Blacksmith Linus
De Los Empire (Former)
Swordsman (Retired) Weaponsmith Subclass Instructor
Linus Smith Uncle Linus
Foreign Name(s)
“ |
Hey, there. How may I help you today?
” |
Linus Smith is a weaponsmith and the subclass instructor for all classes barring the Knight, Dark Knight and the Creator. Once a famed swordsman, he decided to remain in Elvenguard after the fateful day that he was forced to kill a demon-possessed companion of his. Today, he leads a quiet life, guiding young novices and relishing alcohol.
Character Biography:
"What is it that you're looking for today?"
Male. Age 36.
A blacksmith in Elvenguard.
Once a famous swordsman, he gave up the way of the sword and became a blacksmith after he had to kill a Slayer friend who succumbed to his inner ghost.
Now, he's leading a quiet life in Elvenguard, repairing beginning adventurers' weapons and helping them become stronger.
He's easygoing and friendly to everyone and loves drinking. He's become best friends with Rino, the Bantu blacksmith, over the kumis that they share sometimes.
Back when he was a swordsman, he was involved in the Screaming Cavern incident. Comrades and friends with Aganzo, Linus is one of the few people who truly understand him.
- Sells passes that are needed for crafting.
- Job subclass Instructor.
- Can repair equipment.
- Replicates weapon shapes via
Linus' Mold or
Linus' Steel Mold
Item |
Level |
Binding |
Bazirangdae |
5 |
3,500 Gold
Rusty Odachi |
5 |
4,000 Gold
Rusty Yaiba |
10 |
7,000 Gold
Rusty Bastard Sword |
10 |
8,000 Gold
Crude Kogaras |
15 |
10,500 Gold
Odachi |
5 |
6,000 Gold
Katana (Katana) |
5,000 Gold
Bastard Sword |
8 |
12,000 Gold
Yaiba |
10,000 Gold
Kogaras |
15,000 Gold
Item |
Level |
Binding |
Rotten Skytree Rod |
5 |
3,500 Gold
Used Sya Wood Rod |
10 |
7,000 Gold
Crude Rod |
15 |
10,500 Gold
Skytree Rod |
5 |
5,000 Gold
Sya Wood Rod |
10 |
10,000 Gold
Glass Rod |
15 |
15,000 Gold
Dusty Broomstick |
2,700 Gold
Discolored Stick Broom |
4,500 Gold
Discolored Wooden Broomstick |
9,000 Gold
Old Student Basic Broomstick |
13,500 Gold
Stick Broom |
6,000 Gold
Wooden Broomstick |
12,000 Gold
Student Basic Broomstick |
18,000 Gold
Item |
Level |
Binding |
Old Training Long Lance |
3,500 Gold
Wormy Fine Training Long Lance |
7,000 Gold
Worn Spiked Lance |
10,500 Gold
Old Iron Beam Spear |
15 |
Sealed |
10,500 Gold
Worn Javelin |
10,500 Gold
Training Long Lance |
5,000 Gold
Fine Training Long Lance |
10,000 Gold
Spiked Lance |
15,000 Gold
Iron Beam Spear |
15,000 Gold
Javelin (Javelin) |
15,000 Gold
Item |
Level |
Binding |
Rusty Recruit Odachi |
3,500 Gold
Shabby Training Machete |
7,000 Gold
Corroded Trainee Odachi |
10,500 Gold
Rusty Beginner Kodachi |
10,500 Gold
Discolored Square Sword |
12,000 Gold
Discolored Energy Sword |
10,500 Gold
Recruit Odachi |
5,000 Gold
Training Machete |
10,000 Gold
Trainee Odachi |
15,000 Gold
Beginner Kodachi |
15,000 Gold
Square Sword (Square Sword) |
18,000 Gold
Energy Sword |
15,000 Gold
Item |
Level |
Binding |
Shabby Leather Vest |
2,500 Gold
Shabby Leather Pants |
5 |
2,000 Gold
Shabby Leather Shoulder |
1,500 Gold
Shabby Leather Strap |
1,000 Gold
Shabby Leather Slippers |
1,000 Gold
Old Leather Tunic |
5,000 Gold
Old Leather Trousers |
4,000 Gold
Old Leather Shoulder Pads |
3,000 Gold
Old Leather Sash |
2,000 Gold
Old Leather Sandals |
2,000 Gold
Used Leather Mail |
7,500 Gold
Used Leather Greaves |
6,000 Gold
Used Leather Mantle |
4,500 Gold
Used Leather Band |
3,000 Gold
Used Leather Boots |
3,000 Gold
Leather Vest |
3,500 Gold
Leather Pants |
5 |
3,000 Gold
Leather Shoulder |
5 |
2,500 Gold
Leather Strap |
5 |
2,000 Gold
Leather Slippers |
2,000 Gold
Thick Leather Tunic |
7,000 Gold
Thick Leather Trousers |
6,000 Gold
Thick Leather Shoulder Pads |
10 |
5,000 Gold
Thick Leather Sash |
10 |
4,000 Gold
Thick Leather Sandals |
4,000 Gold
Leather Mail |
10,500 Gold
Leather Greaves |
9,000 Gold
Leather Mantle |
7,500 Gold
Leather Band |
6,000 Gold
Leather Boots |
6,000 Gold
Item |
Level |
Binding |
Worn Cotton Lace |
3,000 Gold
Used Cotton Armguard |
3,000 Gold
Worn Straw Ring |
3,000 Gold
Diamond Ring |
8,000 Gold
Worn Leather Necklace |
6,000 Gold
Worn Silk Armguard |
6,000 Gold
Old Lotus Ring |
6,000 Gold
Discolored Bronze Chain |
9,000 Gold
Abraded Ceramic Bracelet |
9,000 Gold
Discolored Bronze Ring |
9,000 Gold
Cotton Lace |
4,000 Gold
Straw Ring |
4,000 Gold
Cotton Armguard |
4,000 Gold
Leather Necklace |
8,000 Gold
Lotus Ring |
8,000 Gold
Durable Silk Armguard |
8,000 Gold
Bronze Chain |
12,000 Gold
Bronze Ring |
12,000 Gold
Ceramic Bracelet |
12,000 Gold
Request Chat (Origin)
Relationship |
Image |
Operation |
I was a famous swordsman in my time. *Chuckle*
Have you heard about Aganzo? He was famous in my time, and now he's a legend. If I didn't quit, I might have become as renowned as he is now.
You don't look like you believe me. Hey, maybe I'm older and have a potbelly now, but I'm still good with a sword in my hand!
Hey, you! Judging by your constant wandering eyes, I can tell this is your first time being here.
Hah hah. Ask me anything if you have questions. Don't hit things that you don't know. It could cost you your life. Be careful.
Ah, now you have this knowing look in your eyes. You've got the hang of this adventure business, huh?
There's nothing else I can teach you, but feel free to come anytime. My forge is always open to adventurers.
(Post-Pandemonium War)
A suspicious wind is blowing. I haven't felt such a strong sense of tension since I retired from the adventuring business.
(Post-Pandemonium War)
Something's going on inside Grand Flores. I wanted to go in there myself, but I'm too old to swing a weapon, so I asked a friend of mine instead.
Aganzo? Hah hah. Not that fellow. He's probably too busy. I haven't heard from him for a while. So, instead I asked someone who often goes in and out of Grand Flores, looking for herbs.
Who? She's called Louise. She's pretty famous, but not as famous as you are, hah hah.
Voice Lines
Situation |
Looks like we've been seeing each other a lot lately.
Is he doing well?
The world's going crazy. Take care of yourself.
Conversation Start
Leave your broken equipment to me.
Are you managing your equipment well?
You look pretty strong.
Conversation End
See you again.
I have high expectations for you.
Please take care of Arad.
Request Chat (Great Metastasis)
Relationship |
Image |
Operation |
Nice to meet you. I'm Blacksmith Linus. Huh, why am I acting strangely?
Cinda is watching me. I feel nervous being near such a legendary blacksmith. Ha ha!
My stomach has grown bigger as I get older, but I think I still look better than someone over there. Don't you agree?
My body used to be rock hard when I was young and constantly on the road adventuring. It's not going to go soft easily after only a few drinks. Hah hah hah!
I understand I'm given a rare opportunity to fly in the sky, but if I can choose, I'd rather stay in my hometown.
*Sigh* When have I gotten so soft? I never want to look weak to you youngsters. I should be thankful that I survived the Great Metastasis, and yet here I am, wanting more. I just can't help it.
I wonder what this friend of mine is doing by now. Being a hero is difficult, I think.
If you think of me, my friend, come bring me a bottle of liquor.
Have you met Aganzo? You will if you continue with your adventures.
He's quiet and brusque to begin with, and that has gotten worse since he came out of the Screaming Cavern.
If you meet him, cut him some slack, will you?
(If Player has Frustration Penalty)
Uh-oh, did Mermaids do that to you? You look like hell. Do you want a cigarette?
(If Player has Frustration Penalty)
Tsk, tsk. You look like you got a good beating from monsters.
Do you want a drink? Nothing eases pain like alcohol.
(If Player has Frustration Penalty)
You look exhausted. Listen to my advice: don't panic or stress out, just get a hold of yourself when you fight monsters, alright?
(If Player fails Town Invasion)
What? You have some nerve talking to me.
Request Chat (Pre-Great Metastasis)
Relationship |
Image |
Operation |
Hello, dear traveler. Is this your first time in Grand Flores?
You look a bit lost. Hahaha!
Feel free to ask if you have any questions.
Did you want to ask me something? Of course I'll help! It's always better to ask than to be frustrated, especially as a beginner.
I can teach you some gameplay basics. Let's see...
Press the Arrow keys on the keyboard to move your character. Press the X key to attack, the C key to jump, and the Z key to use your skills.
You'll need those keys to survive when you explore dungeons.
Lorien, a forest nearby, is inhabited by weak Goblins that occasionally sneak into Elvenguard to steal food and harass innocent citizens.
They haven't committed any serious crimes, but they're a big nuisance.
That's why I'm asking new Dungeon Fighters to practice their skills by fighting against these Goblins. Why don't you go knock some of them around?
I'd take care of those bullies myself, but with all these new Dungeon Fighters coming to town, I've been too busy repairing weapons. Haha! No, I'm not asking you to do this because I'm scared of them. Not at all!
Congratulations! You've proved you're actually quite strong.
You should head to Hendon Myre, but be prepared to face monsters much tougher than Goblins there!
(Unlocked after clearing certain Epic Quests)
Seria Hello, Mr. Linus.
Linus Oh Seria! How are you?
Seria I just came by to thank you for your help earlier. How can I ever repay you...
Linus Don't mention it. Besides, I didn't do anything. You should thank the brave Dungeon Fighters responsible for helping you.
Seria I brought you a small token of my appreciation.
Linus A gift?
Seria *Approaching Linus* A special kiss for you, Mr. Linus!
Linus Huh?! W...why are you... I'm not ready for this... Wah!
Linus Dang, it was a dream! Why did I...
Seria Hello, Mr. Linus.
Linus *Sweat* Oh. Hi, how are you, Seria?
Seria I just came by to thank you for your help earlier. I didn't know how to repay you, so I brought a small gift. *Approaching Linus*
Linus (I'm not asleep, am I...?) Gift? No, no, this isn't right! I'm not ready...
Seria Huh? I just wanted to give you... Oh, don't you like cookies?
Linus Co...cookies? Ah, haha! No, I love cookies. Sure, cookies. Haha!
Seria Oh, I'm glad to hear that. Actually I was worried that you wouldn't like them. Here, thank you for your help, Mr. Linus. Well then, I'll see you later.
Linus Man, what's wrong with me? I guess I was too distracted by Kargon's complaining last night... Geez Louise, I should just get back to work.
(If Player has Frustration Penalty)
What a shame! Were you defeated by a Goblin? You look terrible! Go lie down and relax!
(If Player has Frustration Penalty)
Oh, so the monsters ganged up on you, eh?
How about a drink over at Siusha's Moonlight Tavern? It's on me.
(If Player has Frustration Penalty)
You look exhausted. Listen to my advice: don't panic or stress out, just get a hold of yourself when you fight monsters, alright?
(If Player fails Town Invasion)
What? You have some nerve talking to me.
Voice Lines (Pre-Great Metastasis)
Situation |
Hey, there.
*Metal clanging*
Conversation Start
I'm the best weaponsmith in Arad.
You must care for your weapon like it's your baby.
Conversation End
May the blessing of the Elves be with you.
May the power of the hammer be with you.