Land Runner
Summons Gale Force constantly when cooldown is up.
ArmorAmelia.jpg Armored Amelia 56 Verderia
Skasa's Lair
Antwerp Canyon
Super Armor
Tiger Chain Strike
Crushing Fist
Striker APC equipped with Mecha Tau Gauntlets
"It's fo' real now!"
Haiadogan.jpg Ben the Bounty Hunter 60 Verderia (K)
Antwerp Canyon
Punisher, Multi Headshot, Wild Shot, Ranger APC
Sometimes appears in groups.
Likes to spam Wild Shot.
Wearing special equips.
Sometimes spawns with Odessa enemies.
IllKill.jpg ??? 57-60 Skasa's Lair
Antwerp Canyon
Jack Spike, BBQ, G-14 Buster, Rising Shot, Steep Slide, Mach Kick, Steyr AMR, Windmill, Aerial Fire, Flamethrower, Laser Rifle, Quantum Bomb, X-1 Extruder Launcher APC
Equipped with Terranite Hand Cannon.
Has a large movepool.
NugolJoey.jpg Nugol Hunter Joey 54-56 Odessa Streets
Screaming Cavern
Skasa's Lair
Antwerp Canyon (K; Hardcore+)
Laser Rifle, Headshot, Crossmore Launcher APC
Equipped with Nugol Muzzle. Skills have increased damage can cause Stone Curse if they hit.
GhoulMage.jpg ??? 56 Screaming Cavern
Skasa's Lair
Phase Shift, Lightning Strike ???
SpearmanC.jpg Alonzo Dragoon x7 56 Odessa Streets
Spear of Victory, Blades of Purity, Spiritual Sacrifice Crusader APCs
Spams Spear of Victory. Will restore HP/MP to others when killed.
Equipped with Lv55 Pink Cross; may buff stats on cast.
"Spearman Ready"
StoneFistJoan.jpg Stone Fist Joan 56-57 Skasa's Lair
Noire Ferra
Screaming Cavern
Antwerp Canyon
One Inch Punch
Crushing Fist
Air Walk
Striker APC
Can slam down a giant Meteor when using Crushing Fist.
Pinkel.jpg Pinkel 57-60 Verderia
Skasa's Lair
Noire Ferra
Screaming Cavern (Insane)
Antwerp Canyon
Magic Missle, EMM, Indomitable Spirit, Florae Circle, Jackyl Witch APC
Equipped with Lv55 Epic Broom "Magical Broom Pinkle".
Often spams EMM and Florae Circle.
"La la la."
"Spin Spin!"
"Wa pow!"
"Whoa Whoa!"
CastroWave.jpg Castro Wave 56-58 Odessa Streets
Skasa's Lair
Screaming Cavern
Antwerp Canyon
Wave Eye
Flame Wave Sword
Upward Slash
Wave Radiation
Murderous Wave, etc.
Asura APC
Uses Wave Eye awakening and associated attacks.
TaraFlame.jpg Tara Flame 57-60 Skasa's Lair
Noire Ferra
Antwerp Canyon
Ador Firebomb
Flame Breath
Meteor Buster
Mage APC
Uses a modified Lantern Firebomb that launches and summons Adors; these do have homing capabilities. Can use Flame Breath that acts like M-3 Flamethrower and a Halloween Buster that summons a Meteor.
"Plain Meteor!"
"March of the Fire Spirits!"
"I'll burn you to ashes!"
Damien.jpg Damien 60 Verderia
Skasa's Lair
Antwerp Canyon
Upward Slash
Gore Cross
Outrage Break
Berserker APC equipped with Evil Sword Aphopis
Will summon additional Evil Sword Aphopis to attack when Awakening is used.
NightQueen.jpg Nivia of White Night 60 Antwerp Canyon (K; Hardcore+) Marilyn Rose, Moving Shot F.Gunner APC
Shoots bats from her gun that have homing capabilites.
Usually accompanied by Hunter-type enemies.
Bulletina.jpg Bulletina 55-60 Skasa's Lair
Odessa Streets
Antwerp Canyon
Topspin (Modified)
Western Fire
Needle Sobat
F.Gunner APC
Uses a modified Topspin that acts like Draw Sword.
"Aerial Top Spin!"
SerenityGrace.jpg Serenity Grace 57-60 Noire Ferra (Hardcore)
Skasa's Lair
Antwerp Canyon (K)
Nen Shot, Suplex, Suplex Thunder, Raging Light Dragon, Spiral Nen Nen Master APC
CartelAgent.jpg Agent X x7 55-56 Odessa Streets
Moving Shot
Gunner APCs
Previously featured in the now defunct Agent 009 quest.
Attacks have a chance to cause Stun.
"Kill him!"
"Incoming enemy!"
"You can't touch me!"
"My people will pay you a visit."
Fed154Worker.jpg Battallion 13 Corporal x2 60 Antwerp Canyon (Hardcore~Insane) FM-92 MK2 Lancer, Grenade F.Gunner APC
Uses a modified Grenade attack that acts similar to FM-92 MK2 Lancer.
Fed154Eng.jpg Battallion 13 Engineer x2 60 Antwerp Canyon (Hardcore~Insane) FM-92 MK2 Lancer, Grenade F.Gunner APC
Uses a modified Grenade attack that acts similar to FM-92 MK2 Lancer.
Fed154Platoon.jpg Battallion 13 Captain x2 60 Antwerp Canyon (Hardcore~Insane) Quantum Bomb F.Gunner APC
Uses a Quantum Bomb with extended range.
Aganzo.gif Aganzo 56 Screaming Cavern (Insane) Ghost Slash
Illusion Sword Dance
Charge Crash
Raging Dragon Slash
Ultimate Slayer Skill: Sword Storm
Overdrive, etc.
Legendary Zanbato Master
Appears with Bwanga, Siran, and Vaughn.
Can summon multiple tornadoes to surround and attack you after finishing Illusion Sword Dance.
"Get ready!"
"Did you come to see me?"
"You leave me no choice but to use this skill..."
BwangaIcon.gif Bwanga 56 Screaming Cavern (Insane) See Bwanga. Legendary Bludgeon Master
Appears with Aganzo, Siran, and Vaughn.
"Try dodging my attacks."
"I'm raising my speed now."
Ban.jpg Vaughn 56 Screaming Cavern (Insane) Ghost Slash
Illusion Sword Dance
Charge Crash
Raging Dragon Slash
Overdrive, etc.
Legendary Short Sword Master
Appears with Bwanga, Siran, and Aganzo.
Uses highly modified attacks that can shoot Slash Waves across the screen.
Can buff himself increasing his Movement and Attack Speed.
"You can run...but you can't hide."
"If you stay on the ground, you will get hurt."
"This is the time to test your abilities."
"You need to be a little reckless."
"A swordsman without a powerful sword is nothing."
Siran.jpg Siran 56 Screaming Cavern (Insane) Ghost Slash
Illusion Sword Dance
Charge Crash
Raging Dragon Slash
Overdrive, etc.
Legendary Katana Master
Appears with Bwanga, Aganzo, and Vaughn.
Uses highly modified attacks that can shoot Slash Waves across the screen.
Can buff himself increasing his Movement and Attack Speed.
"Are you hurt?"
"I'm gonna make you puke blood!"
"Why do you make things so hard on yourself?"
"Sigh... This is tedious."
"I took a lot of hits!"
YourFriendAPC.jpg Your friend... 63 Midnight Assault
Kartel Supply Camp
Final Pursuit
Blood Sands
Abandoned Mine
Super Armor, Neck Snap, Rising Fist, Beat Drive Striker APC
MilitaryAPC.jpg I'm joining the military tomorrow. 63 Midnight Assault
Kartel Supply Camp
Final Pursuit
Blood Sands
Abandoned Mine
Frenzy, Raging Fury, Bloody Twister, Outrage Break Berserker APC

"Stupid cooldown on Blood Geyser..."
"I think I'll list two 6,000,000 gold items in the Marketplace for 300,000 gold."
"You guys need to hurry and buy them before someone else does."
"I am getting married next week..."
I'm changing my avatar. 63 Midnight Assault
Kartel Supply Camp
Final Pursuit
Blood Sands
Abandoned Mine
Laser Rifle, Charged Laser Rifle, Camouflage, Quantum Bomb Launcher APC

"Contact me only if you have friends in the real world."
"I'm changing my avatar."
Admin Power 63 Midnight Assault
Kartel Supply Camp
Final Pursuit
Blood Sands
Abandoned Mine
Acid Rain, Raging Flame Furnace, Gravitas, Florae Collider Witch APC
Played as a joke on an in-game GM.
"Your account has been flagged for illegal gold trading."
"Yes, I am the admin."
"Hey, tell me your ID and password."
"The skill cooldown time will change very soon, so be patient."
"I will give a reward to anyone who gets a new avatar."
Tiger Vault - White 63-69 Midnight Assault
Kartel Supply Camp
Final Pursuit
Blood Sands
Abandoned Mine
Suppression Amulet
White Tiger
Sacred Counter
Twister of Judgment
Revenge of Light
Deflection Wall
Spear of Victory
Hammer of Repentance
Blades of Purity
Crusader APC
Uses various attacks from all Priest subclasses. Mostly uses Crusader skills.
"Oh, there is another one here."
"I... I fight... under Ozma's command..."
"You won't survive this."
Tiger Vault - Black 63-69 Midnight Assault
Kartel Supply Camp
Final Pursuit
Blood Sands
Abandoned Mine
Suppression Amulet
White Tiger
Sacred Counter
Twister of Judgment
Monk APC
Uses various attacks from all Priest subclasses. Mostly uses Monk skills.
"I... I fight... under Ozma's command..."
"This is a charm... of freedom."
"You won't survive this."
Tiger Vault - Red 63-69 Midnight Assault
Kartel Supply Camp
Final Pursuit
Blood Sands
Abandoned Mine
Suppression Amulet
White Tiger
Sacred Counter
Twister of Judgment
Exorcist APC
Uses various attacks from all Priest subclasses. Mostly uses Physical Exorcist skills.
"I know you want to run. You should." "I... I fight... under Ozma's command..."
"You won't survive this."
"This is how it is, and how it always will be!"
Tiger Vault - Brown 63-69 Midnight Assault
Kartel Supply Camp
Final Pursuit
Blood Sands
Abandoned Mine
Suppression Amulet
White Tiger
Sacred Counter
Twister of Judgment
Exorcist APC
Uses various attacks from all Priest subclasses. Mostly uses Magic Exorcist skills.
"I know you want to run. You should." "I... I fight... under Ozma's command..."
"You won't survive this."
"This is how it is, and how it always will be!"
Old Maid Teacher 63-68 Midnight Assault ~ Runaway West-Bound Bone Shield, Curse Spear, Dark Nail, Dark Soul, Soul Lure Necromancer APC
May come in groups.
Can't you feel the rhythm? 63-68 Midnight Assault
Final Pursuit
Kazan, ??? Slayer APC
Silverlight Theives 63-68 Midnight Assault (Insane)
Final Pursuit (Insane)
Shining Cut, Vertical Spiral, Excel Strike, Silver Stream Rogue APC
Appears already under the effects of Silver Stream.
Usually come in groups.
"You can't get away!"
"Are you trying to trick me?"
"Faster than light!"
Airship Naro Pirates 66-68 Midnight Assault ~ Runaway West-Bound Satellite Beam, Steyr, Windmill, Triple Clutch Launcher/Ranger APC
Equipped with Epic Hand Cannon that extends the duration of Satellite Beam.
Heavenly Dancers 65-69 Midnight Assault (Insane)
Final Pursuit (Insane)
Runaway West-Bound (Insane)
Rising Shot, Steyr, Windmill, Triple Clutch, Mach Kick, Multi Headshot
Wild Shot
Neil the Sniper
Ranger APC
May counter with Neil the Sniper if hit by certain attacks.
M.J. 65-69 Midnight Assault (Insane)
Final Pursuit (Insane)
Runaway West-Bound (Insane)
Summon Zombie Invincible
Does not attack other Players itself.
Comes with Heavenly Dancers.
Summons Zombies if you wander into its spotlight.
Can only be defeated if all Heavenly Dancers are defeated.
"She's NOT my lover..."