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Future content.png This article contains contents that may not be in Dungeon Fighter Online.
Some of the following content may not be implemented in the Dungeon Fighter Online client. This article is based on the oversea servers. Details may change before release.




Fires a fast, no-attribute sword wave at the enemy.
The sword wave penetrates through enemies.
Using the command:MP-2.0% and Cooldown Time -1.0%


  • Command Input: 28 + Z
  • Casting Time: 0.5 seconds
  • Cool Time: 2 seconds
  • Fluorescent spheres disappears upon colliding with an obstacle. Therefore, casting this skill on open field is strongly recommended.
  • Often can be utilized as an alternative barrier or a trap to inflict damage on incoming target.
  • Only Elemental Master can learn beyond level 10

Soul Bender

Lv Lv Req SP MP Cast
発動範囲 秒当たり落下数 持続時間 魔法攻撃力 呪い
確率 時間 ステータス減少値 Lv
1 35 35 67 0.5秒 20秒 360px 8個 3秒 625 10.0% 10秒 -10 36
2 37 70 694 11.0% -15 38
3 39 73 766 12.1% -20 40
4 41 77 842 13.1% -25 42
5 43 80 922 14.1% -30 44
6 45 84 1006 15.2% -35 46
7 47 87 1093 16.2% -40 48
8 49 91 17.2% -45 50
9 51 94 1277 18.3% -50 52
10 53 98 1375 19.3% -55 54
11 55 101 1476 20.3% -60 56
12 57 105 1581 21.4% -65 58
13 59 108 1690 22.4% -70 60
14 - - 112 1802 23.4% -75 62
15 115 1918 24.5% -80 64
16 % -85 66
17 % -90 68
18 % -95 70
19 % -100 75
20 % -105 80