Drop Chart
This is a table of where certain chronicle 2 pieces usually drop.
- # = Room number
- Ran = Rangelus's Guerillas
- Gob = Goblin Kingdom
- Cas = Castle Nebulous
- Dorothy = Piece is bought from Dorothy
- R.= Recipe Drop
Great Sword
Bloody Twister |
Fierce |
- |
- |
Cas 6 |
R:Cas 3 |
Cas 5 |
Gob 2 |
R:Ran 6 |
R:Cas 4 |
Dorothy |
Ran 6 |
Cas 6
Force |
- |
- |
Gob 6 |
Dorothy |
R:Gob 5 |
Ran 2 |
Cas 6 |
Gob 5 |
Cas 6 |
R:Gob 5 |
Frenzy |
Sanguination |
Ran 6 |
Gob 6 |
R:Ran 6 |
Gob 5 |
Dorothy |
R:Gob 3 |
Gob 6 |
Gob 2 |
R:Ran 2 |
R:Cas 4 |
Cas 6
Vampiric |
Ran 6 |
Cas 6 |
R:Cas 6 |
R:Ran 2 |
Gob 3 |
Gob 6 |
Gob 6 |
Ran 6 |
Gob 6 |
R:Gob 5 |
Ran 6
Mountainous Wheel |
Fierce |
Cas 6 |
Gob 6 |
Gob 6 |
R:Gob 3 |
Dorothy |
Dorothy |
Dorothy |
R:Gob 3 |
Ran 4 |
Cas 5 |
R:Gob 6
Force |
- |
- |
Cas 6 |
R:Gob 2 |
Dorothy |
Gob 3 |
Cas 6 |
R:Gob 3 |
Gob 2 |
Dorothy |
R:Gob 6
Impact |
R:Ran 6 |
R:Ran 6 |
R:Gob 6 |
Gob 3 |
Cas 4 |
R:Ran 2 |
Gob 6 |
Dorothy |
Cas 3 |
Gob 3 |
Cas 6
Swift |
R:Cas 6 |
Gob 6 |
Gob 6 |
Cas 5 |
Gob 5 |
R:Gob 2 |
Ran 6 |
Cas 6 |
R:Ran 4 |
Cas 4 |
R:Ran 6
Outrage Break |
Ambush |
- |
Dorothy |
Cas 6 |
Dorothy |
- |
- |
- |
Dorothy |
- |
- |
Fierce |
Gob 6, R:Cas 6 |
R:Ran 6, Dorothy |
Ran 6, Dorothy |
R:Ran 2, Dorothy |
Cas 4 |
Ran 4, Cas 6 |
R:Gob 6 |
Ran 4, Dorothy |
Gob 3, Ran 2 |
R:Ran 2, Cas 6 |
Gob 6, Dorothy
Force |
Dorothy |
Ran 6 |
Ran 6 |
Dorothy |
R:Ran 2 |
Dorothy |
Gob 6 |
Dorothy |
Ran 2 |
Dorothy |
Gob 6
Specialty |
- |
- |
Dorothy |
Ran 4 |
Dorothy |
Cas 4 |
Ran 6 |
Gob 3 |
Gob 3 |
Cas 5 |
R:Ran 6
Raging Fury |
Ambush |
- |
- |
Gob 6 |
Cas 5 |
Gob 3 |
Cas 3 |
R:Cas 6 |
Ran 2 |
Dorothy |
Dorothy |
Ran 6
Fierce |
- |
- |
Cas 6 |
R:Gob 3 |
Dorothy |
Gob 5 |
Dorothy |
R:Gob 5 |
Dorothy |
Gob 2 |
Ran 6
Force |
- |
- |
R:Gob 6 |
R:Gob 3 |
R:Cas 4 |
R:Ran 6 |
Gob 6 |
Ran 6 |
Gob 6 |
Dorothy |
Ran 6
Great Sword
Bloody Twister |
Powerful Force |
- |
- |
Gob 6 |
Gob 6 |
Dorothy |
Cas 3 |
Cas 3 |
Cas 6 |
Gob 5 |
Cas 5 |
R:Cas 3
Powerful Specialty |
- |
- |
Cas 6 |
R:Gob 5 |
R:Ran 6 |
R:Ran 4 |
R:Gob 5 |
R:Gob 2 |
R:Ran 4 |
R:Gob 2 |
R:Cas 4
Frenzy |
Powerful Sanguination |
Ran 6 |
Cas 6 |
Dorothy |
R:Cas 3 |
Ran 2 |
Cas 6 |
Ran 2 |
Gob 5 |
Ran 4 |
R:Cas 3 |
Powerful Vampiric |
R:Ran 6 |
R:Ran 6 |
Ran 6 |
R:Cas 4 |
R:Cas 4 |
R:Gob 3 |
Ran 2 |
R:Cas 4 |
R:Gob 6 |
Ran 6 |
Gob 6
Mountainous Wheel |
Powerful Fierce |
Ran 6 |
Cas 6 |
Gob 6 |
Cas 5 |
R:Cas 4 |
Cas 6 |
Gob 6 |
Ran 2 |
R:Ran 4 |
Ran 6 |
Gob 2
Powerful Force |
- |
- |
Ran 6 |
Ran 6 |
Ran 2 |
Gob 2 |
Gob 6 |
Cas 3 |
Dorothy |
Ran 6 |
Cas 3
Powerful Impact |
R:Cas 6 |
R:Gob 6 |
Cas 6 |
R:Cas 3 |
Gob 5 |
Cas 3 |
R:Gob 2 |
R:Gob 2 |
R:Ran 4 |
Ran 4 |
R:Ran 6
Powerful Swift |
Gob 6 |
Cas 6 |
R:Gob 6 |
Ran 2 |
Dorothy |
Ran 6 |
Dorothy |
Dorothy |
R:Ran 6 |
R:Ran 2 |
Cas 4
Outrage Break |
Powerful Fierce |
R:Cas 6, Dorothy |
Gob 6, R:Cas 6 |
Cas 6, R:Cas 6 |
Dorothy |
R:Cas 4, Dorothy |
R:Cas 3, Dorothy |
Ran 4, R:Cas 3 |
Dorothy |
Gob 3, R:Ran 6 |
R:Ran 2, Dorothy |
R:Gob 2, Ran 4
Powerful Force |
Cas 6 |
Dorothy |
R:Ran 6 |
Gob 2 |
Cas 5 |
Cas 5 |
Gob 5 |
Gob 2 |
Gob 6 |
Gob 2 |
Gob 6
Powerful Specialty |
- |
- |
R:Cas 6 |
Dorothy |
Gob 3 |
R:Ran 4 |
R:Cas 3 |
R:Gob 5 |
R:Ran 2 |
R:Gob 6 |
Raging Fury |
Powerful Ambush |
- |
- |
R:Ran 6 |
R:Cas 5 |
Dorothy |
R:Cas 6 |
Dorothy |
R:Ran 2 |
R:Gob 6 |
Dorothy |
R:Ran 6
Powerful Fierce |
- |
- |
Cas 6 |
Gob 3 |
Dorothy |
Cas 3 |
R:Ran 4 |
Cas 4 |
Dorothy |
Dorothy |
Cas 5
Powerful Force |
- |
- |
Cas 6 |
Ran 6 |
Gob 2 |
Ran 6 |
Gob 6 |
Gob 3 |
Dorothy |
R:Gob 6 |
Ran 2
Infinite Onslaught |
... |
... |
... |
.../Quest |
.../Quest |
... |
... |
... |
Dorothy |
... |
Arterial Spray |
... |
... |
... |
.../Quest |
.../Quest |
... |
... |
... |
Dorothy |
... |
Reckless Abandon |
... |
... |
... |
.../Quest |
.../Quest |
... |
... |
... |
Dorothy |
... |
Immortal Murderer |
... |
... |
... |
.../Quest |
.../Quest |
... |
... |
... |
Dorothy |
... |
Set Bonuses
Set of
Infinite Onslaught
Arterial Spray (individual items named Blood Flood)
Reckless Abandon
Immortal Murderer
3 Items
- Mountainous Wheel
- +20% damage
- +20% radius of fully charged shockwave
- +30% maximum travel distance
- +30% maximum height
- Bloody Twister
- -20% multi-hit interval
- +50% bleeding damage
- -50% pre-skill delay
- +6 bleeding level
- Bloodlust
- +40% damage against a bleeding enemy
- -50% multi-hit interval when thirst is fully charged
- Frenzy
- Increased damage increment for raging fury by 10%
- Increased amount of hp consumption every 10 seconds by 100%
- Frenzy
- +200% hp consumption on cast
- +200% hp consumption every 10 seconds
- +100% hp absorption when killing a bleeding enemy
- +5% damage of cancelled-into skills
- Diehard
- Increased ratio of activate-able hp by 5%
- +10% hp recovered
6 Items
- Frenzy
- +30% damage
- +50% skill damage increment
- Increased damage of cancelled-into skills by 5%
- Increases attack speed by 20% when attacking with a basic attack for 2 seconds (doesn't stack)
- Bloody Twister
- -30% multi-hit interval
- +75% bleeding damage
- -50% after-skill delay
- Blood Ruin
- Increased number of multi-hits during blood spurt
- +2 multi-hits during absorption when thirst is fully charged
- -50% multi-hit interval during absorption
- Thirst
- +6 second duration
- -5 second cooldown
- Blood Sword
- +30% damage
- -20% cooldown
- Thirst
- +50% hp consumption while charging
- -10 second cooldown
- Blood Sword
- +30% damage
- +20% blast radius
- +200% hp consumption
- Diehard
- Increased ratio of activate-able hp by 7%
- +12% hp recovery
- -20% cooldown
9 Items
- Thirst
- Increased damage increment when attacking a bleeding enemy by 50%
- Derange
- Increased strength increment by 15%
- Increased attack / movement speed increment by 4%
- Increased physical / magical defense decrement by 15%
- +5 second increased duration
- Blood Ruin
- -15% cooldown
- -50% multi-hit interval during blood spurt
- +2 multi-hits when thirst is fully charged
- Increased clear cube frag consumption by 1
- Burst Fury
- +45% damage
- +15% cooldown
- -60% multi-hit interval
- -60% skill duration
- +100% hp consumption per second
- Increased clear cube frag consumption by 1
- Derange
- -18 second cooldown
- +20% strength increment
- +5% attack / movement speed
- Increased physical / magical defense decrement by 18%
- Outrage Break
- +20% damage
- +2 multi-hits
- -25% cooldown
- Increased clear cube frag consumption by 1
- Frenzy
- +10% damage of cancelled-into skills
- Burst Fury
- +20% damage
- +200% hp consumption per second
- -50% multi-hit interval
- Increased clear cube frag consumption by 2
- Diehard
- Increased ratio of activate-able hp by 10%
- +15% hp recovery
- -30% cooldown