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Guard.png Guard

Active Skill

Male Slayer
Female Slayer

Command: (Male)Downkey.pngDownkey.png+X.png
Prerequisite Level: 5
Prerequisite Skills: None


Uses the weapon as a shield to reduce damage taken from in front.


  • SP per level: 20
  • Casting Time: Instant
  • Cooldown: 2 seconds
  • Basic Attack Cancelable Skill


  • Guard will be maintained for as long as the skill key is held. It is also forcefully maintained for a short duration after pressing the skill key even if not held.
  • When successfully blocking, character is pushed back for a short duration.
  • Blade Master with Short Sword Mastery.png Short Sword Mastery or Zanbato Mastery.png Zanbato Mastery level 5+ may counterattack with a shockwave that inflicts stun if performing guard just before the attack lands.
  • May be improved with Guard Upgrade.png Guard Upgrade

Skill Growth

Note: This table has been generated based off of skill growth information presented in-game. The data may have slight differences compared to the information presented in-game due to minor rounding variations.


Lv Lv Req MP Damage Decrease
Knockback Duration
Physical Magical
1 5 3 40% 15% 0.20s
2 10 50% 20% 0.18s
3 15 60% 25% 0.16s
4 20 70% 30% 0.14s
5 (M) 25 80% 35% 0.12s
6 - 83% 40% 0.10s
7 85% 45% 0.08s
8 88% 50% 0.06s


Male Slayer Skills
Active:Aerial Chain Slash.png Aerial Chain Slash Ashe Fork.png Ashe Fork Bloodlust.png Bloodlust Drive Slash.png Drive Slash Force Wave- Neutral.png Force Wave: Neutral Ghost Slash.png Ghost Slash Gore Cross.png Gore Cross Guard.png Guard Khazan.png Khazan Moonlight Slash.png Moonlight Slash Mountainous Wheel.png Mountainous Wheel Phantom Slash.png Phantom Slash Thrust.png Thrust Upward Slash.png Upward Slash Wave Wheel Slasher.png Wave Wheel Slasher
Passive:Bludgeon Mastery.png Bludgeon Mastery Katana Mastery.png Katana Mastery Short Sword Mastery.png Short Sword Mastery Zanbato Mastery.png Zanbato Mastery

Female Slayer Skills
Active:Ascending Sword.png Ascending Sword Castigation.png Castigation Cross Slash.png Cross Slash Demonic Slash.png Demonic Slash Flying Tips.png Flying Tips Mountain Press.png Mountain Press Shadow Snake Attack.png Shadow Snake Attack Sliding Slash.png Sliding Slash Spinning Blade.png Spinning Blade Guard.png Sword Barrier
Passive:Composure.png Composure Heaven Cleaver.png Heaven Cleaver

General Skills
Active:Ancient Memory.png Ancient Memory Backstep.png Backstep Indomitable Spirit.png Indomitable Spirit Leap.png Leap Quick Rebound.png Quick Rebound
Passive:Armor Mastery.png Armor Mastery Backstep Upgrade.png Backstep Upgrade Basic Training.png Basic Training Conversion.png Conversion Physical Critical.png Focus: Critical Latent Power.png Latent Power Physical Rear Attack.png Rear Attack
Neo: Awakening:Clues to Awakening.png Clues to Awakening One Step Closer.png One Step Closer Subitism.png Subitism