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Tower of Despair

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Revision as of 17:17, 15 September 2012 by Soul Surgeon (talk | contribs) (Floor 91~100)
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Tower of Despair
Tower of Despair.png
Location Valley of Fallen Souls
Min. Level ?
Level 70
Monster Level Varies
End Boss None


Like the other towers, it is a special gauntlet area where you must defeat all of the opponents on the floor to move on. However unlike the others, this tower contains 100 floors filled with very gimmicky APCs. Only one floor can be completed a day, and no items may be used. You may use a Life Token if you die; however, doing so will result in the APC being fully healed as as a result. The main reason for attempting the Tower is that upon completion of it, you can receive an item that will allow you to purchase a special Pot that will give you an Epic item based on your class.

It's interesting to note that many APCs in here will have abilities they cannot normally have. Also, while the starting floors look like an ancient ruin, they become increasingly more futuristic-looking as you make your way up.


  • Restricted to one entry a day.
  • Can only use up to 3 Life Tokens. (Note: Using a Life Token will fully heal the Enemy.)
  • Can not use any consumable items


  • The tower contains APCs that are capable of using EX skills, other subclass skills, and skills they normally couldn't have.
  • In short, be prepared for ANYTHING.
Floor 1~10
Floor Monster Information Notes
Lv Name
1F 70 Incompetent Benayoun A crusader, he sports an infinite LoD and RoL. He will also use Blades of Purity and throw oil and bombs, very anti physical
2F 70 Village Leader G Another crusader, less of a pain though. This one will use EX and regular flash sphere as well as EX deflection wall. Deflection walls seem to deal more damage to targets in the air. His Deflection wall has a short casting time, deceptive range and little to no cooldown, though he rarely uses it twice in a row. He will also almost always cast EX Deflection Wall at the beginning of the match.
3F 70 Downfallen Ashil This floor features a gimmicky spitfire. He primarily will cast leap, a high level ice bullet, and a high level g-14. His AI is sort of stupid because he will nade then jump and spam ice bullet, meaning QR could potentially help out here. He will occasionally use mech drop, though the area it covers is pretty small. Spams shock waves while being juggled.
4F 70 Long-Haired Motoro A launcher, he uses some pretty annoying skills. He will use a steyr which has no cooldown as well as the EX skill, Icethrower. He also uses quantum bomb which has a very short cooldown. He casts silver bullet but doesn't appear to ever actually attack with his cannon. He will shoot 5-6 Steyrs in a row, but will stop early if you are near him, dropping a Quantum Bomb in your area.
5F 70 Knife Wielding Bashieu On this floor you will fight a rogue. She doesn't really have a gimmick, though it appears that she occasionally generates a shockwave. Other than that she uses many rogue skills, especially hurricane.
6F 70 Blond Tyler A female ranger. She has an infinite (or at the very least, a very short cooldown) awakening. She has a few other gimmicks as well like a no cooldown Marilyn rose and spriggan. Her topspin also appears to have a very short cooldown, she occasionally attacks with her regular attack.
7F 70 Artillery Scout Junon This room is... hard to describe. There is a gunner here, but the first thing you will notice about this room is there are a number of small projectiles landing (marked by a yellow circle) and exploding constantly. The gunner himself will make use of quantum bomb, jack spike, and mach kick. He also uses a modified mech drop, the difference is that missiles will be dropped instead of robots.
8F 70 Gandharva Tina This floor contains a striker. She has permanent super armor which could prove a challenge to some classes. Other than that she will use seismic punch quite often as well as bone crusher and low kick. She occasionally uses one inch punch and Mount. Wears a Screaming Plant Vest and a Gileimo, sometimes summoning a Screaming Plant and reflecting some of your damage back to you.
9F 70 Gunner Nana Not really any gimmicks here, just a female ranger. Utilizes Marilyn rose, flamethrower, moving shot, death hawk, topspin, spriggan, rising shot, and possibly headshot. Her Sonic Spike after connecting a hit with Topspin explodes if all hits connect.
10F 70 (User APC) APC is changed weekly.
Floor 11~20
Floor Monster Information Notes
Lv Name
11F 70 King's Woman Rai This floor contains another rogue. She uses many of the high level rogue skills that will potentially deal massive damage. She occasionally will throw a kunai. Another thing to note is that there is an ice crystal similar to the one found in King's Relic that will follow you and freeze you. However it does not appear to be there the entire fight, it is most likely a proc from something the rogue is wearing.
12F 30 Kuran, Age 30 Asura; he will use wave radiation and will throw out multiple oils and bombs in patterns similar to arsonist Bentick. He also appears to summon a meteor from time to time.
13F 70 Dark Elf Woodsmen Tirano Exorcist, he uses GWL, Chaos hammer, and a very powerful atomic smash. (He also uses a new exorcist skill not in our version)
14F 70 Yanus, Maker of Indigestion Medicine A witch that has a very powerful gimmick. She will occasionally attack with dragon fang but the largest worry in this room is her poison cloud. She will throw a bag of poison in front of her, it will spread out and cover a fairly large area, The poison is stupidly strong and can achieve damage upwards of 2k per tick. Another thing to mention is she will cause the screen to go completely black every once in a while
15F 70 Monk: Samzang
Launcher: 2nd Best Leedanggah
Grappler: Water Demon Ojung
Battle Mage: Stone Monkey Ogong
Probably the hardest floor up to this point, it consists of 3 stages.
  • Stage one consists of a Monk and Launcher. The Monk doesn't actually use any monk skills (except for Sacred Counter?) and instead uses many crusader buffs and heals. The Launcher will use Extruder and BBQ quite often.
  • Stage 2 contains a Grappler. She will use her regular attack, neck snap, cyclone suplex, and heaven's net along with whirlpools.
  • Stage 3 contains the "Boss" of the floor. She is a battlemage that uses full swing, punto wave, weapon uppercut, palm blast, and various chasers. She generates clones that use punto wave capable of dealing massive damage. It's also interesting to note that she has a fair amount of defense compared to other apcs in the tower.
16F 70 Power Hungry Mutisha A male fighter. He uses lots of super armor, low kicks, and a spinning tornado move. He also utilizes a very fast spinning spiral nen move. It has a lot of range and can hit you several times because of its move speed.
17F 70 Glamorous Niel Contains another male fighter. This time a grappler. He uses shoulder tackle, tornado kick, and various aerial grab attacks.
18F 70 Shriek Wave Soho In this room there is an asura. He will always have murderous wave activated and likes to use a lot of circular hit zone attacks. He will most commonly use ashe fork or wave radiation (both of which have a very short cooldown). When he uses ground quaker, be careful not to get caught or it may easily drain 70-90% of your health.
19F 70 Stinky Folia A gimmicky brawler. She will often try to confine you into corners of the stage by throwing down large fields of poison. Her normal forms of attack are using tornado kick and junk spin. She will sometimes use camoflage to turn invisible. When this happens just stay out of her poison areas and wait for her to come to you. Just don't get trapped in the junk spin.
20F 70 (User APC) Changes every week
Floor 21~30
Floor Monster Information Notes
Lv Name
21F 70 Angry Buyong Champion (Awakened female Striker)
22F 70 Fashionable Riquelme Fast (?) Male Ranger
23F 70 Monk of Exorcism Myungho Uses White Tiger and Red Phoenix Amulet
24F 70 Agent Amina Three female launchers of the same name
25F 70 Maple Logicstar
Birch Teonia
Winter Pine Cubre
Magnolia Rhapanpan
Consists of four rooms, each with a Witch (that focuses on one element?).
26F 70 Ultimate Ghost Orb Ruho An Asura; beware of his Ghost Orb because it suctions and then explodes.
27F 70 Dark Shadow Woorannu A Thief who uses Eraser and Ankle Cut.
28F 70 Empress of Shadowless Kick Uses Ankle Cut and possibly (?) Rogue skills
29F 70 Roberto of the Mach A male Ranger who fires bullets that explode in Aerial Fire. Also uses Mach Kick and can escape if attacked too much.
30F 70 (User APC) Changed every week
Floor 31~40
Floor Monster Information Notes
Lv Name
31F 70 Master of Seals Yeomyung An Exorcist who uses barriers to attack.
32F 70 Super Speed Ball Randious A male Fighter who throws balls, casts a lightning bolt on himself, and sometimes uses common male Fighter skills.
33F 70 Final Evolution Meewoo Meewoo Female Brawler/Striker hybrid with regenerative health. Uses Lightning Dance, Venom Mine, Tornado Kick. She stops regenerating health at random times (cause unknown).
34F 70 Sprinter Sill Rogue. Gimmick is invisibility. She becomes visible for very brief periods of time. Seems to utilize Shining Cut, Shadow Cut, and Eraser as her main skills.
35F 70 Mother Bear Pikuping
Father Bear Mawoong
Baby Bear Dodolas
Crusader, Monk, and what appears to be a Soul Bender. Crusader uses Cure, Divine Invocation, and Healing Wind. Offensive moves are Revenge of Light, normal attacks followed by Blades of Purity. Monk uses Duck/Sway skills and Hurricane n' Roll. Soul Bender uses Triple Slash, Moonlight Slash, Ghost Slash, and dash attacks. Crusader luckily doesn't use Revenge of Light on other APCs.
36F 70 Come and Go Kaleia Female Mechanic
37F 70 Iron Legs Julie Champion; uses super armor and Beat Drive
38F 70 Will Strong A Monk who does a Fighter's seismic punch in one jump and a punch that resembles a Spitfire's Crossmore when standing.
39F 70 Shoes On Fire Ahrie Female Ranger
40F 70 (User APC) Changed every week
Floor 41~50
Floor Monster Information Notes
Lv Name
41F 70 Sea Dragon King Carpentise A Machinist (awakened male mechanic) who has very high hit recovery with quick rebound; easy to juggle, however(?). Also uses Gaebolg Punch.
42F 70 Self Duplication Spell Master Ohroto A Thief who makes two clones of herself.
43F 70 Black Leopard Rodem A Thief who turns into a black leopard, or into a group of them, or summons them.
44F 70 Split It Up Mosis Carries out Shadow-attributed splitting slashes, like Illusion Sword Dance.
45F 70 Manhunt Search Team Two Metalhearts (awakened female mechanics) who use Gale Force and Corona. One of them can also use the awakening move Battleroid.
46F 70 N/A TBD
47F 70 N/A A male brawler who uses Needle Throw and Needle Spin
48F 70 N/A A Crusader who heals himself and uses Fountain of Life, Phoenix Hammer, Spear of Victory, Giant Weapon Launcher, and Smasher. Also has lightning bolts (not Revenge of Light, though) come down if attacked.
49F 70 베스트 드라이버 소뇨 (Best Driver Sonyo?) Uses a little-to-no-cooldown Mega Drill. Also uses Phase Shift.
50F 70 (User APC) Changes every week
Floor 51~60
Floor Monster Information Notes
Lv Name
51F 70 N/A You encounter a floating female Mage who summons homing meteorites and landing Black Holes. (If clarified, she could lose HP over time.)
52F 70 N/A Fast-attacking female spitfire
53F 70 N/A A Gaia (Awakened Summoner)
54F 70 N/A An Asura who summons insect type monsters
55F 70 N/A This floor consists of two stages, each with a Monk.
56F 70 N/A Contains a small Rogue.
57F 70 N/A Contains a big Male Fighter.
58F 70 N/A A Witch who uses Disenchant, Phase Shift, Flyswatter and Florae Collider.
59F 70 N/A Summoner
60F 70 (User APC) Changes every week
Floor 61~70
Floor Monster Information Notes
Lv Name
61F 70 N/A A very fast Templar (awakened Monk) who uses Passion Chakra and could lose hp over time (maybe?).
62F 70 N/A A fast-attacking male Nen Master who can drain your HP and stun you.
63F 70 N/A A Thief whose modified Curse Spear is made to look more like a set of daggers that spin, and a sword that dives to attack.
64F 70 N/A A Rogue who uses Necromancer skills, Vallacre included. Also summons Dark Spirits from the Ghost Train.
65F 70 N/A Five female mages who attack with a version of Frosty's Head that's made to look like a heart. Mana-shielded and little-to-no-cooldown Magic festival. One of them uses Sun Burst.
66F 70 N/A A Wildcat (awakened male Brawler) who uses attacks doubled with a knockback upon getting knocked down. He also summons Shadow damage lightning bolts. Uses Air Steiner, Brawler skills, and the awakening move.
67F 70 N/A A female fighter who has balls that have a single eye on them. She uses Ki-Hop Low Kick and Lightning Dance.
68F 70 N/A A battle mage who has an Ice Tiger, a Bloodgaru, and one of Myojin's hounds.
69F 70 N/A A fast-runnig, fast-attacking male Ranger who leaves a trail of red fairies.
70F 70 (User APC) Changes every week
Floor 71~80
Floor Monster Information Notes
Lv Name
71F 70 N/A Soul Reaper (awakened Soul Bender); uses Ice Saya Crystal and other cube circles, Ghost Step, and Keiga. Attacks with Tombstone and Blache.
72F 70 N/A Wrecking ball (awakened male Launcher); attacks with Satellite Beam and other launcher moves.
73F 70 N/A A female Ranger who one can defeat if all six of her bullets are missed.
74F 80 N/A Blazing Flower (awakened female Nen Master)
75F 70 N/A Hell Bringer (awakened Berserker); if you grab him during his Raging Fury, he gets into permanent super armor until he's grabbed again.
76F 70 N/A A floating Avenger
77F 70 N/A A Rogue who summons random enemies, consumes HP Fortune coins, and calls on Chaos Agares. Can Molt if attacked.
78F 70 N/A A male Mechanic who can summon the Black Roses with no cooldown and use grenades.
79F 90 N/A A Dark Knight (awakened Asura)
80F 70 (User APC) Changes every week
Floor 81~90
Floor Monster Information Notes
Lv Name
81F 80 N/A A female Mechanic who can attack with a hybrid between Gaebolg Punch and Battleroid.
82F 70 N/A Attack the Priest's cross, for the Priest is your ally. The cross can inflict bleed.
83F 80 N/A An Elementalist who has two invincible samiho (three-tailed foxes).
84F 70 N/A A female Brawler (Grappler hybrid?) who blinds and attacks you with sand (doesn't seem to resemble Sand Splash) and summons a sandy monster.
85F 70 N/A A Rogue who uses Bone Shield, Dark Nail, Dead Man's Grudge, and Dead Man's Obsession. Also uses attacks similar to Chaos Agares.
86F 70 N/A A fast battle mage who uses Double Swing, Stabbing Wheel, Phase Sift, and Golden Dragon Spear.
87F 75 N/A A male Striker whose Hammer Kick is more like a Draw Sword that can inflict bleeding.
88F 70 N/A In a floor with a a laser on each corner, there's a fast Blade Master who uses Ashe Fork and Full Moonlight Slash (the FMS bleeds).
89F 70 N/A Monk
90F 70 (User APC) Changes every week
Floor 91~100
Floor Monster Information Notes
Lv Name
91F 70 N/A Three Imposters and a Rogue who uses Soul Lure and Hurricane.
92F 90 N/A A Soul Bender who can inflict poison if attacked.
93F 70 N/A An Archmage (awakened Elementalist) who uses Halloween Buster and Flame Void Volcano at little to no cooldown. Also Phase Shifts.
94F 70 N/A Male Mechanic
95F 75 N/A Uses Death Dust.
96F 91 N/A Blade Master Soldoros himself... Very fast... A sword will eventually appear so one could fight it.
97F 70 N/A TBD
98F 70 N/A TBD
99F 70 N/A TBD
100F 70 N/A TBD