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Flying Shuriken

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Flying Shuriken.png Flying Shuriken

Awakening Active Skill


Command: Rightkey.pngLeftkey.pngDownkey.pngRightkey.png+Z.png
Prerequisite Level: 60
Prerequisite Skills: None
Alternate Names: Korean: 암기 : 비연수리검


Flies like a sparrow and throws a series of shurikens together with a blazing clone.
Move side to side to pull enemies to the center of the screen and throw a series of shurikens together with the clone.
Can be used when you are attack or Downed. If cast in midair, this skill shoots multiple kunais.
The shurikens stick strength-scaling amulets to their targets, Holding them until this skill's finishing explosion.

Cannot be replayed by Ninpou- Cycles of Eternity.png Ninpou: Cycles of Eternity.

[Special Function]
- Can be used while you're attacked or Downed. - Throws multiple kunais without moving your character if cast in midair.


  • SP per level: 60
  • Master Level: 30
  • Max Level: 40
  • Casting Time: Instant Cast
  • Cooldown: 30 sec.
  • This skill consumes 1 Clear Cube Fragment.png Clear Cube Fragment.
  • MP -5.0% Cooldown -5.0% on Command
  • Basic Attack Cancelable Skill
  • Number of Shurikens Thrown: 5
  • Number of Finishing Shurikens Thrown: 10
  • Bonus Atk. when hit or knocked down: +20%
  • Bonus Finishing Shurikens when used in Air: +5


  • Can be improved with Flying Shuriken Upgrade.png Flying Shuriken Upgrade.
  • Casting this skill in the air only performs the Kunai throw portion of the skill, however it will launch extra Kunai compared to casting on the ground.
    • All Kunai thrown when this skill is cast in mid-air have 20% more attack strength.
  • You can skip to the Kunai Throw portion of the skill by pressing Jump at any time during the skill.
  • From the time the skill key is first pressed to the time the log disappears, you may cancel this skill into any another skill using Ninpou- Shadow Clone.png Ninpou: Shadow Clone.
    • After the log disappears, you can only cancel into skills that can be used in mid-air.

Skill Growth

Note: This table has been generated based off of skill growth information presented in-game. The data may have slight differences compared to the information presented in-game due to minor rounding variations.


Level Lv Req MP Ground Explosion Atk. Multi-Stage Attack Finishing Attack
Flash Atk. Piercing Shuriken Atk. Shuriken Explosion Atk. Flash Atk. Piercing Shuriken Atk. Shuriken Explosion Atk.
1 60 400 88% 110% 62% 127% 440% 366% 512%
2 62 418 97% 121% 68% 140% 484% 403% 564%
3 64 437 106% 132% 75% 152% 529% 440% 616%
4 66 455 115% 143% 81% 165% 573% 477% 668%
5 68 474 123% 155% 88% 178% 618% 514% 719%
6 70 492 132% 166% 94% 190% 662% 551% 771%
7 72 511 141% 177% 100% 203% 706% 588% 823%
8 74 529 150% 188% 107% 216% 751% 625% 875%
9 76 548 159% 199% 113% 228% 795% 662% 927%
10 78 566 168% 210% 119% 241% 840% 699% 979%
11 80 585 177% 221% 126% 254% 884% 736% 1030%
12 82 603 186% 232% 132% 266% 929% 773% 1082%
13 84 622 194% 244% 139% 279% 973% 810% 1134%
14 86 640 203% 255% 145% 292% 1017% 847% 1186%
15 88 658 212% 266% 151% 304% 1062% 884% 1238%
16 90 677 221% 277% 158% 317% 1106% 921% 1290%
17 92 695 230% 288% 164% 330% 1151% 958% 1342%
18 94 714 239% 299% 171% 342% 1195% 995% 1393%
19 96 732 248% 310% 177% 355% 1239% 1032% 1445%
20 98 751 257% 321% 183% 368% 1284% 1069% 1497%
21 100 769 265% 333% 190% 380% 1328% 1107% 1549%
22 102 788 274% 344% 196% 393% 1373% 1144% 1601%
23 104 806 283% 355% 202% 406% 1417% 1181% 1653%
24 106 825 292% 366% 209% 418% 1461% 1218% 1704%
25 108 843 301% 377% 215% 431% 1506% 1255% 1756%
26 110 862 310% 388% 222% 444% 1550% 1292% 1808%
27 112 880 319% 399% 228% 456% 1595% 1329% 1860%
28 114 898 328% 410% 234% 469% 1639% 1366% 1912%
29 116 917 336% 422% 241% 482% 1683% 1403% 1964%
30 118 935 345% 433% 247% 494% 1728% 1440% 2016%
31 120 954 354% 444% 254% 507% 1772% 1477% 2067%
32 122 972 363% 455% 260% 520% 1817% 1514% 2119%
33 124 991 372% 466% 266% 532% 1861% 1551% 2171%
34 126 1009 381% 477% 273% 545% 1906% 1588% 2223%
35 128 1028 390% 488% 279% 558% 1950% 1625% 2275%
36 130 1046 399% 499% 285% 570% 1994% 1662% 2327%
37 132 1065 407% 511% 292% 583% 2039% 1699% 2378%
38 134 1083 416% 522% 298% 596% 2083% 1736% 2430%
39 136 1102 425% 533% 305% 608% 2128% 1773% 2482%
40 138 1120 434% 544% 311% 621% 2172% 1810% 2534%

Note: This table has been generated based off of skill growth information presented in-game. The data may have slight differences compared to the information presented in-game due to minor rounding variations. }}

[hide] Kunoichi Skills
Active:Aerial Jump.png Aerial Jump Fire Art- Crimson Flare.png Fire Art: Crimson Flare Fire Art- Fireball.png Fire Art: Fireball Flame Tornado.png Flame Tornado Heavenly Fire Blast.png Heavenly Fire Blast Multi Illusion Shuriken.png Multi Illusion Shuriken Ninpo- Log Clone.png Ninpo: Log Clone Ninpou- Cycles of Eternity.png Ninpou: Cycles of Eternity Ninpou- Decoy.png Ninpou: Decoy Ninpou- Shadow Clone.png Ninpou: Shadow Clone Secret Art- Blazing Blossom.png Secret Art: Blazing Blossom Spiral Wheel Kunai.png Spiral Wheel Kunai Toad Oil Bomb.png Toad Oil Bomb
Passive:Chakra Weapon License.png Chakra Weapon License Chakra Weapon Mastery.png Chakra Weapon Mastery Dark Shadow.png Dark Shadow Fire Nin.png Fire Nin Ninjutsu.png Ninjutsu
Awakening:Burning Stigma.png Burning Stigma Circles of Inferno.png Circles of Inferno Flying Shuriken.png Flying Shuriken Spiral Flame Shuriken.png Spiral Flame Shuriken
2nd Awakening:Amaterasu.png Amaterasu Radiant Mega Jade.png Radiant Mega Jade Sword of Kusanagi.png Sword of Kusanagi Yamata no Orochi.png Yamata no Orochi Yata Mirror.png Yata Mirror
Neo: Awakening:Infernal Trinity.png Infernal Trinity Jade Inferno- Kamaitachi.png Jade Inferno: Kamaitachi Yatagarasu.png Yatagarasu

[hide]Thief Skills
Active:Ankle Cut (Thief).png Ankle Cut (Thief) Bone Shield.png Bone Shield Curse Spear.png Curse Spear Dark Soul.png Dark Soul Diving Arrow.png Diving Arrow Eraser.png Eraser Flame Cut.png Flame Cut Flying Squirrel.png Flying Squirrel Kunai Throw.png Kunai Throw Rising Cut (Thief).png Rising Cut (Thief) Shadow Cut.png Shadow Cut Shining Cut.png Shining Cut Slicer.png Slicer Transformation- Molting.png Transformation: Molting
Passive:None! Please add appropriate skills to Category:Thief Skills and Category:Passive Skills

[hide]General Skills
Active:Backstep.png Backstep Leap.png Leap Quick Rebound.png Quick Rebound
Passive:Armor Mastery.png Armor Mastery Backstep Upgrade.png Backstep Upgrade Basic Training.png Basic Training Conversion.png Conversion Physical Critical.png Focus: Critical Latent Power.png Latent Power
Neo: Awakening:Clues to Awakening.png Clues to Awakening One Step Closer.png One Step Closer Subitism.png Subitism