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The Kartels were dealt a heavy blow from the Dungeon Fighters who appeared unexpectedly in Empyrean. The Imperial Army and the Dungeon Fighters were beginning to relish in their victory, but it was soon found to be short-lived. The Kartels quickly retaliated with a backup party led by their Special Force, which arrived at the East Ghent Gate. In response, the Dungeon Fighters hurried to the East Ghent Gate, encountering the Kartel Special Force riding strange motor vehicles. They met Shred, the Special Force leader, riding in a motor vehicle that possessed incredible speed. Although the Dungeon Fighters encountered much difficulty in battle, they eventually defeated Shred and his Special Force. Yet Shred's death brought no relief: the Kartels continued their attack against Ghent with an even greater persistence. The Dungeon Fighters were starting to lose hope.
Uproar Outside the Castle
Level |
56 |
Quest Giver |
Sandstorm Varracht |
Briefing |
Varracht: "Look, Dungeon Fighter, don't you hear the ruckus outside the East Gate? It sounds like the sound of motors... I'm afraid that Gizel's new Special unit has arrived. Some airheads riding loud motorcycles instead of horses. Jerks! You should go out and see what they're up to, for Zeldine's sake. That poor girl has suffered more at the hands of the Kartels than anyone." |
Objectives |
Clear East Ghent Gate on Easy or a higher level. (This quest cannot be abandoned once while inside the dungeon or once the dungeon has been cleared.) |
Upon Completion |
Zeldine: "What?! Are you sure? We are barely getting over the damage that was done by the Fire Controllers. How badly do they want to destroy this place?" |
Rewards |
183,168 Exp
5,994 Gold
Back Off, Special Forces
Level |
56 |
Quest Giver |
Zeldine Schneider |
Briefing |
Zeldine: "Dungeon Fighter, you're right about the arrival of Kartel's Special Forces. Ugh, but most of our soldiers have been dispatched to repair the internal castle walls...! In other words, there's no one left to fight the Kartels! I'm begging you. Please, could you hold off the Special Forces for as long as you can?!" |
Objectives |
Defeat 7 Members of the Kartel Special Forces at East Ghent Gate on Easy or a higher level.
- Member of the Kartel Special Forces: 0/7
Upon Completion |
Zeldine: "Because of your brave stance against the Kartels, I was able to prepare our soldiers for battle. Now is the time to fight! Thank you so much. I'll see you later." |
Rewards |
183,168 Exp
5,994 Gold
Kadin's Legacy Pot - Cloth Armor
Kadin's Legacy Pot - Light Armor
Decode the Password
Level |
56 |
Quest Giver |
Zeldine Schneider |
Briefing |
Zeldine: "Oh, I was about to leave for the battlefield. By the way, do you remember how Lady Marlene had found a secret message on the intel seized by the Kartels? Well, she's finished decoding it. You should go talk to her and find out what it says." |
Objectives |
Talk to Marlene Kitzka on Market Street. |
Upon Completion |
Marlene: "Welcome, I've been expecting you. It wasn't easy, but I was able to decode the message. Unfortunately, it contains some bad news." |
Rewards |
6,105 Exp
399 Gold
The Password
Level |
56 |
Quest Giver |
Marlene Kitzka |
Briefing |
Marlene: "That password was written in a twisted version of the Imperial Army's cryptogram. I assume it was developed by Gizel. According to the message, the Kartels are planning a bombing raid on Ghent. Ghent is already starting to crumble, and their bombing raid will destroy all of Ghent in a matter of seconds I really hope Sir Melvin will know what to do in such a dire situation. Go talk to him ASAP and see what he thinks." |
Objectives |
Talk to Melvin Richter on the Inner Wall. |
Upon Completion |
Melvin: "What?! What are you talking about?! Who sent you?" |
Rewards |
6,105 Exp
399 Gold
Stop the Bombs
Level |
56 |
Quest Giver |
Melvin Richter |
Briefing |
Melvin: "Oh, yeah? I usually don't involve myself in other people's business, but this is different... I mean, there's nowhere for me to go except Ghent... I hate war! The Kartels are primitive... I can't believe they're still using an ancient method for dropping bombs. They'll probably transmit the coordinates of the targets from agents on the ground to the air forces. If you search carefully, you'll find enemy soldiers whose main duty is to transmit those coordinates. Defeating them will delay their bombing raid. Take care of them and don't bother returning. Just go directly to Zeldine, okay?" |
Objectives |
Defeat TMH Signalmen at East Ghent Gate on Easy or a higher level.
Upon Completion |
Zeldine: "Oh what! A bombing raid?! I didn't even know about it! It's my fault... I should have kept up with the latest developments on the enemy front. You've saved Ghent yet again, Dungeon Fighter. I can't thank you enough for this..." |
Rewards |
183,168 Exp
5,994 Gold
- Select One:
Kadin's Legacy Pot - Slayer/Dark Knight Weapon x2
Kadin's Legacy Pot - Gunner Weapon x2
Kadin's Legacy Pot - Fighter Weapon x2
Kadin's Legacy Pot - Mage/Creator Weapon x2
Kadin's Legacy Pot - Priest Weapon x2
Kadin's Legacy Pot - Thief Weapon x2
Stop the Mine Installer!
Level |
56 |
Quest Giver |
Zeldine Schneider |
Briefing |
Zeldine: "Numerous enemy mines have been set near East Gate. Many of our soldiers were killed by those mines when they marched through the gates. We're doing our best to disarm the mines, but an enemy member of the Special Forces known as Spelt kept planting new mines. Could you go dispose of this Spelt for the sake of our soldiers?" |
Objectives |
Defeat Minor Spelt at East Ghent Gate on Easy or a higher level.
Upon Completion |
Zeldine: "Were you able to defeat Spelt? Thank you. Now, we can double our efforts in disarming the existing mines." |
Rewards |
183,168 Exp
5,994 Gold
Take Out Special Forces
Level |
56 |
Quest Giver |
Zeldine Schneider |
Briefing |
Zeldine: "We've learned that our enemies are stronger than we'd expected. Fighting the Kartels is also getting harder, especially of the motorcycle-riding Special Forces. Their bikes are so fast that most of our bullets are missing their marks. We might have a chance of beating them if only we didn't have to contend with the Special Forces..." |
Objectives |
Defeat 20 Members of the Kartel Special Forces at East Ghent Gate on Medium or a higher level.
- Member of the Kartel Special Forces: 0/20
Upon Completion |
Zeldine: "What a relief! We can finally take care of the rest of the enemies, now that the Special Forces have been eliminated." |
Rewards |
183,168 Exp
5,994 Gold
Clear Cube Fragment x100
Riot Captain Shred
Level |
56 |
Quest Giver |
Zeldine Schneider |
Briefing |
Zeldine: "We were able to turn the tables on the Kartels, thanks to you, Dungeon Fighter. I expect that getting rid of the Special Forces' leader will make it much easier to defend ourselves. Please defeat him, and we'll take care of the rest." |
Objectives |
Steps required to complete the quest, as presented in quest details in-game. |
Dungeon Dialogue |
*Upon meeting Riot Captain Shred*
Riot Captain Shred: "Enemies sighted! Task force, seize the enemies! ...Hm, you're good. But my Willie is not regular mobility equipment. Willie, go!" |
Upon Completion |
Zeldine: "Great job in defeating Shred. I'm impressed. It's still to early to celebrate, since it's most likely that a Special Forces back-up will probably be heading this way." |
Rewards |
207,590 Exp
7,992 Gold
Kadin's Legacy Pot - Leather Armor
Kadin's Legacy Pot - Heavy Armor
Kadin's Legacy Pot - Plate Armor