Queen Namulun Merina is the thirtieth quest of the Mirror Arad Act Quest storyline.
City of Spores Salif
Starting zones:
Boss zones:
Min. Fatigue:
Max. Fatigue:
Queen Namulun Merina
Faris, the Sewer Princess |
Albert, are you not doing your job? The ants have attacked again! |
Albert |
You're killing me. I'm doing my best, but you know they're breeding more quickly than I can handle them! |
Faris, the Sewer Princess |
Then stop their breeding! |
Albert |
Mm... Why didn't I think of that? All right, then I'll just get rid of their queen ant. The problem is, she's so good at hiding that I haven't seen her.
Loel! Help me. I want to find that queen ant. Now that the Adventurer is with us, we should be able to find her this time. |
Loel |
You're such a bother. If we fail again, I'm going to use you instead of a broomstick. |
Albert |
Ah, everyone's so jealous of my beauty. You're angry because the girls don't like you as much as they like me, huh? |
Loel |
Mm. One day I'm going to use you instead of a toilet seat. |
Albert |
Anyway, let's split up and look for the queen. |
(Upon entering the Boss Room)
Namulun Fighter |
That's him! |
Queen Namulun Merina |
You killed my babies. We're no longer the tiny worms you could stomp on.
You're the enemy of my children! I'll rip you apart and feast on your flesh! |
(Upon defeating the Boss)
Queen Namulun Merina |
...We were trampled underfoot when we were small. I wanted revenge... but I ended up getting trampled too...
The kingdom I saw in the deep, dark dreams... Was it only a dream...? |
Adventurer |
(What is this? It reminds me of the Fragments of the Great Metastasis...) |
Faris, the Sewer Princess |
That monster said you were being unfair. *Snort* They ate a lot of us. They had it coming! |
Adventurer |
(...?) |
Faris, the Sewer Princess |
What's wrong? You look rather distracted. Were you bitten by the ants?
By the way, what's taking Albert and Loel so long? I like that it's quiet without them, though. |
Adventurer |
(Quiet... Are they...?) |