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Version History
[hide]- 1 Dungeon Fighter Online (North American Version)
- 1.1 Official Release
- 1.1.1 Act XVII: Immortal Heroes - 3/15/2012
- 1.1.2 Act XVI Interlude - Secrets of Suju - 2/8/2012
- 1.1.3 Act XVI: The Secrets of Suju - 1/12/2012
- 1.1.4 Act XV: The Art of War - 12/12/2011
- 1.1.5 Act XIV: Delezie's Nightmare: Part II - 11/17/2011
- 1.1.6 Act XIV: Delezie's Nightmare: Part I - 10/26/2011
- 1.1.7 Act XIII: Chaos Reigns - 9/28/2011
- 1.1.8 Act XII: New Blood - 8/24/2011
- 1.1.9 Act XI: Wrath of Kazan - 07/27/2011
- 1.1.10 Act X: Rebirth - 06/29/2011
- 1.1.11 Act IX: Across the Otherverse - 05/11/11
- 1.1.12 Act VIII: Under Siege - 04/14/11
- 1.1.13 03/23/11
- 1.1.14 Beware the Portal from Hell! - 03/02/11
- 1.1.15 Act VII: The Witching Hour - 01/26/11
- 1.1.16 The Descent to Screaming Cavern! - 01/12/11
- 1.1.17 01/05/11
- 1.1.18 Act 6: Kiss of the Gun - 12/15/10
- 1.1.19 Armed for Battle with Terranite - 11/17/10
- 1.1.20 Act 5: The Reckoning - 10/13/10
- 1.1.21 Act 4: Valley of Fallen Souls - 09/15/10
- 1.1.22 Act 3: Rise of Champions - 08/18/10
- 1.1.23 08/04/10
- 1.1.24 Act 2: The Great Emporium - 07/14/10
- 1.1.25 06/30/10
- 1.1.26 Act 1: Warriors Unleashed! - 06/09/10
- 1.2 Open Beta
- 1.3 Closed Beta
- 1.1 Official Release
- 2 Dungeon & Fighter (Korean version)
- 3 Arad Senki (Japanese Version)
- 4 Dungeon & Fighter (Chinese Version)
Dungeon Fighter Online (North American Version)
Official Release
Act XVII: Immortal Heroes - 3/15/2012
Detailed patch notes: http://dungeonfighter.nexon.net/chronicles/?cat=17&Lref=ANA-120&Lref=ANA-121
- Fair Arena system added.
Act XVI Interlude - Secrets of Suju - 2/8/2012
Detailed patch notes: http://dungeonfighter.nexon.net/Magazine/Content.aspx?boardNo=600&contentNo=00DZp
- Quick party system added.
- Guild system revamped.
Act XVI: The Secrets of Suju - 1/12/2012
Detailed patch notes: http://dungeonfighter.nexon.net/chronicles/Default.aspx?cat=16&artId=00DT7&Lref=ANA-120&Lref=ANA-129
- Male Fighter subclasses' awakenings added.
Act XV: The Art of War - 12/12/2011
Detailed patch notes: http://dungeonfighter.nexon.net/chronicles/Default.aspx?cat=15&artId=00DLr&Lref=ANA-120&Lref=ANA-129
- Male Fighter class added.
Act XIV: Delezie's Nightmare: Part II - 11/17/2011
Detailed patch notes: http://dungeonfighter.nexon.net/Magazine/Content.aspx?boardNo=600&contentNo=00DDg
- Primal Otherverse and Primal 2nd Chronicle gear added.
- Transcended Ancient Dungeon Equipment Quests/Recipes added.
- Grubeck's Shop updated; New Lv60 PvP gear is available.
- Goblin Pad 2.0 added.
- Practice Mode for Ancient Dungeons and Otherverse added.
- Blitz Contracts added.
- 3rd Generation Rare Avatars added.
- 4th Season of SAS avatars added.
Act XIV: Delezie's Nightmare: Part I - 10/26/2011
Detailed patch notes: http://dungeonfighter.nexon.net/chronicles/Default.aspx?cat=14&artId=00D53&Lref=ANA-120&Lref=ANA-129
- Two new ancient dungeons added.
- Emblem avatars added.
- Heaven party added.
- Lv65 equipment added.
Act XIII: Chaos Reigns - 9/28/2011
Detailed patch notes: http://dungeonfighter.nexon.net/chronicles/?cat=13&Lref=ANA-120&Lref=ANA-121
- Altar of Infinity added.
- Mentorship System added.
- 2nd Chronicle Sets added.
- Dual Skill Build License added to the NX shop.
Act XII: New Blood - 8/24/2011
Detailed patch notes: http://dungeonfighter.nexon.net/chronicles/Default.aspx?cat=12&artId=00ChC&Lref=ANA-120&Lref=ANA-129
- Friend Referral System added
- Southern Dale dungeon added
- Guild update
- North Ghent Gate dungeon added
- Ghent Battlefield dungeon added
- Skill videos added
Act XI: Wrath of Kazan - 07/27/2011
Detailed patch notes: http://dungeonfighter.nexon.net/chronicles/Default.aspx?cat=11&artId=00CUv&Lref=ANA-120&Lref=ANA-129
- New Skills Added
- Character Linking
- Gabriel's Secret Shop
- Account Vault and Bound Items
Act X: Rebirth - 06/29/2011
Detailed patch notes: http://dungeonfighter.nexon.net/chronicles/detail.aspx?cat=10&artId=00CIa
Act IX: Across the Otherverse - 05/11/11
- Otherverse dungeons introduced
- Goblin Kingdom
- Castle Nebolus
- Rangelus'Guerillas
- 2nd Chronicle Gear added
- Series 12 Avatars are here!
- The Lost Treasure has been updated with 3 new creatures and items.
- Pareas, Hexum, Trixum
- +9 Reinforcement Ticket
- Cards: The Mad Piper & Gangling Lotus
- Guild Express has been updated so that its tiers will activate with 5/10/15 concurrently logged-on players.
Click here to find a detailed list of changes.
Act VIII: Under Siege - 04/14/11
- Town Invasion
- NPC Friendship System
- 4 Professions added
- Alchemist
- Animist
- Disassembler
- Enchanter
- Guild Express Added
- Lighter DFO Client
- Improved Party Matchmaking System
Click here to find a detailed list of changes.
- Noire Ferra Ancient Dungeon Added
- Level 55 Rare, Unique, and Epic equipment items added
- Ancient Dungeon Unique items added
- Daily Token Allocation changed depending on level
- Level 1-25: 10 Tokens
- Level 26-48: 5 Tokens
- Level 49+: 3 Tokens
- Immunity from Stamina loss until level 18
- New rewards for Epic Quests
- Certain monsters in Lorien, Grand Flores, Sky Tower, and Behemoth have had their Hit Points lowered
- Quests Rebalanced
- Frozenheart Charlie quest
- Style/Technique/Combo quests
- Subclass advancements
- Second Generation Rare Avatars Added
- Female Gunner Rare Avatars added
- Lost Treasure Update
- The current Creature eggs - Amy, Belz, and Berith - will be removed from the Lost Treasure and will be replaced with 3 all new Creature eggs.
- The Lost Treasure will now contain Golden Bind Cubes.
Beware the Portal from Hell! - 03/02/11
- Hell Party added
Act VII: The Witching Hour - 01/26/11
- Witch Awakening added
- Hellkarium Weapon quest line added
- 11th Series Avatars
- Lethe's Contract and Seal added to Item Shop
Click here to find a detailed list of changes.
The Descent to Screaming Cavern! - 01/12/11
- Limited quests added
- 1st Chronicle added
- New ancient dungeon Screaming Cavern added
- Mentorship Program added
- Lost Treasure Update
- Bobo, Botis, Chaf creatures removed
- Amy, Belz, Berith creatures added
- +3, +7, +10 reinforcement tickets added
Act 6: Kiss of the Gun - 12/15/10
- Ghent dungeons added
- Ghent Outskirts
- East Ghent Gate
- South Ghent Gate
- Female Gunner Awakenings added
Click here to find a detailed list of changes.
Armed for Battle with Terranite - 11/17/10
- 10th Series Avatars
- Terranite Equipment added
Act 5: The Reckoning - 10/13/10
- Major priest changes
- Priest Awakenings added
- Dungeons revamped
- Skill changes and updates for all classes
- Arena balancing
- UI Function and changes
- Cardin NPC added (Level 45-50 pots)
- New equipment added.
Click here to find a detailed list of changes.
Act 4: Valley of Fallen Souls - 09/15/10
- Tower of the Dead implemented
- Creatures added
- 9th Series Avatars
- New Towers Channel added.
Act 3: Rise of Champions - 08/18/10
- Level cap raised to 60
- 5 New Dungeons added
- Brigand City
- Hamelin
- Ice Queen
- Skasa's Lair
- Slums Gate
- Level 50 Items added
- Darksteel Hell Mode added
- Bind Cube added to Item Shop
- Rare Avatars added
- 8th Avatar Series
- New items added to the Item Shop
- Owl Carrier
- Skeleton Key
- Merchant's Kit
- Golden Candle
Act 2: The Great Emporium - 07/14/10
- Auction House released
- Tower of Illusion implemented
Act 1: Warriors Unleashed! - 06/09/10
- Female Gunner Avatars added
- Female Gunner class added
- Hell mode introduced
- Epic items introduced
- Soul Bender, Striker, and Mechanic Awakenings added
- Guild member cap increased to 300
- Guild level cap increased to 10
Open Beta
- 7th Avatar Series
- New items added to the Item Shop
- Conqueror's Contract: Allows you to use equipment up to 5 levels above yours
- Tactician's Contract: Allows you to use skills up to 5 levels above yours
- Both contracts come with 3 or 7 day options
- Several text bug fixes
Prologue: Warriors Unite! - 04/28/10
Prologue: Warriors Unite!
- Guilds have been implemented.
- 8 new class Awakenings are now available
- Asura, Berserker, Nen Master, Striker, Launcher, Spitfire, Elementalist, and Battle Mage
- The issue that caused the client to take much longer to load has been fixed.
- Several text fixes
- 6th Avatar Series
Rise of the Awakened - 03/10/10
Rise of the Awakened
- Awakening quests are now available for Grapplers, Summoners, Blade Masters and Rangers who have reached level 48.
- Two Ancient Dungeons introduced:
- Vilmark - Area 50
- King's Relic
- A new channel "Ancient Dungeons" has been added which will grant an experience bonus for the Ancient dungeons.
- New quests have been added from level 45 on
- 5th Avatar Series
- Channel tabs have been separated into East and West
Threshold of Power - 01/27/10
Threshold of Power
- Level Cap Increased to 50
- New dungeons
- New quests
- New skills
- New equipment
- 4th Avatar series, including Advanced Avatars
- Bug fixes
Dawn of Retribution - 12/15/09
Dawn of Retribution
- EXP curve lowered
- Low Level Dungeons made easier (Lorien/Grand Flores)
- Revamped Tutorial
- 3rd Avatar Series
Arad Chic - 11/19/09
Arad Chic
- 2nd Avatar Series
- DFO Item Shop opens
- 1st Avatar Series are released
- Life Token Daily Allotment Increased from 1 to 3