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{{Missing Info|Skill data may be missing/outdated.}}
[[Category:Skills]][[Category:Witch Skills]][[Category: Magical Arts]]
{{youtube tn|Lmv0_TNnc6M}}
|Name=Death Dust
|Description=[Affiliated with Pluto] Sprinkles deathly magic powder over your broomstick; Normal attacks, Dash/Jump Attacks, {{IconLink|Sky Assault}}, and {{IconLink|Dragon Fang}} inflict Magic damage with higher Atk. and with a Chance of Poisoning the enemies.
*{{SP per level|20}}
[[Image:DeathPowder.gif|left]] Enchants the Witches broom with Dark properties. It may occasionally poison the enemy.
*{{CastTime|0.5 sec}}
*{{Cooldown|40 sec}}
*Duration can be extended with {{IconLink|Befriend Pluto}}.
<span style="display:none">{{</span>
!rowspan="2"|Lv Req
!colspan="3"|Hit Atk.
!colspan="2"|Jump Hit Atk.
!rowspan="2"|Dash Atk.
!rowspan="2"|{{IconLink|Sky Assault}} Atk.
!rowspan="2"|{{IconLink|Dragon Fang}} Atk.
!rowspan="2"|Enemy's Immobility Duration
!colspan="4"|{{IconLink|Poison (Status)}}
|  1|| 20|| 35||rowspan="19"|120 Sec(s)|| +1.27|| +1.59|| +2.23|| +1.74|| +1.59|| +2.37|| +2.37||  +3799%|| +116||rowspan="19"|100%|| 22||rowspan="19"|2 Sec(s)|| 166
|  2|| 23|| 38||                          +1.45|| +1.83|| +2.57|| +2.00|| +1.83|| +2.75|| +2.75||  +4372%|| +151||                    25||                        194
|  3|| 26|| 38||                          +1.66|| +2.08|| +2.92|| +2.30|| +2.08|| +3.14|| +3.14||  +5003%|| +187||                    28||                        222
|  4|| 29|| 38||                          +1.86|| +2.33|| +3.26|| +2.57|| +2.33|| +3.50|| +3.50||  +5576%|| +222||                    31||                        250
|  5|| 32|| 38||                          +2.07|| +2.57|| +3.59|| +2.82|| +2.57|| +3.84|| +3.84||  +6125%|| +268||                    34||                        278
|  6|| 35|| 38||                          +2.23|| +2.82|| +3.95|| +3.10|| +2.82|| +4.23|| +4.23||  +6745%|| +303||                    37||                        305
|  7|| 38|| 38||                          +2.45|| +3.06|| +4.29|| +3.37|| +3.06|| +4.60|| +4.60||  +7329%|| +339||                    40||                        333
|  8|| 41|| 38||                          +2.66|| +3.34|| +4.67|| +3.67|| +3.34|| +5.00|| +5.00||  +7995%|| +374||                    43||                        361
|  9|| 44|| 38||                          +2.84|| +3.59|| +5.02|| +3.94|| +3.59|| +5.38|| +5.38||  +8568%|| +409||                    46||                        389
| 10|| 47|| 38||                          +3.05|| +3.82|| +5.37|| +4.20|| +3.82|| +5.74|| +5.74||  +9153%|| +444||                    49||                        417
| 11|| 50|| 38||                          +3.26|| +4.07|| +5.71|| +4.48|| +4.07|| +6.11|| +6.11||  +9737%|| +490||                    52||                        444
| 12|| 53|| 38||                          +3.45|| +4.32|| +6.04|| +4.75|| +4.32|| +6.47|| +6.47|| +10322%|| +526||                    55||                        472
| 13|| 56|| 38||                          +3.66|| +4.56|| +6.38|| +5.02|| +4.56|| +6.83|| +6.83|| +10906%|| +561||                    58||                        500
| 14|| 59|| 38||                          +3.86|| +4.82|| +6.74|| +5.30|| +4.82|| +7.23|| +7.23|| +11514%|| +596||                    61||                        528
| 15|| 62|| 38||                          +4.07|| +5.05|| +7.09|| +5.56|| +5.05|| +7.59|| +7.59|| +12110%|| +631||                    64||                        556
| 16|| 65|| 38||                          +4.24|| +5.34|| +7.47|| +5.87|| +5.34|| +8.01|| +8.01|| +12765%|| +666||                    67||                        583
| 17|| 68|| 38||                          +4.45|| +5.56|| +7.79|| +6.13|| +5.56|| +8.35|| +8.35|| +13314%|| +713||                    70||                        611
| 18|| 71|| 38||                          +4.65|| +5.81|| +8.13|| +6.36|| +5.80|| +8.72|| +8.72|| +13887%|| +748||                    73||                        639
| 19|| 74|| 38||                          +4.87|| +6.07|| +8.50|| +6.68|| +6.07|| +9.10|| +9.10|| +14518%|| +783||                    76||                        667
<span style="display:none">}}</span>

Latest revision as of 20:56, 29 April 2018

Missing info.png Seria says: "Nothing should be as mysterious as I am!"

Skill data may be missing/outdated.

Future content.png This article contains content that was removed.

Death Dust.png Death Dust

Active Skill


Command: Rightkey.pngRightkey.pngSpacebar.png
Prerequisite Level: 20
Prerequisite Skills: None


[Affiliated with Pluto] Sprinkles deathly magic powder over your broomstick; Normal attacks, Dash/Jump Attacks, Sky Assault.png Sky Assault, and Dragon Fang (Female Mage).png Dragon Fang inflict Magic damage with higher Atk. and with a Chance of Poisoning the enemies.


  • SP per level: 20
  • Casting Time: 0.5 sec
  • Cooldown: 40 sec


Skill Growth

Note: This table has been generated based off of skill growth information presented in-game. The data may have slight differences compared to the information presented in-game due to minor rounding variations.


Level Lv Req MP Duration Hit Atk. Jump Hit Atk. Dash Atk. Sky Assault.png Sky Assault Atk. Dragon Fang (Female Mage).png Dragon Fang Atk. Enemy's Immobility Duration Poison (Status).png Poison (Status)
1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd Rate Level Duration Atk.
1 20 35 120 Sec(s) +1.27 +1.59 +2.23 +1.74 +1.59 +2.37 +2.37 +3799% +116 100% 22 2 Sec(s) 166
2 23 38 +1.45 +1.83 +2.57 +2.00 +1.83 +2.75 +2.75 +4372% +151 25 194
3 26 38 +1.66 +2.08 +2.92 +2.30 +2.08 +3.14 +3.14 +5003% +187 28 222
4 29 38 +1.86 +2.33 +3.26 +2.57 +2.33 +3.50 +3.50 +5576% +222 31 250
5 32 38 +2.07 +2.57 +3.59 +2.82 +2.57 +3.84 +3.84 +6125% +268 34 278
6 35 38 +2.23 +2.82 +3.95 +3.10 +2.82 +4.23 +4.23 +6745% +303 37 305
7 38 38 +2.45 +3.06 +4.29 +3.37 +3.06 +4.60 +4.60 +7329% +339 40 333
8 41 38 +2.66 +3.34 +4.67 +3.67 +3.34 +5.00 +5.00 +7995% +374 43 361
9 44 38 +2.84 +3.59 +5.02 +3.94 +3.59 +5.38 +5.38 +8568% +409 46 389
10 47 38 +3.05 +3.82 +5.37 +4.20 +3.82 +5.74 +5.74 +9153% +444 49 417
11 50 38 +3.26 +4.07 +5.71 +4.48 +4.07 +6.11 +6.11 +9737% +490 52 444
12 53 38 +3.45 +4.32 +6.04 +4.75 +4.32 +6.47 +6.47 +10322% +526 55 472
13 56 38 +3.66 +4.56 +6.38 +5.02 +4.56 +6.83 +6.83 +10906% +561 58 500
14 59 38 +3.86 +4.82 +6.74 +5.30 +4.82 +7.23 +7.23 +11514% +596 61 528
15 62 38 +4.07 +5.05 +7.09 +5.56 +5.05 +7.59 +7.59 +12110% +631 64 556
16 65 38 +4.24 +5.34 +7.47 +5.87 +5.34 +8.01 +8.01 +12765% +666 67 583
17 68 38 +4.45 +5.56 +7.79 +6.13 +5.56 +8.35 +8.35 +13314% +713 70 611
18 71 38 +4.65 +5.81 +8.13 +6.36 +5.80 +8.72 +8.72 +13887% +748 73 639
19 74 38 +4.87 +6.07 +8.50 +6.68 +6.07 +9.10 +9.10 +14518% +783 76 667
