Farrel Wane
Seven Shards member; Merchant
Slaugh Industrial Complex: Slaugh Central Street
Foreign Name(s)
Farrel Wane is a member of the Seven Shards of Empyrean and is also a Boss Unique Merchant. He is located at Slaugh Central Street in Slaugh Industrial Complex. Just like Melvin Richter and Merrill Pioneer, Farrel Wane is a member of the Seven Shards and has an extensive knowledge of electrical engineering. Born into the noble Wane family of the Nospiece Island, he escaped from his family's secret mansion at the age of 15. It was then that he discovered his talent in electrical engineering and became a promising mechanic. His talent for robots specializes in self destructing robots and his "Landrunner" series is popular among Mechanics to this day. He came to Slaugh Industrial Complex in order to research Anton and find a way to drive him away.
- Sells Common and Uncommon equipment.
Item |
Level |
Binding |
Vintage Edge Katana |
80 |
56,000 Gold
Discolored Elix |
72,000 Gold
Copper Brier Cudgel |
56,000 Gold
Old Ascalon |
80 |
64,000 Gold
Discolored Ocean Sword |
80 |
56,000 Gold
Rusty Xedite Short Sword |
85 |
59,500 Gold
Rusty Red Moon Sword |
85 |
59,500 Gold
Discolored Heat Wave Lightsabre |
76,500 Gold
Damaged Metal Spike |
59,500 Gold
Rusty Hyperix |
85 |
68,000 Gold
Edge Katana |
80,000 Gold
Elix |
96,000 Gold
Brier Cudgel |
80,000 Gold
Ascalon |
80 |
96,000 Gold
Ocean Sword |
80 |
80,000 Gold
Xedite Short Sword |
85 |
85,000 Gold
Red Moon Sword |
85,000 Gold
Heat Wave Lightsabre |
102,000 Gold
Metal Spike |
85,000 Gold
Hyperix |
85 |
102,000 Gold
Item |
Level |
Binding |
Vintage Tron |
56,000 Gold
Vintage Gothic Flow |
64,000 Gold
Vintage Sharpshooting |
80 |
56,000 Gold
Worn Technical Tonfa |
56,000 Gold
Vintage Mega Punch |
72,000 Gold
Old Modular Knuckle |
59,500 Gold
Rusty Hygia Gauntlets |
68,000 Gold
Damaged Derlia Claw |
85 |
59,500 Gold
Old Squall Tonfa |
59,500 Gold
Old Storm Punch |
76,500 Gold
Tron |
80,000 Gold
Gothic Flow |
96,000 Gold
Sharpshooting |
80 |
80,000 Gold
Technical Tonfa |
80,000 Gold
Mega Punch |
96,000 Gold
Modular Knuckle |
85,000 Gold
Hygia Gauntlets |
102,000 Gold
Derlia Claw |
85 |
85,000 Gold
Squall Tonfa |
85,000 Gold
Storm Punch |
102,000 Gold
Item |
Level |
Binding |
Worn Chief 357 |
80 |
56,000 Gold
Worn Mukarev |
56,000 Gold
Rusty Musketeer |
64,000 Gold
Worn Rail Cannon |
64,000 Gold
Worn Empyrean Bowgun |
56,000 Gold
Battered Red Eye |
85 |
59,500 Gold
Rusty Forde 17 |
59,500 Gold
Rusty Okaron Musket |
68,000 Gold
Rusty Photon Cannon |
68,000 Gold
Damaged Ganymede Bowgun |
59,500 Gold
Chief 357 |
80 |
80,000 Gold
Mukarev |
80,000 Gold
Empyrean Bowgun |
80,000 Gold
Musketeer |
96,000 Gold
Rail Cannon |
96,000 Gold
Red Eye |
85 |
85,000 Gold
Forde 17 |
85,000 Gold
Ganymede Bowgun |
85,000 Gold
Okaron Musket |
102,000 Gold
Photon Cannon |
102,000 Gold
Item |
Level |
Binding |
Rusty Reverent Spear |
80 |
56,000 Gold
Broken Electric Baton |
80 |
56,000 Gold
Discolored Coil Rod |
80 |
56,000 Gold
Discolored Feather Scrap Staff |
56,000 Gold
Worn Pumping Broom |
72,000 Gold
Rusty Patiska |
85 |
59,500 Gold
Battered Sephric Pole |
85 |
59,500 Gold
Old Lefrid |
85 |
59,500 Gold
Worn Nymph Feather Staff |
59,500 Gold
Shabby Self-cleaning Broomstick |
76,500 Gold
Reverent Spear |
80,000 Gold
Electric Baton |
80 |
80,000 Gold
Coil Rod |
80 |
80,000 Gold
Feather Scrap Staff |
80,000 Gold
Pumping Broom |
96,000 Gold
Patiska |
85,000 Gold
Sephric Pole |
85 |
85,000 Gold
Lefrid |
85 |
85,000 Gold
Nymph Feather Staff |
85,000 Gold
Self-cleaning Broomstick |
102,000 Gold
Item |
Level |
Binding |
Rusty Reform Cross |
56,000 Gold
Broken Iron Strip Rosary |
56,000 Gold
Old Dual Light Scythes |
80 |
72,000 Gold
Shabby Bone Battle Axe |
80 |
64,000 Gold
Old Teaching Stick Totem |
80 |
Sealed |
56,000 Gold
Damaged Life Cross |
59,500 Gold
Worn Lebla |
59,500 Gold
Rusty Devilian Scythe |
85 |
76,500 Gold
Rusty Devil Eye |
85 |
68,000 Gold
Old Plasma Totem |
85 |
Sealed |
59,500 Gold
Reform Cross |
80,000 Gold
Iron Strip Rosary |
80,000 Gold
Dual Light Scythes |
80 |
96,000 Gold
Bone Battle Axe |
80 |
96,000 Gold
Teaching Stick Totem |
80 |
Sealed |
80,000 Gold
Life Cross |
85,000 Gold
Lebla |
85,000 Gold
Devilian Scythe |
85 |
102,000 Gold
Devil Eye |
85 |
102,000 Gold
Plasma Totem |
85 |
Sealed |
85,000 Gold
Item |
Level |
Binding |
Worn Kanetsune |
56,000 Gold
Discolored Palladium |
56,000 Gold
Vintage Moon Wand |
56,000 Gold
Dull Kamikoro |
80 |
56,000 Gold
Low Grade Fire Wheel |
85 |
59,500 Gold
Rusty Ashban |
59,500 Gold
Rusty Lemstan |
59,500 Gold
Old Crosemos |
59,500 Gold
Kanetsune |
80,000 Gold
Palladium |
80,000 Gold
Moon Wand |
80,000 Gold
Kamikoro |
80 |
80,000 Gold
Fire Wheel |
85 |
85,000 Gold
Ashban |
85,000 Gold
Lemstan |
85,000 Gold
Crosemos |
85,000 Gold
Item |
Level |
Binding |
Rusted Superalloy Halberd |
64,000 Gold
Discolored Spiked Long Spear |
56,000 Gold
Old Imperial Guard's Halberd |
68,000 Gold
Rusted Imperial Guard's Long Spear |
59,500 Gold
Discolored Red Jewel Beam Spear |
80 |
Sealed |
56,000 Gold
Shabby Fever Sun Spear |
59,500 Gold
Dull Murex Javelin |
56,000 Gold
Low-grade Display Javelin |
59,500 Gold
Superalloy Halberd |
96,000 Gold
Spiked Long Spear |
80,000 Gold
Imperial Guard's Halberd |
102,000 Gold
Imperial Guard's Long Spear |
85,000 Gold
Red Jewel Beam Spear |
80,000 Gold
Fever Sun Spear |
85,000 Gold
Murex Javelin |
80,000 Gold
Display Javelin |
85,000 Gold
Item |
Level |
Binding |
Imitation Ornate Machete |
56,000 Gold
Discolored Principality Agent Kodachi |
56,000 Gold
Shabby Light Hunting Sword |
64,000 Gold
Used Forerunner's Core Blade |
56,000 Gold
Used Sharp Scimitar |
59,500 Gold
Shabby Senior Agent Kodachi |
59,500 Gold
Old Principality Mercenary Square Sword |
68,000 Gold
Old Atomic Core Blade |
59,500 Gold
Ornate Machete |
80,000 Gold
Principality Agent Kodachi |
80,000 Gold
Light Hunting Sword |
96,000 Gold
Forerunner's Core Blade |
80,000 Gold
Sharp Scimitar |
85,000 Gold
Senior Agent Kodachi |
85,000 Gold
Principality Mercenary Square Sword |
102,000 Gold
Atomic Core Blade |
85,000 Gold
Item |
Level |
Binding |
Torn Lined Cloth Coat |
80 |
32,000 Gold
Torn Lined Cloth Pants |
24,000 Gold
Torn Lined Cloth Shoulder |
16,000 Gold
Torn Lined Cloth Belt |
12,000 Gold
Torn Lined Cloth Shoes |
12,000 Gold
Torn Lakion Cloth Coat |
85 |
34,000 Gold
Torn Lakion Cloth Pants |
25,500 Gold
Torn Lakion Shoulder |
17,000 Gold
Torn Lakion Cloth Belt |
12,750 Gold
Torn Lakion Cloth Shoes |
12,750 Gold
Lined Cloth Coat |
80 |
48,000 Gold
Lined Cloth Bottom |
40,000 Gold
Lined Cloth Shoulder |
32,000 Gold
Lined Cloth Belt |
24,000 Gold
Lined Cloth Shoes |
24,000 Gold
Lakion Cloth Coat |
85 |
51,000 Gold
Lakion Cloth Pants |
42,500 Gold
Lakion Shoulder |
34,000 Gold
Lakion Cloth Belt |
25,500 Gold
Lakion Cloth Shoes |
25,500 Gold
Item |
Level |
Binding |
Shabby Soldier Leather Tunic |
40,000 Gold
Shabby Soldier Leather Trousers |
32,000 Gold
Shabby Soldier Leather Shoulder Pads |
24,000 Gold
Shabby Soldier Leather Sash |
16,000 Gold
Shabby Soldier Leather Boots |
16,000 Gold
Shabby Krink Leather Tunic |
42,500 Gold
Shabby Krink Leather Trousers |
34,000 Gold
Shabby Krink Leather Shoulder Pads |
25,500 Gold
Shabby Krink Leather Sash |
17,000 Gold
Shabby Krink Leather Boots |
17,000 Gold
Soldier Leather Tunic |
56,000 Gold
Soldier Leather Trousers |
48,000 Gold
Soldier Leather Shoulder Pads |
40,000 Gold
Soldier Leather Sash |
32,000 Gold
Soldier Leather Boots |
32,000 Gold
Krink Leather Tunic |
59,500 Gold
Krink Leather Trousers |
51,000 Gold
Krink Leather Shoulder Pads |
42,500 Gold
Krink Leather Sash |
34,000 Gold
Krink Leather Boots |
34,000 Gold
Item |
Level |
Binding |
Shabby Carmel Upper Light Armor |
48,000 Gold
Shabby Carmel Lower Light Armor |
40,000 Gold
Shabby Carmel Light Armor Shoulder |
32,000 Gold
Shabby Carmel Light Armor Belt |
24,000 Gold
Shabby Carmel Light Armor Boots |
24,000 Gold
Cracked Granite Segmentatae Armor |
51,000 Gold
Cracked Granite Segmentatae Leggings |
42,500 Gold
Cracked Granite Segmentatae Mantle |
34,000 Gold
Cracked Granite Segmentatae Belt |
25,500 Gold
Cracked Granite Segmentatae Boots |
25,500 Gold
Carmel Mail |
64,000 Gold
Carmel Bottom Armor |
56,000 Gold
Carmel Shoulder Pads |
48,000 Gold
Carmel Band |
40,000 Gold
Carmel Shoes |
40,000 Gold
Granite Segmentatae Armor |
68,000 Gold
Granite Segmentatae Leggings |
59,500 Gold
Granite Segmentatae Mantle |
51,000 Gold
Granite Segmentatae Belt |
42,500 Gold
Granite Segmentatae Boots |
42,500 Gold
Item |
Level |
Binding |
Melted Station Scale Armor |
56,000 Gold
Melted Station Scale Gaiters |
48,000 Gold
Melted Station Scale Shoulder Pads |
40,000 Gold
Melted Station Scale Belt |
32,000 Gold
Melted Station Scale Boots |
32,000 Gold
Rusty Libit Breastplate |
59,500 Gold
Rusty Libit Gaiters |
51,000 Gold
Rusty Libit Spaulders |
42,500 Gold
Rusty Libit Coil |
34,000 Gold
Rusty Libit Sabatons |
34,000 Gold
Station Scale Armor |
72,000 Gold
Station Scale Gaiters |
64,000 Gold
Station Scale Shoulder Pads |
56,000 Gold
Station Scale Belt |
48,000 Gold
Station Scale Boots |
48,000 Gold
Libit Breastplate |
76,500 Gold
Libit Gaiters |
68,000 Gold
Libit Spaulders |
59,500 Gold
Libit Coil |
51,000 Gold
Libit Sabatons |
51,000 Gold
Item |
Level |
Binding |
Abated Salamander Steel Resist |
64,000 Gold
Abated Salamander Steel Greaves |
56,000 Gold
Abated Salamander Steel Shoulder Pads |
48,000 Gold
Abated Salamander Steel Guard |
40,000 Gold
Abated Salamander Steel Boots |
40,000 Gold
Rusty Hexagon Mail |
68,000 Gold
Rusty Hexagon Greaves |
59,500 Gold
Rusty Hexagon Pauldrons |
51,000 Gold
Rusty Hexagon Girdle |
42,500 Gold
Rusty Hexagon Sabatons |
42,500 Gold
Salamander Steel Resist |
80,000 Gold
Salamander Steel Greaves |
72,000 Gold
Salamander Steel Shoulder Pads |
64,000 Gold
Salamander Steel Guard |
56,000 Gold
Salamander Steel Boots |
56,000 Gold
Hexagon Mail |
85,000 Gold
Hexagon Greaves |
76,500 Gold
Hexagon Pauldrons |
68,000 Gold
Hexagon Girdle |
59,500 Gold
Hexagon Sabatons |
59,500 Gold
Item |
Level |
Binding |
Stained Sunstone Bracelet |
48,000 Gold
Stained Sunstone Pendant |
48,000 Gold
Stained Sunstone Ring |
48,000 Gold
Discolored Illight Necklace |
51,000 Gold
Discolored Illight Bracelet |
51,000 Gold
Discolored Illight Ring |
51,000 Gold
Sunstone Bracelet |
64,000 Gold
Sunstone Pendant |
64,000 Gold
Sunstone Ring |
64,000 Gold
Illight Necklace |
68,000 Gold
Illight Bracelet |
68,000 Gold
Illight Ring |
68,000 Gold
Request Chat
- Geez, it's sweltering hot, courtesy of that damnable Anton. Aren't you hot? I wish I was at a waterfall, reciting a poem, wrapped in cool mist.
- Do you know who designed those Mechanic robots? I did. Hah hah hah! They look good, don't they? I designed them as simple as possible, to make it easy to manufacture them. They're popular among the ladies of Empyrean. I can't be more proud of myself.
- I was born the legitimate son of a powerful political family. No one thought I'd end up working with my hands. I don't care what others think. I'm not interested in political intrigues. I'm happiest when I'm working on robots and conducting experiments. You should stop worrying about what others think, and do what you want to do. Everyone has the right place for themselves.
Conversation start
Conversation end