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Temporary Stat Boost

From DFO World Wiki
Revision as of 18:48, 30 October 2009 by Ladywinter (talk | contribs) (didn't put the names in 'cause I couldn't figure them out, help?)
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  • Items of a similar category will set off that entire category's Cooldown timer
  • If Category is "no" that means that the item is isolated in it's own cooldown and affects no other items in other categories.
Future content.png This article contains contents that may not be in Dungeon Fighter Online.
Some of the following content may not be implemented in the Dungeon Fighter Online client. This article is based on the oversea servers. Details may change before release.

Image Name Effect Effect Length (s) Cooldown (s) Category Resell Restriction Trade? Notes
File:Icon StatBoost1.gif Str +15 600 10 H 64 lvl 3 Yes Sold by Loton
File:Icon StatBoost2.gif Int +15 600 10 H 64 lvl 3 Yes Sold by Loton
Icon StatBoost3.gif Str +10
Stam +10
600 10 H 40 lvl 5 Yes
Icon StatBoost4.gif Str +40
Int +40
200 30 H 64 Yes
File:Icon StatBoost5.gif Physical Crit +50% 20 10 H 64 lvl 3 Yes Sold by Loton
Icon StatBoost6.gif Physical Crit +12%
Magical Crit +12%
200 30 H 0 Yes
Icon StatBoost7.gif Speed +6%
Atk Speed +6%
Casting Speed +6%
200 30 H 0 Yes
File:Icon StatBoost8.gif Movement +15%
Atk Speed +15%
30 10 H 40 lvl 5 Yes
Icon StatBoost9.gif Blue Bible Stam +20
Evasion +20%
60 10 H 256 Yes
File:Icon StatBoost10.gif Int +20
All Abnormal State immunity +50
60 30 H 256 Yes
File:Icon StatBoost11.gif Int +30
Str +30
Spirit -30
Stam -30
All Resistances -30
60 10 H 272 Yes
File:Icon StatBoost12.gif Add Darkness attribute to weapons
Dark Resistance +10
60 10 H 280 Yes
File:Icon StatBoost13.gif Add Fire attribute to nearby party member's weapons 60 10 H 80 lvl 3 Yes
Icon StatBoost14.gif Add Ice attribute to nearby party member's weapons 60 10 H 80 lvl 3 Yes
Icon StatBoost15.gif Str +15 for nearby party members 60 10 H 160 lvl 18 Yes
Icon StatBoost16.gif Int +15 for nearby party members 60 10 H 160 lvl 18 Yes
Icon StatBoost17.gif Physical Crit +50% for nearby party members 20 10 H 160 lvl 18 Yes
Icon StatBoost18.gif Str +20
? +80
Freezing Resistance +15
20 10 H 90 Yes
Icon StatBoost19.gif Goat Yogurt Int +30
Spirit +30
Sleep Resist? +15
20 10 H 90 Yes
File:Icon StatBoost20.gif Randomly change weapon elemental attribute 30 40 H 100 lvl 45 Yes
File:Icon StatBoost21.gif Str +20
Jump +20
30 10 H 40 Yes
File:Icon StatBoost22.gif Fire Resist +30 60 10 H 40 Yes
File:Icon StatBoost23.gif Ice Resist +30 60 10 H 40 Yes
File:Icon StatBoost24.gif Light Resist +30 60 10 H 40 Yes
File:Icon StatBoost25.gif Dark Resist +30 60 10 H 40 Yes
Icon StatBoost26.gif All Resist +15 60 10 H 160 Yes
Icon StatBoost27.gif Physical Crit +15%
Magical Crit +15%
60 1 H 0 Yes? Can only hold 10
Icon StatBoost28.gif Atk Speed +10%
Cast Speed +10%
30 1 H 0 Yes
File:Icon holywine.gif Holy Wine Spirit +30 60 C 240 Yes MP +145
Sharkfinsoup.jpeg Shark Fin Soup Str +30
Atk Speed +5%
30 10 2 No HP +20%, Event Item
Icon grilledspicyoctopus.gif Grilled Spicy Octopus Int +30
Casting Spd +5%
30 0 2 Yes MP + 20%, Event Item
Redrice.gif Lucky Red Rice Str +30 60 10 2 No HP +25%, Event Item
Icon bluerice.gif Lucky Blue Rice Int +30 60 10 2 No MP +25%, Event Item
Icon purplerice.gif Lucky Purple Rice Physical Crit +100%
Magical Crit +100%
20 10 2 No Event Item
Pumpkincandy.gif Sweet Pumpkin Candy Str +30 60 10 No 2 No HP +25%, Event Item
Icon bitterpumpkincandy.gif Bittersweet Pumpkin Candy Int +30 60 10 C 168 No MP +150, Event Item
Icon icewine.gif Ice Wine Int + 30 60 10 C 0 No MP +15%, Event Item
Chocolatecake.gif Chocolate Cake Str +30 60 10 A 0 No HP +15, Event Item
Strong Goblin Potion.png Sturdy Goblin Potion Physical Atk +40 60 10 E 0 No HP +15%, Expires in 10 days.
Icon wisegoblinpotion.gif Smart Goblin Potion Int +40 60 10 E 0 No MP +15%, Expires in 10 days
Icon StatBoost29.gif Rice Parchment Str +30
Int +30
Evasion +20%
1800 1800 2 No? Event Item
Icon StatBoost30.gif Magic Ball Movement +5%
Atk Speed +5%
Cast Speed +5%
600 600 2 No? Event Item
Icon StatBoost31.gif Real Hiiragimodoki All Stats +20% 600 No? Event Item
Icon StatBoost31.gif Real Holly Str +20
Int +20
Stam +20
Spirit +20
60 10 No? Event Item
Icon StatBoost32.gif Sharp Drill Potion Physical Crit +60%
Magical Crit +60%
20 10 0 No?
Icon StatBoost34.gif Arcane Darkness Str +30
Int +30
300 30 No? Event Item