Seria says: "Nothing should be as mysterious as I am!"
Missing Creator/Dark Knight alternative dialogue.
End of His Long-cherished Wish is the ninth quest of the Dark Side Act Quest storyline.
Elerinon the Tragic City
Starting zones:
Boss zones:
Min. Fatigue:
Max. Fatigue:
Dark Horrendous Astaros
Shinjang |
He doesn't think we're threatening. I feel so appreciated. |
Lucille Redmayne |
Let's make him regret thinking that. |
Teida Beonarr |
Let's do that. We'll repay him in kind. |
Allen Grant |
Please don't let your guard down. Astaros is still alive, and she can be near Ozma. |
Grandis Gracia |
Brother Allen is right. Let's be careful. Moreover, we must find the Crown Prince who's ahead of us. |
Oberith Rosenbach |
He can't have headed for Ozma, can he? |
Teida Beonarr |
If he's so reckless, having him with us will only get us in trouble. |
Grandis Gracia |
Let's get in first. The highest floor of the tower has been revealed after the ward broke. Ozma must be there. |
Judy Ringwood |
The highest floor of the tower... Let's go. |
(Upon entering Room C1)
Shinjang |
This tower is a maze of winding hallways and staircases. |
(Oberith pauses for a moment, confused, and turns around.)
Oberith Rosenbach |
Wait. I don't see Sister Lucille or the others. |
Grandis Gracia |
I felt suspicious energy around us. It seems Ozma's power has warped the interior of the tower. |
Teida Beonarr |
We can't just stay here. Let's keep going for now. |
(Upon entering the Boss Room)
(As the party advances through the tower, a portal suddenly opens ahead of them. A familiar laughing figure emerges.)
Shinjang |
That's... Astaros! |
Dark Horrendous Astaros |
You should be honored. You've witnessed the advent of Chaos with me. |
Teida Beonarr |
Be happy while you can. It won't last long. |
Dark Horrendous Astaros |
Ooh, are you Beonarr's offspring? You couldn't do anything to stop Chaos from waking up, and you still have a lot to say.
You're even with heretics that you hate so much. Your ancestor must be rolling over in his grave by now. |
Teida Beonarr |
I've only made a temporary truce to deal with greater evil! |
Dark Horrendous Astaros |
If that's the truth, what's that uncertainty I'm seeing in your eyes, child? |
(Grandis steps forward.)
Grandis Gracia |
Teida, don't let Astaros get to you! |
Teida Beonarr |
Of course not. I'm not so weak that I'd believe anything that serpent feeds me. |
Dark Horrendous Astaros |
Mm...? You're... a Gracia. Hah hah hah. I see. This is getting very interesting! |
(Upon defeating the Boss)
(The defeated Astaros suddenly disappears. As the party readies to counterattack, time distorts and Astaros appears behind them.)
Adventurer |
(If the Adventurer is not a Creator/Dark Knight)
(Time... stopped...)
(If the Adventurer is a Creator/Dark Knight)
(Astaros makes her way toward the party.)
Dark Horrendous Astaros |
You're pretty good, but... |
Grandis Gracia |
How...? |
Shinjang |
That Imposter... His face... |
Oberith Rosenbach |
He's the former Archpriest, Nilvas Gracia! |
Teida Beonarr |
Nilvas... |
Lucille Redmayne |
Sister Oberith! |
Oberith Rosenbach |
Ah...! Sister, you're here. I'm glad all of you are safe. |
Lucille Redmayne |
By the way, that Imposter who defeated Astaros... |
Oberith Rosenbach |
... |
Teida Beonarr |
Nilvas Gracia, one of the former Archpriests. |
Shinjang |
This solves the mystery about the Imposter who's been helping us. |
Oberith Rosenbach |
But why didn't he tell us the truth? Grandis has been looking for him for a long time. |
Lucille Redmayne |
I think I know why. I heard he was a righteous and strong-willed man.
There was no way he could reveal himself to the Order after he became an Imposter. He wouldn't have wanted to hurt his sister or Lemidia Basilica.
I have to say I'm impressed. I would have gone insane if I became an Imposter, the very thing I've hated all my life. |
Adras |
There has to be something that kept him going. |
Teida Beonarr |
Revenge on Astaros. |
Oberith Rosenbach |
I think he wanted to protect Grandis more than anything.
Brother Nilvas kept Astaros busy, so we could get rid of her, but he hurt himself in the process. |
Shinjang |
Grandis, shouldn't we look for your brother first? |
Grandis Gracia |
No... Now's not the time. |