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Template:DataMonster Mecha Gizel

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Parameter Value
Name Mecha Gizel
IsBoss Yes
IsSpecial No
IsSummon No
Type TypeHuman.png
Type2 (Type2 empty)
Type3 (Type3 empty)
Family Kartels family
Family2 (Family2 empty)
Class (Class empty)
Sprite Mecha Gizel.gif
SpriteSize (SpriteSize empty)
Portrait Portrait-Mecha Gizel.png
Icon Icon-Mecha Gizel.png
Card Card-Mecha Gizel.png
Level 65
Dungeons Final Pursuit
Drops (Drops empty)
Desc Gizel is the Kartel's scientist mastermind behind all of their advance technology and genetic experiments. He faces off against dungeon fighters in a giant mech originally designed by Melvin Richter.
MoveList *Charges forward in super armor and knocks down any players in his way.
  • Swings a giant chainsaw that deals mild damage.
  • Fires a salvo of missiles that lock onto random players. Missiles leave the ground on fire and will cause burning to players that move in them.
  • Summons a mechanic to repair him.
  • Summons a GX-5 Sparky Gamma and GX-8 Beta to support him.
  • <Hero's Road>Calls in mechanical rats that burrow underneath the ground and will pop out to attack players. Causes electrocution if they hit.
  • <Hero's Road>Summons Sparky Gammas and Betas more often.
  • <Hero's Road>Goes into superarmor and summons several clock robots that will move around the map. If they are not all destroyed within 30 seconds, you will go back in time. Mecha Gizel's health will be restored to full, as will the players' health and most MP. Cooldowns will not be reset however. Only performed once.
  • <Hero's Road>If players do not destroy Gizel quickly enough he will buff himself with high evasion and movement speed, making almost all attacks miss.
Strategy *Gizel will begin the fight doing his basic chainsaw attack and sometimes charging at players.
  • When you see him getting ready to charge move up for down the y-axis to avoid it.
  • Gammas are deadly if you don't deal with them before splitting apart, especially if there are multiple ones on the map. Each one can cause massive hitstun to players when opened up.
  • Betas will increase Gizel's defense dramatically and weaken all your attacks on Gizel, so take them out as quickly as possible. *When he begins his missile salvo try to move to his backside and be ready to dodge like crazy. When soloing the missiles will usually lock onto the single player.
  • Use ground attacks to destroy the mechanical rats or dodge them to avoid getting electrocuted. The electrocution damage is significant when getting hit with his missile salvo
  • When you see Gizel begin to summon time robots, have your party spread out to destroy them. Even if one remains when time is up Gizel will still be brought back to full health.
  • A debuff skill is helpful when he Gizel gains the speed and evasion buff.
  • Stunlocking this boss is very effective when you have a party and he will be unable to pull off any attacks.
Notes (Notes empty)
ShortDesc (ShortDesc empty)