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Ice Wave Sword

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Revision as of 17:24, 6 September 2015 by Arrol (talk | contribs) (Added video)
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Ice Wave Sword.png Ice Wave Sword

Active Skill


Command: Rightkey.pngDownkey.pngRightkey.png+Z.png
Prerequisite Level: 30
Prerequisite Skills: None


Fires small ice pillars that inflict water damage and have a chance to inflict Frozen (Status).png Frozen (Status) on enemies. The ice pillars slowly travel a short distance, hitting enemies multiple times.


  • SP per level: 25
  • Casting Time: 0.3 sec
  • Cooldown: 7 sec
  • MP -4.0% Cooldown -2.0% on Command
  • Basic Attack Cancelable Skill
  • Generates a Wave Manifestation.
  • Increased damage against enemies afflicted with Frozen (Status).png Frozen (Status).


  • Skill combos with itself when it freezes enemies.
  • Casting Force Wave- Neutral.png Force Wave: Neutral after using Ice Wave Sword will shorten it's cooldown.
  • Following up with Force Wave: Neutral will also cause an ice explosion on any frozen enemies.
  • Can also follow up with Fire Wave Sword.png Fire Wave Sword for bonus damage against any frozen enemies.
  • This skill changes under the effects of Wave Eye.png Wave Eye.
  • Can be improved with Ice Wave Sword Upgrade.png Ice Wave Sword Upgrade.

Skill Growth

Note: This table has been generated based off of skill growth information presented in-game. The data may have slight differences compared to the information presented in-game due to minor rounding variations.


Lv Lv Req MP Cost Ice Pillars Frozen vs. Frozen
# of Pillars Magical Attack Probability Duration Lv
1 30 27 15
max-width:200px 100
100.0% 2.80s 31 100%
2 32 31
max-width:200px 100
2.86s 33 102%
3 34 35
max-width:200px 100
2.92s 35 104%
4 36 39
max-width:200px 100
2.98s 37 106%
5 38 43
max-width:200px 100
3.04s 39 108%
6 40 47
max-width:200px 100
3.10s 41 110%
7 42 51
max-width:200px 100
3.16s 43 112%
8 44 55
max-width:200px 100
3.22s 45 114%
9 46 59
max-width:200px 100
3.28s 47 116%
10 48 63
max-width:200px 100
3.34s 49 118%
11 50 67
max-width:200px 100
3.40s 51 120%
12 52 71
max-width:200px 100
3.46s 53 122%
13 54 75
max-width:200px 100
3.52s 55 124%
14 56 79
max-width:200px 100
3.58s 57 126%
15 58 84
max-width:200px 100
3.64s 59 128%
16 60 88
max-width:200px 100
3.70s 61 130%
17 62 92
max-width:200px 100
3.76s 63 132%
18 64 96
max-width:200px 100
3.82s 65 134%
19 66 100
max-width:200px 100
3.88s 67 136%
20 68 104
max-width:200px 100
3.94s 69 138%
21 70 108
max-width:200px 100
4.00s 71 140%
22 72 112
max-width:200px 100
4.06s 73 142%
23 74 116
max-width:200px 100
4.12s 75 144%
24 76 120
max-width:200px 100
4.18s 77 146%
25 78 124
max-width:200px 100
4.24s 79 148%
26 80 128
max-width:200px 100
4.30s 81 150%


Asura Skills
Active:Agni Pentacle.png Agni Pentacle Deadly Enticer.png Deadly Enticer Fire Wave Sword.png Fire Wave Sword Ghost Orb.png Ghost Orb Ground Quaker.png Ground Quaker Ice Wave Sword.png Ice Wave Sword Murderous Wave.png Murderous Wave Spirit Crescent.png Spirit Crescent Wave Manifestation Brand.png Wave Manifestation Brand Wave Radiation.png Wave Radiation
Passive:Asura Spirit Crescent.png Asura Spirit Crescent Hostility Detection.png Hostility Detection Mind Snap!.png Mind Snap!
Awakening:Glacial Wave Sword.png Glacial Wave Sword Magma Wave Sword.png Magma Wave Sword Mind's Eye.png Mind's Eye Wave Eye.png Wave Eye
2nd Awakening:Heavenly Vajra.png Heavenly Vajra Thunder God.png Thunder God Thunder God Energy.png Thunder God Energy Wave Sword- Indra Net.png Wave Sword: Indra Net
Neo: Awakening:Wave Exchange- Blast.png Wave Exchange: Blast Wave Vision- Insight.png Wave Vision: Insight Wave Weaver- Heaven's Thunder.png Wave Weaver: Heaven's Thunder

Male Slayer Skills
Active:Aerial Chain Slash.png Aerial Chain Slash Ashe Fork.png Ashe Fork Bloodlust.png Bloodlust Drive Slash.png Drive Slash Force Wave- Neutral.png Force Wave: Neutral Ghost Slash.png Ghost Slash Gore Cross.png Gore Cross Guard.png Guard Khazan.png Khazan Moonlight Slash.png Moonlight Slash Mountainous Wheel.png Mountainous Wheel Phantom Slash.png Phantom Slash Thrust.png Thrust Upward Slash.png Upward Slash Wave Wheel Slasher.png Wave Wheel Slasher
Passive:Bludgeon Mastery.png Bludgeon Mastery Katana Mastery.png Katana Mastery Short Sword Mastery.png Short Sword Mastery Zanbato Mastery.png Zanbato Mastery

General Skills
Active:Ancient Memory.png Ancient Memory Backstep.png Backstep Indomitable Spirit.png Indomitable Spirit Leap.png Leap Quick Rebound.png Quick Rebound
Passive:Armor Mastery.png Armor Mastery Backstep Upgrade.png Backstep Upgrade Basic Training.png Basic Training Conversion.png Conversion Physical Critical.png Focus: Critical Latent Power.png Latent Power Physical Rear Attack.png Rear Attack
Neo: Awakening:Clues to Awakening.png Clues to Awakening One Step Closer.png One Step Closer Subitism.png Subitism