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Dreamer Awakens (Awakening Quests)

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Season 7 Act 7. Shoot for the Stars

드리머? 같은 여행자여도 나는 그런 사람과 거리가 멀어.
아, 생각나는군. 그래, 그 사람 얘기를 해주는 게 좋겠어.

우선 내 얘기를 좀 해볼까?

한 때 나는 사는 곳이 지겨워 앞만 보고 달려갔지. 돌아보지 않고 계속 달렸어.
심지어 바람도 앞으로 가라며 내 등을 밀어줬다니까.
신나서 달렸지. 발이 땅에 붙어있질 않았어. 그런데 뭔가 이상한 거야.
문득 뒤를 돌아봤어. 어? 여긴 어디지?

그때 깨달았지. 돌아가는 길도 잊어버릴 만큼 너무 멀리 와버렸다는 걸.
후회? 그런 건 애당초 한 적이 없어.
내가 말했잖아. 신나서 달렸다고 여행은 정말 즐거웠어.
하지만 남는 게 없었지. 갑자기 아무도 나를 기억하지 못할 거 같았어.
정말 바람처럼 사라져버리는 건 아닐까? 할 때쯤, 내 눈앞에 그 사람이 나타났어.

그 사람은 누군가를 돕길 좋아했지. 일의 경중을 따지지 않고 각지의 어려움을 해결해줬어.
여행을 하면서 쌓인 나름의 노하우로 많은 일들을 해내더라.
밝고 능글맞아서 사람들과도 쉽게 친해졌지. 아무도 그 사람을 어려워하지 않았어.
뭐, 가끔은 자기를 한낱 떠돌이로 보고 우습게 여기는 자들을 크게 혼내주기도 했지만.
그 사람은 나 같은 일개 여행자랑 다르게 여행자 조합 소속이었거든.
나는 물었어. 이제 어디로 가면 되겠냐고. 돌아갈 곳도 없다고.
내 말을 듣고 꽤 난처해하더라? 그 사람은 당황한 듯한 얼굴로 대답했어.

"뭘 망설여? 네가 꿈꾸는 곳으로 가."
"없어? 그럼 만들면 되잖아."

그 사람은 돌아간다는 말 자체를 이해하지 못했어. 왜냐하면 그에게는 이 우주 전체가 고향이니까.
자신이 발 닿는 곳 모두 행복한 곳으로 만들려고 했어. 그가 꿈꾸던 곳으로 만들었지. 모두가 행복하게 웃는...
그 사람의 눈동자에 담긴 건, 눈앞의 풍경만이 전부는 아니었다고 생각해.
정확히 알 수 없지만, 나는 그 안에 ‘꿈’이 들어있다고 믿어.

자신이 꿈꾸던 곳을 여행하고, 여행한 곳을 꿈꾸던 곳으로 만드는,
그런 사람이야말로 진정한 드리머(Dreamer)가 아닐까? [1]

Official Localization (Neople):

Dreamer Awakening Header.png

Dreamers? I'm far from one of them, even as a fellow Traveler.
Ah, that reminds me. Yes, I should tell you about her.

But first, let's talk about me.

Once, I was bored with where I was living, so I ran straight ahead. I didn't look back, and I just kept running.
Even the wind was pushing me forward.
I was so excited, I couldn't keep my feet on the ground. But then, something felt wrong.
Suddenly, I looked back. Err... Where am I?

That was when I realized I'd gone too far and forgotten how to get back where I came from.
Regrets? I never had any.
I told you, I ran with excitement. I had a lot of fun traveling.
But there was nothing left, and suddenly I got worried that no one would remember me.
Was I really going to disappear like the wind? Then, right in front of my eyes, she appeared.

She loved to help people. It didn't matter how big or small; she solved problems everywhere.
She had a lot of tricks up her sleeve from her travels.
Her cheerfulness and humor made her easy to get along with. No one found her difficult.
Well, sometimes some punks would make fun of her, thinking she was just a drifter. She made sure they knew she wasn't.
She belonged to a Traveler's guild, unlike me, an individual Traveler.
I asked her, "Where do I go from here? I have no place to go back to."
My question stumped her. With a puzzled look on her face, she replied.

"What do you mean? You can always go to the place of your dreams."
"Don't you have one? Then, pick one."

She didn't understand the idea of going home, because, for her, the entire universe was home.
She was going to make everywhere she touched a happy place. She was going to make it the place of her dreams, where everyone was happy and smiling.
There was more in her eyes than just the scenery in front of her.
I don't know exactly, but I think I saw a dream in there.

To travel to the places she dreamed of, to make the places she traveled to the places she dreamed of.
That's what it means to be a true Dreamer, isn't it? [2]


  • Quest Type: Awakening Quest Icon.png
  • Level Range: Varies
  • Area(s): Varies
  • Dungeon(s): Varies


New Dawn Version

No. Name Level Dungeon / Town NPC Objective(s) Reward(s)
1 Awakening Quest Icon.png Awakening: Dreamer 1 (Origin Version) 50 Hendon Myre Siusha
  • Collect the following materials for your Awakening:

  • Expicon.png Level Scaling Exp

  • Goldicon.png Level Scaling Gold


Item Reward(s)

2 Awakening Quest Icon.png Awakening: Dreamer 2 (Origin Version) 50 Abandoned Mine Bowmaster Ludmilla
  • Expicon.png Level Scaling Exp

  • Goldicon.png Level Scaling Gold
3 Awakening Quest Icon.png Awakening: Dreamer 3 (Origin Version) 50 Abandoned Mine Bowmaster Ludmilla
  • Collect Formidable Essences from the Abandoned Mine on Expert or harder mode.

  • Expicon.png Level Scaling Exp

  • Goldicon.png Level Scaling Gold
4 Awakening Quest Icon.png Awakening: Dreamer 4 (Origin Version) 50 Hendon Myre Bowmaster Ludmilla
  • Collect the following materials to become a Dreamer:

  • Expicon.png Level Scaling Exp

New Dawn Version (Hunter & Vigilante: The Hunt Begins!)

No quests found that satisfy the search criteria.



[hide]Quests — Origin
Act Quest Icon.png Gran Flores (LV 1) | Sky Castle (LV 17) | Behemoth (LV 24) | Aphelia (LV 30) | Underfoot (LV 36) | Mount Thunderime (LV 40) | North Myre (LV 46) | Mirror Arad (LV 50) | Antwer Canyon (LV 63) | Oceanic Express (LV 71) | Time Gate (LV 75) | Power Station (LV 81) | Fire-Eater Anton (LV 84) | Castle of the Dead (LV 85) | Constructor Luke (LV 88) | Harlem (LV 90) | Nighttime Skyscraper (LV 94) | Pandemonium Meeting (LV 95) | Pandemonium War (LV 95) | Empyrean War Chronicle I (LV 95) | Empyrean War Chronicle II (LV 95) | Empyrean War Chronicle (LV 95) | Black Shrine (LV 97) | The Oculus (LV 99) | Abysmal Sky Tower (LV 100) | The Exile Mountains (LV 100) | The Night of Revelation (LV 100) | Black Purgatory (LV 100) | Dark Side (LV 100) | War of the Saints (LV 100) | Dimensional Storm (LV 102) | Noblesse Code I (LV 103) | Noblesse Code II (LV 104) | Destroyed Castle of the Dead (LV 106) | Eternal Flame Lab I (LV 108) | Eternal Flame Lab II (LV 109) | The Meister's Laboratory (LV 110) | Ispins, the Usurped Lands (LV 110) The Machine Revolution (LV 110)

Spectre Scenario (LV 1) | Western Lawless District (LV 1)

Episode Quest Icon.png Fiend War (LV 94) | Soldoros's Decision (LV 95) | Pit of Incarceration (LV 95) | Guide of Wisdom (LV 96) | Stormy Route (LV 96) | Sanctum in the Abyss (LV 100) | Dark Dimension (LV 100) | Aeterna (LV 100) | Watcher in the Rift (LV 100) | Cursed Ruby (LV 100)
Hidden Quest Icon.png Karakas' Curiosity | Empyrean Revolt 1 (LV 90) | Empyrean Revolt 2 (LV 90) | Sky Nest (LV 94) | Apostle Crusade (LV 100) | A Priestess from the Empire (LV 100) | North Myre Disappearances (LV 100)
Side Quest Icon.png Valley of the Fallen Souls | Altar of Ascension | Anton Subjugation | Invitation to the Training Center | Forgotten Land | Melvin's Shame | Halidom Weapon | Hell Party | Suju Arena | Kiri's Epic Crafting Machine | Melvin's Shame | Mt. Kulun | Tower of Dazzlement | Tower of Anguish | Luke Subjugation | Pandemonium Rift | Imperial Arena | Dimensional Universe | Tayberrs | Beast Dungeon | Fiend War | Disaster Sector | Assault Mode | Let's Retexturize | Dawning Crevice | Spirit Heaven | Operation: Hope | Talisman | Ceberin | Laura | Cursed Ruby | Ghent Palace | Roschest | Sirocco Raid | Sanctum of Resurrection | Missing Lucille | Storm's Wrath
Adventure Quest Icon.png Empyrean War Chronicles I | Empyrean War Chronicles II | Genesis
Mission Quest Icon.png N/A
Daily Quest Icon.png N/A
Limited Quest Icon.png N/A
EXP Quest Icon.png N/A
Character Quest Icon.png N/A
Advancement Quest Icon.png
Awakening Quest Icon.png
True Awakening 1 | True Awakening 2
Profession Quest Icon.png N/A
Evolution Quest Icon.png N/A