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The Column and the Beam

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The Column and the Beam
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Foreign Name(s)
Korean Ver.:
동량(棟梁) - 기둥과 들보 Dongnyang - Gidunggwa Deulbo, "The Column and the Beam"

Chinese Ver.:

Japanese Ver.:

The Column and the Beam (Korean: 동량(棟梁) - 기둥과 들보 Dongnyang - Gidunggwa Deulbo) is a Storybook that was added in the Season 8. The Next Journey Update. Originally, the story was an entry that was part of the Journey to Empyrean series released on DFU, but it was later released in-game as a storybook after the story rewrite of the Empyrean War Chronicles saga. The Storybook consists of one chapter, which details Emperor Erje's reminiscing of the past regarding the events that occur after the Anton Subjugation Operation and the rivalry between Empyrean's two pillars: Nevillo Jurgen of the Council of Nobility and Jakter the Eagle Eye of the Imperial Capital Army.

Origin Version

Chapter 1

Official Korean Text

Source: DFU[1]

글 : 진공 / 그림: Lazaroos

따르는 궁인조차 모두 무른 채, 에르제는 홀로 걸었다.

궁은 곳곳이 상처투성이다. 곧 무너진 성벽을 재건하고 허물어진 문을 다시 세울 것이나, 에르제는 새겨야 했다. 벌어진 비극을, 맞았던 참상을, 무수한 순간을 그저 지나고 말았던 자신의 어리석음을.

발은 길을 알고 매일 같은 풍경을 향한다. 달을 보고 뻗은 소나무 아래, 아직 그 어떤 뜻도 품지 못한 비석. 그 곁에 웅숭그려 울어만 봐도 좋으련만. 에르제는 차라리 밤에 묻힌 천화전을 향해 눈을 돌린다.

'짐은 어찌해야 하는가.'

멀리서 기억의 소리가 들려온다. 망연히 궁을 바라보고 선 어린아이의 소리. 떨리는 손을 소매에 감추었던 설은 황녀의 소리. 저기, 이제 막 궁을 향해 나아가는 뒷모습이 있다. 그 작은 등을 따라 에르제는 과거로, 더 과거에로 간다.

"황녀님. 쉬셔야 합니다. 아직 몸을 다 회복하신 것이 아닙니다."
"전쟁 중 집을 잃은 겐트의 백성들은 낡은 천막 아래서 밤잠을 설치고 있었네. 오랜 시간을 카르텔에 고통받았던 웨스피스의 백성들은 먹고사는 문제가 급급하여 제 몸 아픈 줄도 모르고 지내더군. 그러한 참상을 보고도 짐이 어찌 가만히 앉아 쉴 수 있겠는가."
"카르텔은 완전히 패하였습니다. 이제 노블스카이에 가셨던 섭정께서도 돌아오셨으니, 감히 겐트를 넘본 카르텔에게 그들이 진짜 있어야 할 곳이 어딘지 제대로 알려주실 겁니다. 허니 걱정하실 것이 없습니다."

카르텔에 납치되었던 황녀가 멀쩡히 살아왔다는 소식을 들었을 때, 노스피스로 피신했던 귀족들은 부랴부랴 환궁하여 제 밥그릇을 찾아 헤맸다. 전쟁의 끝머리를 반기는 번지르르한 얼굴들 위로 웨스피스에서 보았던 절망이 겹쳐졌다. 굶주린, 상처 입은, 희망을 버린 얼굴들.

'걱정할 것이 없다.' 그 말을 어찌 그리 쉽게 믿어왔던 것일까.

"유르겐 공은 어찌 혼자 돌아온 것인가."
"직접 이야기를 들어야겠으니, 들라 하라."

어물대는 궁인을 뒤로하고 걷는 걸음이 자꾸만 무거워진다.

미열을 앓기 때문만은 아니었다. 어린 나이에 끔찍한 일을 겪은 황녀. 드넓은 황궁에 의지할 곳 하나 없는 가여운 황녀. 에르제를 바라보는 모두의 시선은 명확했다. 그리고 그것이 아팠다.

비운 사이 조금 더 멀어진 듯한 황좌를 올려다보며, 에르제는 황녀라는 이름에 담았던 뜻을 생각했다. 천계를 사랑한다. 이 땅과 백성들을 사랑한다. 하지만 쉽게 품을 수 있는 마음에는 아무런 힘이 없었다. 넘칠 만큼의 동정을 받는 이를 지도자라 여기며 따를 이가 없는 것처럼.

그러니 알아야 했다. 누군가의 후계여서가 아니라, 누군가의 염원이어서가 아니라 에르제 자신이 가지고 갈 이유, 그녀가 진짜 '황제'가 되어야만 하는 이유를 에르제는 반드시 찾아야 했다.

"애써 오르지 않으셔도 됩니다."

네빌로였다. 황좌를 앞에 두고 그와 눈을 맞춘 에르제는 조용히 밭은 숨을 내쉬었다.

"은혜도, 염치도 모르는 자들의 손에 험한 꼴을 당하셨으니, 얼마나 충격이 크십니까? 저 역시 처음 전장에 나갔다 돌아온 날, 손발이 떨려 오래 잠을 이루지 못했지요."
"짐은 괜찮네. 어려운 상황에 그대의 힘을 보태 주어 고맙네."

섭정을 맡은 네빌로가 끝까지 궁을 지킨 덕분에, 개인 소유의 배를 안톤을 상대하기 위한 군함으로 쓰도록 내어준 덕분에 천계가 몇 번의 위기를 넘길 수 있던 것은 부정할 수 없는 사실이었다. 하지만 에르제는 마주 선 지금에도 그가 자신과 다른 곳을 보고 있음을 느낄 수 있었다.

"헌데, 다른 이들은 어찌하고 그대 혼자 돌아온 것인가?"
"궁지에 몰린 안톤이 모험가님을 뵙길 청하더군요. 바다로 도망친 놈의 진짜 목적지는 죽은 자의 성이며, 그를 통해 본디 있던 곳으로 돌아가려 한다는 뜻을 밝혔다 합니다. 전쟁이 길어지며 입은 피해를 이루 헤아릴 수 없는 저희로서는 희소식이지요. 헌데…"

네빌로는 뜸을 들이며 황녀의 눈치를 살폈다. 침착하게 다음 말을 기다리는 듯했으나, 약점을 숨기는 데는 여전히 서투르다.

"에를록스 님께서는 얼마 남지 않은 병력을 이끌고 무리하게 진군하셨습니다. 섭정으로서 남은 병사들의 목숨만이라도 살릴 수 있기를 청하였으나, 돌아오는 것은 '전장에 나온 장군은 왕의 명령도 거부할 수 있다'라는 말뿐이었습니다. 현재로서는 노블 스카이에 오른 병사들 중 과연 몇이나 살아돌아올 수 있을지 장담할 수 없는 상황입니다."

잭터가 유명한 장군의 말을 인용했을 뿐이라는 것은 에르제도, 네빌로도 짐작할 수 있는 사실이었다. 하지만 에르제의 얼굴은 굳어졌고, 네빌로는 알듯 말듯 한 미소를 지었다.

"이번 일로 그분께서 카르텔과 협력하여 천계를 위험에 빠뜨렸다는 소문에 힘이 실릴지 모릅니다."
"당치 않은 이야기일세."

파르르 떨리는 에르제의 입술 사이로 섣부른 역정이 튀어나왔다.

"여러 악조건 속에서도 천계를 위해 싸워오신 분일세. 카르텔이라니. 그분이 계시지 않았다면 겐트는 카르텔보다 안톤에 먼저 짓밟혔을 것임을 그대도 잘 알고 있지 않은가?"
"저 역시 그리 믿고 싶습니다. 허니 짚고 넘어가야 할 문제들은 반드시…"
"나라를 구한 영웅에게 죄를 묻는 군주가 어디 있단 말인가."

혼자서는 황좌에도 올라가 앉지 못하는 군주라니. 네빌로는 비져 나오는 웃음을 감추기 위해 쥘부채를 펼쳤다.

"허면, 황녀님께서 직접 나서주시겠습니까?"

'때'라는 것은 쉽게 오지 않았다. 카르텔과의 전쟁이 남긴 흔적들을 지우고 그 잔당을 소탕하는 일로 궁의 소란은 잦아들지 않았고, 그러는 동안에도 사달에 대한 책임을 피하려는 귀족들은 잭터의 출신과 신분을 물고 늘어지며 착실히 문제를 키워가고 있었다.

회의실에 둘러앉은 귀족들의 고개는 언제나 빳빳했다. 답이 정해진 논의를 반복하며 그들이 원하는 것을 취해가는 동안, 에르제는 제 한숨에 부옇게 가려 지워져 갔다.

"카르텔로부터, 안톤으로부터 목숨 바쳐 천계를 지켜 온 것은 군인들일세. 그들의 무용함을 주장하며 군의 예산과 규모를 감축하는 것은…"
"그들의 공을 깎아내려는 것은 아니라, 작금의 상황을 염려하는 것입니다. 전쟁이 앗아간 것은 군인들의 목숨만이 아니지 않습니까?"
"그렇습니다. 군인 몇 명에 포상을 내릴 돈으로 제를 올린다면 더 많은 백성들의 불안을 잠재울 수 있을 것입니다. 공을 세운 군인들에 대한 처우는 천계의 안정을 되찾은 후에 고려해도 늦지 않겠지요."
"안타깝지만 어쩌겠습니까? 그날 대장군께서 무리하게 안톤을 쫓지만 않았어도…"

누가 뱉었는지도 모를 소리에, 에르제는 분노보다 설움같은 것을 터뜨렸다.

"그대들이 어찌 그런 말을 입에 올릴 수 있는가. 그대들은 카르텔이 황궁 문앞에 다다랐을 때…!"
"황녀님, 흥분을 가라앉히시지요."

섭정은 적절한 때에 맥을 끊고 들었다. 귀족들의 흠을 덮어줄 수 있는 것은 같은 흠을 남기지 않은 네빌로 뿐이었다.

"이곳에 모인 관료들 중에도 제 혈육을 군에 보낸 자들이 있습니다. 이들이라고 해서 어찌 마음이 편하기만 했겠습니까? 허나, 이들마저 전장에 나가 목숨을 잃었다면 지금의 황궁은 그야말로 아비규환이었을 것입니다. 이들 또한 맞닥뜨린 위기를 헤쳐나가기 위해 군비를 지원하거나 사병을 보내는 등, 나름의 방식으로 싸워왔음을 살펴주십시오."

귀족들은 기다렸다는 듯 끄덕이며 맞장구를 쳤다. 회의의 주도권은 금세 네빌로에게 넘어갔다.

"군인들이 천계를 지키는 자들이라면 여기 모인 관료들은 천계를 이끌어 가는 자들입니다. 이번 전쟁에서 승리를 거둔 것으로 군인들은 그들의 몫을 다 하였으니, 이제 이 나라 천계의 안정을 되찾는 일은 관료들의 몫으로 남겨주시지요."

에르제는 눈앞이 컴컴해지는 것을 느꼈다. 납치되어 좁은 철창 안에 갇혔을 때에도 좌절하지 않던 마음에 그늘이 드리우는 것만 같았다.


"항상 찾기 힘든 곳에 모여들 계시는군요."

천계의 총사령관, 잭터 이글아이. 그의 등장만으로 회의실에는 새로운 바람이 불어 들었다.

"늦어서 죄송합니다. 준비해야 할 자료가 어디 한 둘이어야 말이죠."

잭터는 군인의 팔에 어울리지 않는 서류 더미를 흔들며 너스레를 떨었다. 제 앞에 차례로 놓인 서류를 훑어보는 관료들의 표정은 영 탐탁지 않았다. 카르텔과 안톤, 죽은 자의 성에 자리하고 있다는 정체불명의 사도와 제국군까지. 그들이 가진 무기와 힘, 그로 인해 천계가 입은 피해와 예상되는 위협까지 일목요연하게 정리되어 있는 자료는 분명 천계군의 필요성을 말하고 있었다.

그 요지를 누구보다 빠르게 파악한 네빌로가 언짢은 기분을 감추고 입을 열었다.

"제국이 천계의 동맹국이라는 것을 잊으셨나 보군요. 죽은 자의 성 역시 제국과 힘을 합쳐 조사할 예정입니다."
"그러다 그곳에 있는 사도의 심기가 뒤틀려 천계를 공격한다면, 그때가 돼서야 부랴부랴 군을 꾸리고 전투에 나서겠다는 것이오? 그런 안일한 태도가 어떤 결과를 가져오는지는 사도 안톤을 통해 충분히 겪은 것 같소만."
"무력으로 모든 문제를 해결할 수 있을 것이라 생각하는 무법지대 카르텔의 무지가 어떠한 결과를 가져오는지도 충분히 보았지요. 문제를 해결하는 방법은 총과 함포 외에도 여러 가지가 있습니다. 저희는 그중 가장 천계를 위하는 길을 택할 겁니다."
"글쎄. 이 중 단 한 명이라도 제 목숨만큼만 천계를 위하는 이가 있었다면 황녀님께서 카르텔에 납치되는 일은 없었을 것이오."

매의 눈은 불처럼 타올랐고, 범의 눈은 밤처럼 적막했다. 좌중을 압도하는 팽팽한 긴장 속에도 둘만은 흐트러짐 없이 웃어 보였다.

"여전히 기품있는 회화에는 익숙하지 않으신가 보군요."
"그 기품이란 것이 천계를 지키는 데엔 영 무용하더군."
The Column and the Beam.jpeg

마주 보고 선 잭터와 네빌로는 어느 한쪽도 물러날 생각이 없어 보였다.

'동량(棟梁)' 에르제는 문득 그 말을 떠올렸다. 어린 시절, 최고 사제 벨드런의 목소리로 들었던 두 사람의 이름. 나라의 기둥과 들보로 삼을만한 뛰어난 인재들. 회의실에 앉은 모두의 이목이 그들에게 집중된 이 순간, 에르제는 그제야 깨닫는 것이 있었다.

진짜 미완(未完)인 것은 천계가 아니었던 것이다.


힘없는 에르제의 목소리가 천정에서 샌 물처럼 회의실 한 가운데에 뚝 하고 떨어졌다.

"내 몸이 좋지 않군. 오늘은 이쯤 해 두세."

그날, 침전에 든 뒤로 며칠을 앓았던가. 천천히 현실을 되찾은 에르제는 발치에 놓인 비석을 다시 바라보았다.

`괜찮으니 얼른 기운을 차리셔서 은퇴나 하게 도와주십시오.`

선명히 떠오르는 그날의 기억 속, 호탕하게 웃던 소리가 귀에 맴돈다. 속절없이 눈가에 물기가 어렸다.

여전히 홀로 밤중이었다.

Official English Localization

Source: DFU[1]

Author: Jinkong
Illustration: Lazaroos

Imperial Princess Erje

Erje dismissed all her court ladies and walked alone.

Her palace was in disarray everywhere, and Erje wanted to remember it as it was before the collapsed walls and destroyed gates were put back together. She also wanted to remember the tragedy that happened, the horrors that she witnessed, and her own foolishness that cost her so much.

Her feet automatically guided her where she always went. A blank tombstone standing under a pine tree with its branches stretching across the moon. I could sit next to him and cry. Erje forced her gaze away and looked at the Celestial Flower Palace shrouded in the veil of darkness.

What should I do?

The sounds of past memories rushed toward her. The sound of a little girl standing in front of the Palace with awe in her eyes. The sound of a young princess with her trembling hands hidden inside her sleeves. There, a small figure from her past took a step forward toward the palace with its back turned toward her. Erje followed it further into the past.

"Your Highness, you need rest. You're not fully recovered yet."

"The people of Ghent have lost their houses in the war, and are now tossing and turning inside old tents. Not only did the people of Wespeace suffer at the hands of the Kartels, but they're also afflicted with poverty. How can I rest when I know all that?"

"Kartel exists no more. Now that the Regent has returned from the Noblesky, he'll punish the remnants of Kartel for daring to invade Ghent and put them in their place. There's nothing to worry about."

When the Princess returned alive after being abducted by the Kartels, the coward nobles who ran away to Northpiece hurried back to the Palace to save their face. Erje watched as they celebrated the impending ending of the war among themselves. The gaunt, hopeless faces of the people she met in Wespeace overlapped their fat, greasy faces.

There's nothing to worry about. She so desperately wanted to believe that.

"Why has Sir Jurgen returned alone?"


"I want to hear from him in person. Let's go."

Erje's feet felt as if they were weighted with lead. They kept slowing down, closing the distance between her and the court ladies hesitantly following her from behind.

This wasn't just because she was running a slight fever. A princess who went through so much at such a young age. A helpless leader who's surrounded by an army of people, and yet has no one to rely on. Erje knew how everyone perceived her. That hurt her.

Looking up at her throne that seemed to have been pushed farther back during her absence, Erje remembered why she chose the title of princess for herself. She loved Empyrean. She loved her land and people. But she couldn't prove that. The people around her wouldn't let her. They treated her as if she was their charge, not their leader.

All the more reason for her to know. She must know why she must become emperor. Not because she was someone's successor; not because she was told. It's because she wanted this for herself.

"You don't have to go up there if you don't want to."

Nevillo Jurgen

It was Nevillo. Erje turned her eyes from her throne standing in front of her toward the Regent. A shallow sigh escaped her mouth.

"I can't imagine how terrible it must have been to be manhandled by those traitorous barbarians. It must have been as horrible as the first day I fought in battle. I couldn't sleep or stop shaking all day."

"I'm fine. Thank you for lending a helping hand in tough times like this."

Empyrean still stood because of Regent Nevillo. He fiercely protected the Palace and let the Empyrean Army borrow his private airship to fight Anton. But Erje never felt that he was looking in the same direction as she. He wasn't now.

"By the way, why have you come back alone?"

"Anton felt cornered and asked for a meeting with the Adventurer. It turned out the Apostle ran away to the sea to reach the Castle of the Dead, through which it wanted to return home. I was excited at the prospect of ending the war that had gone on far too long and caused us more damage than we could cope with, but then..."

Nevillo paused and examined the look on the Princess's face. She looked calm as she waited patiently for him to continue, but it was apparent to him that she still wasn't good at hiding her emotions.

"Sir Erlox insisted on fighting despite the depleted size of our army. As Regent, I begged him not to lose any more lives than we already have. His answer was 'In the battlefield, the General's orders precede the King's.' Now, I don't know how many of the soldiers in the Noblesky will return safely."

Both Erje and Nevillo knew Jakter was only quoting a famous general, but still Erje's face stiffened. A quick smile flashed across Nevillo's face.

"I'm afraid his action this time really might give weight to the rumor that he colluded with the Kartels and put our country in danger."


She spat the word, her lips trembling with indignation.

"He's been fighting for Empyrean against all odds. How could you even mention Kartel? You know better than anyone else that if it weren't for him, Ghent would have been destroyed by Anton long before the Kartels tried."

"I'd like to believe that, but there are issues that must be addressed—"

"I'm not the type of leader who punishes her country's hero for his patriotism."

But you're the type of leader who can't even sit on her throne on her own. Nevillo quickly spread his fan before his face to hide the smirk on his face.

"Then, could you stop him?"

It seemed there never was a right time. The Palace was busy rounding up the remnants of Kartel and mending the wounds that the outlaws left all over the country, and all the while the Nobility continued its attack on Jakter because of his background. But more importantly, they needed someone else to blame for the wars.

The nobles in her Court sat proudly with their chins up. While they talked about the same subjects whose answers they already knew, but repeated anyway to protect their vested interests, Erje stayed in the background, sighing constantly.

"Our soldiers threw their lives away to protect the rest of us against the Kartels, and then Anton. They're not useless. Cutting down the military budget and the size of the army—"

"We're not ungrateful for what they've done for us, but we're concerned about the situation at hand. The soldiers' lives aren't the only thing that these wars cost us."

"I agree. Instead of rewarding a few soldiers for their services, we could use that money to perform a ritual to the heavens and assure the entire nation. We can thank the war heroes later; we need to stabilize the country first."

"I know this sounds unfair, but what else can we do? If only the Great General didn't go after Anton that day—"

Someone uttered this, and Erje exploded with an emotion that was closer to resentment than anger.

"How could you even say that? You weren't there when the Kartels reached the gates of the Palace—"

"Your Highness, please calm yourself."

The Regent cut in. If there was anyone who could cover the Nobility's faults, it was Nevillo. He wasn't foolish enough to make the same mistake as the rest of the Nobility.

"Some of us here also have family serving the Army. If we all went out to fight and died, there wouldn't have been anyone left to clean up after the wars. In addition, we covered some of the military spending out of our own pockets and even gave up our private armies. We fought in the wars like everyone else, in the best way we could."

The nobles nodded and voiced agreement in tandem. The leadership of the meeting had been transferred to Nevillo.

"The soldiers guard Empyrean, and we're here to govern her. The soldiers did their job winning the wars. Now, it's our turn to restore order in the country."

Erje was struck dumb. She never felt so hopeless, even when she was locked up inside a tiny prison cell by her Kartel abductors.


"It seems you're always where I can't find you."

Jakter the Eagle Eye

Jakter the Eagle Eye, the Commander-in-chief of Empyrean, entered and the Court's atmosphere changed completely.

"I'm sorry I'm late. There was so much information that I needed to prepare."

Jakter theatrically shook the thick wad of paper in his hand that looked incongruous with the army uniform he was wearing. The courtiers scanned through the document in front of them with an unhappy look on their faces. This document, listing Empyrean's damage so far from the Kartels, Anton, and the mysterious Apostle in the Castle of the Dead, and even the Imperial Army, their weapons and powers, and possible risks because of them, clearly explained the necessity of the Empyrean Army.

Nevillo, having grasped the General's intention before everyone else, hid his displeasure and spoke.

"Perhaps you've forgotten that the Empire is our ally. We're planning to investigate the Castle of the Dead in collaboration with the country."

"Alright, but what if the Apostle that lives there gets angry and decides to attack our country? What then? It'll be too late to organize an army, let alone to fight such a formidable enemy. I thought we've learned what such complacency could cost us through Anton."

"We've also learned what the ignorance of Kartel, a gang of outlaws from the Lawless District that believed that they could solve everything with force, could cost us. Guns and cannons aren't the only solutions to the problems we have. We'll do what's best for everyone in Empyrean."

"Well, if any one of you cared about your country as much as you care about your own life, Her Highness would never have been abducted by the Kartels."

The eagle's eyes burned with anger. The tiger's eyes were as calm as the still of the night. Everyone else bated his breath while the two stared and smiled at each other.

"I see you still haven't mastered the art of nuance."

"I've realized it's useless when it comes to protecting my country."

The Column and the Beam.jpeg

Jakter and Nevillo stood facing each other. Neither wasn't willing to give an inch.

The column and the beam. Erje suddenly remembered the phrase. Archpriest Beldron told it to her when she was young, referring to these two who carried more weight than anyone else in their country. At this moment when everyone's eyes were fixated on the two men, Erje realized something:

it wasn't Empyrean that was not complete.


Erje's weak voice broke the silence in the Court like a drop of water falling from a leaky faucet.

"I don't feel well. Let's call it a day."

She went to bed that night and stayed there for days because of her fever. Erje's mind came back to the present. She turned her gaze back toward the tombstone at her feet.

"I'm fine. You'd better get better soon, because I can't wait to retire."

She could remember that day as vividly as it was yesterday. Her ears rang with his hearty laughter. Tears started pooling in her eyes.

It was in the middle of the night, and she was still alone.



Main Story

Story Synopsis | Encyclopedia | Story Characters | Chronology | Class Lore | Quests


Blue Guardian | Wingless Angel | Way of the Priest | Great Adventurer Karakas | Broad and Shallow Knowledge for Refined Aradians | Alchemist's Friend | Low Ranking Knight Training Journal | The Wind Blowing upon Empyrean | Hidden Bomb: The Cyphers | Children of Chain Peace | Happy Magic Classroom | Last Heir of the Ulus | Old Friend | Talking about Kartel | Young Imperial Knight | Forest of No Return | Black Crusade Report | Tayberr's Light | Unexpressed Sadness | New Genesis | Red Sin | Mischievous Homunculus | Interlude: Noblesky | The Wind Blowing upon the Lawless District | The Fighting Girl | The Closed Country | Apostle Crusade Record | Memories of the Departed Saint | The Column and the Beam | Heaven's Secrets

(Old) Episodes

Episode 1. The Manners of Speech - Linus's Art of Conversation | Episode 2. The Confessions of Sewer Princess Faris | Episode 3. Slayer Petrizan | Episode 4. Dark Elf Merchant Sergemin | Episode 5. Hunter Dolph | Episode 6. The First Pandemonium Assembly | Episode 7. Precursor of War | Episode 8. Apostle Kasijas | Episode 9. Keening Hilder | Episode 10. Journal of Arbitrator Marcellus | Episode 11. Ozma of Chaos | Episode 12. Oh, Lord, Please Listen to my Prayer... | Episode 13. Poison | Episode 14. Stained with Autumn Leaves | Episode 15. Rossi's Song | Episode 16. Morgan's Journal | Episode 17. New Genesis (Chapter 1) | Episode 18. The Festival of Warriors | Episode 19. Wolf | Episode 20. Bakal, the Dragon Tyrant | Episode 21. Contact

Main Story | Tower of Illusion | Tower of Death | Luminous Anodron | Machine Gun Audrey | Tower of Despair | Helix Labs | Abysmal Amphitheater | The Giant Dragon Natram | Guardian's Altar


Great Will | Citadel | Guild Hideout | Front Line | Dark Sky | Dimensional Rupture | One Autumn, Ghent | Chronicles of Luke | He Who Silently Touches the Soil | Ashton's The Beasts of Pandemonium | Fiend War | A Girl in Central Park | Kashipa's Hidden Records | Eve of the Pandemonium Assembly | Pandemonium War | Empyrean War Chronicles | The Conqueror | After Azalea's Death | Divine Providence | The Windborne Flower | Himan Stella's Travels | The Setting Sun | EMPIRE | The Light that Confines Darkness | Dark Elf Temple | Tower of Dazzlement | Reminiscence


Zombie Crisis - The Outbreak | Eyes of the Sphinx - Papyrus | Toby's Adventure Diary | Yggdrasil Chronicles - Heroine's Record

Update Stories Season 1Act 1. The Witch's Game | Act 1. Side Story - The Merchant Roger Levin | Act.2 World War | Act.2 Side Story - Share Contract | Act.2 Side Story - Indomitable Training | Act.3 Acknowledge Your Honor | Act.4 The Fate of the Metastasis | Act.5 Open Fire | Act.5 Side Story - Lord of the Draw | Act.6 The Gates of Hell | Act.7 God, Heed My Prayer... | Act.7 Side Story - Codename: Gaebolg | Act.8 Flowers that Feed on Darkness | Act.8 Side Story - The Evil Beside God | Act.9 All About Magic | Act.9 Side Story - The 300!! | Act.10 Ghost Run | Act.10 Side Story - Reaper's Invitation | Act.11 Conqueror Kasijas | Act.11 Side Story - Transformation | Act.12 Breaking the Chains of Destiny | Act.12 Side Story - Be Strong

Season 2Prologue - Introduction to Magic | The Gate to Empyrean | Act.1 Stylish! #1 | Act.1 Stylish! #2 | Act.1 Stylish! #3 | Act.1 Side Story - The Interdimensional Rift | Act.1 Side Story - Reunion | Act.2 Revelation | Act.2 Side Story - Morgan's Journal | Act.2 Side Story - Goddess of the Battlefield | Act.3 The Witching Hour | Act.3 Side Story - Please Remember Me | Act.4 The Festival of Warriors | Act.4 Side Story - Altar of Infinity | Act.5 Captivating Shadow | Act.5 Side Story - Town Uproar | 2nd Impact | Act.5 Side Story - Fighting Spirit | Act.6 Delezie, the Black Plague | Act.6 Side Story - The Ultimate Test
