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Difference between revisions of "Master Siran"

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(19 intermediate revisions by 4 users not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
|Name=Master Siran
|Name=Master Siran
|Age=50 (body is 37)
|Age=50 (body is 37)
Line 26: Line 27:
== Shop ==
== Shop ==
|contents1=<span style="display: none;">{{</span>
=== Weapon ===
<!-- Weapon List -->
|contents1=<span style="display: none;">{{</span>
{{Shop list header}}
{{Shop list header}}
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Beast King Mace
| item = Vintage Falcata
| cost = 465 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 52,500 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Skull Knight Spirit
| item = Vintage Reverse Lightsabre
| cost = 465 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 67,500 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Parasitic Short Sword
| item = Vintage Morgenstern
| cost = 510 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 52,500 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Mist Katana
| item = Vintage Thanatos
| cost = 510 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 60,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Glacial Zanbato
| item = Vintage Spartha
| cost = 510 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 52,500 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Beast King Gloves
| item = Vintage Edge Katana
| cost = 465 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 56,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Fiery Fountain - Tonfa
| item = Discolored Elix
| cost = 465 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 72,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Hellhound Tooth
| item = Copper Brier Cudgel
| cost = 510 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 56,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Demon Fist
| item = Old Ascalon
| cost = 510 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 64,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Demon Waghnak
| item = Discolored Ocean Sword
| cost = 510 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 56,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Glacial Gloves
| item = Falcata
| cost = 510 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 75,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Krollkroso's Soul
| item = Reverse Lightsabre
| cost = 465 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 90,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Sandstorm - Zero
| item = Morgenstern
| cost = 510 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 75,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = US Ripple Musket
| item = Thanatos (Weapon)
| cost = 510 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 90,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Hellhound Head
| item = Spartha
| cost = 510 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 75,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Iris's Form - Bowgun
| item = Edge Katana
| cost = 555 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 80,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Fiery Fountain - Pole
| item = Elix
| cost = 465 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 96,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Evil Spear Camarso
| item = Brier Cudgel
| cost = 465 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 80,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Sharp Ice Spear
| item = Ascalon
| cost = 510 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 96,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Mystical Marrelete
| item = Ocean Sword
| cost = 555 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 80,000 gold
<span style="display: none;">}}</span>
|contents2=<span style="display: none;">{{</span>
{{Shop list header}}
{{Shop list row
| item = Vintage Ice Rain
| cost = 52,500 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Vintage Plate Gauntlets
| cost = 60,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Vintage Plate Light Claw
| cost = 52,500 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Vintage Brier Tonfa
| cost = 52,500 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Vintage Plate Gloves
| cost = 67,500 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Vintage Tron
| cost = 56,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Vintage Gothic Flow
| cost = 64,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Vintage Sharpshooting
| cost = 56,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Worn Technical Tonfa
| cost = 56,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Vintage Mega Punch
| cost = 72,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Ice Rain
| cost = 75,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Plate Gauntlets
| cost = 90,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Plate Light Claw
| cost = 75,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Brier Tonfa
| cost = 75,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Plate Gloves
| cost = 90,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Tron
| cost = 80,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Gothic Flow
| cost = 96,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Sharpshooting
| cost = 80,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Technical Tonfa
| cost = 80,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Mega Punch
| cost = 96,000 gold
<span style="display: none;">}}</span>
|contents3=<span style="display: none;">{{</span>
{{Shop list header}}
{{Shop list row
| item = Vintage Western Revolver
| cost = 52,500 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Vintage Ruger 77
| cost = 52,500 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Vintage Western Musket
| cost = 60,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Vintage Lore Cannon
| cost = 60,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Vintage Dual Cross Bowguns
| cost = 52,500 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Worn Chief 357
| cost = 56,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Worn Mukarev
| cost = 56,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Rusty Musketeer
| cost = 64,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Worn Rail Cannon
| cost = 64,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Worn Empyrean Bowgun
| cost = 56,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Western Revolver
| cost = 75,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Ruger 77
| cost = 75,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Western Musket
| cost = 90,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Lore Cannon
| cost = 90,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Dual Cross Bowguns
| cost = 75,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Chief 357
| cost = 80,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Mukarev
| cost = 80,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Empyrean Bowgun
| cost = 80,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Musketeer
| cost = 96,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Rail Cannon
| cost = 96,000 gold
<span style="display: none;">}}</span>
|contents4=<span style="display: none;">{{</span>
{{Shop list header}}
{{Shop list row
| item = Vintage Falarica
| cost = 52,500 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Vintage Jewel Stick
| cost = 52,500 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Vintage Birdwing
| cost = 52,500 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Vintage Feather Staff
| cost = 52,500 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Vintage Witch Broom
| cost = 67,500 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Rusty Reverent Spear
| cost = 56,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Broken Electric Baton
| cost = 56,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Discolored Coil Rod
| cost = 56,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Discolored Feather Scrap Staff
| cost = 56,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Worn Pumping Broom
| cost = 72,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Falarica
| cost = 75,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Jewel Stick
| cost = 75,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Birdwing
| cost = 75,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Feather Staff
| cost = 75,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Witch Broom
| cost = 90,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Reverent Spear
| cost = 80,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Electric Baton
| cost = 80,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Coil Rod
| cost = 80,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Feather Scrap Staff
| cost = 80,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Pumping Broom
| cost = 96,000 gold
<span style="display: none;">}}</span>
|contents5=<span style="display: none;">{{</span>
{{Shop list header}}
{{Shop list row
| item = Vintage Ron Tree
| cost = 52,500 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Vintage Plate Rosary
| cost = 52,500 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Vintage Twin Scythe
| cost = 67,500 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Vintage Dragon Eye
| cost = 60,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Vintage Psyonic Totem
| cost = 52,500 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Rusty Reform Cross
| cost = 56,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Broken Iron Strip Rosary
| cost = 56,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Old Dual Light Scythes
| cost = 72,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Shabby Bone Battle Axe
| cost = 64,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Old Teaching Stick Totem
| cost = 56,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Ron Tree
| cost = 75,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Plate Rosary
| cost = 75,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Twin Scythe
| cost = 90,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Dragon Eye
| cost = 90,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Psyonic Totem
| cost = 75,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Reform Cross
| cost = 80,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Iron Strip Rosary
| cost = 80,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Dual Light Scythes
| cost = 96,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Bone Battle Axe
| cost = 96,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Teaching Stick Totem
| cost = 80,000 gold
<span style="display: none;">}}</span>
|contents6=<span style="display: none;">{{</span>
{{Shop list header}}
{{Shop list row
| item = Vintage Katzbalger
| cost = 52,500 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Vintage Gradius
| cost = 52,500 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Vintage Jewel Wand
| cost = 52,500 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Battered Gotama
| cost = 52,500 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Worn Kanetsune
| cost = 56,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Discolored Palladium
| cost = 56,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Vintage Moon Wand
| cost = 56,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Nilvas Gracia's Cross
| item = Dull Kamikoro
| cost = 510 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 56,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Hellhound Atrocity
| item = Katzbalger
| cost = 510 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 75,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Corrupt Imposter Death Scythe
| item = Gradius
| cost = 510 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 75,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Iris's Form - Battle Axe
| item = Jewel Wand
| cost = 555 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 75,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Judgment of Death
| item = Gotama
| cost = 465 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 75,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Screeching Concealed Weapon
| item = Kanetsune
| cost = 510 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 80,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Hellhound Clan
| item = Palladium
| cost = 510 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 80,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Iris's Form - Wand
| item = Moon Wand
| cost = 555 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 80,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Misty Blade
| item = Kamikoro
| cost = 510 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 80,000 gold
=== Armor ===
<span style="display: none;">}}</span>
|tab7=D. Lancer
|contents7=<span style="display: none;">{{</span>
{{Shop list header}}
{{Shop list header}}
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Spirit Demon Robe
| item = Cracked Carbon Halberd
| cost = 284 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 60,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Discolored Blue Stone Pike
| cost = 52,500 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Rusted Superalloy Halberd
| cost = 64,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Discolored Spiked Long Spear
| cost = 56,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Abraded Sharp Edge Beam Spear
| cost = 52,500 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Discolored Red Jewel Beam Spear
| cost = 56,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Old Star Throw
| cost = 52,500 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Spirit Demon Trousers
| item = Dull Murex Javelin
| cost = 284 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 56,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Ruthless Swordsman Top
| item = Carbon Halberd
| cost = 312 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 90,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Ruthless Swordsman Bottom
| item = Blue Stone Pike
| cost = 312 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 75,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Skull Upper Armor
| item = Superalloy Halberd
| cost = 284 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 96,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Skull Lower Armor
| item = Spiked Long Spear
| cost = 284 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 80,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Ice Dragon Scale Cuirass
| item = Sharp Edge Beam Spear
| cost = 312 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 75,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Ice Dragon Scale Cuirass Leggings
| item = Red Jewel Beam Spear
| cost = 312 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 80,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Beast King Gauntlets
| item = Star Throw
| cost = 284 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 75,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Beat King Belt
| item = Murex Javelin
| cost = 284 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 80,000 gold
<span style="display: none;">}}</span>
|contents8=<span style="display: none;">{{</span>
{{Shop list header}}
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Ice Dragon Scale Upper Armor
| item = Shabby Samshir
| cost = 312 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 52,500 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Ice Dragon Scale Lower Armor
| item = Dull Assassin Kodachi
| cost = 312 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 52,500 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Shaded Nilvas Top
| item = Discolored Principality Style Square Sword
| cost = 312 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 60,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Shaded Nilvas Bottom
| item = Shabby Hyper Core Blade
| cost = 312 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 52,500 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Varracht's Western Coat
| item = Imitation Ornate Machete
| cost = 312 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 56,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Varracht's Western Trousers
| item = Discolored Principality Agent Kodachi
| cost = 312 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 56,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Cerberus Skin Scrap
| item = Shabby Light Hunting Sword
| cost = 312 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 64,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Used Forerunner's Core Blade
| cost = 56,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Samshir
| cost = 75,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Assassin Kodachi
| cost = 75,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Principality Style Square Sword
| cost = 90,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Hyper Core Blade
| cost = 75,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Ornate Machete
| cost = 80,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Principality Agent Kodachi
| cost = 80,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Light Hunting Sword
| cost = 96,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Forerunner's Core Blade
| cost = 80,000 gold
=== Acc. ===
<span style="display: none;">}}</span>
<!-- Armor List -->
<span style="display: none;">}}</span>
|contents2=<span style="display: none;">{{</span>
|contents1=<span style="display: none;">{{</span>
{{Shop list header}}
{{Shop list header}}
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Beholder's Eye
| item = Torn Legion Cloth Coat
| cost = 255 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 30,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Kane's Trace
| item = Torn Legion Cloth Shoulder
| cost = 255 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 15,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Skasa's Core
| item = Torn Legion Cloth Shoes
| cost = 255 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 11,250 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = For my sister.
| item = Torn Legion Cloth Pants
| cost = 255 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 22,500 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Fire Monster Song Necklace
| item = Torn Legion Cloth Belt
| cost = 278 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 11,250 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = A bracelet imbued with the song of Tiger Flash.
| item = Torn Lined Cloth Coat
| cost = 278 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 32,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Water Dragon Song Enchanted Ring
| item = Torn Lined Cloth Pants
| cost = 278 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 24,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Epidemic Remover
| item = Torn Lined Cloth Shoulder
| cost = 233 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 16,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Overflowing Charisma
| item = Torn Lined Cloth Belt
| cost = 255 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 12,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Youthful Spirit
| item = Torn Lined Cloth Shoes
| cost = 255 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 12,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Skull Knight Soul Orb
| item = Legion Cloth Coat
| cost = 335 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 45,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Beast King Fireball
| item = Legion Cloth Shoulder
| cost = 335 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 30,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Corrupt Imposter Heart
| item = Legion Cloth Shoes
| cost = 367 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 22,500 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Iris's Tear
| item = Legion Cloth Pants
| cost = 400 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 37,500 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Skull Knight Gloves
| item = Legion Cloth Belt
| cost = 310 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 22,500 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Kane's Ambush
| item = Lined Cloth Coat
| cost = 340 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 48,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Corrupt Imposter Horn
| item = Lined Cloth Bottom
| cost = 340 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 40,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Time Gate Ring - Blade Master
| item = Lined Cloth Shoulder
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 32,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Fierce Sapphire Ring - Blade Master
| item = Lined Cloth Belt
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 24,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Time Gate Ring - Soul Bender
| item = Lined Cloth Shoes
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 24,000 gold
<span style="display: none;">}}</span>
|contents2=<span style="display: none;">{{</span>
{{Shop list header}}
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Fierce Sapphire Ring - Soul Bender
| item = Shabby Squad Tunic
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 37,500 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Time Gate Ring - Berserker
| item = Shabby Squad Trousers
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 30,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Fierce Sapphire Ring - Berserker
| item = Shabby Squad Shoulder Pads
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 22,500 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Time Gate Ring - Asura
| item = Shabby Squad Sash
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 15,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Fierce Sapphire Ring - Asura
| item = Shabby Squad Boots
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 15,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Time Gate Ring - Nen Master
| item = Shabby Soldier Leather Tunic
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 40,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Fierce Sapphire Ring - Nen Master
| item = Shabby Soldier Leather Trousers
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 32,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Time Gate Ring - Striker
| item = Shabby Soldier Leather Shoulder Pads
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 24,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Fierce Sapphire Ring - Striker
| item = Shabby Soldier Leather Sash
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 16,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Time Gate Ring - Brawler
| item = Shabby Soldier Leather Boots
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 16,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Fierce Sapphire Ring - Brawler
| item = Squad Tunic
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 52,500 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Time Gate Ring - Grappler
| item = Squad Trousers
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 45,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Fierce Sapphire Ring - Grappler
| item = Squad Shoulder Pads
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 37,500 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Time Gate Ring - Ranger
| item = Squad Sash
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 30,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Fierce Sapphire Ring - Ranger
| item = Squad Boots
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 30,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Time Gate Ring - Launcher
| item = Soldier Leather Tunic
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 56,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Fierce Sapphire Ring - Launcher
| item = Soldier Leather Trousers
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 48,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Time Gate Ring - Mechanic
| item = Soldier Leather Shoulder Pads
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 40,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Fierce Sapphire Ring - Mechanic
| item = Soldier Leather Sash
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 32,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Time Gate Ring - Spitfire
| item = Soldier Leather Boots
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 32,000 gold
<span style="display: none;">}}</span>
|contents3=<span style="display: none;">{{</span>
{{Shop list header}}
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Fierce Sapphire Ring - Spitfire
| item = Shabby Syntagma Mail
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 45,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Time Gate Ring - Elementalist
| item = Shabby Syntagma Bottom Armor
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 37,500 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Fierce Sapphire Ring - Elementalist
| item = Shabby Syntagma Shoulder Pads
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 30,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Time Gate Ring - Summoner
| item = Shabby Syntagma Band
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 22,500 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Fierce Sapphire Ring - Summoner
| item = Shabby Syntagma Shoes
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 22,500 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Time Gate Ring - Battle Mage
| item = Shabby Carmel Upper Light Armor
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 48,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Fierce Sapphire Ring - Battle Mage
| item = Shabby Carmel Lower Light Armor
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 40,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Time Gate Ring - Witch
| item = Shabby Carmel Light Armor Shoulder
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 32,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Fierce Sapphire Ring - Witch
| item = Shabby Carmel Light Armor Belt
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 24,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Time Gate Ring - Crusader
| item = Shabby Carmel Light Armor Boots
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 24,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Fierce Sapphire Ring - Crusader
| item = Syntagma Mail
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 60,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Time Gate Ring - Monk
| item = Syntagma Bottom Armor
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 52,500 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Fierce Sapphire Ring - Monk
| item = Syntagma Shoulder Pads
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 45,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Time Gate Ring - Exorcist (God of Knowledge: Black Tortoise)
| item = Syntagma Band
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 37,500 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Time Gate Ring - Exorcist (Spinning Cross)
| item = Syntagma Shoes
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 37,500 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Fierce Sapphire Ring - Exorcist (Shikigami Legion)
| item = Carmel Mail
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 64,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Fierce Sapphire Ring - Exorcist (Atomic Smash)
| item = Carmel Bottom Armor
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 56,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Time Gate Ring - Avenger
| item = Carmel Shoulder Pads
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 48,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Fierce Sapphire Ring - Avenger
| item = Carmel Band
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 40,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Time Gate Ring - Rogue
| item = Carmel Shoes
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 40,000 gold
<span style="display: none;">}}</span>
|contents4=<span style="display: none;">{{</span>
{{Shop list header}}
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Fierce Sapphire Ring - Rogue
| item = Rusty Agema Scale Armor
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 52,500 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Time Gate Ring - Necromancer
| item = Rusty Agema Scale Gaiters
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 45,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Fierce Sapphire Ring - Necromancer
| item = Rusty Agema Scale Shoulder Pads
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 37,500 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Time Gate Ring - Kunoichi
| item = Rusty Agema Scale Belt
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 30,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Fierce Sapphire Ring - Kunoichi
| item = Rusty Agema Scale Boots
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 30,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Time Gate Ring - Shadow Dancer
| item = Melted Station Scale Armor
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 56,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Fierce Sapphire Ring - Shadow Dancer
| item = Melted Station Scale Gaiters
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 48,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Time Gate Ring - Elemental Bomber
| item = Melted Station Scale Shoulder Pads
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 40,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Fierce Sapphire Ring - Elemental Bomber
| item = Melted Station Scale Belt
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 32,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Time Gate Ring - Glacial Master
| item = Melted Station Scale Boots
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 32,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Fierce Sapphire Ring - Glacial Master
| item = Agema Scale Armor
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 67,500 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Time Gate Ring - Sword Master
| item = Agema Scale Gaiters
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 60,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Fierce Sapphire Ring - Sword Master
| item = Agema Scale Shoulder Pads
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 52,500 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Time Gate Ring - Dark Templar
| item = Agema Scale Belt
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 45,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Fierce Sapphire Ring - Dark Templar
| item = Agema Scale Boots
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 45,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Time Gate Ring - Vagabond
| item = Station Scale Armor
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 72,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Fierce Sapphire Ring - Vagabond
| item = Station Scale Gaiters
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 64,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Fierce Sapphire Ring - Elven Knight
| item = Station Scale Shoulder Pads
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 56,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Time Gate Ring - Elven Knight
| item = Station Scale Belt
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 48,000 gold
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Fierce Sapphire Ring - Chaos
| item = Station Scale Boots
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 48,000 gold
<span style="display: none;">}}</span>
|contents5=<span style="display: none;">{{</span>
{{Shop list header}}
{{Shop list row
{{Shop list row
| item = Time Gate Ring - Chaos
| item = Rusty Testudo Steel Greaves
| cost = 200 Glowing Meteor
| cost = 52,500 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Rusty Testudo Steel Shoulder
| cost = 45,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Rusty Testudo Steel Belt
| cost = 37,500 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Rusty Testudo Steel Armor
| cost = 60,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Rusty Testudo Steel Boots
| cost = 37,500 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Abated Salamander Steel Resist
| cost = 64,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Abated Salamander Steel Greaves
| cost = 56,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Abated Salamander Steel Shoulder Pads
| cost = 48,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Abated Salamander Steel Guard
| cost = 40,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Abated Salamander Steel Boots
| cost = 40,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Testudo Steel Greaves
| cost = 67,500 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Testudo Steel Shoulder
| cost = 60,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Testudo Steel Belt
| cost = 52,500 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Testudo Steel Armor
| cost = 75,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Testudo Steel Boots
| cost = 52,500 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Salamander Steel Resist
| cost = 80,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Salamander Steel Greaves
| cost = 72,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Salamander Steel Shoulder Pads
| cost = 64,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Salamander Steel Guard
| cost = 56,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Salamander Steel Boots
| cost = 56,000 gold
<span style="display: none;">}}</span>
<!-- Accessory List -->
<span style="display: none;">}}</span>
|contents3=<span style="display: none;">{{</span>
{{Shop list header}}
{{Shop list row
| item = Stained Ametrine Bracelet
| cost = 45,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Stained Ametrine Pendant
| cost = 45,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Stained Ametrine Ring
| cost = 45,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Stained Sunstone Bracelet
| cost = 48,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Stained Sunstone Pendant
| cost = 48,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Stained Sunstone Ring
| cost = 48,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Ametrine Bracelet
| cost = 60,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Ametrine Pendant
| cost = 60,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Ametrine Ring
| cost = 60,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Sunstone Bracelet
| cost = 64,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Sunstone Pendant
| cost = 64,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Sunstone Ring
| cost = 64,000 gold
=== Other ===
<!-- Special Equipment List -->
<span style="display: none;">}}</span>
|tab4=Special Equipment
|contents4=<span style="display: none;">{{</span>
{{Shop list header}}
{{Shop list row
| item = Worn Blue Gloves
| cost = 45,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Agate Shard
| cost = 45,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Worn Guard
| cost = 48,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Mica Fragment
| cost = 48,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Blue Gloves
| cost = 60,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Agate
| cost = 60,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Guard (Sub Equipment)
| cost = 64,000 gold
{{Shop list row
| item = Mica
| cost = 64,000 gold
<!-- Other Item List -->
<span style="display: none;">}}</span>
|contents5=<span style="display: none;">{{</span>
{{Shop list header}}
{{Shop list header}}
Line 610: Line 1,289:
<span style="display: none;">}}</span>
'''Request Chat'''
*What? Say it louder. I can't hear you when you mumble. What now? Apostle? Help? Why do you ask me? You're then young and strong one here. I'm sore, just sitting here. Believe it or not, I'm ancient.
:I don't look so old, you said? Well, I am, and don't ask me why I look so young 'cause I have no answer.
*I used to have a friend whom I could talk to. What a funny chap he was! One day, he and I sneaked into a farm to steal some...
:... Why am I talking to you about him? Gosh, I must be senile. Forget it and just go. No one needs to hear about days long gone by.
*Look at you. You look like you have all the problems in the world resting on your shoulders. Stop being so dramatic. Everything solves itself one way or another. I know you don't believe me, but step back from what you're doing and observe. You'll find clues. Don't take everything so serious, all right?
'''Request Chat (Post-Pandemonium War)'''
*I don't know what that storm has to do with dimensions, but it's definitely affecting time. The tiny cracks that have been formed across our time track are widenin' by the day. Sooner or later, they'll let in things that are alien and dangerous, or they can completely warp our time track. Geez, this storm is nothin' but bad news! What the hell is it? Why is it messin' with us when we didn't do anything bad to it?
*That storm is more serious than everyone would like to think. Whatever the investigation group finds out, it wo't be easy to get rid of it. But leave it alone, and it'll create more trouble. Gah, what do we do? I'm losin' hair from stressing over that dratted storm.
*Yo! Have a seat! You wanna drink?
*Life's sucha pain. Everyone needs to relax.
*No more students; I've had enough!
'''Conversation start'''
'''Conversation start'''
*What's goin' on pal?
*Shh, let's just relax.
*Huh, I wonder if everyone else is busy.
*Ugh, my head. Not so loud.
*If you want somethin', say so!
'''Conversation end'''
*Hey! You're buyin' next time.
*Bring somethin' to eat next time!
'''Conversation end'''
[[File:SiranNPC.gif|Updated Default (Season 7)]]
[[File:Siran Summer v2.gif|Summer 2023]]
*According to Siran's lore, he has a very thick Suju accent. In foreign versions, this is portrayed via a dialect similar to that of the English southern United States: ''Gyeongsang satoori'' for Korean, ''Dongbeihua'' for Chinese, and ''Kansai-ben'' for Japanese.

Revision as of 10:47, 17 October 2023

SiranIcon.png Master Siran
Age 50 (body is 37)
Sex Male
Race Human
Affiliation N/A
Occupation Legendary Grand Master
Alias N/A
Location City of Shonan: Suju Gym
Foreign Name(s) N/A
Likeability N/A

Master Siran is one, of the 4 legendary Grand Masters, and is the world's greatest Katana Master. He is responsible for the birth of the Time Gate, and resides in the Suju Gym in the City of Shonan.

Siran left the Suju Kingdom at a young age and ventured to Arad, where he became famous for his swordsmanship. But after an incident at the Screaming Cavern, where he suffered great injuries, he retired. Now, he runs a small martial arts school. He is still obsessed with the Metastasis, though, and secretly investigates the relationship between the Apostles and the Metastasis, though he purposely leaves Aganzo out of it. He’s been keeping tabs on the events in the North Myre area. After the Screaming Cavern incident, he miraculously stopped aging and now looks younger than his apprentice, Woo. He gets a smug thrill when people treat him like he’s just a kid.


  • Has a Disassembler.
  • Quest Giver.
  • Repairs Armor and Weapons.
  • Sells Unique Armor/Weapon/Accessories, in return for a specific item.
  • Sells Monster cards, in return for a specific item.


... further results




Item Level Binding Cost
Vintage Falcata.png Vintage Falcata 75 52,500 Goldicon.png Gold
No Icon.png Vintage Reverse Lightsabre 67,500 Goldicon.png Gold
No Icon.png Vintage Morgenstern 52,500 Goldicon.png Gold
Vintage Thanatos.png Vintage Thanatos 75 60,000 Goldicon.png Gold
No Icon.png Vintage Spartha 52,500 Goldicon.png Gold
Vintage Falcata.png Vintage Edge Katana 80 56,000 Goldicon.png Gold
No Icon.png Discolored Elix 72,000 Goldicon.png Gold
No Icon.png Copper Brier Cudgel 56,000 Goldicon.png Gold
Vintage Thanatos.png Old Ascalon 80 64,000 Goldicon.png Gold
Rusty Xedite Short Sword.png Discolored Ocean Sword 80 56,000 Goldicon.png Gold
No Icon.png Falcata 75,000 Goldicon.png Gold
No Icon.png Reverse Lightsabre 90,000 Goldicon.png Gold
No Icon.png Morgenstern 75,000 Goldicon.png Gold
No Icon.png Thanatos (Weapon) 90,000 Goldicon.png Gold
No Icon.png Spartha 75,000 Goldicon.png Gold
No Icon.png Edge Katana 80,000 Goldicon.png Gold
No Icon.png Elix 96,000 Goldicon.png Gold
No Icon.png Brier Cudgel 80,000 Goldicon.png Gold
Thanatos (Zanbato).png Ascalon 80 96,000 Goldicon.png Gold
Spatha.png Ocean Sword 80 80,000 Goldicon.png Gold


Request Chat

  • What? Say it louder. I can't hear you when you mumble. What now? Apostle? Help? Why do you ask me? You're then young and strong one here. I'm sore, just sitting here. Believe it or not, I'm ancient.
I don't look so old, you said? Well, I am, and don't ask me why I look so young 'cause I have no answer.
  • I used to have a friend whom I could talk to. What a funny chap he was! One day, he and I sneaked into a farm to steal some...
... Why am I talking to you about him? Gosh, I must be senile. Forget it and just go. No one needs to hear about days long gone by.
  • Look at you. You look like you have all the problems in the world resting on your shoulders. Stop being so dramatic. Everything solves itself one way or another. I know you don't believe me, but step back from what you're doing and observe. You'll find clues. Don't take everything so serious, all right?

Request Chat (Post-Pandemonium War)

  • I don't know what that storm has to do with dimensions, but it's definitely affecting time. The tiny cracks that have been formed across our time track are widenin' by the day. Sooner or later, they'll let in things that are alien and dangerous, or they can completely warp our time track. Geez, this storm is nothin' but bad news! What the hell is it? Why is it messin' with us when we didn't do anything bad to it?
  • That storm is more serious than everyone would like to think. Whatever the investigation group finds out, it wo't be easy to get rid of it. But leave it alone, and it'll create more trouble. Gah, what do we do? I'm losin' hair from stressing over that dratted storm.


  • Yo! Have a seat! You wanna drink?
  • Life's sucha pain. Everyone needs to relax.
  • No more students; I've had enough!

Conversation start

  • What's goin' on pal?
  • Shh, let's just relax.
  • Huh, I wonder if everyone else is busy.
  • Ugh, my head. Not so loud.
  • If you want somethin', say so!

Conversation end

  • Later!
  • Hey! You're buyin' next time.
  • Bring somethin' to eat next time!



SiranPortrait.png Siransword.jpg


Updated Default (Season 7) Summer 2023 Christmas


  • According to Siran's lore, he has a very thick Suju accent. In foreign versions, this is portrayed via a dialect similar to that of the English southern United States: Gyeongsang satoori for Korean, Dongbeihua for Chinese, and Kansai-ben for Japanese.