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Queen Namulun Merina (Quest)

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Act Quest Icon.png Queen Namulun Merina
Type Act Quest
Quest Line(s) Mirror Arad (Act Quests)
Level Req. 55
Area - Dungeon / Town Meltdown - City of Spores Salif
Quest Giver Faris, the Sewer Princess

  • Expicon.png 1,571,406 Exp
Previous Quest(s)
Act Quest Icon.png Destroying Formicaries
Next Quest(s)
Act Quest Icon.png To the Rotting Lot

Queen Namulun Merina is the thirtieth quest of the Mirror Arad Act Quest storyline.



City of Spores Salif
1 Map E.png Map SW.png Map Blank.png Map Blank.png
2 Map SE.png Map NW.png Map Blank.png Map Blank.png
3 Map NS.png Map Blank.png Map Blank.png Map Blank.png
4 Map NE.png Map EW.png Map EW.png Map Boss.png

Starting zones:
Boss zones:
Min. Fatigue:
Max. Fatigue:

Icon-Queen Namulun Merina.png Queen Namulun Merina




Faris2-Face3.png Faris, the Sewer Princess

Albert, are you not doing your job? The ants have attacked again!

Albert2-Face1.png Albert

You're killing me. I'm doing my best, but you know they're breeding more quickly than I can handle them!

Faris2-Face3.png Faris, the Sewer Princess

Then stop their breeding!

Albert2-Face1.png Albert

Mm... Why didn't I think of that? All right, then I'll just get rid of their queen ant. The problem is, she's so good at hiding that I haven't seen her.

Loel! Help me. I want to find that queen ant. Now that the Adventurer is with us, we should be able to find her this time.

Loel-Face1.png Loel

You're such a bother. If we fail again, I'm going to use you instead of a broomstick.

Albert2-Face1.png Albert

Ah, everyone's so jealous of my beauty. You're angry because the girls don't like you as much as they like me, huh?

Loel-Face1.png Loel

Mm. One day I'm going to use you instead of a toilet seat.

Albert2-Face1.png Albert

Anyway, let's split up and look for the queen.


(Upon entering the Boss Room)
Namulun Fighter

That's him!

Merina-Face1.png Queen Namulun Merina

You killed my babies. We're no longer the tiny worms you could stomp on.

You're the enemy of my children! I'll rip you apart and feast on your flesh!

(Upon defeating the Boss)

Merina-Face1.png Queen Namulun Merina

...We were trampled underfoot when we were small. I wanted revenge... but I ended up getting trampled too...

The kingdom I saw in the deep, dark dreams... Was it only a dream...?

Adventurer-NFace1.png Adventurer

(What is this? It reminds me of the Fragments of the Great Metastasis...)


Faris2-Face2.png Faris, the Sewer Princess

That monster said you were being unfair. *Snort* They ate a lot of us. They had it coming!

Adventurer-NFace1.png Adventurer


Faris2-Face1.png Faris, the Sewer Princess

What's wrong? You look rather distracted. Were you bitten by the ants?

By the way, what's taking Albert and Loel so long? I like that it's quiet without them, though.

Adventurer-NFace1.png Adventurer

(Quiet... Are they...?)

[hide]Quest Line(s)
Mirror Arad (Act Quests) Return to Arad • Black Nightmare-covered Arad • To Stop the Dimension • To Silver Crown • The Forest of Spirits • Saving Seria • Flame Princess Stera (Quest) • Explain to Vetala • A Cold Snap in the Forest • Investigating Frozen Luteon • Ice Fairy King Zeluth (Quest) • To Glassfey • The Prince of the Spirit Realm • The King of Darkness • To Vetala • To the Ringwood Penitentiary • Grudge-filled Prison • Revenant Monument Amme (Quest) • Dying Philius • To Save Philius • Great Will (Quest) • Annis's Advice • Fragments of the Great Metastasis • To Morgan • To the Sewer • Ruined by the Great Metastasis • To Collect Honey • Mushroom Slaver Ants • Destroying Formicaries • Queen Namulun Merina (Quest) • To the Rotting Lot • Albert's Request • Next Destination • Getting Ready to Leave • Behemoth in Another Dimension • Leader Ophelia • Isadora's Request • Water Guardian Amnis (Quest) • Exterminate the Man-eating Shark • Visitors of Behemoth • Reason for the Blade Masters' Visit • Finding the Merfolk King • Finally, Meet the Merfolk King • A Message for Isadora • Asking Ophelia • Interfering Followers • Anxious Lenny • In the Face of Lotus • Another Encounter with Apostle Lotus • Return to Hendon Myre