The Prince of the Spirit Realm is the thirteenth quest of the Mirror Arad Act Quest storyline.
Starting zones:
Boss zones:
Min. Fatigue:
Max. Fatigue:
Trillion Prism
Fairy Prince Philius |
...So you came to get rid of the Black Nighstmare [sic]. |
Zanbato Aganzo |
More accurately, I came to seal away the Fairies that are tainted by the Black Nightmare. The Fire and Ice Fairy Kings came back to their senses, but those who haven't recovered must be sealed. |
Fairy Prince Philius |
Don't you know how to get rid of the Black Nightmare either? |
Zanbato Aganzo |
Not yet. We don't even know who's responsible for it. |
Fairy Prince Philius |
It doesn't seem to be from this world. Maybe it came through a rift in spacetime. |
Zanbato Aganzo |
Do you know something? Could you tell us? |
Fairy Prince Philius |
Not now. This Glassfey is suffering from the Black Nightmare even as we speak, and the Fairies are using their magic so carelessly in their panic that they won't last long. |
Zanbato Aganzo |
Got it. Let's check the King of Glassfey. We'll talk later. |
(Upon entering the Dungeon)
(The party progresses through Glassfey. Philius flies ahead overhead as spirits arrive to block their way.)
Zanbato Aganzo |
I'm envious of the spirits. |
(Upon entering the Boss Room)
(As the party arrives, Philius is seen confronting the Light Fairy King, who exudes an ominous energy.)
Trillion Prism |
Heh heh heh, I said, bring it on! |
Fairy Prince Philius |
The energy of the Black Nightmare is so strong that I can't get near it.
But if I use force, Trillion will break... |
Trillion Prism |
What are you doing? Are you too scared of me?
I never liked you. I don't care if you're the prince of the Fairy World.
You look like a bunch of frog eggs that an ox stomped on! |
Fairy Prince Philius |
... |
Zanbato Aganzo |
We'll take care of him. |
(Upon defeating the Boss)
(The defeated Trillion Prism collapses to the ground.)
Fairy Prince Philius |
Trillion! Are you okay? Wake up! |
Trillion Prism |
Aww... My head... Who am I?
Argh, that hurts! Stop hitting me! |
Fairy Prince Philius |
I'm trying to help you come back to your senses. |
Trillion Prism |
I did, I did! Please stop hitting me! You're going to pop my light particles! |
Fairy Prince Philius |
Hm. Well, I'm sure he's okay enough to take care of the other light spirits. I'm glad Trillion is safe. |
Trillion Prism |
Saaaaafe? Am I saaaafe?! |
Fairy Prince Philius |
Shut up.
Now, human, let's go back to our original topic-err? |
- Aganzo accompanies the Adventurer in Room A4.