Collapsed Throne is the eleventh quest of the Dark Side Act Quest storyline.
Beyond Chaos Gate
Starting zones:
Boss zones:
Min. Fatigue:
Max. Fatigue:
Allen Grant |
If we stay here any longer, we'll be forever stuck in this dimension along with the Dark Side! Everyone, back to the Chaos Gate! |
(Upon entering the Dungeon)
(The party moves to escape from the Dark Side as they meet up with a familiar figure.)
Grandis Gracia |
...Nilvas? |
Nilvas Gracia |
We don't have time. This way! |
(Nilvas runs ahead as Grandis and the rest of the party follow in pursuit.)
(Upon entering Room C3)
Shinjang |
The Chaos Gate is closing. |
Judy Ringwood |
Drat! There's no way all of us can get out of here! |
Oberith Rosenbach |
Don't give up! Let's try to save as many as we can! |
(Upon entering the Boss Room)
(The party narrowly manages to escape from the Dark Side. Outside the door, Grandis kneels upon the ground as the others stand in silence around her.)
Grandis Gracia |
Nilvas... How...? Please tell me this is not real... |
Oberith Rosenbach |
Sister... |
Narration |
Everyone lowers their head as if to pay silent tribute to a hero who was brilliant, but lonely. |
Grandis Gracia |
Everyone... thank you. We escaped safely, but many of our Priests and soldiers are not in good condition. |
Oberith Rosenbach |
Sister Grandis... It's okay to put yourself before others sometimes. |
Grandis Gracia |
I'm fine, Oberith. I know Nilvas... He would do the same. |
Teida Beonarr |
Grandis is right. A majority of the wounded is showing early signs of Imposter. |
Judy Ringwood |
*Sigh...* I hate to admit, but it's true. We must isolate the infected before they infect others. |
Oberith Rosenbach |
Wait, are you saying we must dispatch our own comrades? |
Teida Beonarr |
Oberith, did you not learn anything from the war that we just fought against Imposters? Even without Ozma, another Black Crusade could still happen. |
Allen Grant |
It hurts me to say this, but I agree. The Empire wants to resolve this situation quickly. If more people are infected, lengthening this war against Imposters... the entire nation will turn its back on the government, including its soldiers. |
Oberith Rosenbach |
I didn't mean we should kill them; I meant we must purge them. |
Lucille Redmayne |
Enough. We should discuss this again after we go back to Lemidia Capella. |
Judy Ringwood |
Same here. I'll report this issue to Her Highness. Lemidia Chrysos and Lemidia Capella will take care of our forces. |
Allen Grant |
I regret that we have to say goodbye in such a hurry, but right now, taking care of the wounded and infected takes precedence. Then... may the Light bless you. |
(Judy and Allen take leave.)
Adras |
We should leave, too.
If we ever meet again... It'd be for another dangerous incident like this crusade. Let's hope we won't. |
Lucille Redmayne |
The short time we fought here has changed my view of paganism, to an extent.
I still don't believe light and darkness can mix. I hope there will be no conflict between us. The Inquisition forces and I will leave now. |
(Adras and Lucille take their separate ways.)
Oberith Rosenbach |
*Sigh...* I don't know which way is up anymore. |
(Meanwhile in an undisclosed location.)
Keening Hilder |
"And a god rose from the dead, burning with anger, his body pierced all over by the chain of betrayal.
"Another god joined his fight, carrying a crucifix on his back, but they were stopped by a blade."
Those two were meant to disappear together.
Sirocco is interfering with me, even beyond from the grave.
Then... |
Oberith Rosenbach |
For now, we should go back to Lemidia Basilica, too. |
Teida Beonarr |
There seems to be many things that must be discussed regarding the aftermath of the Crusade.
...Including Nilvas. |
Grandis Gracia |
Nilvas... |
Oberith Rosenbach |
Brother Nilvas is strong. We will be able to meet him again. |
Grandis Gracia |
...I suppose so. Thank you, Oberith. |