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Way of the Priest

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Way of the Priest
Way of the Priest Cover.png
Level 27
Rarity Rare
Value Unknown
Binding Untradeable

Reward Gold Unknown
Reward EXP Unknown

Foreign Name(s)
Korean Ver.:
프리스트의 길 Peuriseuteue Gil, "Way of the Priest"

Chinese Ver.:

Japanese Ver.:

Way of the Priest (Korean: 프리스트의 길 Peuriseuteue Gil) is a Storybook that was added in the [???] Update. The Storybook has two versions, one from the Great Metastasis and one from Origin, each comprising of one chapter, which detail the Priestess Grandis Gracia's coping with the disappearance of her brother Nilvas Gracia.

Great Metastasis Version

Chapter 1


After the Great Metastasis, the Order of Priests moved its headquarters from Lemidia Basilica in Hendon Myre to Remidia Kathedra in Underfoot, as Underfoot, the city of the Dark Elves, pushed above the ground when the geological strata rose, became the heart of Arad, and opened its door to the outside world.

It was the queen of the Dark Elves who decided to open her kingdom after the Great Metastasis to other races and their cultures, and Remidia Kathedra became a symbol of that union.

Remidia Kathedra settled down in the city, but there was a dark cloud hanging over a young Priestess named Grandis Gracia. She was worried about Nilvas Gracia, the only living member of her family.

Nilvas was an exemplary paladin and the hero of his much younger sister. He comforted her when she cried for her parents and helped with her studies.

It was also Nilvas who taught her how to lead the other Priests and how to identify the Imposters. Nilvas was a great teacher for her.

That was a long time ago. Before the Great Metastasis broke out, Nilvas left Grandis with the Order and went on a mission to subjugate the Imposters. He had not returned.

People told Grandis her brother must be dead and she should give up on finding him, but she was convinced that her brother was alive. It wasn't a vague hope in a sister whose brother went missing.

This was a priest's intuition, a feeling of connection to another priest through their god. She didn't receive His revelation, but every time she prayed, she felt as if He whispered that she must not give up, and she took heart from it. While other Priests transferred to quiet rural towns to focus on their training, Grandis remained in crowded Underfoot, so she could meet people from different places and gather information about her brother.

Grott: Grandis, long time, no see.

One day, a hulking Priest walked up to Grandis. This man clad in heavy armor was Grott, a colleague of Nilvas. He went on a training journey separately from Nilvas and returned after the Great Metastasis. He sometimes dropped by the Order to lend a hand with things before he got back on the road.

Grandis: Grott. It's been a while. When did you come back?

Grott and Grandis talked idly for a while. Other Priests told her about things that were taking place outside Underfoot, but most of their stories were sad and tragic. Grott was different. He told her lighthearted and hopeful stories about the beautiful Silver Crown, people who joined forces to overcome the devastation from the Great Metastasis, and the Blade Masters who were sealing monsters in the Iced Wall of Resignation. His stories made her think of sprouts growing from the debris of war.

Grott: Enough about me. How have you been, Grandis? It must be tough to be alone in a strange place like this. I don't know where in the world Nilvas is, but he'd better get back quickly.

Grandis: I'm all right. I'm sure he's busy spreading His teachings and walking the path of the Priest. Compared to what he does, I'm doing nothing.

Grandis answered with a smile on her face, but the anxiety and tension underlying her smile wasn't lost on Grott.

Grott: His teachings, huh? I'm not trying to be blasphemous, but nothing in the world is as difficult to understand as His teachings.

Grandis: Excuse me?

Grott: Of course, He has such vast knowledge that we can never understand His intentions to the full extent. And He must be frustrated with our inability to comprehend things that are so obvious to Him.
The Archbishop is the same way. He would send me on errands all day, and I would realize his intentions only at the end of the day, before I fell asleep in exhaustion.
Sometimes I resented him for not telling me what he wanted. I guess he was a firm believer of seeing is believing. And learning things for yourself.
The Archbishop could have been frustrated with me, too, for my inability to remember the things that he taught me the previous day. He probably thought God was using me to try him.

Grott looked so serious that it made Grandis laugh, but that didn't faze him.

Grott: Maybe that wasn't the right example, but my point is that we cannot know all the things God intends for us. And you should not regard everything as His will.
Doing so is like eating candy before bed. Things can be tough. You can be happy. You can make mistakes. But only God knows if any of them was His will.
We Priests are His servants, but we're only humans. We follow the path that He shows us. Some of us choose to walk the other way. None of us can become like Him.
Accept your loneliness and angst. If you're angry at Nilvas, you can say so. He's walking the way of the Priest, yes, but he could've returned if he wanted to.
Resentment and sadness are also part of the way of the Priest. We cannot teach and lead those who are angry and sad without understanding what they're going through.
I'm not saying you should express every single emotion you feel. You just don't have to hide them.
God gave us emotions, so we can feel. Don't forget that.

At first, Grandis was confused, but soon she smiled, having understood his intention.

This big tough Priest was trying to comfort his friend's sister in his gruff way. He was telling her not to bottle up her emotions, or she would explode.

Come to think of it, she'd been tense since she came to Underfoot. It takes time for everyone to adapt to their new surroundings, and Priests are no exception. Things can actually be tougher for Priests because they have to set a good example for others.

Grandis: Thank you. I'll take a break from work sometimes and think about the true way of the Priest. I want to find a different way from my brother to save others.

Grott: That's great. And don't worry too much about Nilvas. If he doesn't show up soon, then I'll go drag him by his hair to you.

Grandis: Then I'll punch him in the face once for making me worry so much. Or twice.

Grandis smiled. Grott returned her smile, knowing this brave, patient girl understood him.

But a part of him worried for his friend who might get punched in the face by a girl who can swing a cross as tall as her like a twig.

Origin Version

Chapter 1

Storybook contents are currently under construction for revision...



Main Story

Story Synopsis | Encyclopedia | Story Characters | Chronology | Class Lore | Quests


Blue Guardian | Wingless Angel | Way of the Priest | Great Adventurer Karakas | Broad and Shallow Knowledge for Refined Aradians | Alchemist's Friend | Low Ranking Knight Training Journal | The Wind Blowing upon Empyrean | Hidden Bomb: The Cyphers | Children of Chain Peace | Happy Magic Classroom | Last Heir of the Ulus | Old Friend | Talking about Kartel | Young Imperial Knight | Forest of No Return | Black Crusade Report | Tayberr's Light | Unexpressed Sadness | New Genesis | Red Sin | Mischievous Homunculus | Interlude: Noblesky | The Wind Blowing upon the Lawless District | The Fighting Girl | The Closed Country | Apostle Crusade Record | Memories of the Departed Saint | The Column and the Beam | Heaven's Secrets

(Old) Episodes

Episode 1. The Manners of Speech - Linus's Art of Conversation | Episode 2. The Confessions of Sewer Princess Faris | Episode 3. Slayer Petrizan | Episode 4. Dark Elf Merchant Sergemin | Episode 5. Hunter Dolph | Episode 6. The First Pandemonium Assembly | Episode 7. Precursor of War | Episode 8. Apostle Kasijas | Episode 9. Keening Hilder | Episode 10. Journal of Arbitrator Marcellus | Episode 11. Ozma of Chaos | Episode 12. Oh, Lord, Please Listen to my Prayer... | Episode 13. Poison | Episode 14. Stained with Autumn Leaves | Episode 15. Rossi's Song | Episode 16. Morgan's Journal | Episode 17. New Genesis (Chapter 1) | Episode 18. The Festival of Warriors | Episode 19. Wolf | Episode 20. Bakal, the Dragon Tyrant | Episode 21. Contact

Main Story | Tower of Illusion | Tower of Death | Luminous Anodron | Machine Gun Audrey | Tower of Despair | Helix Labs | Abysmal Amphitheater | The Giant Dragon Natram | Guardian's Altar


Great Will | Citadel | Guild Hideout | Front Line | Dark Sky | Dimensional Rupture | One Autumn, Ghent | Chronicles of Luke | He Who Silently Touches the Soil | Ashton's The Beasts of Pandemonium | Fiend War | A Girl in Central Park | Kashipa's Hidden Records | Eve of the Pandemonium Assembly | Pandemonium War | Empyrean War Chronicles | The Conqueror | After Azalea's Death | Divine Providence | The Windborne Flower | Himan Stella's Travels | The Setting Sun | EMPIRE | The Light that Confines Darkness | Dark Elf Temple | Tower of Dazzlement | Reminiscence


Zombie Crisis - The Outbreak | Eyes of the Sphinx - Papyrus | Toby's Adventure Diary | Yggdrasil Chronicles - Heroine's Record

Update Stories Season 1Act 1. The Witch's Game | Act 1. Side Story - The Merchant Roger Levin | Act.2 World War | Act.2 Side Story - Share Contract | Act.2 Side Story - Indomitable Training | Act.3 Acknowledge Your Honor | Act.4 The Fate of the Metastasis | Act.5 Open Fire | Act.5 Side Story - Lord of the Draw | Act.6 The Gates of Hell | Act.7 God, Heed My Prayer... | Act.7 Side Story - Codename: Gaebolg | Act.8 Flowers that Feed on Darkness | Act.8 Side Story - The Evil Beside God | Act.9 All About Magic | Act.9 Side Story - The 300!! | Act.10 Ghost Run | Act.10 Side Story - Reaper's Invitation | Act.11 Conqueror Kasijas | Act.11 Side Story - Transformation | Act.12 Breaking the Chains of Destiny | Act.12 Side Story - Be Strong

Season 2Prologue - Introduction to Magic | The Gate to Empyrean | Act.1 Stylish! #1 | Act.1 Stylish! #2 | Act.1 Stylish! #3 | Act.1 Side Story - The Interdimensional Rift | Act.1 Side Story - Reunion | Act.2 Revelation | Act.2 Side Story - Morgan's Journal | Act.2 Side Story - Goddess of the Battlefield | Act.3 The Witching Hour | Act.3 Side Story - Please Remember Me | Act.4 The Festival of Warriors | Act.4 Side Story - Altar of Infinity | Act.5 Captivating Shadow | Act.5 Side Story - Town Uproar | 2nd Impact | Act.5 Side Story - Fighting Spirit | Act.6 Delezie, the Black Plague | Act.6 Side Story - The Ultimate Test
