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Gran Flores (Epic Quests) — Origin

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Quests (Season 4)

Linus Request

Level 1
Quest Giver Linus
Prerequisite Cleared Tutorial Dungeon
Dungeon Mirkwood
Briefing Linus: "Hey, you! Yes, you. I'm sorry I waylaid you. I've noticed you're coming from the direcion of Lorien Forest. Have you seen a silver-haired girl? She's in her late teens and yea tall. You haven't. Hm... This is not good. You look like you're an adventurer. Could you help? She's on of the girls from my vilage, and I think she entered the forest. She's not the type of kid who leaves home without telling anyone, and I'm worried about her safety. Please find her. Since the big fire that almost burned down the entire forest, its inhabitants have been wary of outsiders. You would? Thank you! Then please check Mirkwood first. It's the closest from here. Oh right, her name is Seria."
Objectives Look for Seria in Mirkwood.
Dungeon Dialogue Upon entering the boss room:

Toby: "Argh, help!"

Upon defeating the boss:
Beast Rabul: "Grr..Protect...the Great Pentacle...Pentacle...Grr..."

Toby: "Aww... Who knew I'd get helped by humans one day. Thank you."
Upon Completion Toby: "I'm Toby. I was hungry, so I was trying to eat some tree nuts when that crazy Beast Rabul caught me. Thank you for saving me before he are me. Are you an adventurer? You're looking for a human female? Would she be the owner of this bracelet, by any chance? I saw the King of Taus drag some human female away with him. She dropped this bracelet, and I picked it up because it looked pretty. You saved me, so you can have it."
  • Expicon.png 10 Exp
Dungeon Map
Notes Player gets a full set of level 5 gear appropriate for class.

The Legendary Albino Goblin

Level 1
Quest Giver Linus
Dungeon Mirkwood
Briefing Linus: "Welcome back. Did you find any traces of Seria? Yes this bracelet is hers. The girl that the little goblin saw has to be Seria. The Tau King? Do you mean Shauta? He lives in Grakqarak in the depths of Grand Flores. This is bad. Adventurer, could you go to Grakqarak and save Seria? Shauta is just as violent and cruel as the Beast Rabul. We must save her before something bad happens to her. I wish I still had the map... The goblins stole it when they attacked my village a while ago. Maybe you should ask that little goblin for the map. Grand Flores is so big, you'll have a hard time navigating it without a map."
Objectives Meet Toby in Mirkwood.
Dungeon Dialogue Upon entering dungeon:

Toby: "Oh, hello! I didn't come here to steal anything. I just wanted to look around... Huh? The map of this forest? Do you mean the old map that Kinoll] made the grownups steal? Kinoll took it with him already. Don't you know Kinoll? Legend says an albino goblin is born once every hundred years, and Kinoll is the legendary goblin. He commands lightning, and he's strong... He's really scary. He threatened the grownups into attacking the village. Do you need that map? Then you should go to Thunderland. That's where Kinoll is. Are you really going to go there? Are you sure? Are you not scared?"

Upon finding Kinoll:
Lightning Kinoll: "You want you map back. How dare you! I will turn you into ashes with my lightning!"

Upon defeating Kinoll:

Lightning Kinoll: "How dare you... Kkgghhhh..."
Upon Completion Toby: "Whoa, you really beat Kinoll! Incredible! The grownups would be happy to hear that. We've been starving because of Kinoll. Oh, the map! You were looking for the map, right? Let me look for it for you..."
  • Expicon.png xx Exp
  • Goldicon.png xx Gold
Dungeon Map
Notes Player gets level 5 accessories for completing the quest.
  • Toby accompanies the player in room A1.

Owner of the Poison Spring

Level 1
Quest Giver Toby
Dungeon Poison Thunderland
Briefing Toby: "Kinoll's underlings won't bully us again, will they? One of them also took the frog that I wanted to eat. Heh heh. ...Wah! This is bad! Penril of the Poison Thunderland will hit the roof if he finds out someone killed Kinoll. Penril eats us goblins just for the fun of it, but he was close to Kinoll. Grakqarak, where you want to go, is past Poison Thunderland. Let's hope we won't get caught."
Objectives Pass through the Poison Thunderland to reach Grakqarak.
Dungeon Dialogue Upon entering the dungeon:

Toby: "Argh, help!"

Upon finding the boss:
Scaredy-Goblin: "It was this one! This one killed Kinoll!"

Penril: "*Hiss* I'll melt you with my poison and avenge Kinoll! *Hiss*"

Upon defeating the boss:

Penril: "Kiikk... Kiikkk..."
Upon Completion Toby: "Err... Whoa, firs it was Kinoll and now Penril! Amazing! The grownups in my tribe will jump for joy. Penril are so many of us."
  • Expicon.png xx Exp
  • Goldicon.png xx Gold
Dungeon Map

Berserk Mage Keraha

Level 1
Quest Giver Toby
Dungeon Mirkwood Frost
Briefing Toby: "We passed Poison Thunderland, and now we're in Mirkwood Frost. This place is close to Gragqarak, where the Tau King is. The human girl you're looking for should be there. This is my first time in Mirkwood Frost, so I don't know how dangerous it is. I'm sure you're strong enough to beat anyone here, though. Heh heh, I'm going to not run this time--I want to watch you fight!"
Objectives Pass through the Mirkwood Frost.
Dungeon Dialogue Upon entering the dungeon:

Toby: "WAH! That ice dropped all of a sudden! I-I shouldn't! have come..."

Upon finding the boss:
Ice-Locking Keraha: "Scary flames... Scary flames burned the forest... I'll never let them burn again... I'll stop them..."

Toby: "Err... I think that mage is Keraha, one of the two mage sisters Mom told me about. Before I was born, there was a big fire in the forest, and she went mad because of it. Before that, she was such a good mage. She even helped goblins. Do you think she believes the fire that burned the forest is still inside those ice pillars?"

Ice-Locking Keraha: "It was you, wasn't it? You set the forest on fire, didn't you? You came for the fire that I locked up inside the ice, didn't you? You can't have it!"

Upon defeating the boss:
Ice-Locking Keraha: "No! My ice! It's holding the fire inside!"

Toby: "What fire? Where is it?"

Ice-Locking Keraha: "There's...no fire. Those hot flames... Did they die out? Is the Great Pentacle keeping the forest safe?"

Toby: "I don't know what you're saying, but the fire you're talking about was put out before I was born. Even if there was a fire, it wouldn't be able to burn the trees in this cold weather. Achoo!"

Ice-Locking Keraha: "Really? It's...not hot anymore? Nothing is burning anymore? Oh...I'm glad..."
Upon Completion Toby: "What a strange mage! Achoo! She really must hate being hot. She's freezing everything she sees--achoo! *Sniffle* We'll catch a cold if we stay here. Grakqarak is not far away. Let's go."
  • Expicon.png xx Exp
  • Goldicon.png 317 Gold
Dungeon Map

Save Seria

Level 1
Quest Giver Toby
Dungeon Grakqarak
Briefing Toby: "We're in Grakqarak, where Tau King Shauta is. What did you say is the name of that human girl you're looking for? Seria? I hope she's still alive. Human females are soft, enough for Taus to munch on them, bones and all. I-I think I'm going to stay here. Just the thought of seeing the Tau King terrifies me... Good luck!"
Objectives Save Seria in Grakqarak.
Dungeon Dialogue Upon entering the dungeon:

Tau Warrior: "This is where our king resides! No intruders allowed!"

Upon entering room C1:
Seria Kirmin: "...I can't. Sorry...I really..."

Upon finding the boss:
Tau King Shauta: "Revive...the forest...Our home...that you burned down..."

Seria Kirmin: "Sorry, but that's beyond my ability."

Tau King Shauta: "Was it you who tried to destroy the Great Pentacle?"

Upon defeating the boss:
Tau King Shauta: "Grr...Grr...Protect...Protect the forest..."

Seria Kirmin: "Shauta..."
Upon Completion Seria Kirmin: "Ah...Hello. Thank you for saving me. My name is Seria Kirmin. How did you know I was here? Oh, Linus told you. I see. Thank you so much for saving me. Huh? Yes, that's my bracelet. I thought I'd never see it again. This is really precious to me. Thank you. ...Shauta... Ah, nothing. Would you like to go back to the village? I know the way there."
  • Expicon.png xx Exp
  • Goldicon.png 317 Gold

Full set of level 10 gear for character.

Dungeon Map

The Path into the Deep Forest

Level 1
Quest Giver Linus
Dungeon Blazing Grakqarak
Briefing Linus: "Seria! You're safe. Are you not hurt?"

Seria Kirmin: "No. Thank you for your concern. Shauta didn't hurt me...at least until this adventurer showed up."

Linus: "I see. Adventurer, thank you so much. You saved her life. By the way, Seria, why did the Tau King take you? He never left the forest since the Great Fire. Why did he come out all the way to Elvenguard?"

Seria Kirmin: "...The Metastasis. Ever since it started, scary monsters have appeared and [have] been terrorizing the people everywhere in Arad. This Grand Flores is not an exception. Shauta said sinister entities had appeared in the depths of Grand Flores. I think he needed me to stop the peril his forest was facing. ...Even though the terrible accident completely changed him, his loyalty to his forest remains, compelling him to protect it. He asked me to fix the Great Pentacle that protects the forest."

Linus: "The Great Pentacle? Great Mage Myre created that. If he thought you could fix that, he's crazy. Tsk, tsk."

Seria Kirmin: "Still it doesn't change the fact something is happening in the depth of the forest. Linus, I must go check the Pentacle. If Shauta is right, the forest is in danger."

Linus: "Forget it. Grakqarak is dangerous enough, but you want to go deeper? The path that goes beyond Grakqarak is blocked by a magical fire, anyway."

Seria Kirmin: "But..."

Linus: "... Adventurer, I'm sorry, but could you take her beyond Grakqarak? She's more stubborn than she looks. She'll go alone if she has to. Thank you. I'm glad you came to this village. But be careful. If the Tau King was telling the truth, something dangerous is lurking deep in the forest."
Objectives Enter the deep forest in the back of Grakqarak with Seria.
Dungeon Dialogue Upon entering the dungeon:

Toby: "Whoa, I've found you! I can't believe you went back to town without me! I was waiting for you! Err? Thath's the woman Shauta took with him. She wan't eaten alive. I'm glad you saved her. By the way, what brought you back here?"

Seria Kirmin: "Hi. I'm Seria. I want to go to the back of Grand Flores to check the condition of the Pentacle. Do you know how things are in the back of the forest?"

Toby: "Erm, I'm not supposed to tell anything to humans. Mom told me not to. But it seems the Adventurer is also curious about that. I've heard the ice mage's sister in the depths of the forest. She used to help us goblins, but now she just wants to burn us."

Seria Kirmin: "You mean Binoche. Adventurer, I've heard that mage loves this forest as much as we do. If she still remembers her love for the forest, maybe she'll help us. Let's go to her. You're Toby, right? This place is too dangerous. You should go back to your village. Or you can wait for us in Elvenguard. Blacksmith Linus will take care of you."

Toby: "Do you mean the human village? Can I really go there? Whoa, yes! I'd love to!"

Upon entering room A2:
Seria Kirmin: "He's a cute goblin. Did you save him? I can tell he worships you. I've heard there used to be more goblins in this forest, but a lot of them died during the Great Fire. And it wasn't just goblins it killed. Taus and elves also died. Even the survivors have changed because of it. If the Great Pentacle didn't break, that little goblin would've had many friends by now. So sad. By the way, this forest... It's as if the Great Fire has been reenacted. Who set it on fire?"

Upon finding the boss:
Flaming Binoche: "Halt! Who are you?"

Seria Kirmin: "Hello. Are you Binoche? I came to talk to you about the Great Pentacle."

Flaming Binoche: "The Great Pentacle? The fairies sacrificed themselves to revive it. Did you come to destroy it again!?"

Seria Kirmin: "No, that's not why I'm here. Shauta said something terrible is happening inside the forest. I came to check on the Great Pentacle."

Flaming Binoche: "That King of the Taus has gone mad. I'm not going to believe you because you know his name."

Seria Kirmin: "He may not be all there, but he loves the forest just the same. Why are you setting this forest on fire, anyway? I'm on my way to investigate a strange phenomenon in the forest on Shauta's behalf. If you don't know anything about it, at least you can let me go."

Flaming Binoche: "I can't. Beyond this point, the forest is filled with evil energy. If you go in there and become monsters, that's more work for me. If you really want to go in there, you'll have to fight me first. Prove to me how strong you are."

Upon defeating the boss:

Flaming Binoche: "You're definitely good."
Upon Completion Flaming Binoche: "Okay, you're not too shabby, I'll give you that.

Seria Kirmin: "Then could you put out this fire? I understand why you want to block the path, but this can burn down the whole forest."

Flaming Binoche: "I created these flames with my magic. That's never going to happen. Besides, I can't put them out. They're keeping those things on the other side away."

Seria Kirmin: "I see. What's on the other side?"

Flaming Binoche: "...The pain of ones who once loved this forest. You can see it for yourself."
  • Expicon.png xx Exp
  • Goldicon.png xx Gold
Dungeon Map
Notes Seria Kirmin accompanies the player in room A1.

Darkness in the Forest

Level 1
Quest Giver Seria Kirmin
Dungeon Shadow Thunderland
Briefing Seria Kirmin: "Something in the depths of Grand Flores is so dangerous that Shauta and Binoche were desperate to stop it. What do you think it is? We only took a few steps into this place, and I'm already feeling chills from the sinister energy in the air. Oh, I think something's going on over there. Adventurer, can we go check?"
Objectives Enter the depths of Shadow Thunderland with Seria.
Dungeon Dialogue Upon entering the dungeon:

Seria Kirmin: "Ah! They're the restless dead! Oh, no... Who knew such darkness would exist in the depths of the forest? This explains what Binoche said."

Upon entering room A1:
Seria Kirmin: "Why are there so many zombies wandering in this forest? Who has reanimated the dead? What's more terrifying is that I can sense an energy more evil than these zombies spreading from somewhere in this forest. Adventurer, please be careful."

Upon finding the boss:
Seria Kirmin: "Ah, that scary energy I've senses is coming from that cave! This cave is vibrating with energy. The Devolved Darkness must have meant this cave. By the way, what's [this] pentacle? I think that pentacle is what keeps raising those zombies. We must close the cave, but... Adventurer, maybe it's smarter if we run."

Upon defeating the boss:

Seria Kirmin: "Ghoulguish cannot be killed as long as the pentacle exists. Worse still, its growing evil energy is threatening the surrounding forests. Adventurer, we'd better retreat for now. We can't purge that pentacle without preparation."
Upon Completion Seria Kirmin: "We've escaped safely. Whew..."
  • Expicon.png xx Exp
  • Goldicon.png 655 Gold
Dungeon Map
Notes Seria Kirmin accompanies the player in room A2.

The Great Pentacle

Level 1
Quest Giver Seria Kirmin
Briefing Seria Kirmin: "This is bad. Ghoulguish will continue to use the pentacle and reanimate the dead. Our village won't be safe from them. What do you think that pentacle is? I thought the Great Pentacle was the only one in Grand Flores... Oh, don't you know what the Great Pentacle is? I can explain it to you. I have to go back to check something. Let's go back to my village for now."
Objectives Go to Elvenguard and listen to Seria's explanation.
Upon Completion Seria Kirmin: "According to this book, the pentacle used by Ghoulguish was orignally created to repair the Great Pentacle. It stopped working after a while, and now he's using it for himself. A great many elves sacrificed themselves to repair the Great Pentacle and this forest. I can't let him take advantage of them or jeopardize them. Adventurer, could you help? I can't fight Ghoulguish and free the pentacle from him by myself."
  • Expicon.png xx Exp
  • Goldicon.png 655 Gold
Notes Video plays upon talking to Seria Kirmin explaining about Mage Myre and the Pentacles. The De Los Empire started the great fire.
  • If the player is level 16 the opportunity to gain a class advancement becomes available.

The Senior Adventurer's Advice

Level 1
Quest Giver Seria Kirmin
Briefing Seria Kirmin: "This place is so remote that by the time people from other places arrive, both the forest and the village could already be infested with the zombies. I don't know how long Binoche can fend them off by herself. Shauta is strong, but even he's not sure if he can take on all of them. Please help her. What's wrong? You look troubled. Are you worried about something? Ah, Ghoulguish is stronger than you thought, having handled the pentacle for a long time. Then why don't you go to Linus? He was also an adventurer in his time. He'll be able to help you."
Objectives Go to Linus.
Upon Completion Linus: "Welcome. I was worried because I saw you and Seria coming back in a hurry. What happened? ...That's grave. I can't believe that's happening in the depths of the forest. I really want to help, but I haven't used my sword for a long time. I might only get in your way. You should help Seria and stop Ghoulguish on your own. Don't worry too much. I know you're an able adventurer. You're just panicked because of the unexpected enemy. Calm yourself and try again, and I'm sure you can beat it. mm, or I can give you some advice if you want. I know you're strong enough to do this alone, but if you need help, I can give it to you as someone who was an able adventurer himself, in his time. Think about it, and let me know."
  • Expicon.png xx Exp
  • Goldicon.png 655 Gold

Fighting to Protect the Forest

Level 1
Quest Giver Seria Kirmin
Dungeon Shadow Thunderland
Briefing Seria Kirmin: "It's good that you're back. Thank you. I'm glad you came to my village. We're running out of time, so let's hurry. Please stop Ghoulguish from using the pentacle. I'll try to lift the curse cast on it."
Objectives Stall Ghoulguish while Seria purges the Great Pentacle.
Dungeon Dialogue Upon entering the dungeon:

Seria Kirmin: "."

Upon entering room A1:
Seria Kirmin: "."

Upon finding the boss:
Seria Kirmin: "."

Upon defeating the boss:

Seria Kirmin: "."
Upon Completion Seria Kirmin: ""
  • Expicon.png xx Exp
  • Goldicon.png 655 Gold
Dungeon Map
Notes Seria Kirmin accompanies the player in room A2.

Seria's Determination