(Upon entering the Dungeon)
Oberith Rosenbach |
I sense evil energy around us. |
Teida Beonarr |
It's as if this energy is calling us, it's so obvious. |
Oberith Rosenbach |
It has to be of one of the Three Dark Knights. |
Lucille Redmayne |
Getting rid of at least one of them will help us win this crusade.
Let's find him. |
(Upon entering Room C2)
(Ahead of the party, an Imposter carrying a flaming coffin is seen pillaging the weapons from the corpses of Imperial Soldiers.)
Teida Beonarr |
What a nasty-looking Imposter! |
Oberith Rosenbach |
The swords stuck on his coffin... They look like they're from the Empire. |
Lucille Redmayne |
He's using his body like a pincushion to collect swords. How disgusting! |
Teida Beonarr |
It's obvious he's an Imposter. Let's not waste any more time looking at his artwork. |
(Teida stretches his arms out and quickly puts clasps them together.)
Teida Beonarr |
We'll put an end to your nasty collection right here and now. |
(The Imposter grasps his weapons and giggles maniacally.)
Incising Scalpel |
I'll take your weapons for my collection! |
(Upon clearing Room C2)
(Scalpel pauses briefly and unleashes a flaming energy slash toward the party, and then retreats.)
Lucille Redmayne |
You took countless lives. Are you afraid of giving up yours? Stop right there! |
(Lucille chases after the Imposter.)
Oberith Rosenbach |
Sister Lucille! We shouldn't be too hasty! |
Teida Beonarr |
Come on, we don't have time! |
Oberith Rosenbach |
Fine. There has to be a reason the Imposter went that way. Let's follow him. |
(Upon clearing Room C1)
(Lucille manages to catch up with Scalpel, and swings her fiery axe upon him.)
Incising Scalpel |
Ugh... Ruin... |
(The Imposter falls the ground as the coffin on its back crushes him. His fiery swords fall to the ground and explode, causing Lucille to fall down in recoil.)
Lucille Redmayne |
Gah, he was disgusting until the very end. |
(The party catches up Lucille.)
Oberith Rosenbach |
Sister Lucille! |
Teida Beonarr |
What happened? Where's the Imposter? |
Lucille Redmayne |
I took care of him. I just ended up getting a few scratches. Don't worry. |
Oberith Rosenbach |
I don't think you can move right now. |
(Suddenly, the party is alerted to an entity riding a large structure approaching them from behind.)
Revealed Ruinous Berias |
You must have a death wish, sneaking in all the way here.
Good job, Horrors of the Old War. I'll grant your wish and show them the fear of destruction. |
Oberith Rosenbach |
It figures a Dark Knight would appear at a time like this. He left behind these wheel tracks. |
Teida Beonarr |
This is not good. Oberith, the Adventurer and I'll try to hold him back. Tend to Sister Lucille. |
Oberith Rosenbach |
I will. |
Revealed Ruinous Berias |
You think you can beat me in this land blessed by Chaos? How interesting!
Come out, Ghosts of Destruction! |
(As the Ghosts arrive to surround the party, Teida readies an attack to repel them.)
Teida Beonarr |
Gah, there are so many of them. |
Revealed Ruinous Berias |
Mwa hah hah! Is that the best you can do? You're so weak! |
Adventurer |
(It's too dangerous to fight Ruinous around the wounded.) |
(The Adventurer runs off from the party.)
Oberith Rosenbach |
Adventurer? No! |
Revealed Ruinous Berias |
Mwa hah hah! Are you trying to pull me away from your friends? Sure, I'm more interested in crushing you, anyway!
Ghosts of Destruction, I'll leave these to you! |
Teida Beonarr |
You can't fight him alone, Adventurer! |
(As Teida runs to chase after the Adventurer, his path is obstructed by the Ghosts of Destruction.)
Teida Beonarr |
Bah, don't be so reckless! |
(Upon entering Room D1)
(Berias chases after the Adventurer on his chariot through the Dark Side.)
(Upon entering the Boss Room)
Adventurer |
(This should be far enough.) |
(Berias lands in front of the Adventurer's path, smashing his sword to the ground.)
Revealed Ruinous Berias |
Hah hah hah. Do you realize how close you are to Death?
I've fully recovered my former glory. You can't beat me alone. |
(If the Adventurer is a Dark Templar)
Adras |
It's you, who's under Death's shadow right now, Ruinous. |
(Adras emerges from the shadows.)
Adras |
I know you're strong, but two heads are always better than one. |
(If the Adventurer is a Dark Templar)
Adventurer |
I'm not alone. |
(Adras emerges from the shadows.)
Adras |
(If the Adventurer is not Second / Neo Awakened)
I'll fight with you.
(If the Adventurer is Second / Neo Awakened)
I'll fight with you, Nemesis.
(Adras surrounds Berias in a dark sphere as her shadowy blade and shadow clones strike him from both sides.)
Revealed Ruinous Berias |
Hmpf, more of you worms won't change the situation! |
(Upon defeating the Boss)
(Berias kneels upon the ground, propping himself up with his sword.)
Revealed Ruinous Berias |
Chaos will return... soon... |
(As Berias collapses to the ground, the rest of the party catches up.)
Teida Beonarr |
Adventurer, are you okay? |
Oberith Rosenbach |
Adras? Long time, no see. Did you help the Adventurer? |
Adras |
Ozma's resurrection affects my order. I did what I had to do. |
Oberith Rosenbach |
I took care of Sister Lucille because of you two, Adventurer and Adras. |
Lucille Redmayne |
...I'm ashamed. I should have been the sword that punished the Dark Knight. |
Adras |
I think I know the situation. Lucille, please don't take this the wrong way, but you don't have to be responsible for everything. There are more than one sword here. |
Oberith Rosenbach |
I agree. This is not a duel; it's war. It involves numerous swords, spears, and shields.
Don't be so hard on yourself.
We may believe in different gods, but right now, we're swinging our swords at the same enemy. |
Lucille Redmayne |
...... |
(Suddenly a rift opens before them as a figure steps out.)
Calling Jade |
Dear Ruin, thanks to your noble sacrifice, the advent of Chaos draws nearer now. |
Teida Beonarr |
That Imposter! |
Adras |
Calling Jade. |
(Jade kneels to the ground as Berias's corpse dissipates into dark energy, and then pauses briefly.)
Calling Jade |
Poor worms. No matter how hard you squirm, you can't change anything.
Come to the Oracle Tower. I'll show you your limits. |
(Jade disappears into the rift as it closes behind her.)